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Bored In Bangkok


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I am not working right now and find I have a lot of time on my hands. I like the occasional night out but is there really all that much to do or see in Bangkok during the day or alternatives to the bar scene at night? There are a few nice parks, movie theaters and malls but there really doesn't seem to be a heck of a lot more.

After being here a 1.5 years, it just seems there is not a lot to do. Especially given the heat of the day. I really get the impression that most Thais simply work and eat or survive.

I'm sure there are things I must be missing and wondering where folks get news regarding special events and such. Actually went to the Motor Show last week but that was very unimpressive .. little in the way of concept or old vehicles vs. the crowds that showed up. Also been to a play but these things I became aware of accidently and am wondering if there is some kind of Calendar of events for things in BKK. I've pretty much done and seen all the things mentioned when it comes to top things to do and see in and around BKK.

Thailand as a whole has a lot to offer but BKK appears, at least to me, not to offer many diverse activities.

I guess I am just surprised that a city of this size doesn't offer more. I once wanted to take my GF miniature golfing and discovered there is not one in all of BKK. Funny, last time we went to Hua Hin we had to go play when we saw they had one but it turned out to be made of concrete with no coverings. They called it "crazy golf" ... we played 3 holes before we realized it was just stupid golf and then understood why we got read the riot act of no refunds before we paid. I mean, how much would it cost to throw down some soft covering???

Again, just wondering if I am missing out on some things to do or see in terms of being an American residing in BKK.

Edit: I do like to take pictures if that helps and am looking for inexpensive things to do or just new experience to help keep myself occupied. When you want to spend money the options of course become more broader ... such as getting out of BKK and going to the beach or an island.

Edited by johndpoole
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Depending on the accommodations you require, heading off to the beach can be an inexpensive alternative to Bangkok, plus it is nice to get away from the hussle .

Sorry man, but i don't feel for you all that much. i live in Issan, and talk about trying to keep oneself occupied? well I won't even go there. :)

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explore the river and the river side, explore china town. The problem is the heat (as you have already alluded to).

I work so I don't really have this issue, I also have a car so travelling is easy, I can head out of the city to many places, I also go to the gym, walk my dogs, swim at the pool near my house, do work in my garden, I can also throw my clubs in the car and go to a driving range for an hour

On the odd occasion I like to take the day off and become a tourist, I will head somewhere like chinatown and just explore, for someone like yourself into photography this is an ideal way to spend the day providing you can manage the heat, but after 1.5 years here you should be more accustomed to it, or keep nipping into places for a cold water.

Ice skating is available at Esplanade on Rathchada Road but every day would be a bit much and soon get boring and expensive.

tbh it is not an easy question, I have visited the temples, not visited the museums, I like a boat on the river from Saphan Thaksin right up to Nonthaburi and back, this kills a couple of hours.

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Thanks guys ... just feeling a bit bored today and feeling like getting out of the same routine. Appreciate the advice on finding new things.

dont know if it would be your kind of cup of tea, but try going horse racing on a sunday. doesnt cost the earth to get in and you dont have to go mad, on the betting side of things. just a bit of fun and theres usually and few farangs kicking around to talk to.

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Depending on the accommodations you require, heading off to the beach can be an inexpensive alternative to Bangkok, plus it is nice to get away from the hussle .

Sorry man, but i don't feel for you all that much. i live in Issan, and talk about trying to keep oneself occupied? well I won't even go there. :)

One of the places I have not gone is to the North except for driving through on the way to Laos. I'd really like to get up and see those regions as well as Chang Mi and rent a motorcycle to go up the mountains. That is one thing I miss in terms of nature or going to a National park type area. However, I feel for you because I can surely see now it really is selfish whining I am doing by saying I am bored in BKK compared to where most other people are living on the entire planet.

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Thanks guys ... just feeling a bit bored today and feeling like getting out of the same routine. Appreciate the advice on finding new things.

dont know if it would be your kind of cup of tea, but try going horse racing on a sunday. doesnt cost the earth to get in and you dont have to go mad, on the betting side of things. just a bit of fun and theres usually and few farangs kicking around to talk to.

Very cool idea! Not really my cup of tea but perfect in terms of doing something new. I am not even sure I have ever really been to a horse race anywhere in the world. Plus a little wagering could be fun.

EDIT: Just mentioned this to my GF and she has never been either. I'll try to find it on my own but any link you might have on the net would be appreciated ... especially if it is in English and has the Odds and other info in English. I think we will surely go this Sunday.

Edited by johndpoole
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You could always go out and play in the traffic....blindfolded?? :)

I've actually learned this is the best way to cross the street here. If you are in a cross walk (have the right of way) instead of standing for 5+ minutes waiting for a traffic break ... I just step out the first time I see the closest lane is the least bit clear and the car has enough time to stop. If you pretend you are not aware of the oncoming cars (not looking) it is amazing how all of a sudden drivers will yield the right of way to you.

Funny too because I usually only do it when there are a lot of people waiting to cross and the look of horror as I step out is funny but then it all turns into giggles from the locals as they cross with me.

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Thanks guys ... just feeling a bit bored today and feeling like getting out of the same routine. Appreciate the advice on finding new things.

dont know if it would be your kind of cup of tea, but try going horse racing on a sunday. doesnt cost the earth to get in and you dont have to go mad, on the betting side of things. just a bit of fun and theres usually and few farangs kicking around to talk to.

Very cool idea! Not really my cup of tea but perfect in terms of doing something new. I am not even sure I have ever really been to a horse race anywhere in the world. Plus a little wagering could be fun.

EDIT: Just mentioned this to my GF and she has never been either. I'll try to find it on my own but any link you might have on the net would be appreciated ... especially if it is in English and has the Odds and other info in English. I think we will surely go this Sunday.

a few pointers johndpoole

1. there are 2 race tracks in bangkok, one in the nang lern district and the other on henri du nant road.

2. meets take place on every sunday, alternating between the two. best to call the tracks, as meets do not take place on some religious days, voting days or while political events are taking place(worth bearing in mind, due to the currant political climate)

3. it costs 100 baht to get in, but you can pay more if you wish to go into an air conditioned enclosure.

4. both tracks usually like you to wear a collared shirt, long, short sleeved or even a t-shirt with a collar. knee length shorts are exceptable and sometimes if you prefe,r you can wear flip-flops, especially at nang lern. henri du nant is the strickter of the two venues and like some sort if light but casual shoe to be worn. although you can hire clothing out at both venues, aswell as binnoculars and they sell english programmes. all at hiked up farang prices.

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Thanks guys ... just feeling a bit bored today and feeling like getting out of the same routine. Appreciate the advice on finding new things.

dont know if it would be your kind of cup of tea, but try going horse racing on a sunday. doesnt cost the earth to get in and you dont have to go mad, on the betting side of things. just a bit of fun and theres usually and few farangs kicking around to talk to.

Very cool idea! Not really my cup of tea but perfect in terms of doing something new. I am not even sure I have ever really been to a horse race anywhere in the world. Plus a little wagering could be fun.

EDIT: Just mentioned this to my GF and she has never been either. I'll try to find it on my own but any link you might have on the net would be appreciated ... especially if it is in English and has the Odds and other info in English. I think we will surely go this Sunday.

a few pointers johndpoole

1. there are 2 race tracks in bangkok, one in the nang lern district and the other on henri du nant road.

2. meets take place on every sunday, alternating between the two. best to call the tracks, as meets do not take place on some religious days, voting days or while political events are taking place(worth bearing in mind, due to the currant political climate)

3. it costs 100 baht to get in, but you can pay more if you wish to go into an air conditioned enclosure.

4. both tracks usually like you to wear a collared shirt, long, short sleeved or even a t-shirt with a collar. knee length shorts are exceptable and sometimes if you prefe,r you can wear flip-flops, especially at nang lern. henri du nant is the strickter of the two venues and like some sort if light but casual shoe to be worn. although you can hire clothing out at both venues, aswell as binnoculars and they sell english programmes. all at hiked up farang prices.

Thanks ... I had found "some" info on the internet but it led to other questions such as dress code. We will surely call before going.

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There are several magazine and newspaper inserts that have page after page of activities going on Bangkok. Granted the majority of them are nightlife/bar type places, but there are also sections on galleries, concerts, various non-popular movie showings and other non nightlife activities.


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Go up to a bunch of motorcycle taxi drivers lounging on their bikes. Kick one guy off his machine, get on and freewheel it down the road making " VROOOM!! VROOM!!! " noises.

End of boredom. Where to go? Anywhere as fast as your legs will carry you. What to see? A load of jikoh roughnecks with numbered vests in hot pursuit shouting expletives. :)

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Depending on the accommodations you require, heading off to the beach can be an inexpensive alternative to Bangkok, plus it is nice to get away from the hussle .

Sorry man, but i don't feel for you all that much. i live in Issan, and talk about trying to keep oneself occupied? well I won't even go there. :)

One of the places I have not gone is to the North except for driving through on the way to Laos. I'd really like to get up and see those regions as well as Chang Mi and rent a motorcycle to go up the mountains. That is one thing I miss in terms of nature or going to a National park type area. However, I feel for you because I can surely see now it really is selfish whining I am doing by saying I am bored in BKK compared to where most other people are living on the entire planet.

There is an Events Calendar for Thailand.

When I'm bored in BKK I take my camera to a destination chosen from Bangkok Day Trips.

If you don't have a car and don't want rent, getting a taxi for a full day or half even, is cheap and easy.

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You are right buddy, there aint nothing to do here.

Back in NY you have wonderful art galleries and museums,

in Sydney awesome harbor and parks and art and culture,

Paris has amazing historical buildings and wonderful food and

an amazing countryside, Salzburg has incredible skiing on its

doorstep, the list goes on...

What has Thai got? Cheap food, a few shopping centers,

beaches where you are constantly harassed by people wanting

to sell you junk, prostitution saturation, abusive tuk-tuks,

unbearable heat and pollution, being ripped off every chance

they got - once the "magic" wears off, this place sux.

My advice is, a plane ticket to a more beautiful and cultured city

somewhere else.

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Take up cycling! The best way to see Bangkok, you can cycle along alot of the klongs or around the "stomach" bit can't remeber it's name right now but other side of the river from Klong Thooey, temples and lazy countryside cycle paths everywhere.

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