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Residence visa - working overseas

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I have been legally married to a Thai for 18 months and have been obtaining 1 year multiple entry Non-Immigrant 'O' Visas ever since.

Q1 I work overseas, does this preclude me from applying for residence permit?

Q2. Once I have had 3 consequetive Non-Immigrant 'O' Visas may I apply for Residence permit?

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It shall be a  NON-B in order to apply for work permit, although there is some cases the labour department has granted a work permit with a NON-O.

The problems occurs when you tries to get a yeraly extension from the Immigration on basis of your work permit, they will then require a NON-B, and you are lost in the bureucrazy.

If you plan to work, get a NON-B to start with, not a NON-O-

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