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^don't doubt he could go to england if he decided to stop his phone-in(s). However doubt he will do so. :D

Canada maybe, but not UK. Thaksin's stench at Man City is still too strong and Charles would likely speak out as cover for the government and also for his mum - although certain UK investors are much interested in Montenegro where Thaksin's mob connections probably could be a facilitating factor. Canada's PM Stephen Harper on the other hand always likes to tick off domestic Liberals, to thumb his nose at Liz and to run a mouse up the trunk of the elephant on the other side of its border. I'd anyway like to see Thaksin in Canada where he'd freeze his nads off. :)

(Truth be told Canada would be impossible coz they have more laws of the politically correct than all Western countries combined. :D )

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The stuff that ends up in one's Inbox:


I have no idea if these are credible assertions, but it's out there.

An apparent rebuttal from Cambodia about Mr. Raimsy's statements. Selling the country. I thought Thai politician's had a monopoly on that one.


Cambodia's opposition leader accused of "betraying Cambodia"
"The betraying opposition party leader Sam Rainsy has colluded with Thailand and sold himself to Thailand to let Thais invade Cambodia," Chea Dara was quoted as saying.

I'm going to take this latest salvo from the Cambodian government towards its opposition leader as confirmation that there may be more tha a little substance to the original link I posted.

Rather tactless & in poor taste, to travel to a city on the very day it is in mourning over a tragic double bombing the day before, when you yourself are the advocate, funder & protagonist of bombings against civilians in an armed insurgency in your home nation.

Tact & humilty & respect were never his strong points though.

rather tactless to instrumentalise innocent victims for your hate speech.

the 'reds' you like to paint as uncivilised cavemen and sub-humans are an anti-coup movement. citizen resistance. being more civil isn't possible and they are the only group but there are many of them.

Hmm. Well, regarding my feelings for the victims, my family is half Russian, & I go there most years to visit my grandmother. On the day Thaksin was covertly jetting into Russia on some dodgy passport to conduct unspecified dealings, I was at home with my Mum and a candle light vigil for the innocent victims, and crying.

As for hate speech, if I had been giving a I-hate-Thaksin speech I would have gone further and mentioned the US/Russian agreement this last week to decomission lots of Nukes and how these nuclear weapons tend to end up on the russian black market and how , for example a on-the-run megalomaniac who wants to rule by might, may well have got his eyes on some of the new glowing stuff. Or even as simple as saying, for a convicted arch-criminal like Thaksin, the best time to conduct underworld criminal enterprises in any nation, is on the day when the security services are reeling from mass bombings and literally 'looking the other way'.

It is you who hates. You feel that Thaksin's triumph through armed struggle is a noble & heroic thing. When a innocent bystander is injured, you see it as collateral damage. You may never have been plugged into a life-support machine, but I have, and there's nothing noble or heroic about bleeding & screaming. Some people, like me, are pacifists. I reject violence for any reason, and for that reason alone I reject Thaksin and his gang of 'take up your arms now my brothers' nutjobs.


Each additional item of information related to the posted link concerning Thaksin and Hun Sen and Gazprom et al validates the info in the link. I mean, who besides Thaksin would argue that Hun Sen is innocent and has clean hands in this offshore energy business shared between Cambodia and Thailand with Russian oligarchs circling about, among others. Next we'll be hearing about Montenegro getting in on the fast action while Thaksin says it's a good deal for the people of Issan and the Northwest, throwing in special benefits to Chiang Mai for an extra bonus to Thaksin's cynical interests and greed.

As to a sense of humor about Thaksin, I think we've had a ton of howling laffs over his zany exploits - to cite one, the Thailand condum size survey which has Thaksin standing there at immigration with one pulled down over his head and one on each foot. You forget that one, or maybe you missed it. Anyone who missed that one has missed a he3ll ovalot ha ha! Then there's the hilarious Thaksin claim that he comes from the people, people who happen to have been one of the most comfortable families in Chiang Mai - that one's just a laff riot. Standup comedians in every one of our countries would kill to have this kind of material which writes itself and which makes us laff till we hurt :) .

rather tactless to instrumentalise innocent victims for your hate speech.

the 'reds' you like to paint as uncivilised cavemen and sub-humans are an anti-coup movement. citizen resistance. being more civil isn't possible and they are the only group but there are many of them.

Please point to a single time a reputable member has used these words to describe the red shirts.

This is pointless hyperbole and demagogy, the refuge of those that have run out of reasonable, fact based arguments.


so what have the bombings in Moscow in common with the red shirts in bangkok?

sorry, hyperbole and demagogy you can find in the remarks of this members. all the time with the same pattern and systematic.. good vs. evil. high vs. low. 'the raw and the cooked'. some innocent victim, a decent person, a superior Abhisit, a self declared art expert and so on are juxtapose some horror stories and rants about the inferior red mob who throws grenades and blood buckets all the time at innocent bystanders and burns down the city. that is pure hate speech. every post is full of phobia, xenophobia and a superiority complex. i don't lot of insults and rants you can read here at this board. people are emotional and not everybody got a good education. but this rhetoric has a special quality. Julius Streicher couldn't have done it better.

2 examples:

on the subject of blood rituals:

I do artworks to sell, since 1982, and to be honest you can make more of an captivating & hard-hitting drawing using pencils than you can with congealed plasma.Its just another step back away from civilisation. Even cavemen used multi-coloured pigments and crystals to produce powerful art.Topic: Drawings By Human Blood

besides that you have works with blood in modern art too, the western "civilisation" worship(ed) carvings and paintings of a tortured dude nailed on a cross, while drinking his blood and eat pieces of his flesh. how you explain that to an outsider, a stranger from an other culture, who comes the first time ever in his life into a church?

or the imaginary friend and the red monsters

"One of my Thai friends who was born and raised in Bangkok, and works with international investment firms there, telephoned me last night in tears because she said she was so embarrased to speak to her foreign clients today, she felt this blood incident made her look like she was part of some barbaric race. Her words.

Its so sad, I've never met any of these loonies with the blood buckets etc. but I have met hundreds of professional and smart Thais who all get tarnished by this." Protests Turn Bloody -- But Not Violent

reasonable? fact based arguments?

Well, it seems that I have a stalker. I always wanted one, but I had hoped that they would be at least interesting to listen to.

My best friend, is not imaginary. She is genuinely upset about the damage done to civilised Thai businesspeople. Most of her friends work in the same industry and they share the view I mentioned.

I fail to see how or why you would even approach that conclusion. Fairer to say, somebody (you) who spend their days sitting alone hunched iinfront of a PC making notes of old forum threads and snipping fragments out from one persons thoughts, and weaving them together into a sort personal vendetta , you are the one who needs more real friends. Or even one.

I'm online 30 minutes a day, I come here because I am flying soon and getting visa, and the deteriorating situation recently I have *had* to take an interest. For simple travel reasons. I alo express my opinions as an educated human being.

Re christian / cross eating flesh etc. Go ask a Christian, and don't brand me with their brush. I am an atheist.

Re; the blood painting, again, my view. I find blood an ugly medium. Maybe I've seen a lot of it in hospital wards all over the world. While you were sitting infront of that pc dissecting old forum posts. Either way, I find blood art ugly, I also find that pickled shark in uk gallery ugly.

I thought the bit where you accused me of xenophobia was a nice touch, as I am a half-cast immigrant. Likewise , superiority complex, lovely touch, as I grew up on a council estate washing dishes and scraping potatoes. Real fancy-pants stuff.

My advice, there is help available for people like you. There are many facilities that offer support for cybernetic affliction syndrome, and other net dependant problems, as well as regular stalking complexes.

The whole econcept of "emo" emotional etc. is a very subjective one. If you have no emotions at all, then a normal emotional person who laughs and cries, seems totally emo to you.

Yes, that new poster does have a tendency to get carried away. But for most here we do not use the characterizations that you seem to want to put on everyone.

Oh, did you ever answer my response to about Yongyuth and how your own source used him as an example of enforcement of voting fraud during the 2007 election?


did is say everybody is that way? i had my reasons to reply to this member with the words i have chosen.

and okay, i will answer to your reply at the Yongyuth issue.

<br />"Meanwhile, the Department of Special Investigation is to investigate whether Panthongtae and Pinthongta Shinawatra have withdrawn almost Bt1 billion from their frozen bank accounts in defiance of the law.<br /><br />Tharid Phengdit, director-general of the department, said he had received a letter from the Revenue Department claiming the two children of Thaksin had taken the money from the frozen accounts.<br /><br />The Revenue Department wants to know whether the withdrawal is legal."<br /><br />How does ione withdraw money from a FORZEN account? <br />I always was led to believe a FROZEN accoun is just that FROZEN and no money can be withdrawn>><br /><br /><br /><br />
<br /><br /><br />

I know! I thought so at first too, but then I realized that they must have cunningly defrosted the account before making the withdrawal. :)

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