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Watch Out For Kiwi Journos


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It has been learned that a reporter/producer from the 3News’s program 60 Minutes in New Zealand has been sniffing around to several of the farang private investigators in Bangkok and Pattaya.

The reporter in question, Sarah Hall (photo below), has been asking for help on doing a story, purportedly in an exposé style, on sex-tourism and prostitution in the Kingdom, on the oh-so-dreadful and coerced life of the average bar-girl, and on the Kiwi guys (oppressors! opportunists!) who patronize the girl scene here.

It is apparently on the agenda of the production team — who are arriving in Thailand at the end of this week — to do secret filming in and around bars, the more salacious the better. Thus gogos and some of the beer bar complexes are obvious targets.

If you’re out for some fun and happen to see them, why not say hello, be a nuisance and make sure they don’t get any useful footage? Otherwise just be on the look-out for one or more guys with New Zealand accents who seem to care a bit too much about a shoulder bag or knapsack of medium to large size.

If you’re a bar owner, make sure you’ve got your “No Video” signs up, and grab their equipment if you can. They apparently do not have work permits or film production licenses to be doing this, so your cop friends can handle them with no problems.

Your security guys and servers should in particular be looking for guys who leave a bag beside them, positioned so it would have a clear line of sight to the main action such as your dance stage.

Punters and publicans, please help give this alert the widest possible distribution. None of us wants to be on camera as we have our fun, or give the sensationalist media any help in attacking our recreational choices or livelihoods, do we?

* * *

In preparing to release this information for general consumption, eight notable local private investigators were contacted and invited to comment. In general, no is talking for the record, not even the bar-girl investigator and commentator with the obvious New Zealand connection.

One who did answer, but asks not to be identified, stated that his organization was profoundly concerned that if any investigator did consent to Hall’s request for an interview, or worse for a “ride-along” on an active investigation, the consequences could be very bad.

One can understand why — once the video is in the can and Hall is in the editing bay, there’s no telling how things might be spun. Nobody wants a repeat of the “Big Trouble in Thailand” fiasco, especially a professional community where a bit of secrecy and anonymity are indispensable.

Another PI was kind enough to give some background on discrete camera work, and feels that having a film crew tag along on a live case would be an unforgivable breach of ethics. He suggests than any local investigator cooperating with an undertaking like that would probably be cutting his own throat in the long haul.

* * *

And for those here for a bit of fun, doing no real harm to anyone, who would simply rather not be in the glare of the international media spotlight, might this not best summarize their thoughts: Sarah, aren’t there more important things for real journalists to be doing with their time?

Sure, your employer wants eye-catching footage so they can grab maximum advertising revenue, but isn’t that what war zones are for? Are there no more orphans at whom you might point your cameras, and towards whom you might direct your urges to help and heal?

During your limo ride to your expense-account hotel suite, perhaps you deigned to notice those people with colorful shirts contesting for their vision of a future for their homeland? Know you anything of rice prices, of landmines, of droughts and drugs, of anything of real concern here in the Kingdom and the region?

Yes, Thai society is rather broken, and yes, that does in a small measure impel girls to the bars. But there’s nothing new in it for you, Sarah, and you’ll be going over some very well-trodden ground far below the norm as per your bio. This is a non-story and you may well end up doing far more harm than good in ways you can’t even anticipate.

Reporter Sarah Hall:


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'And for those here for a bit of fun, doing no real harm to anyone, who would simply rather not be in the glare of the international media spotlight, might this not best summarize their thoughts: Sarah, aren’t there more important things for real journalists to be doing with their time?'

It's debatable whether or not the night life industry does no real harm or not. For all you know they might be exposing underage employment in this field, such an investigation to be supported surely?

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They ought to send Som the short timer from Kalasin to NZ to interview Sarah as to how much chocolate and cake she stuffs down her gullet on a daily basis to compensate for her own self loathing.

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Huh, I'd actually kind of like to see that story if it ever makes it to production. :)

They ought to send Som the short timer from Kalasin to NZ to interview Sarah as to how much chocolate and cake she stuffs down her gullet on a daily basis to compensate for her own self loathing.

Why the anger?

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Just noticed 'monger' is advising people to grab their camera equipment which is pretty stupid, taking photo's aint illegal but running a brothel is, and most bars are just that. I'd love to see such a film before condemning it outright.

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'And for those here for a bit of fun, doing no real harm to anyone, who would simply rather not be in the glare of the international media spotlight, might this not best summarize their thoughts: Sarah, aren't there more important things for real journalists to be doing with their time?'

It's debatable whether or not the night life industry does no real harm or not. For all you know they might be exposing underage employment in this field, such an investigation to be supported surely?

She's obviously just a fat cow who could never have an honest relationship with a man (or woman if she's gay), and likes to meddle in other people's business. Although I seldom visit Pattaya anymore, I'd just love to mess with that group who have a pre-conceived idea of what goes on in Thailand, and then point out ONLYthe nasty stuff like it is the norm.

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'And for those here for a bit of fun, doing no real harm to anyone, who would simply rather not be in the glare of the international media spotlight, might this not best summarize their thoughts: Sarah, aren't there more important things for real journalists to be doing with their time?'

It's debatable whether or not the night life industry does no real harm or not. For all you know they might be exposing underage employment in this field, such an investigation to be supported surely?

She's obviously just a fat cow who could never have an honest relationship with a man (or woman if she's gay), and likes to meddle in other people's business. Although I seldom visit Pattaya anymore, I'd just love to mess with that group who have a pre-conceived idea of what goes on in Thailand, and then point out ONLYthe nasty stuff like it is the norm.

What a joker you are, accusing her of pre conceived ideas but calling a married women with kids incapable of an honest relationship.

Edited by davelec
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On a further note, how would New Zealand authorities react if a group of foreign reporters went to each Maori village and started searching for ONLY the nasty stuff and then report it as being normal in New Zealand? And, you wouldn't have to stop there. A reporter could go to just about every country everywhere and report on only the bad stuff that goes on. Then, report it like it was everywhere.

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She's obviously just a fat cow who could never have an honest relationship with a man (or woman if she's gay)

SO just cause she is, according to you, a "fat cow" she is unable to have an honest relationship? Quite a leap of judgment there Ian considering you get so upset when people judge you & your choice of lifestyle. I'd say that for those of you who frequent the bar scene & have no problem doing so, then her report nor her investigation shouldn't cause you any concern.

Oh & a quick scan of the forum rules might be in order for anyone else thinking of posting similar.

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This isn't the 1990's cameras are a bit smaller than those that need to be carried around in a bag...

why is this bad for Thailand sex industry it just helps to bring more stupid old lonely sad men over here and this kind of TV is just <quote>a bit of fun, doing no real harm to anyone</quote>,

if you make your money over here from this (illegal) industry, TV expose is just one of the risks you take, stop crying...

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Post deleted & poster given 3 day holiday for yet more references to this woman & her family.

If the discussion cannot proceed civilly it will be shut.

Also OP provide the link to this news.

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mmm perhaps Im missing something. What shes doing is a good idea, if people are suffereing it should be shown. I mean theres loads of programmes about how evil and wicked some Thai girls are (which is correct), its only fair to show that other girls in the saem situation really didnt have a choice. no point in putting blinkers on and turning the pther way.

If she is doing for her own benefit then it doesnt really matter, if it helps people thats the main point not her selfishness.

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If it is the case that this reporter is coming to do an expose' , I wonder what her motives may be. For example, her ratings are down in NZ and she's looking for a sex scandle (sex sells and all that ), she has a bitter resentment to Kiwi guys and probably all men in general and wants to try to belittle them, so that she can show that women (she) are better than men. she pretends to feel sympathy for the Thai prostitues who are forced into selling their bodies by Kiwi men (or men generally) ( I have never ever seen any Thai prostitue that looked as if she were under duress...quite the opposite actually, they seem to revel in their job). Maybe it's a sexual fantacy she has and is big on voyerism. Maybe her husband has lost interest and she's talked her boss into letting her cum to Thailand so that she can get her rocks off.

Who knows, but if any guy is out enjoying himself and this woman makes a nuisance of herself then a camera or mic ramed down her throat or up her backside might be required and justifiably so.

Edited by barky
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mmm perhaps Im missing something. What shes doing is a good idea, if people are suffereing it should be shown. I mean theres loads of programmes about how evil and wicked some Thai girls are (which is correct), its only fair to show that other girls in the saem situation really didnt have a choice. no point in putting blinkers on and turning the pther way.

If she is doing for her own benefit then it doesnt really matter, if it helps people thats the main point not her selfishness.

Careful now James.

She is clearly intruding upon the 'rights' of others to indulge in the whole prostitution thing.

Whilst I am certainly not holier than thou and have drunk at such establishments myself on numerous occasions, I think it a little rich for anybody to complain about an investigation into something that is, after all, illegal even in this very country.

Edited by Moonrakers
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On a further note, how would New Zealand authorities react if a group of foreign reporters went to each Maori village and started searching for ONLY the nasty stuff and then report it as being normal in New Zealand? And, you wouldn't have to stop there. A reporter could go to just about every country everywhere and report on only the bad stuff that goes on. Then, report it like it was everywhere.

Correct. Actually her time would be much better spent saving the money on the flights and doing some research at home on some Kiwi domestic issues.

Does anyone need to be informed yet again that men enjoy the odd beer and like having sex with pretty women :)

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I'd say that for those of you who frequent the bar scene & have no problem doing so, then her report nor her investigation shouldn't cause you any concern.

Well said. No reason to be upset about the report unless you're ashamed or embarrassed of what you're doing.

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I see nothing wrong with some documentary on the naughty.

If you are ashamed of what you do , may be you better do a re think.

You can start trying to prevent people from doing what they are being paid to do.

If she pay nice, I do good PI pitched against a good ol' JB, sandwiched between two pros.

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so what are we talking about here?That bars that employ ladies to talk to men and go with them is illegal?That go-go bars are illegal,or what goes on in them?That girls are coerced to seek employment in them?If all this is legally illegal,then the whole of thailand is in on it.I find the idea of all this as being illegal yet tolerated as plain daft.Let the lady and here crew come,as another said its all to do with lifting the TV stations ratings,and as NZ only has a population of a little over 4 milion,not many are going to see it.In fact they have to show it early on NZTV as most are in bed,lights out by 10pm.

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I think that a lot of people don't realise that prostitution is actually illegal here.

am sure you are right.Thats my point really,that it is endemic throughout thai society in one way or another and the fact that it is illegal by law is plain silly.These foreign TV crews are sent out of boredom and to raise their ratings,they know their viewers will love it,they sit back and tut tut at how decadent other countries are compared to their own and it will make them feel good and they can forget about all the incestuous relationships and pedophiles lurking in every suburb.

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I'd say that for those of you who frequent the bar scene & have no problem doing so, then her report nor her investigation shouldn't cause you any concern.

Well said. No reason to be upset about the report unless you're ashamed or embarrassed of what you're doing.

Unless ocourse you are misquoted and taken out of context or the filming is cut in such a way as to make someone look bad....nonothing to concern yourself with. I mean, it's not as if they are trying to sell a story is it?

Wise up please :)

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