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Does Your Thai Gf / Wife Support The Red Shirts ?


Your is your parnter Red Shirt or Yellow Shirt  

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My Bangkokian wife doesnt care one bit about politics.

My wife also hate red shirt but stays very much out of the politics.

I think the people shows that most of the country don’t give a hood about yellow or red shirts, and may be this is the problem for the last few days, the red shirt can do anything and one one stops them. I believe people have to commit themselves to certain ideology, and then thing start to change.

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Isaan, yellow shirt, but just wants peace mostly. Thinks Thai people who fight for Thaksin who sits in luxury pulling their strings- are 'silly' (polite).

Edited by ding
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My g/f loves her country and loves HM the King. She was born in Korat, lived in Bangkok, Singapore, Koh Samui, now Chiang Rai

She says that before Thaksin's crimes were exposed she supported the idea that the people upcountry should have a party that represented them, I guess she still believes that that would be a good thing. However, she doesn't believe that by replacing one corruption with another anyone is particularly well represented.

As far as joining in, she's too busy working and taking care of the children. If she wasn't she'd express her views in the ballot box, can't see her jumping on a tractor waving flags of any colour.

Favourite quote from her about anything anyone wants to say about pretty much anything...

'they have mouth, if they want to talk, cannot stop mouth from talk...up to them'

So, she's for freedom of speech, she exercises this freedom very readily :)

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My wifes family are your typical "Middle Class Bangkokians" who we hear about being on the side of the yellows. But only one is, and he is a rich high-ranking government official.

All the other members of her family, bank managers, Police officers, government officials, were all sympathetic to the Red movement when it first appeared. This very quickly evaporated when they held the first Bangkok protest though, and many of them were exposed as a bunch of thugs.

Her family are generally of the opinion that Thaksin has been incredibly stupid rather than a bad person. As someone who was openly challenging the corrupt system in Thailand and attempting to break up the entrenched elite, he should have known he needed to be whiter than white, and he was clearly anything but. They now wish he would just go away, even though many of the reds principles they do agree with.

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My partner is not a Taksin supporter but he is a red shirt, he is well educated with MBA from Chula. He comes from a very poor family and has worked hard to get to where he is, partner with one of the top 4 audit firms. He is passionate about the need for change in the haves and have nots. Now 41 years old he believes there is too much subversive activities on all sides particularly the army and the yellow shirts. He is not protesting but has made it very clear to me that if the military come on the streets against the red shirts he and a number of his friends will go to protect their people against the military and give his life if it is needed to free his fellow Thais from oppression. I myself understand his views, but not what seems to be a complex issue, I am farang and have only been in Thailand for a few years now.

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My wife is from Isaan, she is intelligent, educated and a red supporter. I have learned a lot from her. Her lawyer brother is also a red supporter.

Sorry, realy. ...........????? :D:):D t

My wife dos not like corruption ...... = nothing with red shirt.

But in the home we have not one picture of .. too.

Edited by Somrak
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My Bangkokian wife doesnt care one bit about politics.

My wife also hate red shirt but stays very much out of the politics.

I think the people shows that most of the country don't give a hood about yellow or red shirts, and may be this is the problem for the last few days, the red shirt can do anything and one one stops them. I believe people have to commit themselves to certain ideology, and then thing start to change.

I also think this poll is very representative for the whole country. More than half of the people just want to get on with their lives and less than a quarter of fanatics (on both sides of the spectrum) hold the majority ad ransom. The problem is, that the majority is so quiet.

IMO no government should yield to fanatics, red or yellow.

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