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Why Do People Who Live Here Always Go Out Of There Way To Say How Good It Is ?


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Of course, there are reasons other than cheap sex that one would want to live here;

The way that you are made to feel welcome, the ease of obtaining a visa and staying long term, the stability of the Government.

Thailand is virtually corruption free the police and Immigration are helpful and polite, you are treated as an equal everything that is ‘open’ to a Thai national is also ‘open’ to you at the same price.

The infrastructure is the best, excellent roads, abundant cheap fresh water, and guaranteed electricity 24/7 this coupled with a pollution free atmosphere ensures a stress free environment.

Driving in Thailand is a pleasure, the people are so courteous when driving, the taxi’s and tuk-tuk’s are safe and offer a cheap and reliable way to get around, fatal accidents are almost unheard of; if you are unfortunately involved in an accident, you can rest assured that you will receive the best available treatment at one of the many State hospitals, of course at the same price as a Thai national.

A visit to one of the numerous bars where you can engage in an intellectual conversation with one of the girls is a must. When you get fed up with the bar scene, you can take a massage, visit a temple or you can visit one of the many museums and art galleries scattered around major cities. Of course, you can simply walk around and take in the abundant amazing architecture.

Shopping is an experience not to be missed, you can rest assured that you will be given the fairest price; the local products are first class and all come with a ‘no quibble’ money back guarantee.

When it is time to eat there is so much to choose from, there is rice, noodles, frogs, insects all prepared personally for you in a hygienic environment, there are also plenty of cheap International restaurants.

If you decide to invest in Thailand, you may want to seriously consider purchasing a property this is a safe easy fuss free operation, and offers a great return on your investment.

You will soon make many friends in the land of smiles many of whom will at some time ask to borrow money have no fear these requests are genuine and prompt repayment is guaranteed.

Once you have ‘settled into’ your trouble free dream home and you have children there will come a time when you will have to start thinking about education, this is not an issue there are many affordable English Programme schools with highly qualified teaching staff. You always have the option of sending your children to a State School these offer some of the best facilities in Asia, then onto one of the many cheap internationally recognised Universities.

Oh, did I mention the cheap sex industry?

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I wouldn't say that Thailand was a fantastic place and bang on about how wonderful it is but, for me, it is now home and I am happier here than I ever was in the UK although I can't exactly say why. Perhaps a combination of a better climate, the availability of the bar scene although I rarely frequent it, the more relaxed attitude to law enforcement on the roads (No speed cameras at least not in Pattaya) and a generally more relaxed approach to life.

It's certainly far from perfect but short of a revolution or running out of money I can't see me ever returning to the UK.


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i said Thailand was on about a even with living back in the UK


Do you pay 17% vat, 10,000-15,000 ThB per month in council tax, and more still in personal income tax in Thailand? Do you incur pay for play costs any time you want to park you car or truck somewhere? Do you pay 50-60 ThB per liter for diesel? Is it 10-15degC and raining half the year in Thailand? Do you pay top dollar for basic food staples such as fresh fruit, rice and meat? And are you able to walk down the street to the village farm stand to buy much of what you need?

I built a home in Thailand with cash, a nice home that would have cost me 3-4 times as much in the UK or US. And it's bought and paid for with no need to worry about the shackles of a 30-year mortgage. Doing that would never have been affordable or even possible in the US or UK.

I loved living in the UK when I was on a nice expat package and could sustain a nice lifestyle, but I couldn't imagine trying to make ends meet there without it. A lot of people eek out a living in the UK on a salary of 20-30k quid, but it's not exactly an enviable lifestyle. Thailand is not without its share of problems, but cost of living and standard of living is probably not at the top of the list, which seems contrary to the UK.

Or are you just homesick? Do you miss going down the pub with your mates for a few pints? Is your cup half-full or half-empty? If your pluses total up more than your minuses, then you're a heck of a lot better off than the vast majority of the world's population.

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i said Thailand was on about a even with living back in the UK


Do you pay 17% vat, 10,000-15,000 ThB per month in council tax, and more still in personal income tax in Thailand? Do you incur pay for play costs any time you want to park you car or truck somewhere? Do you pay 50-60 ThB per liter for diesel? Is it 10-15degC and raining half the year in Thailand? Do you pay top dollar for basic food staples such as fresh fruit, rice and meat? And are you able to walk down the street to the village farm stand to buy much of what you need?

I built a home in Thailand with cash, a nice home that would have cost me 3-4 times as much in the UK or US. And it's bought and paid for with no need to worry about the shackles of a 30-year mortgage. Doing that would never have been affordable or even possible in the US or UK.

I loved living in the UK when I was on a nice expat package and could sustain a nice lifestyle, but I couldn't imagine trying to make ends meet there without it. A lot of people eek out a living in the UK on a salary of 20-30k quid, but it's not exactly an enviable lifestyle. Thailand is not without its share of problems, but cost of living and standard of living is probably not at the top of the list, which seems contrary to the UK.

Or are you just homesick? Do you miss going down the pub with your mates for a few pints? Is your cup half-full or half-empty? If your pluses total up more than your minuses, then you're a heck of a lot better off than the vast majority of the world's population.

Almost a perfect answer and I share the view. But some like to "suffer" just for the sake of patriotism.

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I wouldn't say that Thailand was a fantastic place and bang on about how wonderful it is but, for me, it is now home and I am happier here than I ever was in the UK although I can't exactly say why. Perhaps a combination of a better climate, the availability of the bar scene although I rarely frequent it, the more relaxed attitude to law enforcement on the roads (No speed cameras at least not in Pattaya) and a generally more relaxed approach to life.

It's certainly far from perfect but short of a revolution or running out of money I can't see me ever returning to the UK.


This is the right attitude. But mind you sometimes you can be homesick like walking in a park under crispy weather.

OP did not state his dislikes on Thailand but merely wondered why high praise of Thailand. I ask myself on the whole whether I am happy here. I dislike people to tell OP to go back to the UK. They are short on comprehension and rational response, just like a Thai tells you to go home when he is short of reasons.

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Of course, there are reasons other than cheap sex that one would want to live here;

The way that you are made to feel welcome, the ease of obtaining a visa and staying long term, the stability of the Government.

Thailand is virtually corruption free the police and Immigration are helpful and polite, you are treated as an equal everything that is 'open' to a Thai national is also 'open' to you at the same price.

The infrastructure is the best, excellent roads, abundant cheap fresh water, and guaranteed electricity 24/7 this coupled with a pollution free atmosphere ensures a stress free environment.

Driving in Thailand is a pleasure, the people are so courteous when driving, the taxi's and tuk-tuk's are safe and offer a cheap and reliable way to get around, fatal accidents are almost unheard of; if you are unfortunately involved in an accident, you can rest assured that you will receive the best available treatment at one of the many State hospitals, of course at the same price as a Thai national.

A visit to one of the numerous bars where you can engage in an intellectual conversation with one of the girls is a must. When you get fed up with the bar scene, you can take a massage, visit a temple or you can visit one of the many museums and art galleries scattered around major cities. Of course, you can simply walk around and take in the abundant amazing architecture.

Shopping is an experience not to be missed, you can rest assured that you will be given the fairest price; the local products are first class and all come with a 'no quibble' money back guarantee.

When it is time to eat there is so much to choose from, there is rice, noodles, frogs, insects all prepared personally for you in a hygienic environment, there are also plenty of cheap International restaurants.

If you decide to invest in Thailand, you may want to seriously consider purchasing a property this is a safe easy fuss free operation, and offers a great return on your investment.

You will soon make many friends in the land of smiles many of whom will at some time ask to borrow money have no fear these requests are genuine and prompt repayment is guaranteed.

Once you have 'settled into' your trouble free dream home and you have children there will come a time when you will have to start thinking about education, this is not an issue there are many affordable English Programme schools with highly qualified teaching staff. You always have the option of sending your children to a State School these offer some of the best facilities in Asia, then onto one of the many cheap internationally recognised Universities.

Oh, did I mention the cheap sex industry?


Seriously, OP, I've been coming here two months a year since '99 and just seem to have an afinity for everything here including all the warts. I am originally from S. Louisiana (home of hot, humid weather, mafia, govt. corruption, welcoming, friendly, people. 24 hours party, etc.) so I really feel at home here. I have many friend from all strata of society and believe I am treated as 'special' here more than in my own country. BTW, OP, you may say anything negative about Thailand that you want to and it just rolls off like water on a duck's back. I wish you luck finding your place in this big, varied world.

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I have 2 maids, a driver, a car paid for me, a salary more than twice that of home, an expense account, a TM account, my own home, travel to every Asian country whenever I want it, great food, fantastic living conditions, good friends....yeah, it's a nightmare here.

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So what is so good about living in Thailand ?? I have lived here for 6 years now and to be honest living in Thailand overall is no better than living back home in the United Kingdom.

How would you know ? You have not been back there for 6 years.

a friend of mine tried to book first class rail tickets that were £55 2 years ago. He was quoted £110.

Suggest you make a list of items that are important in your life. Then create 2 columns - one for Thailand, one for UK.

Mark each item out of 10. Add up the scores.

Be careful - column 2 will reflect your perceptions (maybe dated or even rose-tinted), column 1 may reflect your current hackneyed and battle-weary view of Thailand.

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I don't think all expats are like the OP suggests. Many (like me) enjoy a lot of things about Thailand and also dislike many things about Thailand. The list of likes and dislikes will be different for any country (and each person). For me, bottom line is that I feel I am better off being in Thailand (which relates both to Thailand and my personal circumstances). That could change. I often say Thailand is not for everyone.

I think Jingthing seems able -- like a few other posters -- to put things in perspective. After almost a year living here now, I could easily provide you with a list of what I prefer about living here and what I would prefer about living back in the States again. I am fortunate to be on a very do-able retirement pension, meaning I can live here or I can live in the States. Will I ever go back to the States to live. Well, if things really go south here, as in a significant lifestyle change due to the government situation...then yes. But providing that doesn't happen, for me at age 60, at least part of my logic is that I already lived 60 years in the States...time to do something different. And, when eventually my health declines I can better afford assistance here than in the States.

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i said Thailand was on about a even with living back in the UK


Do you pay 17% vat, 10,000-15,000 ThB per month in council tax, and more still in personal income tax in Thailand? Do you incur pay for play costs any time you want to park you car or truck somewhere? Do you pay 50-60 ThB per liter for diesel? Is it 10-15degC and raining half the year in Thailand? Do you pay top dollar for basic food staples such as fresh fruit, rice and meat? And are you able to walk down the street to the village farm stand to buy much of what you need?

I built a home in Thailand with cash, a nice home that would have cost me 3-4 times as much in the UK or US. And it's bought and paid for with no need to worry about the shackles of a 30-year mortgage. Doing that would never have been affordable or even possible in the US or UK.

I loved living in the UK when I was on a nice expat package and could sustain a nice lifestyle, but I couldn't imagine trying to make ends meet there without it. A lot of people eek out a living in the UK on a salary of 20-30k quid, but it's not exactly an enviable lifestyle. Thailand is not without its share of problems, but cost of living and standard of living is probably not at the top of the list, which seems contrary to the UK.

Or are you just homesick? Do you miss going down the pub with your mates for a few pints? Is your cup half-full or half-empty? If your pluses total up more than your minuses, then you're a heck of a lot better off than the vast majority of the world's population.

Property Tax in the States at 2300.00 per year vs Thailand for a nicer home 22 cents per year.

30 year Mortgage in the States 100 percent paid for here.

Not living in the Police State that America has become and here being similar in some ways to the States in the late 50's and early 60's.

Women are much easyier to approch here and by far prettier than in the States. One venture through Walmart in America and this will be painfully obvious.

OP yes it gets HOT here but would rather be dealing with that than being 50 below Zero like Alaska gets.

No place is perfect but a balance can be found nearly everywhere you go. Just depends on your personal attitude and ability to adapt.

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If you can't be happy living in Thailand then you are doing something wrong. Or, you expect the world to owe you a living without doing anything to earn it. No money = no honey... same as anywhere. Pick a country and there will be problems. It all depends on what you want out of life. If you soul purpose to living is making a lot of money, then Thailand probably isn't the place for you. Of course, if you want EVERYTHING without putting any effort into getting it then I can't help you. Having a lot of money truly DOES make living easier, but it can't always buy you happiness. You just have to CHOOSE to be happy. Its all up to you.

You are so right...and so wrong.

First, when you say, "If you can't be happy living in Thailand then you are doing something wrong". That's not true at all. Thailand has its wonderful aspects, neutral aspects, and unpleasant aspects. It's how a person balances those things that determine whether or not they will be happy living here. Years ago when I was still coming here yearly as a tourist, my closest friend decided he was going to come with me one summer. I refused, he was insulted. But he was a cleanliness nut. I knew that he would never be happy here in Thailand with those ingrained feelings. On the other hand, he adored long summer vacation in the English countryside. I wouldn't have been happy there at all. Again, it's how one balances their likes and dislikes of a place that determines happiness, and what one loves another may hate...and all for legitimate reasons.

With most of the rest of what you say...okay, I can agree...although not everything in life is about money.

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Years ago when I was still coming here yearly as a tourist, my closest friend decided he was going to come with me one summer. I refused, he was insulted. But he was a cleanliness nut. I knew that he would never be happy here in Thailand with those ingrained feelings. On the other hand, he adored long summer vacation in the English countryside. I wouldn't have been happy there at all.

Your cleanlines friend should have tried Thailand for once, he may find Thailand refreshing from his monotonous likes. I used to be like that and I can now take roadside foods.

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Women are much easyier to approch here and by far prettier than in the States. One venture through Walmart in America and this will be painfully obvious.

I agree with most of what you say, but I have some constructive advice that may benefit your love life. "Walmart" is not where you go cruising for hot women. :)


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Booze is the number 1 factor into ones negative and depressed outlook. Everyone I have met here who goes on and on about this and that is a drunk. I have a social drink everynow and then, and, as a result, live very happily here and even more so when I see all the drunks in bars with faces like they've just lost a tenner and found a pound. :)

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You certainly know how to rattle the cage hugh! Way to get a rise!!

I always said I would retire in Mexico...the fates landed me here, glad really can't stand re-fried beans..

I am not sure we actually "go out of our way" in describing the life in Thailand...but people ask , then drool at the weather, girls, food, relaxed lifestyle or whatever piques their interest. Like anywhere , it's what you make it.

UK ?....great place to be FROM! Can't say I would be happy living in N. London where my sis says it's -4c....!

Ok gotta go pick some papaya for brekky now.... :)

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From what i can see, the posters who seem to dislike thailand tend to have one thing in come- low incomes. To live anywhere comfortably requires some level of minimum income- any thing less and the constant watching of expenses and cost cutting will get you down and more generally down about where you live (whether in UK, USA or Thailand ).

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I don't speak Thai and only eat 2 Thai foods. This is better, for me.

Bravo, Blondie. I thought I am the only one. Glad you spoke out.

About the language. I have a good ability for languages. Being 100% bilingual, I can understand about 6 more different ones. As for Thai - I refuse to learn it because of their crazy alphabet. If I decide to study hieroglyphs, Hebrew, Sanskrit, Chinese will come first.

About food. I like Thai, Vietnamese, French, Italian, Spanish, etc. The food ingredients here are very good and readily available. They are also cheap. Unfortunately, unless you dine at 5* restaurants, with a really good Chef, the average Thai cooks DONT KNOW HOW TO COOK. Most likely nobody taught them. The result is usually overdone, too spicy, too salty, burnt, etc. AND FORGET ABOUT THE SAFETY OR HYGIENE. :)

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Women are much easyier to approch here and by far prettier than in the States. One venture through Walmart in America and this will be painfully obvious.

I agree with most of what you say, but I have some constructive advice that may benefit your love life. "Walmart" is not where you go cruising for hot women. :)


Yes but what a place to see what has become of many American women. :D

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I don't speak Thai and only eat 2 Thai foods. This is better, for me.

Bravo, Blondie. I thought I am the only one. Glad you spoke out.

About the language. I have a good ability for languages. Being 100% bilingual, I can understand about 6 more different ones. As for Thai - I refuse to learn it because of their crazy alphabet. If I decide to study hieroglyphs, Hebrew, Sanskrit, Chinese will come first.

About food. I like Thai, Vietnamese, French, Italian, Spanish, etc. The food ingredients here are very good and readily available. They are also cheap. Unfortunately, unless you dine at 5* restaurants, with a really good Chef, the average Thai cooks DONT KNOW HOW TO COOK. Most likely nobody taught them. The result is usually overdone, too spicy, too salty, burnt, etc. AND FORGET ABOUT THE SAFETY OR HYGIENE. :)

If you are eating Thai at 5 star restaurants then you are not eating real Thai food.

Certainly, hygiene can be a problem, but after living here for 3 years I have only been sick once ... and that was after eating in a Top's supermarket food court, where the food *should* have been hygenic. I pick and choose where I eat, but find as long as it's cooked in front of you (rather than cooked 4 horus ago) then it is usually OK.

And the food is not too spicy for the Thais. That's exactly how they like it.

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It is actually pretty simple why most people here contend that Thailand is "good," so-to-speak. The people who stay here are the type of people who generally like what Thailand has to offer. If they are the type of people not to like Thailand, then they don't stay, and they don't hang around a Thai forum.

Most expats I know living in Japan like the place. But among the military people stationed there, those without a choice, in other words, there is quite a bit of complaining and bitching about the place.

Given the choice, more people will gravitate towards living somewhere they like and avoid places they don't like.

What are the "Type of people who generally like what Thailand has to offer?"

I thought this was an open forum and anyone can "Hang around a Thai forum" for what ever reason they want? Or have you in your capacity as a moderator decided that you can control what us ordinary people can read and or write?

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Of course, there are reasons other than cheap sex that one would want to live here;

The way that you are made to feel welcome, the ease of obtaining a visa and staying long term, the stability of the Government.

Thailand is virtually corruption free the police and Immigration are helpful and polite, you are treated as an equal everything that is 'open' to a Thai national is also 'open' to you at the same price.

The infrastructure is the best, excellent roads, abundant cheap fresh water, and guaranteed electricity 24/7 this coupled with a pollution free atmosphere ensures a stress free environment.

Driving in Thailand is a pleasure, the people are so courteous when driving, the taxi's and tuk-tuk's are safe and offer a cheap and reliable way to get around, fatal accidents are almost unheard of; if you are unfortunately involved in an accident, you can rest assured that you will receive the best available treatment at one of the many State hospitals, of course at the same price as a Thai national.

A visit to one of the numerous bars where you can engage in an intellectual conversation with one of the girls is a must. When you get fed up with the bar scene, you can take a massage, visit a temple or you can visit one of the many museums and art galleries scattered around major cities. Of course, you can simply walk around and take in the abundant amazing architecture.

Shopping is an experience not to be missed, you can rest assured that you will be given the fairest price; the local products are first class and all come with a 'no quibble' money back guarantee.

When it is time to eat there is so much to choose from, there is rice, noodles, frogs, insects all prepared personally for you in a hygienic environment, there are also plenty of cheap International restaurants.

If you decide to invest in Thailand, you may want to seriously consider purchasing a property this is a safe easy fuss free operation, and offers a great return on your investment.

You will soon make many friends in the land of smiles many of whom will at some time ask to borrow money have no fear these requests are genuine and prompt repayment is guaranteed.

Once you have 'settled into' your trouble free dream home and you have children there will come a time when you will have to start thinking about education, this is not an issue there are many affordable English Programme schools with highly qualified teaching staff. You always have the option of sending your children to a State School these offer some of the best facilities in Asia, then onto one of the many cheap internationally recognised Universities.

Oh, did I mention the cheap sex industry?


Seriously, OP, I've been coming here two months a year since '99 and just seem to have an afinity for everything here including all the warts. I am originally from S. Louisiana (home of hot, humid weather, mafia, govt. corruption, welcoming, friendly, people. 24 hours party, etc.) so I really feel at home here. I have many friend from all strata of society and believe I am treated as 'special' here more than in my own country. BTW, OP, you may say anything negative about Thailand that you want to and it just rolls off like water on a duck's back. I wish you luck finding your place in this big, varied world.

I am NOT the OP quack quack

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Truth is, every place could be better. Thailand is great for people who like to feel superior but don't have the means to do so in the west.

But in saying Thailand is great you have to push all of the things out of your mind that are not so great:

Like the impossibility of getting a clear answer about almost anything, near death experiences daily in traffic, the expectation that the cops are looking for an opportunity to get your cash, the inability to have a deep meaningful conversation with a Thai citizen, their inability to have a deep reasonable informed conversation amongst themselves, the understanding that you will never be accepted on your own merits and will always be a farang first and then everything else will be seen through that filter.

But certainly Thailand is better than the UK.

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the trouble is complaining is a negative emotion and most of us like to be positive and see the good things around us and blot out the bad,it leads to a happy life.All of us came to thailand for different reasons and we stay while we enjoy these reasons and leave when we no longer like the place anymore.

The thing i like about thailand and asia in general is you can lead a simple life here.You can choose to live it up or choose a basic lifestyle.Life here can be hassle free and very relaxing and stress free.I chooose to rent,leave my money off shore,travel when i want to,usually by bus,stay in a/c guest houses for under 900 baht a night and eat in thai cafe's.........a bit of a gypsy life style,a back pack on my back and i love it all.

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Well I have seen this asked many times and have yet to see anyone give a valid reason.

Many people try to live the Thai life in Udan whatever my personal belief is completely different to the stock answers the wannabe Thai's give

The vast majority of expats living in Thailand are living at a very low standard particularly in places like Pattaya they live in a 35sqm room similar to the size of a toilet in the west.

Whenever you meet them they are always telling you

how wonderful the Thai people are

how they love the Buddhist culture

how they love Thai food

how they can live well on 20000 baht a month

how different their g/f or wife is and that she never worked bar

Now the reality is so much different

the Thai's don't welcome long term expats they want you for 2 weeks holiday and gone for a year

I seem to meet a lot more long term expats in go-go and short time bars than I do at cultural locations

they eat Thai food because it's cheap for the same reason they sit outside a 7/11 in the blazing sun drinking beer instead of inside an air conditioned bar

they can live on 20000 because they have no choice thats all they have

Their g/f or wife has not been a bar girl I know some guys I was in the bar with when they 1st meet them but a couple of years on they try to convince people they were vestal virgins when they meet them. Sad part is they convince themselves it's true.

Thailand is fine but it's a long way from the utopia many portray it to be

I have been here for most of the year for last 20 years plus I don't ever pretend to like it though or think it's anything other than 3rd world .

My only reason to be here is that I earn money here nothing else

I really beleive if there were not so many easy and cheap woman here there wouldn't be 2 men and a dog coming or holiday here

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