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Deposed Thai Premier Thaksin Now In Montenegro

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Why is the Champs Elysees lined with trees? So the Germans could march in the shade.   :)

...wrote American member Publicus about the country which lost 600,000 civilian- , military-, Holocaust/Jewish/Roma- victims due to those same German Nazis....and 400,000 of his own fellow Americans as well during WWII.....

Not to mention the estimated 48-72 million (if not more) casualties in WWII, worldwide.

:D your remark is way off line and not funny.


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Dual citizenship is one thing, diplomatic visas another..but legally, how can you be a quadruple citizen? my only guess is money talks. funny, they wont mention HOW or what TYPE of visa he is on. a type F? Fugitive? C? Criminal or crook?

[email protected] - here you can ask questions about how to get "citizenship"

Please sign up now, you can still join the red shirts !


Man, that photo kills me. Where can I find more of the same?

Join UDD ! The girls come free :) !





You'r sick in the head, femailphiles like you should be shot

fully agreed - what a sick post in this situation


true but its far better looking at those pics than reading the drivel about what brand of handbag Toxin has been buying of late or pathetic quotes as LaoPo has stated that are indeed sick

Sorry Montenegrin....

Stop always saying that your country needs from permission from the EU to give Thaksin a passport and help him get away... No country in the EU will harbor a terrorist mastermind scum like Thaksin. Most EU countries do not allow him to stay for longer durations other than what any normal person would get. And he can't do his crap from most European countries because a lot of the transmission signals are controlled by the proper authorities.

Montenegro may have not allowed to transmit his speeches from their country because they have more to gain from the EU than from Thaksin, but they allow him to stay and treat him like a king as much as they can. However they have no reason to need to ask the EU for permission to give him anything, a permit, a passport. Montenegro is a sovereign country, without governmental control from the EU.

Your country is not an EU member, nor is it an EU candidate, and highly UNLIKELY that it will ever be (especially now after the EU debt crisis) but perhaps you feel I am wrong and your delusions have taken over your common senses... Then please refer to the following links to make it clear for you..



Montenegro may not be as corrupt as the filth breeding swine called Thaksin, but you are quite up high on the list...

So I dont think I, nor anyone else would be surprised if Thaksin is being aided by your country.


Well,I see that there is no point in discussing with some of you because you are to blinded with hatred.so I will not continue and instead just wait and see who had right :) .

Just one last thing,these links you posted have absolutely nothing to do with Montenegro and just one info for you-I am not presuming,I KNOW that Montenegro will become EU candidate country until the end of this year.I will not comment on your silly statements anymore,but instead I will ask you on December 18th what just happened.

Have a nice day.


“Under the IPA 2009 programme the EU will shortly be launching another twinning project with a budget of 1.25 million euro, to give further support to the police in fighting corruption and organised crime,” Rumbold said.

“In addition, under the IPA 2010 programme, the EU will support the implementation of an action plan for the fight against corruption and organized crime. It will be another twinning project with a budget of 700 thousand euros,” Clive Rumbold said.

Director of the Police Directorate Veselin Veljovic said that Montenegro is willing and determined to combat organised crime and corruption.

“The improvement of specialised skills and procedures in the Police Directorate and in other institutions will enable all of us to act more effectively against criminals and this in turn will enhance Montenegro’s international image as a safe location,” Police director Veljovic said.

Giving Thaksin citizenship will surely assist the public fight against corruption :)

Or maybe corruption won.


Why is the Champs Elysees lined with trees? So the Germans could march in the shade.   :)

...wrote American member Publicus about the country which lost 600,000 civilian- , military-, Holocaust/Jewish/Roma- victims due to those same German Nazis....and 400,000 of his own fellow Americans as well during WWII.....

Not to mention the estimated 48-72 million (if not more) casualties in WWII, worldwide.

:D your remark is way off line and not funny.


I voluntarily served in the US military (Army Infantry) so I'm well aware of the military history to which you in your indignant self-righteousness refer. I can tell you that to this day the statement remains a standing joke in the US military and also goes over well in the British military. If you are offended, take it up with those of us as a whole who wear/wore the uniform and who solemnly make regular visits to military cemeteries in France, the US, Thailand and in other parts of the world, cemeteries that had to be created consequent to the two great world wars of the twentieth century, Germany and France having been at the center of each. (You omitted gays from your list of victims.)

true but its far better looking at those pics than reading the drivel about what brand of handbag Toxin has been buying of late or pathetic quotes as LaoPo has stated that are indeed sick

Thaksin's shopping in Paris is another of his cynical efforts to create the bogus image he's living a normal everyday life (of a billionaire) rather than being heavily involved 24/7 in the destruction of Thailand. It's accurately been said Bangkok burns while Thaksin shops, but it's also true that Bangkok burns and Thailand unravels while Thaksin plots. We get staged and vulgar photos of the arrogant Thaksin upscale shopping but we don't get any photos of Thaksin clandestinely sitting in his luxury villas on the phone plotting. 

Well,I see that there is no point in discussing with some of you because you are to blinded with hatred.so I will not continue and instead just wait and see who had right  :D .

Just one last thing,these links you posted have absolutely nothing to do with Montenegro and just one info for you-I am not presuming,I KNOW that Montenegro will become EU candidate country until the end of this year.I will not comment on your silly statements anymore,but instead I will ask you on December 18th what just happened.

Have a nice day.

It is a shame your other Thaksin Montenergan posters have abandoned you to this thread, leaving only you in your pathetic tones to respond, plead, whine, whinge and keep pushing the completely false line that the EU-US "must have" given the sleazy Montenegran government the green light to issue a passport to the international fugitive and criminal Thaksin. You really do have to quit that obviously feeble attempt to legitimize your sovereign government's exchange with Thaksin of a passport for big money.  


Thaksin is such a weasel sneaking in and out of the spotlight pretending he is a benevolent ex politician concerned about his former constituents when he is in fact a conniving, megalomaniac salivating to get his hands on his frozen billions at the expense of innocent lives. Equally disturbing is the damage he has done to the Thai economy and its people in economic terms. Where he attempts to gain a billion many billions more will be lost to the people of Thailand through non employment, etc. Once again he steals from the poor to give to the rich - himself. I'm not saying other elected officials in Thailand do not do the same but none as greedily nor as damaging as Thaksin.


Dear Lord,

I know that I don't talk to you that much, but this past year you have taken away my favorite actor, Patrick Swayze, my favorite actress, Farah Fawcett and my favorite musician, Michael Jackson.

I just wanted to let you know that my favorite politician is THAKSIN Shin.


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