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The Effect Of Hr 3200 (us Health Care Bill) On Expat Americans

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Let's see what happens over the next few weeks to months before we start worrying or not worrying about how it affects expats.

dam_n...I should have started a thread that said, "What the hel_l do you think of Healthcare, Obamba, and US foreign policy?"

But if you took a second and read the original post (which you probably didn't), all it said was that as an expat American, you will not be required to pay into a government mandated health insurance system that you don't need here in Thailand -- and -- you won't be penalized for not having that "mandated" insurance.

Personally, I'm pretty happy about that because I'd rather have 2.5% of my gross income (or a flat rate $625) going to pay for the health insurance that I do purchase here in Thailand. And by the way...I've never had to use the insurance because I can afford to pay for 95% of my medical expenses out-of-pocket here in the LOS. You can't do that in Amereica.

Like most over-opinionated Americans, everyone seems to have unshakable core beliefs about everything under the sun without ever researching facts. I took the time to read the bill and cross-reference the IRS code. What did you all do??? -- Listen to some talking head on Fox News that looked more like a cheap Las Vegas hooker than a news anchor??? Give me a break...

Now, go back to talking about whatever B***S*** you want to...I'm outta here!

What a box of rocks.

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The right wing whackos grew up with socialist teachers, socialist highways and bridges to drive on, had police and fire protection and never called these things socialist communist takeovers. Absolutely no reason why America cannot have health care also for it's citizens as all the rest of the modern world has. Watch Michael Moore's "Sicko". Although the whackos can never be convinced it is good viewing.

If you support socialized medicin, since (to borrow MSNBC's Keith Olbermann words) "everyone has the right to live", why not socialize food. Surely that must be the the true 'right to live'?

And nothing is ever free. You are paying. Dearly.

Silly argument. The USA has had socialized food for decades now. It is called FOOD STAMPS. There is so much food in the US, it is actually good for the food business to have it. If only medical care in the US were as cheap as food, this wouldn't even be worth discussing.

we also have subsidized farming

Let's see what happens over the next few weeks to months before we start worrying or not worrying about how it affects expats.

dam_n...I should have started a thread that said, "What the hel_l do you think of Healthcare, Obamba, and US foreign policy?"

But if you took a second and read the original post (which you probably didn't), all it said was that as an expat American, you will not be required to pay into a government mandated health insurance system that you don't need here in Thailand -- and -- you won't be penalized for not having that "mandated" insurance.

Personally, I'm pretty happy about that because I'd rather have 2.5% of my gross income (or a flat rate $625) going to pay for the health insurance that I do purchase here in Thailand. And by the way...I've never had to use the insurance because I can afford to pay for 95% of my medical expenses out-of-pocket here in the LOS. You can't do that in Amereica.

Like most over-opinionated Americans, everyone seems to have unshakable core beliefs about everything under the sun without ever researching facts. I took the time to read the bill and cross-reference the IRS code. What did you all do??? -- Listen to some talking head on Fox News that looked more like a cheap Las Vegas hooker than a news anchor??? Give me a break...

Now, go back to talking about whatever B***S*** you want to...I'm outta here!

What a box of rocks.

Easy now, I thought your post was well written..... and I never watch Fox news, but now that I know they have a Vegas hooker reporting the news.... I just may have to make time for some "Fox" watching.

It is true. Obama has been challenged and he has shown real Profiles in Courage. Many had written him off as too diplomatic, but now he has emerged as a strong leader. His base has been reinspired, I predict two terms.

Oh pul-eeze! Forcing Americans to buy insurance (many of whom could not afford to do so in the first place) or penalize them, is not quite the umbrella of health care that is world-standard in civilized countries. Heck, I'd even be happy with a 30-baht scheme!

Now that we've canonized this new American Saint, can we go on to the 500+ other campaign promises he's broken or not fulfilled? Just to list a few....

Political Hiring: In an executive order issued on Obama’s first day in office, he agreed "that any hiring or other employment decisions I make will be based on the candidate's qualifications, competence, and experience." It is too soon to tell. However, preference in the first rounds of hiring have gone to people who worked on the Obama presidential campaign.

Taxes: A great applause line on the campaign trail was a constantly repeated Obama pledge to abolish the income tax for seniors making under $50,000. So far, the plan has not surfaced in any legislative or policy proposal.

Guantanamo: Obama pledged to close the detention facility at Guantanamo. On Jan. 22, his second day in office, he issued an executive order ordering Guantanamo closed in a year. Waiting, waiting, waiting....

Pork-barreling: No Earmarks (Pork-Barreling) in the Budget or any bills

Lobbyists: No Lobbyist in the White House

Bank Bail Out: Failure to Demand and Receive a full accounting of the disbursement of the 700 Billion Dollars in Bank Bail Out Money

The War: Bring home troops in 16 months; waiting, waiting, waiting....

'Sunlight Before Signing': When Obama campaigned for the Democratic presidential nomination in Manchester, N.H., on June 22, 2007, he announced his "Sunlight Before Signing" promise."When there is a bill that ends up on my desk as the president, you the public will have five days to look online and find out what's in it before I sign it," he said. He repeated that promise on his campaign website:"Too often bills are rushed through Congress and to the president before the public has the opportunity to review them. As president, Obama will not sign any non-emergency bill without giving the American public an opportunity to review and comment on the White House website for five days."

  • However, Obama signed his first bill, the Lilly Ledbetter Fair Pay Restoration Act, on Jan. 20 – only two days after its passage.

  • He signed a second bill expanding the State Children's Health Insurance Program just three hours after Congress passed it.

  • Again, on Feb. 17, Obama signed his 1,000-page $787 billion stimulus aimed at jolting the declining U.S. economy. He did so only one business day after it passed through Congress – without allowing for five days of public comment.

Support human mission to moon by 2020: The Promise:Will "endorse the goal of sending human missions to the Moon by 2020, as a precursor in an orderly progression to missions to more distant destinations, including Mars." Update February 15th, 2010: Obama budget abandons moon-by-2020 goal






Politics: same, same :)

Do u think palin and her pom poms would have done a better job?

he is bringing the troops home from Iraq

He is increasing the numbers in Afghanistan...

Which is how it should have been in the first place.

It will impact me by making me donate more money to Obama. The best thing to happen to America since the Internet.

Wait wait wait, weren't you just bemoaning other people with low salaries as being trash? Such as English teachers an janitors? Yet you are OK with this bill.


Quantity health care or quality (private) health care, but not both. Else why Canadians go to USA hospitals and Brits go to Thailand?


Well I guess I should be happy than I can save a little money from not having to pay this bill. After all I just got done paying over 4,000 USD in taxes this year. As for the bill I truly hope something will help fix our nation of the broken health care system.

Health care is not "free" anyplace in the world, people pay tax and receive health care, not exactly free. Health care is a good thing but eventually Americans will have to live within their means, a lot of spending reduction is in order. In theory this might help but it's not nearly enough.

How can people live within their means when a simple visit to the doctor can cripple you financially?

Let's see what happens over the next few weeks to months before we start worrying or not worrying about how it affects expats.

dam_n...I should have started a thread that said, "What the hel_l do you think of Healthcare, Obamba, and US foreign policy?"

But if you took a second and read the original post (which you probably didn't), all it said was that as an expat American, you will not be required to pay into a government mandated health insurance system that you don't need here in Thailand -- and -- you won't be penalized for not having that "mandated" insurance.

Personally, I'm pretty happy about that because I'd rather have 2.5% of my gross income (or a flat rate $625) going to pay for the health insurance that I do purchase here in Thailand. And by the way...I've never had to use the insurance because I can afford to pay for 95% of my medical expenses out-of-pocket here in the LOS. You can't do that in Amereica.

Like most over-opinionated Americans, everyone seems to have unshakable core beliefs about everything under the sun without ever researching facts. I took the time to read the bill and cross-reference the IRS code. What did you all do??? -- Listen to some talking head on Fox News that looked more like a cheap Las Vegas hooker than a news anchor??? Give me a break...

Now, go back to talking about whatever B***S*** you want to...I'm outta here!

What a box of rocks.

One foxy chick

Easy now, I thought your post was well written..... and I never watch Fox news, but now that I know they have a Vegas hooker reporting the news.... I just may have to make time for some "Fox" watching.

Health care is not "free" anyplace in the world, people pay tax and receive health care, not exactly free. Health care is a good thing but eventually Americans will have to live within their means, a lot of spending reduction is in order. In theory this might help but it's not nearly enough.

How can people live within their means when a simple visit to the doctor can cripple you financially?

A "simple" visit will not break you...it's the big one that will. My friends pay $800 per month for insurance...with a large deductible. He is an independent real estate agent in California and his wife is on the plan. That is BIG money. But, if you have a heart issue, you can be out $150k or more for surgery, etc. As an independent patient, you have no ability to negotiate with the hospital regarding the bills. Big insurance companies do that for their customers, and typically reduce the bills a significant amount.

I live outside the US for most of the year, but not all. So can't really afford insurance there. I go without. If I have an ear ache (I get swimmers ear on a regular basis) I have to pay at least $80 to see a doc so I can get a $25 script to cure it at the pharmacy. You have to have a doc's approval to get any meds in the US.

Will this new system work? Who knows...but I sure hope they get it right!


I was in the hospital once in my life in the US. It was three days which including one nuclear medicine test. Nothing serious was found. There was no surgery. The bill to my insurance company was 55,000 dollars. My insurance supposedly covered almost everything. But they played all kinds of games so I ended up having to pay 5,000 dollars or my credit would have destroyed. Enough people have experiences like that and you realize the status quo was NOT acceptable.

There is a major flaw in the new law. There is not enough incentive to buy insurance for most people. The incentive is to go without and buy it if you get sick, and pay the penalty instead. I predict that is the change path, increasing the penalty/incentives to basically force people to participate. Of course single payer would have solved that ...

I was in the hospital once in my life in the US. It was three days which including one nuclear medicine test. Nothing serious was found. There was no surgery. The bill to my insurance company was 55,000 dollars. My insurance supposedly covered almost everything. But they played all kinds of games so I ended up having to pay 5,000 dollars or my credit would have destroyed. Enough people have experiences like that and you realize the status quo was NOT acceptable.

There is a major flaw in the new law. There is not enough incentive to buy insurance for most people. The incentive is to go without and buy it if you get sick, and pay the penalty instead. I predict that is the change path, increasing the penalty/incentives to basically force people to participate. Of course single payer would have solved that ...

I had a friend many years ago who was hit by a drunk driver. He was messed up big time. Spent the next 10 years paying off his medical bills. They were astronomical.

I spent the past 5 years helping my very sick father. Pace makers, heart bypass, cancer, etc. He had a government health policy, so 100% coverage. But the bills were just crazy. Without insurance he would have been dead years ago.

But, if you have a heart issue, you can be out $150k or more for surgery, etc.

and the way it works up til now, if you have insurance, most anything can be denied payment due to 'pre-existing

condition.' otherwise can be denied as non-critical. but only until you die. i recently needed a heart valve

replacement, insurance wouldn't cover it as it wasn't 'emergent.' despite the heart catheter showing the valve

opening had shrunk from 2.0 cm (standard 3/4" water pipe) to 0.6 cm (mcdonald's drinking straw), which is

considered critical. no way could afford the $150,000 price tag, so had the surgery in india for $10,000, including

round-trip airfare and two weeks at a beach resort. file a claim with the insurance company? yeah, right.


they don't cover cosmetic surgery.


do you people realize its not about healthcare reform

its about controlling the people, they even said it. marxists believe if you control healthcare you well on your way of utopia(whayever that is).

obama believes in REDISTRIBUTION of wealth, said it many times.


the knowledgeable in europe and canada cant stop laughing, thinking why americans want their healthcare system.


It is about increasing health care access equality. If Castro likes it, lets just say, he isn't always wrong. I am sick of these red baiting fear smears.

He stopped the space program for one, he is closing Wantanamo, he is bringing the troops home from Iraq, he is reducing the Neuclear arms and wont make any more and a lot more things he is stopping. So I reckon he will save Trillions in the finish.

Sorry about the spelling.

I think he is doing a great job at present, hope he keeps it up.

Well he used the closing of Gitmo as a campaign promise & has yet to deliver...Not that it would so much as nick the cost of this ...

As for Iraq...While he brings home a few troops how many private contractors are sent in to replace them at much higher cost than the military?

Reducing Nukes? Or just not making anymore? How many does one need?

In any case those few misconceptions even if they were true do not trillions make. :)


If you are American, as I am, you might realize that the Constitution does not include Health Care. The government has no business or authority to spend taxpayer money on Health Care. How they got it through Congress is just a testament to the dishonesty of most of the Democratic party. The HC bill is not about HC, it is about Union jobs, specifically the SEIU.

http://www.cnsnews.com/news/print/61988 (Just a link about Obama and the SEIU President)

My view is that probably 90% of the cost (into the trillions for HC) will be wasted, and oh by the way, this is money that we (America) do not have, we are borrowing it.

Unions and Lawyers are in my view, the chief offenders in making America non competitive in the global economy.

I'm sure this post will generate lots of feedback but that is not my intention. I just want to point out the real reasons for the HC bill mess.

My view is that if you are in America and you are poor, there is only one reason. People are risking their lives every day to get into America, from China, Mexico, and lots of other places. And guess what, when they get there they work and earn their own money. Their kids are fully assimilated. But still plenty of people in the US can't seem to get their lives together to get a job and organize their lives. That is what alot of people don't realize is that the number of poor people in the US is so great, that it makes it hard to compare to other 1st world nations. These are the people that Obama is catering to, non productive citizens who are wasting the opportunity of living in America.


"Guantanamo: Obama pledged to close the detention facility at Guantanamo. On Jan. 22, his second day in office, he issued an executive order ordering Guantanamo closed in a year. Waiting, waiting, waiting...."

In case you forgot, the teabaggers wanted Gitmo to close, and Obama supported it. The teabaggers then declared that it was wrong to close Gitmo, and they prevented the senate from providing funds to close Gitmo.

"Pork-barreling: No Earmarks (Pork-Barreling) in the Budget or any bills"

Adding pork to bills has been in American politics for more than a hundred years - it was not initiated by Obama. When Bill Clinton tried a line-item veto - removing all pork - the teabaggers complained, claiming that the democratic president was doing something unconstitutional.

If you are American, as I am, you might realize that the Constitution does not include Health Care.

Right you are, mate!

Also not in the constitution ---

the laws requiring youths to attend school

the IRS

social security

Medicare (which is universal health care but only for elders)

and now Obama health care reform.

These things were done by LEGISLATION, 100 percent legal under the constitution.

Strict 100 percent constitutionalists are actually radical nativist libertarians in the tradition of the John Birch society and the KKK. Yes, fringe right wing, usually racists, radicals. You can fight for these radical ideas, that is your right. But don't expect to win easily.

If you are American, as I am, you might realize that the Constitution does not include Health Care. The government has no business or authority to spend taxpayer money on Health Care. How they got it through Congress is just a testament to the dishonesty of most of the Democratic party. The HC bill is not about HC, it is about Union jobs, specifically the SEIU.

http://www.cnsnews.com/news/print/61988 (Just a link about Obama and the SEIU President)

My view is that probably 90% of the cost (into the trillions for HC) will be wasted, and oh by the way, this is money that we (America) do not have, we are borrowing it.

Unions and Lawyers are in my view, the chief offenders in making America non competitive in the global economy.

I'm sure this post will generate lots of feedback but that is not my intention. I just want to point out the real reasons for the HC bill mess.

My view is that if you are in America and you are poor, there is only one reason. People are risking their lives every day to get into America, from China, Mexico, and lots of other places. And guess what, when they get there they work and earn their own money. Their kids are fully assimilated. But still plenty of people in the US can't seem to get their lives together to get a job and organize their lives. That is what alot of people don't realize is that the number of poor people in the US is so great, that it makes it hard to compare to other 1st world nations. These are the people that Obama is catering to, non productive citizens who are wasting the opportunity of living in America.

My favorite joke is: "what is sad about a 50 seat bus with 49 lawyers going over a cliff?" The answer: "there was one seat empty..."

I use to work the convention business. Dealing with the various unions was absolutely horrible. Ridiculous.

Wifey, upon living in the US for quite a few years, found out the poor in the US are in much worse shape than the poor here. At least here, you own some land and can grow food. In the US, you live in a crappy single wide waiting for your next welfare stamps.

It is true. Obama has been challenged and he has shown real Profiles in Courage. Many had written him off as too diplomatic, but now he has emerged as a strong leader. His base has been reinspired, I predict two terms.

Oh pul-eeze! Forcing Americans to buy insurance (many of whom could not afford to do so in the first place) or penalize them, is not quite the umbrella of health care that is world-standard in civilized countries. Heck, I'd even be happy with a 30-baht scheme!

Now that we've canonized this new American Saint, can we go on to the 500+ other campaign promises he's broken or not fulfilled? Just to list a few....

Political Hiring: In an executive order issued on Obama's first day in office, he agreed "that any hiring or other employment decisions I make will be based on the candidate's qualifications, competence, and experience." It is too soon to tell. However, preference in the first rounds of hiring have gone to people who worked on the Obama presidential campaign.

Taxes: A great applause line on the campaign trail was a constantly repeated Obama pledge to abolish the income tax for seniors making under $50,000. So far, the plan has not surfaced in any legislative or policy proposal.

Guantanamo: Obama pledged to close the detention facility at Guantanamo. On Jan. 22, his second day in office, he issued an executive order ordering Guantanamo closed in a year. Waiting, waiting, waiting....

Pork-barreling: No Earmarks (Pork-Barreling) in the Budget or any bills

Lobbyists: No Lobbyist in the White House

Bank Bail Out: Failure to Demand and Receive a full accounting of the disbursement of the 700 Billion Dollars in Bank Bail Out Money

The War: Bring home troops in 16 months; waiting, waiting, waiting....

'Sunlight Before Signing': When Obama campaigned for the Democratic presidential nomination in Manchester, N.H., on June 22, 2007, he announced his "Sunlight Before Signing" promise."When there is a bill that ends up on my desk as the president, you the public will have five days to look online and find out what's in it before I sign it," he said. He repeated that promise on his campaign website:"Too often bills are rushed through Congress and to the president before the public has the opportunity to review them. As president, Obama will not sign any non-emergency bill without giving the American public an opportunity to review and comment on the White House website for five days."

  • However, Obama signed his first bill, the Lilly Ledbetter Fair Pay Restoration Act, on Jan. 20 – only two days after its passage.

  • He signed a second bill expanding the State Children's Health Insurance Program just three hours after Congress passed it.

  • Again, on Feb. 17, Obama signed his 1,000-page $787 billion stimulus aimed at jolting the declining U.S. economy. He did so only one business day after it passed through Congress – without allowing for five days of public comment.

Support human mission to moon by 2020: The Promise:Will "endorse the goal of sending human missions to the Moon by 2020, as a precursor in an orderly progression to missions to more distant destinations, including Mars." Update February 15th, 2010: Obama budget abandons moon-by-2020 goal






Politics: same, same :)

Do u think palin and her pom poms would have done a better job?

You gotta admit, the woman knows how to get things done....


If you are American, as I am, you might realize that the Constitution does not include Health Care. The government has no business or authority to spend taxpayer money on Health Care. How they got it through Congress is just a testament to the dishonesty of most of the Democratic party. The HC bill is not about HC, it is about Union jobs, specifically the SEIU.

http://www.cnsnews.com/news/print/61988 (Just a link about Obama and the SEIU President)

My view is that probably 90% of the cost (into the trillions for HC) will be wasted, and oh by the way, this is money that we (America) do not have, we are borrowing it.

Unions and Lawyers are in my view, the chief offenders in making America non competitive in the global economy.

I'm sure this post will generate lots of feedback but that is not my intention. I just want to point out the real reasons for the HC bill mess.

My view is that if you are in America and you are poor, there is only one reason. People are risking their lives every day to get into America, from China, Mexico, and lots of other places. And guess what, when they get there they work and earn their own money. Their kids are fully assimilated. But still plenty of people in the US can't seem to get their lives together to get a job and organize their lives. That is what alot of people don't realize is that the number of poor people in the US is so great, that it makes it hard to compare to other 1st world nations. These are the people that Obama is catering to, non productive citizens who are wasting the opportunity of living in America.

My favorite joke is: "what is sad about a 50 seat bus with 49 lawyers going over a cliff?" The answer: "there was one seat empty..."

I use to work the convention business. Dealing with the various unions was absolutely horrible. Ridiculous.

Wifey, upon living in the US for quite a few years, found out the poor in the US are in much worse shape than the poor here. At least here, you own some land and can grow food. In the US, you live in a crappy single wide waiting for your next welfare stamps.

no no no, the poor in usa have it too good! they get a lot of benefits for staying poor, theres no incentive to leave it behind.

its part of democratic strategy to keep the poor poor by giving them handouts so theylll keep voting them in.

kind of like taksin strategy of giving issanites money to gain their favor.

If you are American, as I am, you might realize that the Constitution does not include Health Care.

Right you are, mate!

Also not in the constitution ---

the laws requiring youths to attend school

the IRS

social security

Medicare (which is universal health care but only for elders)

and now Obama health care reform.

These things were done by LEGISLATION, 100 percent legal under the constitution.

Strict 100 percent constitutionalists are actually radical nativist libertarians in the tradition of the John Birch society and the KKK. Yes, fringe right wing, usually racists, radicals. You can fight for these radical ideas, that is your right. But don't expect to win easily.

you have a right to your opinions but if you say you not gonna comment anymore you should stop.

stick to your word. a man is only as good as his word :):D:D

If you are American, as I am, you might realize that the Constitution does not include Health Care.

Right you are, mate!

Also not in the constitution ---

the laws requiring youths to attend school

the IRS

social security

Medicare (which is universal health care but only for elders)

and now Obama health care reform.

And neither of those things are good for the people in the long run and none of them should be done by the government. So you just further proved the point that when politicians sidestep the intent of the constitution it is bad for the country in the long run.

These things were done by LEGISLATION, 100 percent legal under the constitution.

Strict 100 percent constitutionalists are actually radical nativist libertarians in the tradition of the John Birch society and the KKK. Yes, fringe right wing, usually racists, radicals. You can fight for these radical ideas, that is your right. But don't expect to win easily.

So now libertarians, anarchists or other groups are racists...wow, pathetic argumentation form.


Maybe some Obama loving American can explain to me why after passing a so called Health Bill the first thing he did was to employ 16,500 extra tax inspectors to check, fine and imprison those who do not pay the new insurance. Extra doctors, nurses or health workers YES but tax inspectors ?

Some health bill ! :)

The same reason they would spend over 3 million dollars to stop people from looking at your birth certificate ?


Surely if there was NO PROBLEM with it you would just show it to them ?

Personally I think you have voted yourselves into office an American Tony B-Liar.

A smooth talking shyster who promised so much but delivered NOTHING!


Maybe some Obama loving American can explain to me why after passing a so called Health Bill the first thing he did was to employ 16,500 extra tax inspectors to check, fine and imprison those who do not pay the new insurance.

would you perhaps explain in which bar you got these news and was it before or after midnight?

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