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I thought this might be best answered here...thought a lot of you guys do this.

What is the best way to remove all the hair from your gonads and the big straight bit ?

I did this the other day as the missus also did it for my birthday present and i wanted to have a joining of the flesh to flesh.

I used a razor and cold water...but it was not a pleasant experience over all them lumpy bits.

I would like a more user friendly option as may make this a regular thing for special ocassions.

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I never did get round to getting one, but my research seemed to indicate that the Seiko S-Yard 1080 Cleancut Personal Shaver was a good option. Some suppliers give you a free pre-shave trimmer also. About £50, convert that as you will!

Never tried it, but know people who have, not that I canvassed many on it! A Google search will educate you :)

You might get more answers out of the non-gay forum too....we're all at it! *cough*

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Well, when i get to much bush down there, and have a difficult time with a little trimmer. I just go out to the shed and pull out the Black & Decker 16-Inch Hedge Trimmer #TR1600. It really works, gets into them hard to reach places, just plug it in and let it ripe. It you'll get your money's worth. Even works on chest and back hair also.

Now, that's grooming.

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I'll share my experience with shaving but I'm talking about my face rather than other locations but same for whatever location.

I shave using a razor rather than anything electric which I find just doesn't give me the smooth shave that I want.

For years I left stubble and rash marks everywhere. Then one day I stumbled onto a shaving seminar in a department store. It changed the way I shaved forever. Here's what I learned.

- Wet the skin well, preferably with warm water (not hot)

- Use a good mild soap or a shower gel or a good quality mild shampoo to wash you whole face thoroughly, take at couple of minutes.

- Rinse all of that off very well, warm water.

- Wash your face again, quickly, with a smaller of soap, gel, shampoo etc.

- Rinse again very well.

- Apply the shaving cream whilst still wet and shave.

- Never shave against the grain, even in the awkward areas.

- Rinse again very well and apply a very small amount of good hair conditioner all over your face.

- Change the blade after every 3 to 5 shaves.

Edited by scorecard
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I apologize for the poor manners of all these posters. They should be ashamed of themselves. None of them have offered to come over and give you a hand!

I don't know the best way to shave the private areas, but be sure and cut the hair as close as possible before shaving.

Some time back there was a thread about people wanting to know where they could get a waxing. That sounds rather painful, however.

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There was a time - about 5 years ago when gay Thai boys would gladly be shaved (in their private regions).

Research I did last week (for this Forum) at a number of establishments in Bangkok and Pattaya revealed only ONE shaved boy and that job was at least a week old ...


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I've never understood these shaving 'tips'... for a huge percentage of us men, shaving AT ALL in the private area ALWAYS fails and inevitably ends up in razor burn and bumps as the hair grows back no matter what precautions are taken. There's NO WAY to solve it without some very expensive procedure that gets rid of the hairs and their pores altogether. The only solution for us with sensitive skin (or strong hair), is to use a trimmer, i.e. a small powered clipper, to take the hair down to about a few millimeters from the skin. Sure, you're not going to get the baby-smooth result with full shaving or waxing, but the skin won't get irritated and you don't have to look like you have some horrible STD the day after :)

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There was a time - about 5 years ago when gay Thai boys would gladly be shaved (in their private regions).

Research I did last week (for this Forum) at a number of establishments in Bangkok and Pattaya revealed only ONE shaved boy and that job was at least a week old ...


I have it on good authority this weekend there were several boys at Adam's Apple in Chiang Mai who appeared to have had a recent close encounter with a razor down below. Seems to be coming quite a speciality of that place :)

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I don't know about you, but I always end up getting them in my beard! Maybe that's why so many guys are clean shaven.

Oh, and the people in the CM area shouldn't use the blow torch--already having problems with forest fires.

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  • 4 weeks later...

Any horticulturist will tell you that if you prune the branches the regrowth will come up stronger. Only by pulling the item out by the roots can you make the item weaker and weaker, until it finally disappears. I started plucking about 12 years ago and now have no pubic hair, Just a few occasional very fine ones. The first time you will find it a bit painful, but as time goes on absolutely no pain at all, and also very entertaining if your girlfriend, is converted to a plucker.

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