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Red Shirts Plan Intensified Protest In Bangkok : Saturday

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How dare those pesky reds do something to change THEIR country for the better, they should all just go home and continue growing crops for everyone to eat and accept that they have no voice in this country.

Just who the hel_l do they think they are? The TV farangs have spoken and we all know that the opinions of some random farangs on a forum are more important that the opinions of the Thai people that are fighting to get back what they voted for.

Round them all up I say, whip them to within an inch of their lives, the violence seen on the streets of Bangkok these past 2 weeks has been frightening, I need counselling to deal with all this violence, and I will never get over the Thai people demonstrating for what they believe in, the poor people are scum and uneducated and in fact should be kicked out of Thailand for expecting to have any rights whatsoever.

Disclaimer: I am just joining in with the usual suspects on here, they know who they are.

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I had the pleasure of the protest occupying the road outside my work last week, and the highway near my home later on. While there were certainly a lot of people it is nowhere near the number involved at the height of the yellow campaign. Not even remotely close.

Careful you'll have the whole english laguage red propaganda apparatus descend to denounce your lies. We all know they really had 76 million people on the last march and the authorities lied about the numbers.

Seriously does anyone klnow of the routes they plan to take and what disruption they plan on causing as my daugthers school has a trip to Bangkok on this weekend to the book fair.

Oh you poor thing, my daughter missed around 4 weeks school in total when the yellows laid siege to government house and the surrounding area. I think it better that they protest, I think that is more important than some book fair, don't you?

tony>> Give us a call when they present any plan on how to improve the country.

I would imagine they will continue to do what they were elected to do. While we are on the subject, nudge me when the dems actually do anything good for the country, I might miss it.

I had the pleasure of the protest occupying the road outside my work last week, and the highway near my home later on. While there were certainly a lot of people it is nowhere near the number involved at the height of the yellow campaign. Not even remotely close.

Careful you'll have the whole english laguage red propaganda apparatus descend to denounce your lies. We all know they really had 76 million people on the last march and the authorities lied about the numbers.

Seriously does anyone klnow of the routes they plan to take and what disruption they plan on causing as my daugthers school has a trip to Bangkok on this weekend to the book fair.

Oh you poor thing, my daughter missed around 4 weeks school in total when the yellows laid siege to government house and the surrounding area. I think it better that they protest, I think that is more important than some book fair, don't you?

I have no problem with them protesting. I just want to know my daugther isnt going to get caught in some planned activity in that area. Most people are getting on with their lives and not involved in this stuff. 99% plus are not involverd in the rallies or in the government. Life has to go on. Thank you for your consdieration to the democratic rights of those who choose not to be involved or are too young to be involed in this issue. We should never foregt the majority who are not involved in the either the red or yellow games. Peace. I feel for your daughter. Education is arguably more important than any deal that will be cobbled togeher or imposed by polticians of any ilk or any colour shirt.

Tomorrow is Friday 26th

D Day for Thaskin

As he did not return to Thailand and put in an appeal

Te money is now gone

and in my understanding he can never take part in Politics again in Thailand

If this is true what is the reason to keep fighting

He has lost

Opiniona please

See today's press. Think you spoke too soon.


Is Mark still hiding behind the military skirts? When will this coward leave the barracks and face the people?

Or perhaps his controllers won't let him?

Is Mark still hiding behind the military skirts? When will this coward leave the barracks and face the people?

Or perhaps his controllers won't let him?

How many politicians do you ever see fronting an opposition crowd?

Is Mark still hiding behind the military skirts? When will this coward leave the barracks and face the people?

Or perhaps his controllers won't let him?

To be fair it could equally be said about sopmeone else hiding even further away in injcreasingly interesting places. And we shouldnbt forget the complkete disappearance of the late Samak and the still vbaguely with us Somchai whenever demos came along. At least we know where Abhisit is. Maybe he hasnt reached the levels of cowardice the others did quite yet. Still.....

Anyway wouldnt want to interupt a hate filled rant with anything that might paint it in a different light.

What is needed now is level headed debate and compromise not ridiculous rhetoric filled rants and idiotic posturing linke din with utterly asinine demands from any side.


Judging by what the reds did this time last year to his car and driver when they thought he was in the car - i cant say i blame him for staying out of harms way... Lets face it, Abhisit getting killed by a red mob isnt going to help the country at all.. is it?

Judging by what the reds did this time last year to his car and driver when they thought he was in the car - i cant say i blame him for staying out of harms way... Lets face it, Abhisit getting killed by a red mob isnt going to help the country at all.. is it?

Hiding in military barracks sends a message to the world that he really isn't in control of his own country. Not a statesman-like stance at all. It also sends a message about who really is pulling the strings.

It's the double-standards that the red-shirts protest about. The army seeks to protect Mark, but where was the protection to the other side during the yellow violence.

Judging by what the reds did this time last year to his car and driver when they thought he was in the car - i cant say i blame him for staying out of harms way... Lets face it, Abhisit getting killed by a red mob isnt going to help the country at all.. is it?

Hiding in military barracks sends a message to the world that he really isn't in control of his own country. Not a statesman-like stance at all. It also sends a message about who really is pulling the strings.

It's the double-standards that the red-shirts protest about. The army seeks to protect Mark, but where was the protection to the other side during the yellow violence.

Hiding in military barracks sends a message to the world that some of the red protestors (and some of their leaders) are violent thugs.

During the yellow protests, did they threaten civil war? Did the yellows ever threaten the politicians with violence? Did the yellows attack any politicians cars thinking the politician was inside?

tony>> Give us a call when they present any plan on how to improve the country.

I would imagine they will continue to do what they were elected to do. While we are on the subject, nudge me when the dems actually do anything good for the country, I might miss it.

You did miss it; because you were too busy calling them illegitimate to pay attention to what they have done in the past year.


Judging by what the reds did this time last year to his car and driver when they thought he was in the car - i cant say i blame him for staying out of harms way... Lets face it, Abhisit getting killed by a red mob isnt going to help the country at all.. is it?

Hiding in military barracks sends a message to the world that he really isn't in control of his own country. Not a statesman-like stance at all. It also sends a message about who really is pulling the strings.

It's the double-standards that the red-shirts protest about. The army seeks to protect Mark, but where was the protection to the other side during the yellow violence.

Hiding in military barracks sends a message to the world that some of the red protestors (and some of their leaders) are violent thugs.

During the yellow protests, did they threaten civil war? Did the yellows ever threaten the politicians with violence? Did the yellows attack any politicians cars thinking the politician was inside?

Yes they did.

They laid seige to Government house, or have you forgotten it already? They wrecked the buildings, stole equipment and left behind a stash of weapons and molotov cocktails. At the airport they went further and held foreign tourists, guests of the country, in the seige of the airport. The yellows even left behind a dead body, have you forgotten already.

Or maybe you believe that this was all part of the 'sanuk' that Kasit, the current foreign minister claimed.

Democrats govern in the same way as Robert Mugabe, from behind barbed wire and with army protection.

That's how far democracy has sunk in this land.

Judging by what the reds did this time last year to his car and driver when they thought he was in the car - i cant say i blame him for staying out of harms way... Lets face it, Abhisit getting killed by a red mob isnt going to help the country at all.. is it?

Hiding in military barracks sends a message to the world that he really isn't in control of his own country. Not a statesman-like stance at all. It also sends a message about who really is pulling the strings.

It's the double-standards that the red-shirts protest about. The army seeks to protect Mark, but where was the protection to the other side during the yellow violence.

So you know for sure that hes in a Military Barracks right now, do you? Please enlighten us as to which one he is in and where you are getting this info from?

You know for sure that the previous Administration asked the Military for help and were refused, do you?

No, i didn't think so... next please! :)


About 30mins ago on Asok a red shirt truck rammed with PA equipment went up from Sukhumvit towards Petchaburi making a fair bit of noise. There were also a few bikes (but not that many - I spotted about 2 or 3 from my obscured view) and a few red shirts walking along with it who looked like they were handing out leaflets.

Was that the motorcade that is supposed to be encouraging people to join them tomorrow? Seems a bit down on the numbers given previous displays if so.

Judging by what the reds did this time last year to his car and driver when they thought he was in the car - i cant say i blame him for staying out of harms way... Lets face it, Abhisit getting killed by a red mob isnt going to help the country at all.. is it?

Hiding in military barracks sends a message to the world that he really isn't in control of his own country. Not a statesman-like stance at all. It also sends a message about who really is pulling the strings.

It's the double-standards that the red-shirts protest about. The army seeks to protect Mark, but where was the protection to the other side during the yellow violence.

When red leaders proclaim that they will turn Bangkok into a sea of flames and declare civil war it is probably a good idea for the PM to take precautionary measures.

The precedence for doing so is the most recent red violence which was that initiated by the reds last Songkran.

Evidence shows the red thugs armed with baseball bats attacking what they thought was the PM's car.

Not one Thaksin apologist on this forum has acknowledged the red violence of last Songkran.

That includes you.

So for a Thaksin apologist to flutter on about 'statesmanship' is not really to be taken seriously at all.

So for a Thaksin apologist to flutter on about 'statesmanship' is not really to be taken seriously at all.

And if we are gunna bring the conversation around to 'statesmanship' where is the reds beloved leader right now? Hiding in any country that doesn't have an extradition treaty with Thailand :)


On again, off again, on again, off again. Really, I don't think they have either the numbers nor the support from Bangkokians like they had thought.

The red shirts will Saturday confine their activities within the rally site at Phan Fa Bridge and decide to cancel an earlier plan to march around the capital, Metropolitan Police Region 1 commander Maj General Wichai Sangprapai said on Friday.

"Traffic woes will not happen as feared because the red shirts have decided to stay in at their rally site," he said.

Wichai was speaking after a meeting with rally organisers.

The Nation


Judging by what the reds did this time last year to his car and driver when they thought he was in the car - i cant say i blame him for staying out of harms way... Lets face it, Abhisit getting killed by a red mob isnt going to help the country at all.. is it?

Hiding in military barracks sends a message to the world that he really isn't in control of his own country. Not a statesman-like stance at all. It also sends a message about who really is pulling the strings.

It's the double-standards that the red-shirts protest about. The army seeks to protect Mark, but where was the protection to the other side during the yellow violence.

Hiding in military barracks sends a message to the world that some of the red protestors (and some of their leaders) are violent thugs.

During the yellow protests, did they threaten civil war? Did the yellows ever threaten the politicians with violence? Did the yellows attack any politicians cars thinking the politician was inside?

Yes they did.

They laid seige to Government house, or have you forgotten it already? They wrecked the buildings, stole equipment and left behind a stash of weapons and molotov cocktails. At the airport they went further and held foreign tourists, guests of the country, in the seige of the airport. The yellows even left behind a dead body, have you forgotten already.

Or maybe you believe that this was all part of the 'sanuk' that Kasit, the current foreign minister claimed.

Democrats govern in the same way as Robert Mugabe, from behind barbed wire and with army protection.

That's how far democracy has sunk in this land.

Now you're just showing your stupidity.

How many politicians did they threaten? Did politicians need to flee to safety like the international politicians at the ASEAN summit in Pattaya.

How many foreign tourists were held? There were no tourists in danger! They were very inconvenienced, but not in danger.

I'm not saying the yellows shirts did no wrong. But they weren't threatening civil war like the read shirts.

I had the pleasure of the protest occupying the road outside my work last week, and the highway near my home later on. While there were certainly a lot of people it is nowhere near the number involved at the height of the yellow campaign. Not even remotely close.

Careful you'll have the whole english laguage red propaganda apparatus descend to denounce your lies. We all know they really had 76 million people on the last march and the authorities lied about the numbers.

Seriously does anyone klnow of the routes they plan to take and what disruption they plan on causing as my daugthers school has a trip to Bangkok on this weekend to the book fair.

Oh you poor thing, my daughter missed around 4 weeks school in total when the yellows laid siege to government house and the surrounding area. I think it better that they protest, I think that is more important than some book fair, don't you?

I have no problem with them protesting. I just want to know my daugther isnt going to get caught in some planned activity in that area. Most people are getting on with their lives and not involved in this stuff. 99% plus are not involverd in the rallies or in the government. Life has to go on. Thank you for your consdieration to the democratic rights of those who choose not to be involved or are too young to be involed in this issue. We should never foregt the majority who are not involved in the either the red or yellow games. Peace. I feel for your daughter. Education is arguably more important than any deal that will be cobbled togeher or imposed by polticians of any ilk or any colour shirt.

I really do understand your feelings having been victim to this sort of thing in the past. But I try to look at the bigger picture, the yellows I was not happy about as they were illegally occupying government house, the reds however are legally protesting without trespass. ultimately if it gets us back to an elected government and the country can move on a little inconvenience is not a bad thing.


Five times the number of people by Saturday.....I doubt because there isn't enough lead time to do it. They may (???) have the numbers, but getting them all together in the one spot ain't easy.

It looks to be that the road to Damascus maybe shorter than the road to true democracy in Thailand. :)

Judging by what the reds did this time last year to his car and driver when they thought he was in the car - i cant say i blame him for staying out of harms way... Lets face it, Abhisit getting killed by a red mob isnt going to help the country at all.. is it?

Hiding in military barracks sends a message to the world that he really isn't in control of his own country. Not a statesman-like stance at all. It also sends a message about who really is pulling the strings.

It's the double-standards that the red-shirts protest about. The army seeks to protect Mark, but where was the protection to the other side during the yellow violence.

So you know for sure that hes in a Military Barracks right now, do you? Please enlighten us as to which one he is in and where you are getting this info from?

You know for sure that the previous Administration asked the Military for help and were refused, do you?

No, i didn't think so... next please! :)

Go read today's version of the English Language newspaper that cannot be named. You'll find he's been hiding in the barracks of the 11th Army regiment for the past week. He was there last Saturday, too, pictured on the front page sitting in an army helicopter.

And the head of the army, Gen Anupong Paojinda, instead of giving protection to the last administration, went on TV at the time, telling the legitimate government of that time to dissolve.

It's pretty clear who is pulling the strings, even if you don't want to admit it, Wolfie.

I really do understand your feelings having been victim to this sort of thing in the past. But I try to look at the bigger picture, the yellows I was not happy about as they were illegally occupying government house, the reds however are legally protesting without trespass. ultimately if it gets us back to an elected government and the country can move on a little inconvenience is not a bad thing.

Which MPs in the government weren't elected?

Judging by what the reds did this time last year to his car and driver when they thought he was in the car - i cant say i blame him for staying out of harms way... Lets face it, Abhisit getting killed by a red mob isnt going to help the country at all.. is it?

Hiding in military barracks sends a message to the world that he really isn't in control of his own country. Not a statesman-like stance at all. It also sends a message about who really is pulling the strings.

It's the double-standards that the red-shirts protest about. The army seeks to protect Mark, but where was the protection to the other side during the yellow violence.

When red leaders proclaim that they will turn Bangkok into a sea of flames and declare civil war it is probably a good idea for the PM to take precautionary measures.

The precedence for doing so is the most recent red violence which was that initiated by the reds last Songkran.

Evidence shows the red thugs armed with baseball bats attacking what they thought was the PM's car.

Not one Thaksin apologist on this forum has acknowledged the red violence of last Songkran.

That includes you.

So for a Thaksin apologist to flutter on about 'statesmanship' is not really to be taken seriously at all.

Show me where I mention Thaksin in my post and I'll accept what you say. Until then you can deny that Mark s hiding behind the military as much as you want, but those are the facts.

Show me where I mention Thaksin in my post and I'll accept what you say. Until then you can deny that Mark s hiding behind the military as much as you want, but those are the facts.

Hate to tell ya, but failing to mention Thaksin does not mean that you aren't a Thaksin apologist. The fact is that nobody threatened to kill Somchai much less attempted to do so. As for your statements of "yellow violence"... while the PAD were far from being perfect angels, we can ALL be grateful that they never responded with the level of violence that was heaped upon them OR the level of violence committed by the reds.

I really do understand your feelings having been victim to this sort of thing in the past. But I try to look at the bigger picture, the yellows I was not happy about as they were illegally occupying government house, the reds however are legally protesting without trespass. ultimately if it gets us back to an elected government and the country can move on a little inconvenience is not a bad thing.

Which MPs in the government weren't elected?

All the MPs were elected, however the dems were not the elected government, if they were we would not have this situation now. You lnow this full well my friend and you know full well what I am talking about without even asking the question.

I cleary state 'elected government' in my post, the dems are not the elected government, they were not given the mandate to govern by the people at the last election. hardly rocket science is it?

I really do understand your feelings having been victim to this sort of thing in the past. But I try to look at the bigger picture, the yellows I was not happy about as they were illegally occupying government house, the reds however are legally protesting without trespass. ultimately if it gets us back to an elected government and the country can move on a little inconvenience is not a bad thing.

Which MPs in the government weren't elected?

Not to mention that the PAD have not been ruled to have been illegally occupying Government house. In fact, they had a court injunction preventing their forced removal from Government House. The reds Tony is defending are part of the group that has sworn to use violence aren't they? Whether the reds are legally protesting will be determined in court eventually, but if they try and damage BKK more I am sure that they will be ruled against. They seem to have gotten that point and have called off the roaming parade scheduled for tmw. (The fact that many BKK ommunities have spoken out against it may be part of the reason)

Now you're just showing your stupidity.

How many politicians did they threaten? Did politicians need to flee to safety like the international politicians at the ASEAN summit in Pattaya.

How many foreign tourists were held? There were no tourists in danger! They were very inconvenienced, but not in danger.

I'm not saying the yellows shirts did no wrong. But they weren't threatening civil war like the read shirts.

Not threatening civil war? Get real, they were forcing a situation where the military could step in with yet another coup.

The yellow shirts succeeded in their aims and destroyed democracy in the process.

Thank God that their are many who are prepared to fight back for democratic principles, even when the puppet prime minster is hiding.

I really do understand your feelings having been victim to this sort of thing in the past. But I try to look at the bigger picture, the yellows I was not happy about as they were illegally occupying government house, the reds however are legally protesting without trespass. ultimately if it gets us back to an elected government and the country can move on a little inconvenience is not a bad thing.

Which MPs in the government weren't elected?

All the MPs were elected, however the dems were not the elected government, if they were we would not have this situation now. You lnow this full well my friend and you know full well what I am talking about without even asking the question.

I cleary state 'elected government' in my post, the dems are not the elected government, they were not given the mandate to govern by the people at the last election. hardly rocket science is it?

NOBODY was given the mandate to govern in the last election. All three governments that have ruled since the last elections have been coalition governments and Tony knows this... simple obfuscation on his part.

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