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Thaksin's Rural Red Shirts Swarm The Capital


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I am going to begin cyber-twatting people who contune to use terms like "elitist farang" or "yellow farang"

I think that the yellows are dicks, I also think that Thaksin is a dick. The two are not mutually exclusive.


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And if I may add... The majority of the money has been donated by people whom believe the movement NOT by PM Thaksins' wallet.

Since when did that happen? :D

In Chiang Mai here, on Radio FM 92.5, the Red station has been announcing every 15 min. or so donations from folks in all walks in life for the past 2 weeks. Young children to aged grannies and grandfathers, rich and poor... Lowest I heard was 5 baht, the highest 50,000 baht. These donations are in cash and presented to the radio DJ's at the Grand Warowot Hotel in the city, they then read the name and announce the amount over the radio. This is logged in a ledger book with the persons name, address, and IC #. Questions are asked of the person donating the money first to establish their intent. I was there listening and watching as my wife made a donation.

Also donated were dry goods, food, and water for the trip to BKK (no booze...).

The donated cash was handed out to the pickup truck drivers / owners.... 2000baht for each truck of 7 - 10 people. This cash was for a round trip run. Once again, a ledger book was out and pertinent info was being recorded as well as a video.

A true believer. God bless you. :)

Don't know if you're being sarcastic or sincere... If sarcastic, I was watching and listening to this - what do I gain from lying as the amatya does?.... If sincere - fine.

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They will get frustrated. They don't have the majority support or the moral authority to pull off what they are demanding. They do have fermented fish. You figure it out ...

You're wrong again dude - they have majority support in the country as far as people i know - tuk tuks up here are flying red flags - I have yet to find any yellow fellows outside of BKK and this forum

I'm in mae rim and see tuk tuks all day.I have yet to see a red flag.Sorry to burst your bubble mate.

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Yeah I am not in politics and let's face it everyone is affected by it daily in their lives and it happens in the working environment.

What I am concerned about and did they smuggle in grnades and petrol to safe houses, before the dates of this rally were announced.

So much for the tight security and not been alarmist, but just though would mention this and I hope that violence can be avoided and it just seems to go on and on ane the average Thai I am sure (the silent majority) are sick and tired of all these rallies, regardless of your colour and if it is not what one side wants, then the other side come out and rally. Do u not realise that u are destroying Thailand and all it's good people

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I am going to begin cyber-twatting people who contune to use terms like "elitist farang" or "yellow farang"

I think that the yellows are dicks, I also think that Thaksin is a dick. The two are not mutually exclusive.


Must be a few AUA teachers out there loving this "elite" badge :D

Toyota Vios Elite - nice ring to it.

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Don't know if you're being sarcastic or sincere... If sarcastic, I was watching and listening to this - what do I gain from lying as the amatya does?.... If sincere - fine.

Can you give an example of such "amatya" lies?

FYI a lie is something like Thaksin's latest admission of where he is.

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Re the discussion on funding for the protesters, there was a video posted here on TV a day or two ago that showed folks up north being doled out 2,000 baht prior to leaving for BKK... Not clear if that was for one day or more per payment...

Re the Red movement, it's pretty odd to hear some Red shirt protester being quoted about restoring democracy to Thailand...

Whatever Thaksin and his PT ilk are, they're not about bringing a real democracy to Thailand. They are about grabbing power for themselves and trying to get back onto the top of the pile....and getting his billions of baht restored.

How that's going to improve the lot of the rural poor is pretty unclear. But it certainly will do wonders for Thaksin's bank balance.

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Was over at Chatujak market and there was a small group of red shirts who were basically just being ignored. The usually bustling market was very quiet today. Shops open, but not many shoppers. The shop owners I spoke to in the market were pretty upset at the Reds for hurting their businesses...

Haven't seen the latest figures on the turnout of Reds. Last one I saw estimated 100,000. I imagine it's grown a bit since then but still it's hardly the 1 million the reds had been promising. If they have such widespread rural support how come such a small turnout? My feeling is that the government need only wait them out. When they run out of sticky rice and stinky fish they'll pack up and go home. Good riddance.

Your comment is blatantly discriminatory and inflammatory. The moderators have been informed, hope they do something about a narrow-minded and racist member like you.

I don't see any "blatantly discriminatory and inflammatory" aspects to the quoted post...? :)

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There is a very true old saying. And includes all foreigners.

No matter what good deeds you do in life, people only judge you on the bad things you have done.

If you weigh the situation up, he might of been corrupt, but who isn't in Thailand. Its the system and cannot be changed.

The rural people want someone to listen to them, and only Thaksin has done that.

Bangkokians get everything cheaper than rural poor people, for example 10Mb internet connection in bangkok on TTT new 3i is 590 baht a month. Whilst people up north and people just outside bangkok are paying upto 3000 baht a month for 6 Mb connection. And it's not just internet either, the list is endless.

Bangkokians get richer whilst the poor get ripped. I know most of the way people are talking on this forum they don't care about the poor, as long has they have a beer and got their leg over they are not right interested, but I bet the lady is from one of those poor areas, who does care and will not even tell you.

Just imagine if it you if you was born in the rural poor of Thailand, and not from a western country, how would you feel about it then, a hel_l of a lot different than your talking now. Imagine living in a tree house most of your life, doing the back breaking rice picking earning peanuts to feed you and your family, no internet, no nothing, could you live their life of 1 - 45 years of misery. And no you couldn't. So don't disrepect the red movement, they are fighting for the people of Thailand to listen to their voice.

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They will get frustrated. They don't have the majority support or the moral authority to pull off what they are demanding. They do have fermented fish. You figure it out ...
Was over at Chatujak market and there was a small group of red shirts who were basically just being ignored. The usually bustling market was very quiet today. Shops open, but not many shoppers. The shop owners I spoke to in the market were pretty upset at the Reds for hurting their businesses...

Haven't seen the latest figures on the turnout of Reds. Last one I saw estimated 100,000. I imagine it's grown a bit since then but still it's hardly the 1 million the reds had been promising. If they have such widespread rural support how come such a small turnout? My feeling is that the government need only wait them out. When they run out of sticky rice and stinky fish they'll pack up and go home. Good riddance.

Your comments are blatantly discriminatory and inflammatory. The moderators have been informed, hope they do something about a narrow-minded and racist member like you.

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My worry is that they disperse to cause thousands of little conflagrations all across the city.

Groups of 50-100 causing dozens or hundreds of disturbances, could then bring out local opposition,

as much as army overload, and like at Dindaeng last year, street confrontations happening all over

would be anarchy. A prime definition of the word actually.

Not much of a way to stop it,

other than the shear numbers of Bangkokians resenting the intrusion to their lives

and taking matters into their own hands.

It is an insane tactic and those who put it into motion should not be given quarter by the authorities.

This is not a way to democracy, but just the INVERSE of Democracy.

I drove behing a truck full of red shirts this morning in Nontraburi.

They got many cheers as they drove.

I have a feeling there is more rooted support than would like to be admitted by some in authority.

Songkran many Bangkok workers will return to their hometowns.

For many in Bangkok their roots are in the home town and Bangkok is viewed only as a way to make money and send it home.

The spin doctors paint a very bad picture of the reds.

The average Thai in the middle ground will easily change sides depending how this plays out over the next 24 hours.

These are the key people to all this and both sides know it.

Just happy no violence and almost a party like feeling.

if i may wise you up a little, those in the middle ground are mostly educated and better informed sector of society.... to expect this sector to switch to condon and support corruption in higher offices.... and to accept a convict such as tuksin as a leader.... appears to be a pipe dream....

but at least one out of several student leaders, on his own personal opinion, saying that the students should support the movement.... which immediately was challenged by another female student leader proclaiming that he should state that.... that was his personal opinion and that was not the council's opinion nor the council's decision.... which that student admitted that.... it was only his personal sympathetic view and it was not the students federation of thailand's....

anyway, you should not assume that most thais in the middle would support the redshirt.... but the facts from younder years appeared that this middle sector most probably would support PRO DEMOCRACY govt.... which is in alignment with love and respect for the throne....

on the other hand, i would also be slow to condemn many marchers from northern and northeastern provinces.... they do and act the same ways that they do back home.... many did not realize that in a more civilized provinces, such as bangkok and many other provinces.... people are more civil and the way of life in larger cities are much more complicated....

many as i watched on live tv, did not have a clue as to how to conduct themselves and how to behave in a cosmo city.... it is like inviting them to a sit down dinner.... i'd to laugh out loud.... what a scene that would be.... to convict them when they truly do not have a clue of what they are expected to do.... would not be just and fair and prudent either, don't you agree?

almost practically every one of those redshirts from isaan.... kept on shouting ' yup sapar' meaning--dissolve parliament.... but when asked by reporters--yup sapar ar-rai? meaning--dissolving what parliament? no one could explain.... what nor where the parliament is....

would you be able to out of your clear consciencious convict these group of agriculturalists, even though what they did, was clearly a violation of existing laws, rules and regulations....? or should the govt focus more on leveling with those extremely selfish and self centered.... and self-proclaimed leaders of true democracy.... instead....?

as i stated before numerous times.... if and when a new election is scheduled.... these pathetic isaan population will commit the same mistake over and over again.... because that is all these sectors know.... to go along and vote for those corrupted and convicted local representatives.... but for the more informed sector.... and particularly farangs, corrupted and convicted officials surely would not be albe to represent us....

as i and other watched the live video, listened in to english and thai commentary.... i truly have great and grave concerns for PM ApeeSit and his govt.... their honored guests are dancing to different tunes and worst of all, they are bringing in their own musical instruments.... to set up a duet competition with bangkok symphony.... :)

Edited by nakachalet
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I can say with a fair amount of certainty if there's the slightest chance of Thaksin ever becoming PM again there will be a demonstration that will dwarf what is happening with the reds right now, and it won't cost anybody a bean.

Well the yellows were paid quite well during their protests, so yes it will cost quite a lot for them to do the same again! :)

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Was over at Chatujak market and there was a small group of red shirts who were basically just being ignored. The usually bustling market was very quiet today. Shops open, but not many shoppers. The shop owners I spoke to in the market were pretty upset at the Reds for hurting their businesses...

Haven't seen the latest figures on the turnout of Reds. Last one I saw estimated 100,000. I imagine it's grown a bit since then but still it's hardly the 1 million the reds had been promising. If they have such widespread rural support how come such a small turnout? My feeling is that the government need only wait them out. When they run out of sticky rice and stinky fish they'll pack up and go home. Good riddance.

Your comment is blatantly discriminatory and inflammatory. The moderators have been informed, hope they do something about a narrow-minded and racist member like you.

I don't see any "blatantly discriminatory and inflammatory" aspects to the quoted post...? :)

need explanation?

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Was over at Chatujak market and there was a small group of red shirts who were basically just being ignored. The usually bustling market was very quiet today. Shops open, but not many shoppers. The shop owners I spoke to in the market were pretty upset at the Reds for hurting their businesses...

Haven't seen the latest figures on the turnout of Reds. Last one I saw estimated 100,000. I imagine it's grown a bit since then but still it's hardly the 1 million the reds had been promising. If they have such widespread rural support how come such a small turnout? My feeling is that the government need only wait them out. When they run out of sticky rice and stinky fish they'll pack up and go home. Good riddance.

Your comment is blatantly discriminatory and inflammatory. The moderators have been informed, hope they do something about a narrow-minded and racist member like you.

I don't see any "blatantly discriminatory and inflammatory" aspects to the quoted post...? :)

Maybe it was the reference to the sticky rice and stinky fish? But that can't be considered discriminatory either because it was widely reported in the mainstream media that these guys are indeed packing rice and stinky fish as their rations.

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Well the yellows were paid quite well during their protests, so yes it will cost quite a lot for them to do the same again! :)

As mentioned previously, looks like my friends missed out big time.

need explanation?

Yes please :D

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Maybe it was the reference to the sticky rice and stinky fish? But that can't be considered discriminatory either because it was widely reported in the mainstream media that these guys are indeed packing rice and stinky fish as their rations.
"We've packed enough sticky rice, fermented fish and papaya for a week," said Noo, reeling off the list of regional cuisine that she had carried all the way from Khon Kaen, 450 kilometres (280 miles) from the rally site in Bangkok.


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Do you think that the Thai's give a <deleted> what falangs think? So why all the speculation and worry? Let them get on with it.

It is not our country (as is often said on this forum) sit back let them get on with it and then in a couple of years sit back again and watch the replay.

So what if 'T' comes back and robs the country blind again, is it going to affect you? The answer is "No" Is it going to affect the morons who are paid to demonstrate and vote? Maybe "Yes"

But if that is what the majority of people want let them have it.

This is after all a third world country and is seen as such internationally.

Best post of the day mate! I have often said the same and I can guarantee that you will get no replies.

Cheers, Rick

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Was over at Chatujak market and there was a small group of red shirts who were basically just being ignored. The usually bustling market was very quiet today. Shops open, but not many shoppers. The shop owners I spoke to in the market were pretty upset at the Reds for hurting their businesses...

Haven't seen the latest figures on the turnout of Reds. Last one I saw estimated 100,000. I imagine it's grown a bit since then but still it's hardly the 1 million the reds had been promising. If they have such widespread rural support how come such a small turnout? My feeling is that the government need only wait them out. When they run out of sticky rice and stinky fish they'll pack up and go home. Good riddance.

Your comment is blatantly discriminatory and inflammatory. The moderators have been informed, hope they do something about a narrow-minded and racist member like you.

I don't see any "blatantly discriminatory and inflammatory" aspects to the quoted post...? :)

Maybe it was the reference to the sticky rice and stinky fish? But that can't be considered discriminatory either because it was widely reported in the mainstream media that these guys are indeed packing rice and stinky fish as their rations.

Of course it was - of course they would pick up on the fact that Northern and Isan people eat them but that doesn't make it right. If people go on a protest in the West, will everyone snigger about them having sandwiches or specify what they have in their packed lunches?

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Fermented fish can be inflammatory, digestively (sic) speaking ...

As far as the complainant. Lets understand. The reds are losing this and losing it badly. They promised a million. They got under 100K. They are already lying they got 300K but we know their games. Expect a lot of sour grapes type speech, propaganda, and actions in the coming days. But none of that will change the result one iota. Their Thaksinista movement is going down ...

Edited by Jingthing
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Maybe it was the reference to the sticky rice and stinky fish? But that can't be considered discriminatory either because it was widely reported in the mainstream media that these guys are indeed packing rice and stinky fish as their rations.
"We've packed enough sticky rice, fermented fish and papaya for a week," said Noo, reeling off the list of regional cuisine that she had carried all the way from Khon Kaen, 450 kilometres (280 miles) from the rally site in Bangkok.


different sets of menu between Reds and Yellows. Thaksin's menu is more of yellow tho... interesting fact isn't it?

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Was over at Chatujak market and there was a small group of red shirts who were basically just being ignored. The usually bustling market was very quiet today. Shops open, but not many shoppers. The shop owners I spoke to in the market were pretty upset at the Reds for hurting their businesses...

Haven't seen the latest figures on the turnout of Reds. Last one I saw estimated 100,000. I imagine it's grown a bit since then but still it's hardly the 1 million the reds had been promising. If they have such widespread rural support how come such a small turnout? My feeling is that the government need only wait them out. When they run out of sticky rice and stinky fish they'll pack up and go home. Good riddance.

Your comment is blatantly discriminatory and inflammatory. The moderators have been informed, hope they do something about a narrow-minded and racist member like you.

I don't see any "blatantly discriminatory and inflammatory" aspects to the quoted post...? :)

need explanation?

I think you're being a bit too sensitive.

'when they run out of fermented fish' any better?

I'll be running out of stinky cheese soon, time to pack my bags and go shopping

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If people go on a protest in the West, will everyone snigger about them having sandwiches or specify what they have in their packed lunches?

Aaaah Bisto, Marmite...I'd be mortified if people sniggered at my banana, cream cheese, boiled potato, Marmite and honey sarnies!

Okay c'mon what's wrong wi' it?

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I really don't have a horse in this race, but... I understand the polarization of the country. The elite don't like Thaksin and use him as the scapegoat for removing elected officials in their favor. As in all things Thailand, it seems this is merely about money and power. The folks who currently have it repeatedly get beaten in the vote, so they nullify it by dreaming up ways to take over the government. Which is what they did when Abhisit was installed. I don't blame the PAD for being irked. Their votes don't count. Anyway, however it ends up, I do hope that it will not be violent and that the result is a happier, more democratic Thailand. Be careful out there tomorrow folks.

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Fermented fish can be inflammatory, digestively (sic) speaking ...

As far as the complainant. Lets understand. The reds are losing this and losing it badly. They promised a million. They got under 100K. They are already lying they got 300K but we know their games. Expect a lot of sour grapes type speech, propaganda, and actions in the coming days. But none of that will change the result one iota. Their Thaksinista movement is going down ...

Associating food with a particular ethnic group in this way can be seen as racist. It's like saying garlics everytime you talk about French people or hamburgers when you talk about Americans. It might be fun when Black Adder does it but in normal adult life it's becoming less acceptable.

In the current tension in Thailand demeaning comments about any group are deeply inappropriate.

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They will get frustrated. They don't have the majority support or the moral authority to pull off what they are demanding. They do have fermented fish. You figure it out ...

You're wrong again dude - they have majority support in the country as far as people i know - tuk tuks up here are flying red flags - I have yet to find any yellow fellows outside of BKK and this forum

I'm in mae rim and see tuk tuks all day.I have yet to see a red flag.Sorry to burst your bubble mate.

I'm in Mae Rim as well and for the past 2 - 3 weeks haven't seen much at all in the line of red flags except around the Grand Warorot Hotel in Chiang Mai city (Red radio station base FM 92.5).

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Fermented fish can be inflammatory, digestively (sic) speaking ...

As far as the complainant. Lets understand. The reds are losing this and losing it badly. They promised a million. They got under 100K. They are already lying they got 300K but we know their games. Expect a lot of sour grapes type speech, propaganda, and actions in the coming days. But none of that will change the result one iota. Their Thaksinista movement is going down ...

Associating food with a particular ethnic group in this way can be seen as racist. It's like saying garlics everytime you talk about French people or hamburgers when you talk about Americans. It might be fun when Black Adder does it but in normal adult life it's becoming less acceptable.

In the current tension in Thailand demeaning comments about any group are deeply inappropriate.

just like sausages with germans and pizza with italian? i don't find that racist, but well, it depends how you perceive it. most people are proud of what they have on their menu.

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