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Potentially Unusual 90 Day Reporting Question

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I have had a look through the site, but haven't found anything to cover my specific position. I am in Thailand on a 1 year non-immi 'B' visa that I got for myself based off my company in England working with Thai company. I do not have a work permit as I am working through my English company. I realise this would normally mean that I can't do 90 day reporting. However my wife, also English, is working here on a 1 year 'B' and she has a work permit. Is there any way in which this situation can be used to allow me to join her on the 90 day reporting?

I kind of hope this isn't that unusual and one of the many useful people posting here has a wonderful answer for me...and the other 3 people in my exact situation :)

Cheers in advance

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Your post doesn't make much sense.

90 day reporting you have to do if you stay longerthan 90 days in a row in Thailand. You are talking about a 1 year non-B visa, I rpesume you have a multiple non-B.This means you have to leave the country every 90 days, so don't have to report.

If you mean your wife has a 1 year extension of stay and you want to join her, yes that is possible. On show of proof of marriage and her 1 year extension of stay you can ask for an extension of stay as her dependent.

Working in Thailand requires a work permit, working for a foreign company or not.

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As said if you wife is doing 90 day reports she must have a one year extension of stay and you could obtain a matching extension of stay as her dependent with proof of marriage/her passport and TM.7 with 1,900 baht. But your 90 day reporting might be at different times.

It falls under Police Order 777/2551 Section 2.20

(1) The alien has obtained a temporary visa (NON-IM);

(2) Proof of family relationship;

(3) In the case of a spouse, the marital relationship shall be de

jure (legitimate) and de facto;

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Your post doesn't make much sense.

90 day reporting you have to do if you stay longerthan 90 days in a row in Thailand. You are talking about a 1 year non-B visa, I rpesume you have a multiple non-B.This means you have to leave the country every 90 days, so don't have to report.

If you mean your wife has a 1 year extension of stay and you want to join her, yes that is possible. On show of proof of marriage and her 1 year extension of stay you can ask for an extension of stay as her dependent.

Working in Thailand requires a work permit, working for a foreign company or not.

Sorry about that. I was trying to tell it as a story. Here are the facts:

1) Me, here on 1 year Non-Immi 'B' obtained in England based off my company's business. I am stamped in for 90 days at Suvarnnabhumi (this expires mid-April).

2) My wife, English, here on non-immi 'B' issued through her school. She also has a work permit. She was stamped in until the end of her contract (which is going to be renewed along with all documentation).

My understanding is that normally my visa type requires me to leave the country every 90 days to come back in and get another 90 days stamp (i.e. border-run). However I understand that if my visa was issued as a dependants visa then I would be able to just report at the end of my 90 days and receive an extension of my stay for a further 90 days.

My question is as to whether my visa being issued for a separate reason would mean that I can't report as my visa type is 'B' whereas dependant visas are issued as 'O' type.

As said if you wife is doing 90 day reports she must have a one year extension of stay and you could obtain a matching extension of stay as her dependent with proof of marriage/her passport and TM.7 with 1,900 baht. But your 90 day reporting might be at different times.

It falls under Police Order 777/2551 Section 2.20

(1) The alien has obtained a temporary visa (NON-IM);

(2) Proof of family relationship;

(3) In the case of a spouse, the marital relationship shall be de

jure (legitimate) and de facto;

This seems to be my answer. This looks like a useful piece of law. I have our marriage certificate from England...is that "jure and de-facto" in Thai law? What is TM7? What is the 1,900 baht for?

Thanks to both of you for answering....looks like I will be using my (already purchased) return flights to KL next week to border-run (and pick up another bottle of "The Balvenie" :) ) as they are already paid for and it wouldn't make sense to pay out another 1,900 baht at this time. However, if everything is good then I would be looking to use the 90 day route in future.

Looking forward to your replies

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But if he gets an extension for being his wife's dependant can he work? It sounds like he does not currently have a workpermit, but he should.

He should be contacting his HR department to get the WP done to ensure that he is Legal, but if he on an extension to stay as a Dependant, will that cause him problems with the Labor department if he were to apply for a WP?

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I understand that if my visa was issued as a dependants visa then I would be able to just report at the end of my 90 days and receive an extension of my stay for a further 90 days.

You would actually be issued with an extension of stay as a dependant (is not a visa), and the expiry date would align with the expiry date of the extension of stay of main applicant whose financials you would be piggy-backing. But you would still have to report your address to immigration every 90 days.

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  • 3 weeks later...

Just a brief note to say that I have just got back from my Songkram trip and have found a LOT of useful information here. You have all been very kind and informative.....now to start reading and thinking

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