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Who Cares If Ning Puts On Her Red Shirt?


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Is it just me or dose this look like another miserable failure for Taxin and his Goons? The fact of the matter is if it wasn't for Taxsin's money these people would simply mind their place and either accept their lot in life or take advantage of the opportunities presented to them to raise up out of it. And when the Money is gone that's exactly what they will go back to doing. As much as I would have liked to have seen a strong Military opposal by Abhisit to crush these people I think he is doing the right thing. BKK people have their own issues their own problems, no one here cares about these guys in whatdaphucaburi coming down because O'l Sqaure face gave em a lil dough. And when they leave after a non violent lil march they will be forgotten about once more.

Don't get me wrong I appreciate the struggle, but it's gotta be like this; If ya got a legitimate plight, get a legitimate leader. Not some 2 bit thieving criminal, with his own agenda clearly at heart, using the people that are TRULY in the struggle to further it.

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Good post, sir. The Isaan Rougers have legit issues. However, they do not have legitimate leaders, most dramatically their great dear one, the criminal. Also, they need to stop talking as if Isaan is a separate nation, or else they are starting to sound like separatists/civil war promoters. They could gather wide support for most of their social issues if they NATIONALIZED them rather than being so incredibly divisive.

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To hel_l with these peasants, or as the PAD put it, "stupid people who don't know how to vote". Yeah they should just accept their lot in life and keep out of Bangkokian affairs.

Wow! I just got this weird feeling in the pit of my stomach for sounding like a fascist pig! :)

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Your argument assumes a load of utter <deleted> such as legitimate points should only be heard when led by legitimate leaders (whatever the hel_l that means). I could go on but urg, I don't have a side in the red/yellow thing but your post is nonsense, picking it apart wouldnt even be fun. Sunday morning drivel.

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Not nonsense. The reds worship Thaksin. Thaksin has ZERO moral credibility. That doesn't work. Their legitimate social concerns get overwhelmed by Thaksin's megalomania which is almost all about his power/money/greed/revenge issues than the actual social problems of his duped peasant base.

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Boy, this thread is going to be a real winner! Balanced, objective and overflowing with the milk of human kindness....

BTW....what is their lot in life that they should just accept? Opportunities??....

Sorry----I know it's just a bit of harmless trolling... we need lots more like this just to keep things in perspective.... :)

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"Legitimate" leaders like H. Rap Brown, Stokely Carmichael, Malcolm X, Huey Newton? It's lucky that the civil rights movement in the US was not so picky. :)

They were actually of their people, willing to fight for and die for their people, not COWARDLY mercenary phonies. Who really made a difference though? NON-VIOLENT, unifying leaders like Martin Luther King and now Obama who made flesh out of King's dream.

Edited by Jingthing
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As much as I would have liked to have seen a strong Military opposal by Abhisit to crush these people

And your exact reasons for needing the military to crush these people would be what exactly?

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Filtering through personal comments and objections thrown at others on this forum, I remember, reading a post by someone, who clearly mentioned what I have observed for so long.

There are people who genuinely believe Mr T helped those rural poor. Not really. I have asked many people, is that TB 30 medical thingy worth it? In reality, no. It works if you are lucky. After the scheme was implemented, many Doctors and nurses actually quit their jobs at Government hospitals. The situation has reached a point where, patients are denied surgery or treatment. If it is utterly needed, they get a wait list number, somewhere a few months down the line. TB 30 medical insurance, good, does it work, no.

Access to easy loan. All the money was used buying a new motorbike, mobile, TV or karaoke home system. Result, they were poor before. Now, they are poor and in debt. Many had to sell of whatever little was left as land to pay the interest and the loan. Who really benefited from this? Not these poor lot.

The price offered to certain villagers in Petchabun, TB 1,500 to join the rally. Free transport. Asking one of them why they are joining the rally, the answer was very clear. TB 1500. These people had no clue what so ever about Democracy, parliament, rule of law ... Thaksins case. They could not figure out how much a TB 70 Billion. Never heard of such denomination.

I agree, they have the right to protest for what they want. Protest as a Issue of the nation and not of separate society. Choose a wise leader, who will represent the true cause and voice the grievances. Not some one who throws bits of bones and takes loads of meat away.

For once, friends, let us stop running each other down and respect everyone's right to express what they believe in. Let us demonstrate democracy here. Decently. :)

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I agree, they have the right to protest for what they want. Protest as a Issue of the nation and not of separate society. Choose a wise leader, who will represent the true cause and voice the grievances. Not some one who throws bits of bones and takes loads of meat away.

For once, friends, let us stop running each other down and respect everyone's right to express what they believe in. Let us demonstrate democracy here. Decently. :)

Thank goodness for a bit of common sense and civility in the midst of all this venom and nonsense.... :D

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Filtering through personal comments and objections thrown at others on this forum, I remember, reading a post by someone, who clearly mentioned what I have observed for so long.

There are people who genuinely believe Mr T helped those rural poor. Not really. I have asked many people, is that TB 30 medical thingy worth it? In reality, no. It works if you are lucky. After the scheme was implemented, many Doctors and nurses actually quit their jobs at Government hospitals. The situation has reached a point where, patients are denied surgery or treatment. If it is utterly needed, they get a wait list number, somewhere a few months down the line. TB 30 medical insurance, good, does it work, no.

Access to easy loan. All the money was used buying a new motorbike, mobile, TV or karaoke home system. Result, they were poor before. Now, they are poor and in debt. Many had to sell of whatever little was left as land to pay the interest and the loan. Who really benefited from this? Not these poor lot.

The price offered to certain villagers in Petchabun, TB 1,500 to join the rally. Free transport. Asking one of them why they are joining the rally, the answer was very clear. TB 1500. These people had no clue what so ever about Democracy, parliament, rule of law ... Thaksins case. They could not figure out how much a TB 70 Billion. Never heard of such denomination.

I agree, they have the right to protest for what they want. Protest as a Issue of the nation and not of separate society. Choose a wise leader, who will represent the true cause and voice the grievances. Not some one who throws bits of bones and takes loads of meat away.

For once, friends, let us stop running each other down and respect everyone's right to express what they believe in. Let us demonstrate democracy here. Decently. :)

I agree with all of the above. These poor people do not realise that that Taksin bought their votes with trinkets and easy debt. He spotted a way to use them to get to power and used it for his own ends.

I love the people if Issan and enjoy living amongst them, but their ability to see through the cash-for-today scenario is very limited as is sen by the vote buying that is rife at all elections from the village level up.

For e the saddest part is that Taksin came to power with such a large majority that he could have done wonders to improve and unite the country, but all he did was to increase the wealth of himself and his cronies.

Maybe I am mistaken and over optimistic, but from what I am hearing from my family, I think his suport is starting to wane and as stated above once the money has gone he will be forgotten.

One piece of good that has come from all this is that the new powers in government have realised that the people of Issan are important and at last seem to be taking notice of them

Edited by thaimite
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I noticed (just) that Ning only has a fairly skimpy sort of red shirt on. :)

Edited by Tywais
Sorry Neverdie - but shaking booty is a bit off topic and not exactly appropriate so had to remove it
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To hel_l with these peasants, or as the PAD put it, "stupid people who don't know how to vote". Yeah they should just accept their lot in life and keep out of Bangkokian affairs.

Wow! I just got this weird feeling in the pit of my stomach for sounding like a fascist pig! :)

Yeah you do sound like a fascist pig

Whatever they believe in, you're talking about what is probably the majority of the Thai people

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To hel_l with these peasants, or as the PAD put it, "stupid people who don't know how to vote". Yeah they should just accept their lot in life and keep out of Bangkokian affairs.

Wow! I just got this weird feeling in the pit of my stomach for sounding like a fascist pig! :)

Yeah you do sound like a fascist pig

Whatever they believe in, you're talking about what is probably the majority of the Thai people

Exactly my point! I guess you totally misread my post!

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Your argument assumes a load of utter <deleted> such as legitimate points should only be heard when led by legitimate leaders (whatever the hel_l that means). I could go on but urg, I don't have a side in the red/yellow thing but your post is nonsense, picking it apart wouldnt even be fun. Sunday morning drivel.

I wouldn't quite have worded huey's post in the same way but to many, the reds having Thaksin as their leader gives them credibility of exactly zero. Ask them what their mission, goals and vision are. The question has been asked numerous times on this forum and no doubt elsewhere but trying to get an answer is like trying to get blood out of a stone.

I think that some reds seem to be waking up to the fact that having Thaksin as their icon is doing their image no good because many are now denying that it is about him (whilst still rallying etc to his schedule and whim)

Edited by Moonrakers
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