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Electricity - Appalling Customer Service!


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I am a UK citizen, living in Chiangmai, with my Thai wife. She has resided at the same address there for the past 5 years.

We went to the UK for December and January for Christmas & New Year etc. 

My wife had made prior arrangements for the electricity bills for our house to be paid by direct debit from her Bangkok bank account. However it now transpires that something subsequently 'went wrong' with those direct debit arrangements, resulting in no payments taking place for the month of February. This problem remained totally unknown to us until this week, when a representative of the electricity company came to the Soi and disconnected our supply from the distribution pole. This was the company's first line of response to the administrative problem!

The facts in bullet form:

  • The electricity company made no attempt to contact us, either by letter or by telephone to discuss the nature of the problem. We did not even know there was a problem.
  • The representative who came to the pole outside our house shortly after 0900, did not even come to knock our door or alert us as to what was happening. We were quite obviously at home at the time.
  • He put a red 'disconnection' sticker on the electricity meter, which is near the base of the pole. This is completely covered and obscured by the thick foliage of a neighbours garden. We thought that the entire village was without power until a chance remark to a neighbour at 1530 revealed that the outage was isolated to our house only.
  • It was 15:50 in the afternoon before that red sticker was accidentally discovered by a neighbour, otherwise we would not have known what was happening and would have gone at least 24 hours without power. The electricity office closes at 1630


Additional points for consideration:

  • Should it not be considered normal practice to write to the customer to alert them to the billing issue and offer them the courtesy of an opportunity to remedy the problem?
  • Is disconnection considered to be an acceptable first line of action when there has been a "one off" problem? (NB no previous default of payment for 5 years)
  • Is it considered acceptable that the company's engineer made no effort to knock the door and inform the customer what was happening? 
  • Furthermore, is it considered acceptable that he should put the disconnection sticker in a place where it cannot be seen?

Not surprisingly, I find the electricity company's behaviour totally unacceptable and I would now like to write to someone in authority at policy-making level whom I can take this appalling episode up with for further discussion.

Can anyone advise me who is the best person or what is the best department to address my complaint to in order to get a meaningful response?

Thanks in advance for your help!

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This seems to be the case in many places. I don't have an answer though.

A similar event happened in my area (Phathumthani) a few years ago. They had always given a 7 day grace period to pay the electric bill, standard procedure. One morning the workers showed up and disconnected most of the village and some nearby villages as well, for non-payment. They had changed their policy without notifying anyone about it. The grace period was reduced to 3 days. After some angry meetings with the village head that day, he was able to get the electricity turned on later in the afternoon providing people payed that day. Not a problem for me, but I felt for many of my neighbors. Most don't get paid until the 1st, and this was on the 28th. No accountability at all. A simple notification to the residents would have sufficed and saved a lot of headaches.

Good luck and hope this can be resolved for you.

Edited by frodo
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Hi Frodo,

Well this story makes mine seem almost insignificant.... What a truly abysmal level of customer care! I'm amazed that this kind of thing goes on without some suitable governance from above. Perhaps this is what happens when companies are too closely linked to government? Who knows. Thanks for sharing your story... I'm simply speechless to hear that one.

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Forget it, it's lost time, effort and emotions. Do you really believe they are waiting for your comments and suggestions and will pay any attention to it ? 'why farang want makmak... hungry let's go eat'

Wanna change a system that cannot be changed even by the managars from whatever level ?

Accept it now or one day, to enjoy Thailand without too much hard time we have to, but it can give mixed feelings sometimes I know.

They disconnected me several times because forgot to pay in time, I do the same as Thais do: carefully stick the cable back into the meter by yourself and go pay the bill.

Spend time on the good things ! :)

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You're not in a nanny state any more.

You don't pay your bills you get disconnected, simple.

It will happen to your electric, water, telephone, internet, cable and UBC. Make sure you pay them.

Nobody is disputing that at all.

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You're not in a nanny state any more.

You don't pay your bills you get disconnected, simple.

It will happen to your electric, water, telephone, internet, cable and UBC. Make sure you pay them.

This is correct, also the electricity company would no doubt not have any idea about the cock up with the bank. As harsh as it is this is the way they do it here, pay or you are disconnected without warning. Hiding the disconnect sticker was possibly the guys way of avoiding confrontation.

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I have had services disconnected a few days BEFORE THE DUE DATE once or twice. Part of living here. Get used to it. To quote a friend, "If they were any smarter,we couldn't afford to live here." Kinda sums it up.

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Sorry but you really need to be hassling the bank not the electricity company. The electric bill was not paid. No pay no electric. SIMPLE really. Either way you will be wasting your time and effort in getting worked up over a small problem. You are not back in the UK you are in the back of beyond. Can you honestly tell me you have never had any problems with the electricity board back home as I have.

Forget it and just plug the wires in and go pay the bill. :)

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I was in England for several months and for some reason the people who work downstairs in the condo building didn't pay my Internet connection although they managed to pay all the other invoices that came in.

I returned a few weeks ago, went down to the True office and it was last paid in December.

I wasn't disconnected though - it was still working 100% even though I owed them for a full two months in arrears.

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You're not in a nanny state any more.

You don't pay your bills you get disconnected, simple.

It will happen to your electric, water, telephone, internet, cable and UBC. Make sure you pay them.

I think if you read my OP once again, you will note that every reasonable effort was made to pay them.... the failure of payment was their fault, not mine - yes? So in what other way should I spoon-feed their administration?

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I was in England for several months and for some reason the people who work downstairs in the condo building didn't pay my Internet connection although they managed to pay all the other invoices that came in.

I returned a few weeks ago, went down to the True office and it was last paid in December.

I wasn't disconnected though - it was still working 100% even though I owed them for a full two months in arrears.

i got cut off about 4 years ago,my fault but the rigmarole to get it back on is incredible,had to wait 4 hours and more at electricty offices,the people waiting to pay there bills was in the hundreds,and i was the only forigner,well treated though,was evan given a early ticket number by a thai.

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I have had services disconnected a few days BEFORE THE DUE DATE once or twice. Part of living here. Get used to it. To quote a friend, "If they were any smarter,we couldn't afford to live here." Kinda sums it up.

Maybe so - doesn't make either right or acceptable though.

A thought about change and progress...

If we always do what we always did, we'll always get what we always got.

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Sorry but you really need to be hassling the bank not the electricity company. The electric bill was not paid. No pay no electric. SIMPLE really. Either way you will be wasting your time and effort in getting worked up over a small problem. You are not back in the UK you are in the back of beyond. Can you honestly tell me you have never had any problems with the electricity board back home as I have.

Forget it and just plug the wires in and go pay the bill. :)

When mine was cut off THEY TOOK THE METER AWAY.

There's a shortage of meters in Pattaya so they took it and put it in someone elses property and then you have to wait until someone else doesn't pay to get a replacement.

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You're not in a nanny state any more.

You don't pay your bills you get disconnected, simple.

It will happen to your electric, water, telephone, internet, cable and UBC. Make sure you pay them.

I think if you read my OP once again, you will note that every reasonable effort was made to pay them.... the failure of payment was their fault, not mine - yes? So in what other way should I spoon-feed their administration?

No. It appears to have been your banks failure. But you expect the electricity company to bend over backwards to chase you for the money you owe them.

Either way, don't forget the national motto of Thailand

"no money no honey"

Edited by PattayaParent
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I think there is actually a statement on the bill that says failure to pay results in disconnection without warning. As others say, it is the banks fault, not power company.

Actually, you share some blame in not verifying the bill was being paid. Did you not monitor your bank balance and see the payments were being made?


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Let me tell you something about the Electricty mob in Thailand. They dont care, couldnt give a shit. :D

Slightly off topic but still related to customer service, our old house had new electricty poles installed past it when somebody built units down the end of a neighbouring soi. All the telephone and electricty wires had to be relocated to the new poles. The telephone guys moved theirs first then the sparkies come along and did theirs.

When the electricty guys did their work, the bolted a steel bracket to the concrete pole, but did so directly over our telephone cable, thus technically clamping our telephone line between their steel clamp and the concrete pole. Our telephone line was now buzzing like crazy.

Called the telephone mob out, who soon pointed out the offending problem, but stated it wasnt their problem because the electricy people had done it. Got the Electricity people out who examined the situation and said it wasnt their problem because the telephone line was the one caught, not the electricity one. Anyway, this is all we could come up with for months and you know what, nobody at the electricity mob could give a hoot & they wernt dealing with me over it, they were dealing with fellow thais, they actually had no idea a farang was involved until i turned up on a tractor one day with the intent of knocking the power pole over :D:) ......eventually the problem was sorted by 200 baht & a very brave sole who worked for neither the phone or electricity mob. :D:D fekkers.

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I think there is actually a statement on the bill that says failure to pay results in disconnection without warning. As others say, it is the banks fault, not power company.

Actually, you share some blame in not verifying the bill was being paid. Did you not monitor your bank balance and see the payments were being made?


You paid the bill had it re-connected the same day, so what's the problem.

The problem is not with the Electric Company, it's with the bank, they did not pay as directed.

Things to check, Did your wife make the arrangements and have them checked while she was there to make sure it was placed on the computer. Or if you are with the Bangkok Bank they give you a code and you put the periodic payments on the computer yourself, did you do this.

Also the guy's sent to disconnect the power are told to disconnect due to non payment of bill. They do not have to ring your door bell and tell you, as they are following instructions. They also do not have any authority to collect any cash for unpaid bills as they don't carry receipt books.

Stop Winging. :)

Edited by OZEMADE
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And I forgot, give your misse's a smack around the melon for getting it wrong. :D

Mate you talk and write like a true As$hole.....

Didn't your family ever take you out in public....???

The guy had his electric turned off.....

The bill wasn't shown , or marked as paid thru a fault somewhere.

There is a problem and it seems to be a fault of the bank

It would not be beyond reasonable expection for a utility company to either call or notify in some form that the bill was unpaid. This is done in all parts of the civilized world...... Maybe your part of the outback is not yet civilized or maybe your family hut didn't have electric.... but in any event there is no call for you to come out like such as a$$ !

A mistake was made and from a company standpoint it would just make good sense to try and provide some reasonable satisfaction to any and all customer complaints... thats just good business practice ..

I wonder how calm and collected you would be if the shoe was on the other foot, and it was you.

Now either you're trying to troll, to flame or are just an backwoods a$$ ... Try posting in a civil manner and while sober.....

you'll get along a lot better


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Complain like you have never complained before!!!

This attitude of 'you're in Thailand now so forget it', is utterly stupid. Disregarding the fact that electrical power in Thailand is a monopoly, the provider is bound by a contract.

If it was your bank that was at fault, complain bitterly to them as well.

The more people who can stand up on their hind legs, the better service will become.

The safety of the electrical system is something that really needs to be barraged with complaints. Sadly, someone only complains when someone dies. If Thais are involved, they may not complain at all, thus perpetuating the unacceptable situation.

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And I forgot, give your misse's a smack around the melon for getting it wrong. :)

Mate you talk and write like a true As$hole.....

Well Gonzo, Thank you. It's heartening to find that there are still a few educated and civilised people to be found on these fora.

Frankly, TV is gradually degenerating into a cyberspace school playground where the low-life yobs hang around in the corners looking for some passing victim to bully. Such corner-boys bring nothing of any value to the discussion and their pseudo philosophical outbursts of cynicism only serve to emphasise the fact that they have nothing worth saying - and certainly nothing worth paying attention to. Such spurious and meaningless postings just muddy the intellectual waters on this forum, despoiling for everyone what could otherwise be a very valuable interactive learning resource. Their puerile pursuit of displaying their pitiful lack of manners and prowess tells us much about their pedigree.

Gonzo, do you think these same people would dare to be so rude and hypercritical to one's face in a public place? Now there's a topic perhaps worth floating on the fora eh?

I wonder how many members actually abandon TV altogether, having become bored with such laddish behaviour?

Next time I'm seeking some reliable advice on an issue I'll know where not to come.

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The bill didn't get paid. You got cut off. You are looking for someone to blame. The guys that fulfill the workorders to cut power are not collection agents. You haven't trimmed your bushes :)

Quit crying about it and make even better arrangements next time. Still, like all people in all places, you will be subject to Murphy's Law.

quick edit----

PS I'd tell you the same thing to your face since the reality of the situation would not have changed :D

Edited by jdinasia
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The bill didn't get paid. You got cut off. You are looking for someone to blame. The guys that fulfill the workorders to cut power are not collection agents. You haven't trimmed your bushes :)

Quit crying about it and make even better arrangements next time. Still, like all people in all places, you will be subject to Murphy's Law.

quick edit----

PS I'd tell you the same thing to your face since the reality of the situation would not have changed :D

I think you'll discover that I did say the foliage belonged to a neighbour. That's the reality of the situation - yes?

Always make sure you understand the posting before trying to be smart.

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Plenty of folks rushing in to say "it's the banks fault, blame them". We also have (or are meant to have) a direct debit facility with the electric co. I forget how many times we have had to drive to their office to pay to avoid being cut off and to try to sort out what went wrong. Now we simply assume that the debit won't work and pay manually and/or monitor our bank account. I think we may have had the power cut off too once ot twice, but they did leave a note I think. Yes they blamed it on the bank and yes the bank blamed it on them (and showed us the paperwork to support their story). The next time it happened, same thing. Now we just let it wash. Complain once or twice if it makes you feel better, but that's the way it 'works' for now.

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