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PM Abhisit Questions Thaksin's Role As Leader Of 'Class War'


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Abhisit questions Thaksin's role as leader of 'class war'


BANGKOK: -- Prime Minister Abhisit Vejjajiva yesterday questioned fugitive ex-premier Thaksin Shinawatra's self-proclaimed role as leader of the "lowly peasants" in the red shirts' class war.

"Thailand no longer has social classes called ammart and phrai. People are equal under the Constitution although they have unequal opportunities," the premier told TV Channel 5, referring to the terms used by Thaksin and his red-shirt supporters.

Under the old absolute monarchy, ammart was used refer to bureaucrats and phrai to commoners.

"Is Thaksin an ammart or a phrai? He was prime minister and super-rich. Over the five years Khun Thaksin was prime minister, the country saw public debts increase twofold while his wealth rose twofold.

Inequality is normal in any society, but it should not be used to incite hatred in society," Abhisit said.

He said he had seen contrasting photos in a newspaper of protesters sleeping on the road and of Thaksin and his children in a foreign country.

"It's the duty of every government to solve the chronic problem of social inequality. But it is not easy. My government is also trying to solve the problem," Abhisit said.

The premier asked whether Thaksin had tried to solve the problem of inequality between ammart and phrai while serving as prime minister between 2001 and 2006.

Abhisit said that in addition to implementing policies aimed at reducing economic gaps between people in society, his government is pushing for the introduction of the country's first land and property tax.

"This can help reduce the gap between people who have large amounts of land and those who have no land at all," he added.

Thaksin did not respond directly to Abhisit but said in his video-link to his supporters last night that he had been asked by Bangkokians not to use the word phrai.

"May I ask the core leaders of the red shirts that because people in Bangkok don't like the word, can we change to call ourselves 'ordinary citizens' instead," he said.

He explained that the term phrai was used in feudal society to refer to peasants, as opposed to the "nobles" and "blue bloods".

The ex-PM urged the nation's aristocrats to give justice to the people and not to please only one side but to love both sides - yellow and red - equally.

"The reds and yellows at the beginning emerged from a minor conflict, but now the divide is so deep because the aristocrats have a bias against one side," he said.

"One side can violate the law while the other never receives justice," he said.

Such prejudice will never solve the problem, but will create more red-shirted people, he said. "The red-shirted people will never become extinct," he said.

"Don't think I have a lot of money [to hire them]; you have robbed me of Bt40 billion," he said. "I have earned money because I have a brain - and my brain is useful, not dangerous."


-- The Nation 2010-03-20


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Abhisit's doing great. Hard to do good in this environment, politically or economically. Thaksin saying "you" robbed me of 40M Baht. Ha! More like he robbed it from the citizens of Thailand...he did earn money because he has a brain. He is dang smart. Too bad he opted to use corruption to enhance his wealth instead of good ol' business logic...not so smart after all I guess? Can't wait until he fades away...

Edited by craigt3365
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Dr. Taksin is quoted in The Nation today, "I apologise to the people of Bangkok for the traffic congestion but it would never ease until the red shirts win and I will return to solve the problem with sufficient subways and trains,"

Clearly this demonstration is not about democracy, rights for the poor, or anythin but returning Taksin to power. There are lots of poor (most working two jobs) in Bankok who are being hurt, needlessly, because of curtailled retail. If it slows down enough, many may be made redundant. They are not getting money handouts to participate in this charade. If the cause truely were democracy and/or rights of the poor, it would be acceptable but it's not.

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Hmmmm.... far too much Red, Yellow, Mr. T, Mr. A, etc. I think Mr. A is right and if i were him, I would use Mr. T's strategy and introduce a new National Plan to stop this issue. Here is my plan:

They took about 4.6B baht from Mr. T. That is 1000 X 1,000,000B. There are 60 M ID card carrying Thais. Pass a law that says the money that is taken from the people must be used to help the people. Tell the people that they will get 1,000,000 B from the government because of Mr. T's dishonesty. That is only 1.3% of the money that they took from mr. T. But of course there are strings attached. The money is paid out over 5 years. The reciepent of the money must sign an enforceable document that states the following:

1. They love HM the King

2. They love Thialand

3. They believe and agree that the Supreme Courts decision was right, fair and just.

4. They believe and agree that Mr. T was fairly convicted.

5. They will not partake in any protests or demonstrations related to this issue for a period of 5 years.

So you give them the money over 5 years. They show up with their ID card and get the money. This Plan brings stability to the country. Ends the issue. And gives a huge stimulus to the economy. Not to mention that the governmetn is only using 1.3% of the windfall free money. If they break the agreement then they must return all of the money with interest.

Too simple....... and we do not have to read any more about this stuff! Hihihihihihihi .... Cheers

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"Thaksin did not respond directly to Abhisit..."

No big surprise there. What's he going to say to contradict him? Hard to do when Abhisit comes out with facts about the economies of Thailand and the Thaksin clan during his reign. And I'd love to hear Thaksin explain why he's not sleeping outside, eating somtom and crapping in a portapotty to show solidarity with his supporters. And Abhisit is right- what country does not have economic inequality? Even social democracies have it. I guess we could come up with nation's that have had plans to do away with classes - Russia under Stalin, China under Mao, Cambodia under Pol Pot, Zimbabwe under Mugabe. Yeah, those worked out well.

Edited by Netfan
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Prime Minister Abhisit Vejjajiva yesterday questioned fugitive ex-premier Thaksin Shinawatra's self-proclaimed role as leader of the "lowly peasants" in the red shirts' class war.

The yellows should have been making this point from the very beginning.

Thaksin is a billionaire. With a "b".

Scratch that. That's billionaire with a capital "B".

It's ridiculous that he is trying to come off as the defender of the poor and downtrodden. If he cared so much about the poor in Thailand, why didn't he donate a significant portion of his vast fortune when he first entered office?

A few billion of his own money for schools in Isaan. Another few billion for hospitals. A few billion more for taking care of senior citizens and infants. And how about a bit of job training for those in their 20s and 30s.

If he'd done these things then maybe he'd come off as more credible in this role he's trying to play. And by the way, he'd still be a billionaire.

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Wll my question i

How do you classify one class from another

If you drive and old ute or a mothor bike you are poorer class

If you drive a Mercedes, a Bmw Porche or a Jaguar you are elite

but what if you have a new 2010 new Ute,

When will people red shirts attack and pick on be decided on what you drive

I can see this can get out of hand very quickly

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If it wasn't for the media, I would never know anything is happening in Bangkok. Life in Chiang Mai seems as normal as always.

Same everywhere other than Bangkok. Love the city, but glad I don't live there right now!

Just saw the Aljazeera interview of Abhisit. I have seen him on TV before, but only when speaking Thai. His English is perfect, though he does have a bit of that funny English accent. Just kidding!

Definitely a smart man. Easy going, cool, great answers. Not like the rants of Thaksin. He threw the class war back in Thaksin's face, calling him an elite also. And asking why he wasn't here sleeping on the streets with his followers? The interviewer asked if he promised security for Thaksin if he came back. Abhisit said yes, but he would have to go to jail and serve his term out. Guess Thaksin's ego is too large for that...or he would miss his coffee and cake while lounging in Montenegro...guess I can't really blame him on that one!

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I may be wrong but wasn't it the Democrats or their supporters that said the votes

from the poor people of Thailand in an election should only be worth half a vote because

they are uneducated. Can't remember the exact wording so don't jump down my throat.

This doesn't sound like equality to me.

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If it wasn't for the media, I would never know anything is happening in Bangkok. Life in Chiang Mai seems as normal as always.

Same everywhere other than Bangkok. Love the city, but glad I don't live there right now!

Just saw the Aljazeera interview of Abhisit. I have seen him on TV before, but only when speaking Thai. His English is perfect, though he does have a bit of that funny English accent. Just kidding!

Definitely a smart man. Easy going, cool, great answers. Not like the rants of Thaksin. He threw the class war back in Thaksin's face, calling him an elite also. And asking why he wasn't here sleeping on the streets with his followers? The interviewer asked if he promised security for Thaksin if he came back. Abhisit said yes, but he would have to go to jail and serve his term out. Guess Thaksin's ego is too large for that...or he would miss his coffee and cake while lounging in Montenegro...guess I can't really blame him on that one!

If you were brought up in Eton college, you would probably have a funny English accent also.

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I may be wrong but wasn't it the Democrats or their supporters that said the votes

from the poor people of Thailand in an election should only be worth half a vote because

they are uneducated. Can't remember the exact wording so don't jump down my throat.

This doesn't sound like equality to me.

You are wrong. Perhaps you should find out facts before posting misinformation.

Edited by way2muchcoffee
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Wll my question i

How do you classify one class from another

If you drive and old ute or a mothor bike you are poorer class

If you drive a Mercedes, a Bmw Porche or a Jaguar you are elite

but what if you have a new 2010 new Ute,

When will people red shirts attack and pick on be decided on what you drive

I can see this can get out of hand very quickly

I hope it doesn't get out of hand. So far the Red Shirts have proven most people on this forum wrong

and have kept their demo peaceful. I think that they should be commended for this as it wouldn't be easy

to control a large group who must be getting edgy by now.

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I may be wrong but wasn't it the Democrats or their supporters that said the votes

from the poor people of Thailand in an election should only be worth half a vote because

they are uneducated. Can't remember the exact wording so don't jump down my throat.

This doesn't sound like equality to me.

You are wrong. Perhaps you should find out facts before posting misinformation.

Somebody just jumped down your throat despite your plea!

But you are partly right.The Peoples Alliance for Democracy (PAD) which was courted and supported by many Democrat politicians did have a policy of functional voting which would have undermined the one man vote vote principle, and thereby the political power of Thailand's rural majority.The PAD has now backed away from this policy partly because it was too crude but also because more subtle ways were found by the elite of frustrating the majority will.

Edited by jayboy
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I may be wrong but wasn't it the Democrats or their supporters that said the votes

from the poor people of Thailand in an election should only be worth half a vote because

they are uneducated. Can't remember the exact wording so don't jump down my throat.

This doesn't sound like equality to me.

You are wrong. Perhaps you should find out facts before posting misinformation.

seeing as I am wrong perhaps you could correct me as to

who said this.

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I may be wrong but wasn't it the Democrats or their supporters that said the votes

from the poor people of Thailand in an election should only be worth half a vote because

they are uneducated. Can't remember the exact wording so don't jump down my throat.

This doesn't sound like equality to me.

You are wrong. Perhaps you should find out facts before posting misinformation.

seeing as I am wrong perhaps you could correct me as to

who said this.

Jayboy just did.

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Wll my question i

How do you classify one class from another

If you drive and old ute or a mothor bike you are poorer class

If you drive a Mercedes, a Bmw Porche or a Jaguar you are elite

but what if you have a new 2010 new Ute,

When will people red shirts attack and pick on be decided on what you drive

I can see this can get out of hand very quickly

I hope it doesn't get out of hand. So far the Red Shirts have proven most people on this forum wrong

and have kept their demo peaceful. I think that they should be commended for this as it wouldn't be easy

to control a large group who must be getting edgy by now.

It has been relatively peaceful. A few grenades, a moltov cocktail, but that is about it. So yes, they should be congratulated. Not all the leaders were supportive of this peaceful policy, as you well know...time will tell if this will continue?

The real problem is the massive disruption of life in Bangkok. We watched TV a few nights ago and they interviewed people whose businesses are really hurting. We're talking about very poor people who are just trying to make a living. Hotel rooms are vacant and even beer sales are down! Great! More for me! But I bet a lot of folks will be glad when this is all over....

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I may be wrong but wasn't it the Democrats or their supporters that said the votes

from the poor people of Thailand in an election should only be worth half a vote because

they are uneducated. Can't remember the exact wording so don't jump down my throat.

This doesn't sound like equality to me.

You are wrong. Perhaps you should find out facts before posting misinformation.

seeing as I am wrong perhaps you could correct me as to

who said this.

You did.

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I may be wrong but wasn't it the Democrats or their supporters that said the votes

from the poor people of Thailand in an election should only be worth half a vote because

they are uneducated. Can't remember the exact wording so don't jump down my throat.

This doesn't sound like equality to me.

You are wrong. Perhaps you should find out facts before posting misinformation.

Yes You are right, it was PAD. "However, the public has grown weary of the PAD and support has been dwindling. Their name is misleading as they want to end democracy and have officials appointed by profession and social group. This would return power back to them and away from rural populace, who they deem to ignorant to understand the issues". I am still trying to find the half vote reference

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Abhisit's doing great. Hard to do good in this environment, politically or economically. Thaksin saying "you" robbed me of 40M Baht. Ha! More like he robbed it from the citizens of Thailand...he did earn money because he has a brain. He is dang smart. Too bad he opted to use corruption to enhance his wealth instead of good ol' business logic...not so smart after all I guess? Can't wait until he fades away...

My Thai wife tells me and so does what I have read, that Thaskin made his money BEFORE entering parliament fom companies he owned. I believe he sold a brewery to Singapore (Tiger Lager ??? ) and also a telecommunications company.

Don't know if what i have read is fact or fiction tho

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Dr. Taksin is quoted in The Nation today, "I apologise to the people of Bangkok for the traffic congestion but it would never ease until the red shirts win and I will return to solve the problem with sufficient subways and trains,"

Clearly this demonstration is not about democracy, rights for the poor, or anythin but returning Taksin to power. There are lots of poor (most working two jobs) in Bankok who are being hurt, needlessly, because of curtailled retail. If it slows down enough, many may be made redundant. They are not getting money handouts to participate in this charade. If the cause truely were democracy and/or rights of the poor, it would be acceptable but it's not.

The red shirts on this forum will tell you it isn't about Thaksin. Does anyone actually believe that? No

Now Thaksin is promising to deliver for the people of Bangkok. Thay tend to be a LOT more sophisticated than his average supporter and surely will not buy into his lies.

In his interview with TV Channel 9 last night, the prime minister said there were several demands from the Thaksin camp. For example, Thaksin's legal adviser Noppadon Pattama said he wanted an amnesty for the former premier.

yeah --- this rally isn't about Thaksin ...... *cough*

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Yes You are right, it was PAD. "However, the public has grown weary of the PAD and support has been dwindling. Their name is misleading as they want to end democracy and have officials appointed by profession and social group. This would return power back to them and away from rural populace, who they deem to ignorant to understand the issues". I am still trying to find the half vote reference

I've not heard of the 'half-vote' idea before. I am aware of the idea floated by PAD for appointed legislators and was thinking that you were referring to that in your post. If you do find a source or reference for the half vote idea please post it. More information is always a good thing, especially if it challenges entrenched views.

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I may be wrong but wasn't it the Democrats or their supporters that said the votes

from the poor people of Thailand in an election should only be worth half a vote because

they are uneducated. Can't remember the exact wording so don't jump down my throat.

This doesn't sound like equality to me.

Hey you ARE correct (in that you said you may be wrong. Not only did the Democrats not say that ... nobody said that.

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"He said he had seen contrasting photos in a newspaper of protesters sleeping on the road and of Thaksin and his children in a foreign country."

isn't that your typical dumbnut class warrior rhetoric?

and it seems to be the quintessence and sole argument here.

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Hmmmm.... far too much Red, Yellow, Mr. T, Mr. A, etc. I think Mr. A is right and if i were him, I would use Mr. T's strategy and introduce a new National Plan to stop this issue. Here is my plan:

They took about 4.6B baht from Mr. T. That is 1000 X 1,000,000B. There are 60 M ID card carrying Thais. Pass a law that says the money that is taken from the people must be used to help the people. Tell the people that they will get 1,000,000 B from the government because of Mr. T's dishonesty. That is only 1.3% of the money that they took from mr. T. But of course there are strings attached. The money is paid out over 5 years. The reciepent of the money must sign an enforceable document that states the following:

1. They love HM the King

2. They love Thialand

3. They believe and agree that the Supreme Courts decision was right, fair and just.

4. They believe and agree that Mr. T was fairly convicted.

5. They will not partake in any protests or demonstrations related to this issue for a period of 5 years.

So you give them the money over 5 years. They show up with their ID card and get the money. This Plan brings stability to the country. Ends the issue. And gives a huge stimulus to the economy. Not to mention that the governmetn is only using 1.3% of the windfall free money. If they break the agreement then they must return all of the money with interest.

Too simple....... and we do not have to read any more about this stuff! Hihihihihihihi .... Cheers

They took 40billions from Thaksin not 4.6, anyway 4.6billions is not 1000x1,000,000 and if you give 1,000,000 to each of the 60million people you can't make it with 40billions (1.3% where it come from?) you need 60 trillions or 60,000,000,000,000. If you distribute 40b to 60m people more likely you can give something less than 6700 thb each.

Edited by aeon
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