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Is Giving My Girlfriend 20,000 Baht Per Month Enough?


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To put it in prospective 300baht a day is the normal wage of a Thai. my wife worked in a computer factory ,6300baht a Month.

Thats a good paying job but I expect very hard work.

Former gf,

hotel receptionist, 150bht a day (good English)

Hotel cleaners 100bht a day (no English)

Chraper solution rent a shop and start your own salon make her work.

Probably 200000 to open decorate and pay the rent for the first few months while it gets started.

Pals gf,

hairdressing salon, rental 1,900bht a month (bedroom, living room, salon)

setup fees approx 7,000bht

income 100bht a day, open from 9am untill 9pm for 7 days a week.

7/11 pays 7,500bht a month but you need to be a highschool graduate, so most Thais excluded.

Most of the people posting on here seem to have no idea about Thai incomes and business costs, I guess their gf/wife lies and pockets the extra cash, too many white buffalo in Thailand. Any normal Thai telling me they get 10k+ a month and I assume they are most likely a sex worker (unless they show pay slip or are clearly Teachers, etc.).

My next door neighbours wives, clearly ex-bar girls from Issan, always boast to my wife about the money their husbands give them, one is given 50k a month by her schoolteacher husband who is clearly scraping a living hand to mouth, the other claims her husband (unemployed and about to return to home counrty to try and earn some money) gives her 100k a month. Why do they even tell such silly lies?

Edited by sarahsbloke
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The bank exchange rates are pathetic at present, inflation in increasing and I am finding it almost impossible to make ends meet.

There is no benefit anymore to being a guy, so I have decided to change my gender, become a pretty young lady and find some old Farang Schmock to take care of me.

If you’ll interested you can have me for 15000 k a month, plus food, car, motorbike, oh; don’t forget the house plus school fees for brat and 125000 baht for my dear grey haired old mother’s eye operation in London.

Edited by gmac
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To put it in prospective 300baht a day is the normal wage of a Thai. my wife worked in a computer factory ,6300baht a Month.

Thats a good paying job but I expect very hard work.

Former gf,

hotel receptionist, 150bht a day (good English)

Hotel cleaners 100bht a day (no English)

Chraper solution rent a shop and start your own salon make her work.

Probably 200000 to open decorate and pay the rent for the first few months while it gets started.

Pals gf,

hairdressing salon, rental 1,900bht a month (bedroom, living room, salon)

setup fees approx 7,000bht

income 100bht a day, open from 9am untill 9pm for 7 days a week.

7/11 pays 7,500bht a month but you need to be a highschool graduate, so most Thais excluded.

Most of the people posting on here seem to have no idea about Thai incomes and business costs, I guess their gf/wife lies and pockets the extra cash, too many white buffalo in Thailand. Any normal Thai telling me they get 10k+ a month and I assume they are most likely a sex worker (unless they show pay slip or are clearly Teachers, etc.).

My next door neighbours wives, clearly ex-bar girls from Issan, always boast to my wife about the money their husbands give them, one is given 50k a month by her schoolteacher husband who is clearly scraping a living hand to mouth, the other claims her husband (unemployed and about to return to home counrty to try and earn some money) gives her 100k a month. Why do they even tell such silly lies?

So what is a "normal Thai"? Really, you think any Thai making over 10k a month is a sex worker? ridiculous! and you claim othesr here don't know what they are posting about in regards to Thai salaries :) ? I can assure you that my Sous Chef (68,000 per month) is not a sex worker, all my Chef de parties (15,000 + 7k service charge) are not sex workers, my wife (45,000 + service charge) IS a sex worker but I'm the only client as far as I know :D

Sure Thai ladies will inflate what they are getting = more face, I'm so valued by my man.

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So what is a "normal Thai"?

Thais who left school at age 12 or earlier, cleaners, shop workers, office staff, farm workers, about what 90 percent of any population do for a living.

Your thinking your Sous Chef on 68k a month is a normal Thai sort of supports my theory about posters not knowing .... etc.

If you double my wage estimate for people living in Bangkok (big city pays more) then you can see my ball park figure is correct.

Edited by sarahsbloke
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So what is a "normal Thai"?

Thais who left school at age 12 or earlier, cleaners, shop workers, office staff, farm workers, about what 90 percent of any population do for a living.

Your thinking your Sous Chef on 68k a month is a normal Thai sort of supports my theory about posters not knowing .... etc.

If you double my wage estimate for people living in Bangkok (big city pays more) then you can see my ball park figure is correct.

yeah I think he is normal same as the last 4 sous I had all with over 30k a month salary even my dish washers/stewards make over 10k with the service charge again they are "normal" and are Thai, matter of fact the last 4 hotels I have worked at in Thailand NOBODY made under 10k a month and nothing abnormal about them. I know what average salaries are for different jobs here in Thailand as the wife has friends who are nurses, teachers, accountants all of which are "normal" Thais and all making OVER 10k a month. I think your making a judgement from your circle of Thai friends. Sure about half the country is in agriculture and have not much income but I wouldn't lable accounts, sales, postmen, nurses etc as being abnormal what do you think they are if not normal Thais? We do have these professions in the west right are they not normal Brits or normal Americans??

Im not in BKK btw the salaries I mention are from Samui and Phuket.

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To put it in prospective 300baht a day is the normal wage of a Thai. my wife worked in a computer factory ,6300baht a Month.

Thats a good paying job but I expect very hard work.

Former gf,

hotel receptionist, 150bht a day (good English)

Hotel cleaners 100bht a day (no English)

Chraper solution rent a shop and start your own salon make her work.

Probably 200000 to open decorate and pay the rent for the first few months while it gets started.

Pals gf,

hairdressing salon, rental 1,900bht a month (bedroom, living room, salon)

setup fees approx 7,000bht

income 100bht a day, open from 9am untill 9pm for 7 days a week.

7/11 pays 7,500bht a month but you need to be a highschool graduate, so most Thais excluded.

Most of the people posting on here seem to have no idea about Thai incomes and business costs, I guess their gf/wife lies and pockets the extra cash, too many white buffalo in Thailand. Any normal Thai telling me they get 10k+ a month and I assume they are most likely a sex worker (unless they show pay slip or are clearly Teachers, etc.).

My next door neighbours wives, clearly ex-bar girls from Issan, always boast to my wife about the money their husbands give them, one is given 50k a month by her schoolteacher husband who is clearly scraping a living hand to mouth, the other claims her husband (unemployed and about to return to home counrty to try and earn some money) gives her 100k a month. Why do they even tell such silly lies?

This is definitely the most realistic post.

20000 bahts plus living expenses is an extravagant amount for a Thai. I know of many Farangs, including myself that would be more than grateful to have those amounts handed to them each month on a silver platter.

Why are some of you guys so desperate for the company of these women?

Were they deprived of parental love as children? Or is it that they think with they’re penises rather than they’re brains, if they have any.

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Im not in BKK btw the salaries I mention are from Samui and Phuket

Same as Bangkok, you can add Pattaya as well to the exclusive, not representative of Thai wages list.

If you don't like my posts just add me to your ignore list .... as I have done with you.

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She gives 5k to her mom and her room rent (Maybe around 3k-4k?)

so she has 11k left for herself and her kids.

If she tighten her belt. She can live with that amount of money.

but Since she has kids, I think give her 25k per month is OK. but shouldn't give her more than that.

You forget the Thai boyfriend, he deserves also a piece of the pie!

Edited by jupiler
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It's all about lifestyles and wealth, if you're an English Teacher earning 30,000 Baht per month, or a pensioner seeing the value of your pension decrease dramatically with the exchange rates and price rises in general, or a guy earning minimum wage struggling to get by, then yes, 20,000 Baht will seem a lot.

On the other hand, if you're a professional guy on a full expat package, an O&G guy on a good contract, or someone who just has lots of money, then 20,000 baht is nothing.

It's nothing to some people and a sizable amount to others.

If you're happy and can afford it, why not ?

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Seems a bit excessive, but I generally don't date women who aren't self sufficient. Needless to say, I don't date much, but when I do it's alot less expensive. Even I live here on a lot less than 20,000 THB some months. It's not glamorous, but 20,000 is a good income for a local. Sounds like the hook is set, and she's trying to determine how big of a fish you are. Have fun!!!

a shop girl or a teacher gets 7000 a month think on that, they live ok

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To put it in prospective 300baht a day is the normal wage of a Thai. my wife worked in a computer factory ,6300baht a Month.

Thats a good paying job but I expect very hard work.

Former gf,

hotel receptionist, 150bht a day (good English)

Hotel cleaners 100bht a day (no English)


Most of the people posting on here seem to have no idea about Thai incomes and business costs, I guess their gf/wife lies and pockets the extra cash, too many white buffalo in Thailand. Any normal Thai telling me they get 10k+ a month and I assume they are most likely a sex worker (unless they show pay slip or are clearly Teachers, etc.).

Those salaries are unbelievable low unless your former GFs were teenagers or Burmese immigrant workers. Nearly all hotel receptionists are paid 7K - 20K basic salary (potentially + tips + commissions + periodic bonuses), and it doesn't make much difference what class of hotel it is - at budget hotels there is a lower staff : guest ratio so the fewer staff can be paid almost as much as 3* and 4* hotels (and sometimes more, with longer shifts and more responsibilities per staff member).

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Most of the people posting on here seem to have no idea about Thai incomes and business costs, I guess their gf/wife lies and pockets the extra cash, too many white buffalo in Thailand. Any normal Thai telling me they get 10k+ a month and I assume they are most likely a sex worker (unless they show pay slip or are clearly Teachers, etc.).

My next door neighbours wives, clearly ex-bar girls from Issan, always boast to my wife about the money their husbands give them, one is given 50k a month by her schoolteacher husband who is clearly scraping a living hand to mouth, the other claims her husband (unemployed and about to return to home counrty to try and earn some money) gives her 100k a month. Why do they even tell such silly lies?

These Isaan girls come from very poor backgrounds to work in the sex industry and realise they lack education and social graces so try to make up for their feelings of inferiority by boasting and lying (the lying comes easy after a spell in a bar) about how much money, gold etc they've acquired, thanks to some foreigner newbie who has no idea of the minefield he's stepping into when he falls for a bargirl, especially one who's been round the houses a few times and carries a heavy load of mental baggage and usually has Thai husband/boyfriend(s) and family leeching off her.

Obviously I'm generalising and there will always be exceptions but they only prove the rule - it's a very big mistake to think you can find the love of your life in a bar or gogo.

Re the original posting - the guy's GF lives a cushy life with very little to do for her 20k a month, it seems - gives 5k to her mother and has 15k to do as she wants with - AND SHE WANTS MORE!!!!

If you love her 'too mutt' then Winnie had the answer in an earlier posting -

I think you should just share all your income and assets. Letting her manage the money makes that even easier. Just ask her for an allowance for whatever you think you need.

More seriously, you should tell her you consider 20k adequate and suggest she gets a job to give her something to do and earn a bit more money for herself. Ask her to spell out exactly why she needs the extra money when she already has 15k pocket money and if the bad temper you mentioned shows itself in response, dump her...... but lock up the knives first! :)

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Has the OP lost interest in this thread?

This woman doesn't have her kids live with her, is that because the OP doesn't want them or because she doesn't?

Why does she need more than 20K per month?

As her Mother takes care of the children, I assume that she doesn't work.

15,000 Baht per month clear is not enough for her to sit on her butt all day, yet she expects her Mother to take care of her 2 kids for 5,000 Baht per month? That tells you a lot about her. :)

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Asking a question like that will bring out all the bitter old (or sometimes the bitter young) men who will call you a fool for giving a girl that much.

Pay no attention to them in my opinion.

Only you know the answer for yourself, anyhow.

But for my honest answer, I think 20,000 Baht for two people is certainly enough. I wouldn't go beyond that unless she gave you a specifc reason you could believe. For example, going to school to study xxxxxx.

Now I, myself, am supporting a family of 5 people. I send them between 30,000 to 50,000 Baht a month. I can afford it, as long as I am working. I've been supporting the family for over 25 years now, and I know how much they spend and what it is spent on. They have a house, owned not rented, so rent is not an issue.

Therefore, 40,000 Baht for 5 people is enough for them to maintain a decent life style in Bangkok.

If they had to pay rent, I might expect it to be a little more. But as they have their own house. 40,000 Baht serves them well.

So consider around 10,000 Baht per person to be adequate for a Thai to live reasonably well in Bangkok.

I have internet and cable televison in the house...and air conditioning upstairs in the master bedroom...just so what you understand what I mean by "reasonably well" for a Thai family.

So, bottom line, I think 20,000 Baht is enough. I wouldn't go higher unless you were sure there was something worthwhile you would get for the money (as I said further education for her is one possibility).


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So consider around 10,000 Baht per person to be adequate for a Thai to live reasonably well in Bangkok.


I'm not in Bangkok but as far as I know basic food costs are pretty much the same countrywide.

I spend between 100 and 200 bht a day for my family of 3 on food ........ around 200bht a month each (and we don't cut many corners)


Many Thai ladies don't want their children living with a new bf/husband, apparently there is a widespread fear of bfs 'interfering' with the kids.

Edited by sarahsbloke
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This is definitely the most realistic post.

20000 bahts plus living expenses is an extravagant amount for a Thai. I know of many Farangs, including myself that would be more than grateful to have those amounts handed to them each month on a silver platter.

Why are some of you guys so desperate for the company of these women?

Were they deprived of parental love as children? Or is it that they think with they're penises rather than they're brains, if they have any.

Every one is happy to get handover 20k and no silver platter needed :) you need to be mental if you don't.

Some people happy to spend 20k to make there penis happy, and for some things in live you dont need to use your brain, they rather using them to get a income big enough to finance your penis pleasures without any problems :D

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To put it in prospective 300baht a day is the normal wage of a Thai. my wife worked in a computer factory ,6300baht a Month.

Thats a good paying job but I expect very hard work.

Former gf,

hotel receptionist, 150bht a day (good English)

Hotel cleaners 100bht a day (no English)


Most of the people posting on here seem to have no idea about Thai incomes and business costs, I guess their gf/wife lies and pockets the extra cash, too many white buffalo in Thailand. Any normal Thai telling me they get 10k+ a month and I assume they are most likely a sex worker (unless they show pay slip or are clearly Teachers, etc.).

Those salaries are unbelievable low unless your former GFs were teenagers or Burmese immigrant workers. Nearly all hotel receptionists are paid 7K - 20K basic salary (potentially + tips + commissions + periodic bonuses), and it doesn't make much difference what class of hotel it is - at budget hotels there is a lower staff : guest ratio so the fewer staff can be paid almost as much as 3* and 4* hotels (and sometimes more, with longer shifts and more responsibilities per staff member).

correct but wasting your time - he/she (bloke but profile listed as female?) knows it all already, thinks 90% of Thais are uneducated retards, etc etc. You can't argue with someone that is the supreme expert in all thing Thai in his own mind.

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I don't get why some foreigners pay for trash to follow them home.

Why trash?

I don't get why people like you calling woman who just get sometimes more financial security with a foreigner than with a Thai man TRASH.

But that telling enough about yourself.

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The cleaning and support staff at my business made about 5000-6000 per month.

This is about average.

I worked with a high salary of 240000 per month. This is ~mid class in Thailand.

Thais usually need a university degree for this level of salary

Avg Costs room: 3000-5000 per month (usually shared)

electric per month 2000+ (usually shared)

food + drink = 40-60 per meal for Thai

Bangkok numbers might be higher but not necessarily.

If the girl is pulling 20000 without lifting a finger and her boyfriend lives outside the country then the Buddha has smiled upon her.

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The cleaning and support staff at my business made about 5000-6000 per month.

This is about average.

I worked with a high salary of 240000 per month. This is ~mid class in Thailand.

Thais usually need a university degree for this level of salary

Avg Costs room: 3000-5000 per month (usually shared)

electric per month 2000+ (usually shared)

food + drink = 40-60 per meal for Thai

Bangkok numbers might be higher but not necessarily.

If the girl is pulling 20000 without lifting a finger and her boyfriend lives outside the country then the Buddha has smiled upon her.

240,000 isn't mid class it is the top end salary for Thai people.

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The cleaning and support staff at my business made about 5000-6000 per month.

This is about average.

I worked with a high salary of 240000 per month. This is ~mid class in Thailand.

Thais usually need a university degree for this level of salary

Avg Costs room: 3000-5000 per month (usually shared)

electric per month 2000+ (usually shared)

food + drink = 40-60 per meal for Thai

Bangkok numbers might be higher but not necessarily.

If the girl is pulling 20000 without lifting a finger and her boyfriend lives outside the country then the Buddha has smiled upon her.

240,000 isn't mid class it is the top end salary for Thai people.

yes I think he means 24,000. which would not be a high salary but correct for a middle class family income.

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I jumped on here for a bit of an update on costs as well and found this thread.

We have for years between gf and her sister sent around 25k per mth to girlfirends parents.

My girl and her sis bought the parents a house out by the airport a few years back so its not rent thats the issue,

our problem is we know a lot of the money goes to the loser brothers and sisters but how can we stop it....discovered they all moved into the house!!!

Mums old and dad is bedridden and mum doesnt like to say no.

They are telling us hospital costs are very high and he has to wear nappies now as well?

any feedback here ?

Serious post,I am no neophyte when it comes to thailand and have been with the same girl for 8 years.

Problem is we cant afford to go back as we send a lot of our free money back (holiday money).

Anyone will tell you the number one tension in thai falang relationships is the grasping families demands of the girls when they move to the good life in aus uk or wherever,i can tell you i have seen several aus/thai relationships end becuase of this here in Sydney(or they are working on the game on the quiet)

i note here avg wages for unskilled in BKK are very low still and it amazes me how some families live.

The cleaning and support staff at my business made about 5000-6000 per month.

This is about average.

I worked with a high salary of 240000 per month. This is ~mid class in Thailand.

Thais usually need a university degree for this level of salary

Avg Costs room: 3000-5000 per month (usually shared)

electric per month 2000+ (usually shared)

food + drink = 40-60 per meal for Thai

Bangkok numbers might be higher but not necessarily.

If the girl is pulling 20000 without lifting a finger and her boyfriend lives outside the country then the Buddha has smiled upon her.

240,000 isn't mid class it is the top end salary for Thai people.

yes I think he means 24,000. which would not be a high salary but correct for a middle class family income.

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I jumped on here for a bit of an update on costs as well and found this thread.

We have for years between gf and her sister sent around 25k per mth to girlfirends parents.

My girl and her sis bought the parents a house out by the airport a few years back so its not rent thats the issue,

our problem is we know a lot of the money goes to the loser brothers and sisters but how can we stop it....discovered they all moved into the house!!!

Mums old and dad is bedridden and mum doesnt like to say no.

They are telling us hospital costs are very high and he has to wear nappies now as well?

any feedback here ?

Serious post,I am no neophyte when it comes to thailand and have been with the same girl for 8 years.

Problem is we cant afford to go back as we send a lot of our free money back (holiday money).

Anyone will tell you the number one tension in thai falang relationships is the grasping families demands of the girls when they move to the good life in aus uk or wherever,i can tell you i have seen several aus/thai relationships end becuase of this here in Sydney(or they are working on the game on the quiet)

i note here avg wages for unskilled in BKK are very low still and it amazes me how some families live.

Why are you sending back 25k Baht between you when it leaves you short ?

Have you considered asking your girlfriend's mother to outline a budget for all the expenses she has in the month ? Maybe 25k is not enough - who knows ? What income does the family generate per month ?

You say your GF and her sister bought a house for their parents - did they fund this from savings ?

Edited by lordcharles
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We have for years between gf and her sister sent around 25k per mth to girlfirends parents.

My girl and her sis bought the parents a house out by the airport a few years back so its not rent thats the issue,

our problem is we know a lot of the money goes to the loser brothers and sisters but how can we stop it....discovered they all moved into the house!!!

Mums old and dad is bedridden and mum doesnt like to say no.

I give my wife money for her mother, who lives in the wifes house on family land way out in the wild.

Now seeing as farmers earn about 100 to 150 bht a day .... and the house is owned outright ... an elderly lady can easily live on 3000bht a month.

I think part of the 'farang pays' problem is caused by the western person not checking for themselves wages and costs, but relying on the wife or another relative to advise them. Lying is a way of life for Thais, they don't just lie to you, it's all about face.

I had a request from my wife to build a new house for her mother, estimated cost 80kbht. I always agree to everything (but never get round to doing it .. Thai way), I said that appeared to be a good price, she has 1 brother and 1 sister, so I would contribute the same amount to the build as they did ......... or mum could come and live with us. Look how I am now the Jai Dee person, and the other brother and sister aren't! Thai people are very generous, they don't save, if they have extra cash it is usually shared around.

I quite like her mum as she is the same age as me, and always tells the wife to agree with me!

My advice

Divide costs equally between all children and only send your share. Get hospital to email a copy of any fees direct to you.

Edited by sarahsbloke
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