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Thaksin Will Benefit As Any Other Thai: Jatuporn

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If we win, Thaksin will benefit the same as any other Thai citizen: Jatuporn

By Somroutai Sapsomboon Sathien Wiriyapanphongsa

The Nation

BANGKOK: --Red-shirt leader Jatuporn Promphan tells The Nation's Somroutai Sapsomboon and Sathien Wiriyapanphongsa about the movement's future and its relations with the de-facto leader, ousted prime minister Thaksin Shinawatra.

Will the four core red-shirt leaders - yourself, Natthawut Saikua, Veera Musigapong and Weng Tojirakarn - represent Thaksin in negotiations with the government? and what happens if he disagrees with the talks?

We have one clear demand: dissolve Parliament. Thaksin made it clear on Twitter that negotiations were our business. He's not involved in the talks. What Payap [Thaksin's younger brother] proposed [mediating between Prime Minister Abhisit Vejjajiva and Thaksin] was not our idea.

Will the turmoil end if Parliament is dissolved?

We want the country to return to normal, so that people can go anywhere in the nation to campaign and propose their policies. I've always said the red shirts would never interfere in election campaigns, and anyone doing that does not belong to us.

Do you have a time line for Parliament's dissolution? Can the government dissolve it in three or six months?

No. If we wanted it done in the next three months, we would not be protesting now.

It sounds like the demand is non-negotiable.

Definitely, although it would benefit Abhisit, because he cannot run the country in this condition. We've come out to help him - to unite the country. Let's bring Thailand back to the time before the 2006 coup.

If talks do not take place, will the red shirts continue protesting peacefully?

We learned a lesson from last year's Songkran clashes. This time around, we have a bigger rally and know what to do if surrounded by the authorities.

Are you prepared for a prolonged struggle?

We're under no pressure, but I think Abhisit is, because he is the puppet of Privy Council President Prem Tinsulanonda, who does not care about the PM's fate. He manipulates everything.

I'm not quite sure whether there'll be any changes before Songkran, but we won't be sitting still. The government may believe we're dying out, but that's not true.

This rally is very different from last year's. This time, we have the support of Bangkokians. I have never witnessed "Bangkok fever" like I did last Saturday. That was far beyond what the late former prime minister Samak Sundaravej got, beyond what former Bangkok governor Chamlong Srimuang got - or even Thaksin got. The huge support from Bangkokians last Saturday was amazing, and the more support we receive in Bangkok, the more pressure there is on Abhisit. It's like a noose around the government's neck - it will not be tolerable for very long.

Is it possible the protest will last for a year?

No, I don't think it will last that long.

How would Thaksin benefit from a red-shirt victory?

Well, he would benefit the same as any other Thai citizen, nothing more than that. What we will get is justice in the eyes of the law.

Whether or not Thaksin gets his money back is not the point. We've gone beyond that. He realises he is like any other citizen and that his status, as a former PM, has nothing to do with the red shirts. I think he's cautious about his role in the red-shirt protest.

Will the Pheu Thai Party, if it wins the next election, seek an amnesty for Thaksin?

What happened in the past is unfair, and we say it's a case of double standards. We want to correct that - not for Thaksin alone, but rather for everyone.

How often are you in contact with Thaksin?

We don't talk to him every day. We understand that democracy and the protest goes beyond his personal interest. He understands democracy, and that is why we called for the protest to be so long after the verdict in his case. We did not want to link the two and put pressure on the court.

Is Thaksin involved in the red-shirt leaders' decision-making?

He is part of the Democratic Alliance against Dictatorship, but he understands we know the actual situation. If he has any ideas or suggestions, we're willing to discuss them democratically.

Some people say Jatuporn is simply Thaksin's pawn.

By that logic, when I fought against a military dictator in May 1992, and Chuan Leekpai benefited and became premier - did that make me his pawn? I don't mind allegations like this, because I know I fight for democracy.

What about allegations that you are "fighting to be rich"?

I'm nearly 45, I own a townhouse and a Toyota Fortuner. That's all I have, nothing more, and I think these assets are in accordance with what I earn. Do you want me to live in a temple?

Somebody said protest leaders should be ready to sacrifice their lives. Do you fear assassination?

Since I survived the Bloody May 1992 protests, the rest of my life is a victory. I have nothing to fear, but I don't want to die either. I am careful.


-- The Nation 2010-03-26


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We want the country to return to normal, so that people can go anywhere in the nation to campaign and propose their policies. I've always said the red shirts would never interfere in election campaigns, and anyone doing that does not belong to us.

I thought it was in the red areas that others couldn't campaign. I haven't heard of any mention of reds MPs not being able to campaign in other areas?

How would Thaksin benefit from a red-shirt victory?

Well, he would benefit the same as any other Thai citizen, nothing more than that. What we will get is justice in the eyes of the law.

Whether or not Thaksin gets his money back is not the point. We've gone beyond that. He realises he is like any other citizen and that his status, as a former PM, has nothing to do with the red shirts. I think he's cautious about his role in the red-shirt protest.

Will the Pheu Thai Party, if it wins the next election, seek an amnesty for Thaksin?

What happened in the past is unfair, and we say it's a case of double standards. We want to correct that - not for Thaksin alone, but rather for everyone.

They are trying to distance themselves from Thaksin now because they know he is their biggest problem. That's one of the reasons Thaksin "has a sore throat".

The point is they want to be in government, then they CAN get Thaksin's money back.

I wish the interviewer had asked some follow up questions.

Yes, so do I. For example, they could ask him about the despicable and shameful manner in which he treats his own mother and also if he ever plans to return to Surat Thani to address the rape allegations against him.


Jatupon- ' I've always said the red shirts would never interefere in election campaigns and anyone doing that does not belong to us.'

The red shirts of Chiang Mai and Issan (Kwanchai) will never let the Democrats campaign in the north or Issan.

And what will Jatupon say? ' They don't belong to us!'

Even mad Seh Daeng said he's not leaving the red shirts even though the 3 leaders say they don't want him.

Has Thaksin publickly dismissed Seh Daeng and Panlop from the movement?

The fact is no red leader can guarantee the conduct of fellow reds throughout Thailand which makes any promise meaningless.

Yes, so do I. For example, they could ask him about the despicable and shameful manner in which he treats his own mother and also if he ever plans to return to Surat Thani to address the rape allegations against him.

Details? (A link is fine)

Yes, so do I. For example, they could ask him about the despicable and shameful manner in which he treats his own mother and also if he ever plans to return to Surat Thani to address the rape allegations against him.

Details? (A link is fine)

Agreed, such a claim should be backed with some evidence, otherwise its worthless.

Yes, so do I. For example, they could ask him about the despicable and shameful manner in which he treats his own mother and also if he ever plans to return to Surat Thani to address the rape allegations against him.

Details? (A link is fine)



http://www.bahtsold.com/news?id=1501 (3rd article)



Whether or not Thaksin gets his money back is not the point.

Will the Pheu Thai Party, if it wins the next election, seek an amnesty for Thaksin?

What happened in the past is unfair, and we say it's a case of double standards. We want to correct that - not for Thaksin alone, but rather for everyone.

Ah' well.... it is all about Mr.Thaksin, he avoided the correct and honest answers, that is all!

Still n the game of rescuing Mr.Thaksin!

It's all what the red shit movement is about!

Just more lies, or to put it more mildly: carefully avoiding the truth!

Yes, so do I. For example, they could ask him about the despicable and shameful manner in which he treats his own mother and also if he ever plans to return to Surat Thani to address the rape allegations against him.

Details? (A link is fine)



http://www.bahtsold.com/news?id=1501 (3rd article)



These links do not go any way towards providing a factual basis for the slanderous/defamatory statements.


Thanks for the links Bacchanal.

Another question, what is the Red Shirts obsession with Prem? I've seen time and again, to call Abhesit a puppet of Prem or to imply Prem is really running the government.

I find it odd that rather than point out what Abhesit is doing wrong, and what they'd do differently (other than give Thaksin back his money), they instead just call him a puppet.

I wish the interviewer would have asked Jatuporn what the reds would do if Abhesit called for snap elections, and the Dems manage to form another coalition government.

Yes, so do I. For example, they could ask him about the despicable and shameful manner in which he treats his own mother and also if he ever plans to return to Surat Thani to address the rape allegations against him.

Details? (A link is fine)

Agreed, such a claim should be backed with some evidence, otherwise its worthless.

In three years in Thailand, I have learned nothing seems what really is. It is all big polios and lies. They want things that they will never have and just shameful play. Every one tries to get what they want and don’t care how they do it, as they say ends justifies the mean

Yes, so do I. For example, they could ask him about the despicable and shameful manner in which he treats his own mother and also if he ever plans to return to Surat Thani to address the rape allegations against him.

Details? (A link is fine)



http://www.bahtsold.com/news?id=1501 (3rd article)



These links do not go any way towards providing a factual basis for the slanderous/defamatory statements.

I think I'd have to agree with MY there.

... An allegation of rape with no evidence. If it is just an allegation with no evidence, what does he need to address?

... Not taking your mum's phone calls. I'd hardly call that despicable and shameful.

... Not taking your mum's phone calls. I'd hardly call that despicable and shameful.

It goes much further than that, completely abandoning, both financially and emotionally, a 91 year-old woman that gave birth to you would not normally pass muster within this culture or most other world cultures.

... Not taking your mum's phone calls. I'd hardly call that despicable and shameful.

It goes much further than that, completely abandoning a 91 year-old woman that gave birth to you both financially and emotionally would not normally pass muster within this culture or most other world cultures.

Perhaps you do not know his family situation? He could be estranged from his mum and family.

Nice interview, however I wish the interviewer had asked some follow up questions.

when taksin was outed. they had elections twice and the yellow still were not happy cause all the priministers were realtives of taksin. the only way to win any arguement is to complamice but i think the thais are unable to meet half way. the only way i can think is if the reds and yellow leaders share power. Compalmise on everythng that is put into parliment. then a judge of the 2 parties give the nod as to what happens next.

very difficult though as they will probably argue for about 1 year on every issue before they do anything. so there should be a time limit on every issue.

don't think they could have a voting system as to be fair they would need queal amount of people in parliment to vote which means it would be a draw every time.

maybe one party can have more control in some provence and the other more control in the other. as for international issues that would have to be argued in parliment then upto maybe 3 judges as to the out come.

don't expect people to agree with me. just trying to think of a way out of this mess.

all i know is with this new govement. doing business in thailand is coming mroe and more difficult. with laws to forang companies with taxes going up with govement buses being stopped. think the contry is running out of money. not only that they are making it harder to invest here. i understand that they don't want forangs to start companies and buy loads of land but the small companys who just want to build a small house don't buy much land. though it is hard to set up a company. due to problems with share holders.

on the other hand the big hotels and people with millions of dollar projects have all the share holders., have the money and buy allot more land.

so these new laws are just squeasing people tighter and possible opening the way for people to be screwe out of there life saveings.

Will the Pheu Thai Party, if it wins the next election, seek an amnesty for Thaksin?

What happened in the past is unfair, and we say it's a case of double standards. We want to correct that - not for Thaksin alone, but rather for everyone

What he is saying is that because other people have commited crimes and escaped justice, Thaksin should be allowed the same luxury.

What a sad and pathetic moral platform to be fighting from - "we want injustice for all".

... Not taking your mum's phone calls. I'd hardly call that despicable and shameful.

My mum might disagree with you there. :)

We want the country to return to normal, so that people can go anywhere in the nation to campaign and propose their policies. I've always said the red shirts would never interfere in election campaigns, and anyone doing that does not belong to us.

I thought it was in the red areas that others couldn't campaign. I haven't heard of any mention of reds MPs not being able to campaign in other areas?

How would Thaksin benefit from a red-shirt victory?

Well, he would benefit the same as any other Thai citizen, nothing more than that. What we will get is justice in the eyes of the law.

Whether or not Thaksin gets his money back is not the point. We've gone beyond that. He realises he is like any other citizen and that his status, as a former PM, has nothing to do with the red shirts. I think he's cautious about his role in the red-shirt protest.

Will the Pheu Thai Party, if it wins the next election, seek an amnesty for Thaksin?

What happened in the past is unfair, and we say it's a case of double standards. We want to correct that - not for Thaksin alone, but rather for everyone.

They are trying to distance themselves from Thaksin now because they know he is their biggest problem. That's one of the reasons Thaksin "has a sore throat".

The point is they want to be in government, then they CAN get Thaksin's money back.

I beg to disagree on your statement but understand its made on political grounds . Even should PTP come to power , the courts passed a judgement , Thaksin is a convicted felon and large part of his fortune has been confiscated . Nothing the PTP can do about it and if they try by corruption or so they will be impeached exactly in the same way as the PPP (then in power) was.

Will the Pheu Thai Party, if it wins the next election, seek an amnesty for Thaksin?

What happened in the past is unfair, and we say it's a case of double standards. We want to correct that - not for Thaksin alone, but rather for everyone

What he is saying is that because other people have commited crimes and escaped justice, Thaksin should be allowed the same luxury.

What a sad and pathetic moral platform to be fighting from - "we want injustice for all".

Actually I think he is saying two things.

1) They will do their best to exonerate Thaksin and get his money back.

2) If they fail in that they will go after anyone and everyone who they believe engaged in 'double standards'.

I actually don't have much problem with number 2, though I would leave out the 'double standards' bit and have them hound anyone found to engage in corruption.

Thanks for the links Bacchanal.

Another question, what is the Red Shirts obsession with Prem? I've seen time and again, to call Abhesit a puppet of Prem or to imply Prem is really running the government.

I find it odd that rather than point out what Abhesit is doing wrong, and what they'd do differently (other than give Thaksin back his money), they instead just call him a puppet.

I wish the interviewer would have asked Jatuporn what the reds would do if Abhesit called for snap elections, and the Dems manage to form another coalition government.

Me too LOL !


To be fair, i think what happens between him and his mum is their own business, although obviously if his mum wishes to speak out against him, she has the right to be heard.


If this guy has been accused of rape why isn't he suing the accuser for deformation? Maybe doesn't want to open that can of worms?

Thanks for the links Bacchanal.

Another question, what is the Red Shirts obsession with Prem? I've seen time and again, to call Abhesit a puppet of Prem or to imply Prem is really running the government.

I find it odd that rather than point out what Abhesit is doing wrong, and what they'd do differently (other than give Thaksin back his money), they instead just call him a puppet.

I wish the interviewer would have asked Jatuporn what the reds would do if Abhesit called for snap elections, and the Dems manage to form another coalition government.

Well, as Thaksins minions, they will have to pull up anything,

to make the other side look ridiculous!

Even the ridiculous.

It's their notion that Prem is the "prime evil", they can't for obvious reasons target what Prem stand for, so they target everything around him!

Inanother Interview he pulled this stunt:

When was the notion of phrai introduced to the red shirts?

I first mentioned it on stage in Nakhon Ratchasima in 2009. The next day I received a call from Thaksin asking me what I said. I told him it was about class. He said this was crucial. I elaborated on stage for another three days and explained about class until folks understood. Some old leftists told [DAAD] co-leader Jaran Dittapichai to inform me that was what the Communist Party of Thailand tried to explain for 40 years and it was achieved by me within a few days.


Thaksin picked it (Phrai vs. Amatiya) immediately!

How ell he and the communist party will go together is another question,

but can be solved if he ever makes it back into power! :)

So for the red shirs like Jatuporn and Nattawut he, (Thaksin) is a "phrai".... a commoner...

fighting the establishment - great packaging, hope it doesn't work to flash this charade through!

What a marketing strategy! :D

Careful Folks someone is out to get you!


For some reason they forgot to publish the 2 most important questions and answers.

Are you lying that you look black about the Thaksin cause?

Ofcourse otherwise we don't get any support anymore,which is even now very poor to say the least.

Are you making the biggest fools in Thai history of yourselves with your latest comments and commitments?

Sure we do,but we get paid for it.For us it's a business like another.


I love the circularity of the "Double Standards" argument. It was first presented by HM during a birthday speechin 2001 or 2002 directed at an uncomfortably squirming Thaksin undergoing his assets concealment case. We know from interviews with the judges later that they used a "double standard" to get Thaksin off on that one. Now Thaksin uses the double standard argument because he thinks its unfair that the same standard applied to him in 2001 is not applied now. It's sooo Thai.

Whether or not Thaksin gets his money back is not the point.

Will the Pheu Thai Party, if it wins the next election, seek an amnesty for Thaksin?

What happened in the past is unfair, and we say it's a case of double standards. We want to correct that - not for Thaksin alone, but rather for everyone.

Ah' well.... it is all about Mr.Thaksin, he avoided the correct and honest answers, that is all!

Still n the game of rescuing Mr.Thaksin!

It's all what the red shit movement is about!

Just more lies, or to put it more mildly: carefully avoiding the truth!


Here was the perfect opportunity to denounce Thaksin, admit that he inflicted tremendous injustices on millions of Thai people, and separate their cause from Thaksin. But he just couldn't do that now could he?

Instead, he has to choose the path that leads to civil war.

When will the red miscreants ever learn.

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