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Looking at some of these posts makes me realise why I left England in the first place, and why I would never wish to go back.

Many Farangs think they are superior, I know Crossbones is a Troll, but many people do actually have that same air of superiority , I wish they would see that they are living in a Country they despise and leave for a better life elsewhere.

This is not directed at CrossBones, cos he is just trolling here, and I don't wanna feed him.

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Looking at some of these posts makes me realise why I left England in the first place, and why I would never wish to go back.

Many Farangs think they are superior, I know Crossbones is a Troll, but many people do actually have that same air of superiority , I wish they would see that they are living in a Country they despise and leave for a better life elsewhere.

This is not directed at CrossBones, cos he is just trolling here, and I don't wanna feed him.

I dunno if crossbones is a troll.Just sounds like he has been shafted and is now quite bitter about it.The same goes from other blokes that have been stung by ladies of the night...some get over it and others don't.Some of them are bitter years and years after.You can tell by the tone of their posts.

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I would say he is a troll, new member with only negative posts concerning Thai people in a Thai related forum, is that not trolling?

Trolling is posting just to get a reaction...fishing etc.He is just pissed off.I can understand it if what he says is true,but I certainly would not look at things like he does.You live and learn I suppose.

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These guys that post only negative posts slagging off Thailand..............

All the women are no good, the men don't like you, Thai people are lazy, Thai government will kick you all out, Thai's only want your money, Thai drivers are the worlds worst, Thai people are stupid, Liars, cheats, thieves...bla bla bla

If they are actually in Thailand, why are they in Thailand, are they crazy? :o

They obviously dislike Thailand and Thai people, yet they stay. Then they go to forums and advise everybody about how bad Thailand is.

Crossbones probably has 3 - 4 different names on this forum and posts to reply to himself, I suppose pity is the order of the day, I know if I disliked a place enough, I would be on the first plane out. :D

He's a Troll.

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Trolls will always be with us.  It's just the level to which they drop their respective "lures" is the difference... :o

So if your saying that Boon, it would mean that The Gent and yourself would be trolls when you used to get stuck into each other at the bearpit?

This guy is a negitive piece of work and by his own admission he was "venting", but troll???

Well, maybe i'm wrong. I just vlooked it up.

From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia.

In the context of the Internet, a troll refers to a person who makes inflammatory or hostile comments, which by effect or design cause disruptions in discourse, or a post made by such a person. Trolling can be described as a breaching experiment, in which in an alternate persona allows for normal social boundaries and rules of etiquette to be tested or otherwise broken.

Self-proclaimed "trolls" may style themselves as devil's advocates, gadflies or "culture jammers," challenging the dominant discourse and assumptions of forum discussions in an attempt to break the status quo of groupthink. Critics have claimed that genuine "devil's advocates" generally identify themselves as such out of respect for etiquette and courtesy, while trolls may dismiss etiquette and courtesy altogether.

The contemporary use of the term first appeared on Usenet groups in the early 1990s. It is widely thought to be a diminutive of the phrase "trolling for suckers," itself derived from the sports-fishing technique of trolling.

The word likely gained currency because of its conveniently apt second meaning, drawn from the "trolls" portrayed in medieval mythology and children's stories - protrayed as ugly, obnoxious creatures bent on wickedness and mischief.

As a pejorative, the term "troll" may also be a slander of opponents in heated debates, a tactic often used by trolls and non-trolls. Many times a person will post a sincere message that they are emotionally sensitive about and so trolls know that the biggest way to upset them is to falsely claim that they are a troll. On other occasions a person may not instantly understand or fit into the social norms of a forum where most people are the same - and so acting just slightly out of social norms, often unintentionally, for legitimate reasons gets the poster falsely called a troll. Sometimes when a person just wants to be funny, they are accused of trolling, when that is not their intent. Quite often, trolls have found traditional trolling tactics so overused and commonplace that they have to disguise their trolling to make it effective; and this disguising is largely done recently by falsely accusing anyone they can of being trolls.

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You may not agree with him, but he is one of the most entertaining conversationalists I have ever met and I am quite happy to still call him a good friend after all these years.

Not much of a writer, though, judging by the atrocious "book" on Thailand he was trying to publish.

Speaking of books, might I suggest one that was given to me recently. It's called Siam Smile/s by "Hugh Watson" (not his real name) and published by Bangkok Books.

I never heard or saw any book being written by LG on Thailand, even when I stayed at his house. But the book I have always found most helpful in understanding Thai ways from a Farang perspective is Neils Muldar's Everyday Life in Thailand, which I believe came out in an updated version under a new title some years ago.

I can assure you he did write one. It was all about his personal experiences in Thailand. I read it, he wanted my opinion on it. I told him it was interesting and that if he was lucky might sell locally in Thailand.

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Yes I have been shafted and I am bitter. I have been shafted by Falangs too.

The thing with Falangs is you usually know the kind of people you are dealing with and its usually quite blatant. Thai people can be SO fake. They will get all their friends in on the game, pretend to make you welcome, build rapport with your for months and month. Even inviting you with the family, I was even officially made the equivalent of "godfather" to their child. This was all a very elaborate scam to get me to set them up with a business. and fleece money from me. I did get a sniff of a set-up at one point, but I just refused to believe that people can be so fake.

**I think most Thai look at foreigners (and often each other) in terms of how they can be good for them and their family. They judge everything and everyone from a very ego-centrical perspective. IMHO. I hope I will not make this mistake again.**

I just want to warn this guy to be VERY careful - only trust yourself in this country. Be extra careful about investing money. And if you do become sucessful here you will experience a lot of jealousy from the Thais, they may try to ruin you in one way or another. It seems like you want to be self employed here - best to deal with other foriegners and cut Thais out of the picture as much as possible.

Looking at some of these posts makes me realise why I left England in the first place, and why I would never wish to go back.

Many Farangs think they are superior, I know Crossbones is a Troll, but many people do actually have that same air of superiority , I wish they would see that they are living in a Country they despise and leave for a better life elsewhere.

This is not directed at CrossBones, cos he is just trolling here, and I don't wanna feed him.

I dunno if crossbones is a troll.Just sounds like he has been shafted and is now quite bitter about it.The same goes from other blokes that have been stung by ladies of the night...some get over it and others don't.Some of them are bitter years and years after.You can tell by the tone of their posts.

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Yes I have been shafted and I am bitter. I have been shafted by Falangs too.

The thing with Falangs is you usually know the kind of people you are dealing with and its usually quite blatant. Thai people can be SO fake. They will get all their friends in on the game, pretend to make you welcome, build rapport with your for months and month. Even inviting you with the family, I was even officially made the equivalent of "godfather" to their child. This was all a very elaborate scam to get me to set them up with a business. and fleece money from me. I did get a sniff of a set-up at one point, but I just refused to believe that people can be so fake.

**I think most Thai look at foreigners (and often each other) in terms of how  they can be good for them and their family. They judge everything and everyone from a very ego-centrical perspective. IMHO. I hope I will not make this mistake again.**

I just want to warn this guy to be VERY careful - only trust yourself in this country. Be extra careful about investing money. And if you do become sucessful here you will experience a lot of jealousy from the Thais, they may try to ruin you in one way or another. It seems like you want to be self employed here - best to deal with other foriegners and cut Thais out of the picture as much as possible.

Looking at some of these posts makes me realise why I left England in the first place, and why I would never wish to go back.

Many Farangs think they are superior, I know Crossbones is a Troll, but many people do actually have that same air of superiority , I wish they would see that they are living in a Country they despise and leave for a better life elsewhere.

This is not directed at CrossBones, cos he is just trolling here, and I don't wanna feed him.

I dunno if crossbones is a troll.Just sounds like he has been shafted and is now quite bitter about it.The same goes from other blokes that have been stung by ladies of the night...some get over it and others don't.Some of them are bitter years and years after.You can tell by the tone of their posts.

Just wondering crossbones if you have anything positive to say about Thailand at all? All your posts on tv that i have read seem to run in a very negative vein :o

Edited by daleyboy
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I know if I disliked a place enough, I would be on the first plane out.

Then many on this forum would call you a failure and a loser.

And many others would say he is taking good care of himself, by removing himself from a situation that's not good for him :o

Rumpole, am I mistaken, or didn't I read that you left for similar reasons? Do you think yourself a loser, or that you failed here?

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Well said Tyree!

As many folk outside the LOS and living inside come up with excuses and apologist reasons while ignoring the real facts and problems for foreigners.

I'll add to this and say that when you're in country a while, start picking up the lingo and the cheap ways of livin' you start to pick up on how many thais (especially in the tourist zones) realise you are not a typical tourist and often resent the fact. A prime example being the ridiculous visa laws and dual pricing!

Bikish conundrums!

On Xenophobia and racist laws... This may sound familiar but read on.

I experienced this in its most open and strongest form when I went to purchase a motobike. As this was in Up country Phitsanoluk province I expected some of the "Novelty Falang" charm to be in my favour with the price and so on... how wrong I was!

'You want to rent!?' The salesman asked expectantly in thai.

'No I buy this bike, how much'

Bike was 2nd hand reasonable nick with 250cc engine!

'Okay 15000 baht' Haggled him down a little, then this harradian woman (his wife and also the owner) came out of nowhere and spoke with him in dialect. All of a sudden all employees loose interest, salesman shuffles away and this evil woman just on-looks at the developing situation.

The guy comes back with all this crap about the bike being old and unsuitable for long journeys and dangerous. I'm adamant (I'd also handed over the cash) by this point and I'm like 'Okay, lets close the deal here and sign the papers' No such luck, the devil womans come over to the interpreter and in so uncertain terms says

"He Falang! He cannot own land or bike without a business visa' Despite having a non immigrant 6 month 'O' type.

I'm flabberglasted by this point, and though I've always remained cool and collected in my various adventures overseas in thailand this was just pure insulting, like being spat in the face only verbally. The woman wasn't even sympathetic in it. Her atitude was literally,' Falang can only rent and give me money each month and bring bike back when finished, not buy. Cannot own anything in our country he buys! Indeed the notion of me actually owning a small bike seemed to bring up an intense loathing from the woman. Like I was the invader or something!

My Thai hosts who were with me were to their credit trying to swing the decision in my favour but she wouldn't budge. It was loss of face big time for many of us in that showroom, not least the salesguy who'd initially agreed and accepted the cash.

I gave her a small piece of my mind saying that I'd bought clothes in thailand to wear, were they also not my property or would i have to hand them back at the airport? I asked for where in their laws it said I could not own a bike, and I added that now she had lost over ten thousand baht in sales I would go to the next showroom and buy there instead! Got the money back from the shame faced sales guy and left. Indeed the next bike shop i visited was run by a Chang Mai/Chinese firm and they were more than happy to do business! They said I could own the bike in my name but following a trailblazing road trip to Hua Hin I get a phone call from him... Turns out I cannot own the damned thing in my name (according to the motor deptartment). Oh-Well! Luckily a trusted expat helped me out and is getting it registered for me!

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I think his remarks are especially true of the North.  The North sucks.  His remarks are not so true of the South.  My advice is if you don't want the misfortune he describes is to go South....not North....definitely not North...definitely.....

I've heard it often said of the South being the rip-off artists (Koh Samui, Koh Tao) and North being the better place!

I've spent nearly a year down south (Surat Thani Province) and I must say I found them both just as good and just as bad as each other!! On the North I will add that is where the Toxin man (The PM) is from!

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I know if I disliked a place enough, I would be on the first plane out.

Then many on this forum would call you a failure and a loser.

And many others would say he is taking good care of himself, by removing himself from a situation that's not good for him :o

Rumpole, am I mistaken, or didn't I read that you left for similar reasons? Do you think yourself a loser, or that you failed here?

That was PRECISELY my point. I have seen posts on this and other Thai forums deriding as "failures" those who decide that Thailand is not for them. As has been stated previously on this thread, it seems that anyone who has the temerity to suggest that living in Thailand may be a less than wonderful experience, runs the risk of ad hominem attacks and juvenile taunts along the lines of “**** off back to where you came from, then”. I find this is to be a very curious phenomenon that I have not encountered among expats anywhere else.

No, I do not consider myself as a loser, as I have lived and worked happily, and with a modicum of success, in nine other countries. I simply loathed working in Thailand, and after trying for quite a while to make a go of it, determined that it was never going to work for me, and so I left.

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good thread and the original post i believe is mostly true.

However after maybe 15 visits to thailand it is still the destination of retirement, but with most of my assetts and investments back in the uk just in case things go tits up. This is what i would think most people with a knowledge of the thai sytems would do.

But just think how affluent the country could be if people had trust and confidence in the laws and conduct of the powers that be, they are missing billions in investment simply because of this reason.

but hey what a place to be

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They said I could own the bike in my name but following a trailblazing road trip to Hua Hin I get a phone call from him...  Turns out I cannot own the damned thing in my name (according to the motor deptartment).  Oh-Well!  Luckily a trusted expat helped me out and is getting it registered for me!

You can have a car or motorcycle in your name with just a 30 day entry stamp.

The need to have a minimum status of non immigrant visa is a thing of the past, although you still need one for the first Thai driving license, after that a 30 day stamp will get you 1 year extensions on that license, a non immigrant will get you 5 years. :o

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They said I could own the bike in my name but following a trailblazing road trip to Hua Hin I get a phone call from him...  Turns out I cannot own the damned thing in my name (according to the motor deptartment).  Oh-Well!  Luckily a trusted expat helped me out and is getting it registered for me!

You can have a car or motorcycle in your name with just a 30 day entry stamp.

The need to have a minimum status of non immigrant visa is a thing of the past, although you still need one for the first Thai driving license, after that a 30 day stamp will get you 1 year extensions on that license, a non immigrant will get you 5 years. :o


I went to the Government Motor registration bureau on this one in Phitsanoluk, phone calls made they refused again!

If you know the exact procedure, who to contact and what to do, the information would be greatly appreciated. As the only expat I know with a vehicle in his name got his registered via a work permit and relevant visas. All others use their wives or girlfriends!

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I would say he is a troll, new member with only negative posts concerning Thai people in a Thai related forum, is that not trolling?

When people post negative things about Thailand people a lot of people in this forum seem to get upset . I suspect this is because a lot of us sometimes think ina similar way. If you are being honest you might admit to yourdelf that a lot of people out here consider you nothing more than a walking ATM. Some of these people really hate us, and there is an accepted culture to "rip off the falang" also with wealthy Thais. Those of us who have tried being kind and gernourous and treating the Thais nicely and have been stung might realise that you actually get a lot further in this country by being dismissive towards the locals, treating them as your serfs, not getting to close or personal. It is a real shame, the more respect you give someone and the more you open up - the more they will disrespect you and use this against you.

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I would say he is a troll, new member with only negative posts concerning Thai people in a Thai related forum, is that not trolling?

When people post negative things about Thailand people a lot of people in this forum seem to get upset . I suspect this is because only a few of us sometimes think in a similar way. If I am being honest, I might admit to myself that a few people out here consider me nothing more than a walking ATM. Some of these people really hate me, and there is an accepted culture to "rip off the CrossBones". Those of us who have tried being kind and genorous and treating the Thais nicely and have been treated with the same and often greater respect. You might realise that you actually get no where in this country by being dismissive towards the locals, treating them as your serfs, not getting too close or personal. It is a real shame that I haven't figured out that the more respect you give someone and the more you open up - the more they will respect you and good feelings will come back to you.

**post modified to increase truthfulness**

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They said I could own the bike in my name but following a trailblazing road trip to Hua Hin I get a phone call from him...  Turns out I cannot own the damned thing in my name (according to the motor deptartment).  Oh-Well!  Luckily a trusted expat helped me out and is getting it registered for me!

You can have a car or motorcycle in your name with just a 30 day entry stamp.

The need to have a minimum status of non immigrant visa is a thing of the past, although you still need one for the first Thai driving license, after that a 30 day stamp will get you 1 year extensions on that license, a non immigrant will get you 5 years. :o


I went to the Government Motor registration bureau on this one in Phitsanoluk, phone calls made they refused again!

If you know the exact procedure, who to contact and what to do, the information would be greatly appreciated. As the only expat I know with a vehicle in his name got his registered via a work permit and relevant visas. All others use their wives or girlfriends!

I know a farang whith a non-immigrant visa, no work permit, who registered his motorcycle in his own name in Pattaya, about a year ago. No more info, sorry.

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I would say he is a troll, new member with only negative posts concerning Thai people in a Thai related forum, is that not trolling?

When people post negative things about Thailand people a lot of people in this forum seem to get upset . I suspect this is because a lot of us sometimes think ina similar way. If you are being honest you might admit to yourdelf that a lot of people out here consider you nothing more than a walking ATM. Some of these people really hate us, and there is an accepted culture to "rip off the falang" also with wealthy Thais. Those of us who have tried being kind and gernourous and treating the Thais nicely and have been stung might realise that you actually get a lot further in this country by being dismissive towards the locals, treating them as your serfs, not getting to close or personal. It is a real shame, the more respect you give someone and the more you open up - the more they will disrespect you and use this against you.

All this negative comment from someone not even in Muang Thai despite indicating that he is " out here ". One has to wonder

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I would say he is a troll, new member with only negative posts concerning Thai people in a Thai related forum, is that not trolling?

When people post negative things about Thailand people a lot of people in this forum seem to get upset . I suspect this is because a lot of us sometimes think ina similar way. If you are being honest you might admit to yourdelf that a lot of people out here consider you nothing more than a walking ATM. Some of these people really hate us, and there is an accepted culture to "rip off the falang" also with wealthy Thais. Those of us who have tried being kind and gernourous and treating the Thais nicely and have been stung might realise that you actually get a lot further in this country by being dismissive towards the locals, treating them as your serfs, not getting to close or personal. It is a real shame, the more respect you give someone and the more you open up - the more they will disrespect you and use this against you.

All this negative comment from someone not even in Muang Thai despite indicating that he is " out here ". One has to wonder

Ahhh... another one bites the dust by the trusty and reliable Dr. Pat Pong's Locater Service... when WILL they learn???


Edited by sriracha john
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I have to say that there is a mindset here of trying to drain money from the rich farang (which actually includes anyone who is not-Thai regardless of their actual income). Many hospitals, government services, private businesses, and all public parks have this policy.

Rich Thais on the other hand recieve the lowest price possible or even free. That is business here.

There is alot of truth the the negative statements. There is also alot of good in Thailand.

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I would say he is a troll, new member with only negative posts concerning Thai people in a Thai related forum, is that not trolling?

When people post negative things about Thailand people a lot of people in this forum seem to get upset . I suspect this is because a lot of us sometimes think ina similar way. If you are being honest you might admit to yourdelf that a lot of people out here consider you nothing more than a walking ATM. Some of these people really hate us, and there is an accepted culture to "rip off the falang" also with wealthy Thais. Those of us who have tried being kind and gernourous and treating the Thais nicely and have been stung might realise that you actually get a lot further in this country by being dismissive towards the locals, treating them as your serfs, not getting to close or personal. It is a real shame, the more respect you give someone and the more you open up - the more they will disrespect you and use this against you.

All this negative comment from someone not even in Muang Thai despite indicating that he is " out here ". One has to wonder

One of the mods told me that they can all see the IP address on each post. It would be nice if we all could... Might help to cut through some of the crap :o

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That was PRECISELY my point.  I have seen posts on this and other Thai forums deriding as "failures" those who decide that Thailand is not for them. As has been stated previously on this thread, it seems that anyone who has the temerity to suggest that living in Thailand may be a less than wonderful experience, runs the risk of ad hominem attacks and juvenile taunts along the lines of “**** off back to where you came from, then”.  I find this is to be a very curious phenomenon that I have not encountered among expats anywhere else.

Well, guess something needs to get put straight here:

Anyone calling an other person a failure or loser just because he/she does not appreciate living in Thailand is either under the influence of Thai booz and/or the tropical wheather starts taking its toll.

Possibly, however, there is just a misinterpretation and the advice of just buggering off or pointing out no winner characteristics rather refer to those individuals that do not get a kick out of LOS and instead of just staying away constantly whine and moan about unfair treatment, rip offs, too much sun, too much polution, poor knowledge of English by the natives etc. etc. eventually resulting in something like anyone living here is either a drunk English teacher, a crook and or just a weirdo with pink tinted shades.

Admittedly, Thailand has indeed quite some attraction to the goofballs of the world besides having a good portion of her own breed and the country is for sure not flawless but neverheless there are heaps of decent foreigners that made her their home of choice anyway and not because of the bars, the girls or whatever improper reason. Is it so much off the line when those people taking a pee out of it when others constantly trying to bring their homeland down? Just bashing for the sake of bashing because one has made some personal unsatisfactory experiences can not be the answer and is eventually getting no one anywhere.

How about a compromise? Thailand ain't paradise but it ain't the devil's home either. She has her advantages but also some foul spots like any other place in the world. Putting strong exclusive emphasive on one side only results in nothing but endless and unproductive discussions.

People can indeed benefit from the experiences (even the negatives) made by others but it is just a matter of the wording. There is surely quite a difference between

"Upon spending quite some time in Thailand I came to the conclusion that it is not the right place to live for me and so I eventually returned to my country of origin because..."


"I do not know why people live and praise that <deleted>' county and even refer to it as LOS 'cause actually it is nothing but a nationalistic shithole with the habitants preying constantly on anyone foreign...

Indeed sorry to learn that Thailand has not fulfilled your expectations while in my case she does sufficiently although the lenses of my glasses are clear except certainly for those naturally occuring smears which anyone with bad eyesight usually has to cope with.

Lots of luck and

regards from Bangkok,

Richard :o

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Based on the post and replies in this forum, the best thing you can do is to leave Thailand and go back to your own country if you are not satisfied with lifestyle, culture and so on. Co'z even you post 1 million bad nor good comments in here, it doesn't make any sense.

Take note: "Clean your own backyards first before cleaning others" even your own country you still have complaints, isn't it? :o Human are actually like that "No Happines"

Sorry for that and don't be upset! :D, I found a great deal to works and stay here. :D

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I lived in Thailand for two yrs and I found it to be true what the poster said, as for myself I didnt own a go go bar or restaraunt as I wouldnt give them the satisfaction of having me over. Im now thinking of having a look at Malaysia as a retirement destination dont know a lot about it but i wil go and find out for myself as the poster to this link said you have to go and experience it for yoursef. must admit I was dissapointed with Thailand as much as I like it. after about six months I was so pissed off with the Thais and there attitide, funny thing is most xpats dont like Thais either. :o

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