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Sorry for this naffness of this post, but I owe it to my Goldfish to at least make some sort of effort.

It is a big fat frilly tailed job. orange.

It has been in the top corner of the tank for 2 weeks now (head right into the corner) , at the surface, with the bobbly bits on its head just above the surface...

Its wriggling as fish do, but just wont leave the corner. I think its 'swim bladder' or whatever it uses to control bouyancy is kapput?

Has anybody any experience with this, can i save my fishy friend, or will it just stay in the corner until it dies of old age...


How's the air flow in the tank. I've seen this when our pump gives out and our gold fish will stay on the surface and usually in a corner also.


Thanks, but ive changed the water a week ago, and the air pump is doing its thing... squirting loads of bubbles...

Maybe its because i put a lid on the tank for the first time... its the only thing i can think of... (I was bored of having to top up the water every week)

Will change the water again tomorrow remove the lid and see what happens, maybe the recycled water without the additional top-ups is just too impure.. or the temperature is too high...

Thank you very much for your replies!


thats the clue; u no longer top-off so the water chemistry has suddenly changed. fish, unlike humans, dont like change unless it is achange that keeps things the same. if u know what i mean. even w/o having to top off, u might have to skim off a bit every week and still add the water... how do goldfish in aquariums in thailand manage. here our houses (non aircon) get super hot, the dogs get hot, the fish water gets hot (30 + in the house) so we put ice cubes in the water...




Thanks Bina,

Tnak lid off still, and im back to tompping up very 5 days.

first signs of improvement today. Still stuck in the top corner, floating like a cork, seemingly unable to submerge... but trying to attempt it at least!

Funny how one can get so attached to a fat orange fish! Strangely, there is also some cross species attraction - a Gourami in the tank is its constant companion in the corner... they sleep next to each other!!



no, we completely understand your attachment to your frilly fish. are u sure the gourami isnt hassling it? some fish get hassled so they hang out in corners

they are as, my father so aptly put it, FIT. fish in trouble. and a FIT usually is a candidate for becoming FDT flushed down toilet fish.

fish become FIT due to bad water quality or hassling/harrassment by other fish/crowding/and as the fish gets stressed, its not just psychological. it affects them physically by makng them good places for normally less harmful bacterias and funguses to suddenly 'bloom' in /on the fish, therefore making the fish a FIT ready to become a FDT fish.

but if the water changes are helping, keep them up. make sure of good aearoation.do not overfeed.



Goodness! I never even thought the small Gourami could be psychologically hassling the big fella!

FDT! lol!

You are right, I just spent a few minutes observing... the Gourami IS blocking the big guy in - for 3 weeks now!

They have lived in the same tank for over a year - with no obvious problems.

The Gourami is a third the size of the Goldfish!

It just gave the fat fell a nip (now that the goldfish is starting to move around a bit)

- That is really very odd. I can't believe it!

Feel more stupid than usual.

Thanks Bina... off to insert a divider.. I dont know why i didn't think of it before! shameful.

**edit*** divider inserted, yes the big fella is still a FIT - but instant improval! , and the Gourami WAS pinning it in the corner. What an idiot I am!

**edit*** divider inserted, yes the big fella is still a FIT - but instant improval! , and the Gourami WAS pinning it in the corner. What an idiot I am!

I wouldn't feel too guilty about not knowing that. I have one large and one medium size tank and that never occurred to me. Actually the wife is the expert in the subject as she is the one usually buying the fish. I bought some once and consulted with her about putting them in the same tank as another breed. There was a look of horror as she blurted out "they will eat the other ones". Shows how much I know. :)

The Thai version of FDT would be FWC (fried with chilies) :D


in the animal world, size (apart from testes or antler size) is not the decider. gouramis can be territorial. and i expect a thai gourami to be more so...

glad its working out. maybe a new aquarium. one for fancy goldfish (again dont mix breeds that are slim and thin and fast with fat bulgy eyed ones) and one for gouramis... (or make the gourami in to plaa raa)...





sounds like his air bladder thing is infected/bacterial.... u can ice him nw (put him on ice and he goes to 'sleep' slowly but as far as i know, painlessly and for ever, or wait until he is permanently impermanent (life is impermanent) naturally....

then place body at root of favorite plant in garden, get good crop.... cycle of nature, simba....



That's a good idea! He/She will go at the base of the jasmine bush, much better than down the flusher, which I would have done.

Thanks Bina.

Think I will restock with just one species.

I did have some angel fish that used to lay loads of eggs. Might try them.

RIP soon fat fish.

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