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Tax Increase On Alcohol To Hit Foreigners And Benefit Tourist Police

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It seems a simpler solution would be for the Thai government to officially ban tourist from vacationing in Thailand. At the moment they are doing a pretty good job of it without a formal process or law. Why not make the ban official? The huge sale of alcohol would decrease, and the worry about drunken foreigners causing problems would also decrease or maybe even disappear. Then the Thai government could spend time focusing on the real cause of alcohol related accidents, roadway deaths, and the shameless behavior of the country’s population. Of course the Governors of some provinces would have leaner personal bank accounts, but there are always pluses and minuses associated with every decision.


Wauw. This was only one of the stories we prepared for this day. Makes me wonder what the comments would have been on some of the other jokes we prepared.

The taxes of alcohol should be increased to start covering the costs of some of the PROBLEMS it causes. Simple really :)

I always thought it was the humans that drank the alcohol that caused the problems..? Pass another Chang..


The truly sad aspect of this thread, is that so many people believed it it. It is a tragic commentary on the distrust of the many long term expats here regarding the Thai government, which seems to do one bizarre thing after another. I am so happy they resurrected the Amazing Thailand slogan, as it truly does fit.......


Following this nice April Fools topic, posting an innocent comment and seeing it deleted was very instructive for this newbie here. Showed me not only how oversensitive and blessed with a lack of selfknowledge people can be when feeling addressed with the word Fool. It demonstrated also that forum rules can be at will interpreted/used by the socalled moderators. A substantial part of the content on TV consist of (direct and indirect) insulting, downgrading and sexist language much stronger than the word fool. But who cares, it's our farang world here baby and you may call me April Fool any month of the year!

The taxes of alcohol should be increased to start covering the costs of some of the PROBLEMS it causes. Simple really :)

"Alcohol: the cause and solution to most of life's problems."

-Homer Simpson

Following this nice April Fools topic, posting an innocent comment and seeing it deleted was very instructive for this newbie here. Showed me not only how oversensitive and blessed with a lack of selfknowledge people can be when feeling addressed with the word Fool. It demonstrated also that forum rules can be at will interpreted/used by the socalled moderators. A substantial part of the content on TV consist of (direct and indirect) insulting, downgrading and sexist language much stronger than the word fool. But who cares, it's our farang world here baby and you may call me April Fool any month of the year!

Don't be so sensative. We simply have set posts invisible that said april fool, as to not to spoil the joke. In addition we stated that some posts were deleted because of flaming as to give an explanetion for the missing posts. All "deleted" post should now be back again.

Don't be so sensative. We simply have set posts invisible that said april fool, as to not to spoil the joke. In addition we stated that some posts were deleted because of flaming as to give an explanetion for the missing posts. All "deleted" post should now be back again.

Thanks for the explanation. My compliments, got two times fooled by this move. Not oversensitive but like I stated an April Fool all the time. Goodnight


LMFAO! Quality! :)

[edit]: Was L-ing my <deleted> A Off to the 'farang belly-acher disease' post which hasn't appeared in my post. Probably something to do with this ridiculous new tax on alcoho...DOH!

Good April fool guys! Some great reading there. I wonder how the 'mentalist ravers' feel now!?

Please don't bore TV members with, "Well TIT, it's something they'd probably do etc etc etc" reply to this post.


REALLY??? you pay the same to enter parks?

You pay the same when buying clothing at the market??

You pay same for tuk tuks?

There is no need for statistics or links, turn on the TV and watch the news every day.

Sensitive little chap.

In answer to your questions above, yes I pay the same to enter parks, I have found producing my thai drivers licence is normally all that is required to acheive this.

Clothing, it all depends on where you buy your clothing, but again all you need to do is be able to speak basic Thai and this can also be acheived......I have no doubt your personality is the thing that gets you those higher prices at the markets. Never forget, if the price is too high, move on. :)

As for tuk tuks, sorry, I don't ride in them, can't even remember the last time I did......most likely in the late 80ies as a googly eyed tourist.

Of course in your world there is no need for statistics.....you are just viewing the world based on TV and what the media decides to flash before your eyes......very reliable that, I'm surprised that anyone uses statisticians :D:D

This is really funny....the joke is out but some are still discussing the story as if it was real......priceless :D

Taxes are a very sensitive topic these days.

Of course if you then address the issue of tax on one of societies greatest afflictions then your always guaranteed fireworks. The issue of whether or not its real is irrelevant.

Of course Howard, your just enjoying this so much because for a change people arnt laughing at you, but with you :D

Do you have even 1 piece of positive bone in you? or does your whole life revolve around picking on people? any chance of finding a new hobby?

Seems like a very hypocritical comment coming from you. Correct me if I am wrong, but wernt you the one given a little holiday recently for picking on people in the thread? :)

Also, please note, its against the forum rules to change somebodies post, as you have above. :D

Wish I could say that the increase on cyder here in the UK was an April fools trick :)

Gordon the moron brown strikes again

Need to find a good source for Cyder apples and brew myself. :D



i hope this is only in Pattaya cause of coarse 70% of people that drink are foreginers because it is a forang city. i wonder how many per cent are drinkers in Undo thani.

anyway the people i see get the mmost drunk are thais. starting to really get the feeling that forang are not wanted anymore

Yes I agree, the Thais themselves get totally inebriated and become a nuisance and so too,many of the tourists! To this I agree but now what about we, the peace loving expats who enjoy a drink and celebration without going over the top ?????

I wonder what the ratio is between Expats and Tourists on average ? I bet we expats out number the tourists by many and the one's always in trouble ARE= ?????????????????

and then I wonder the percentage of Thai Drunks.

MY QUESTION IS-: Ref the 20% rise, Why do the majority have to pay for the STUPIDITY of FOOLS :):D :D

I guess the fact that we foreigners already pay more for food, clothing, transportation, entrance to parks and shows, housing, rentals and pretty much anything else is not enough.

Daily reports in Pattaya show 98% of Thai causing problems, such as drunken fights, motor accidents due to driver being drunk(Thai), hit and run, again driver was drunk(again Thai)

What utter dribble........ as a foreigner I pay exactly the same amount of money, as my thai family for my food, for my clothing, transportation, entrance into parks, housing and virtually everything else. I am trying to work out why the OP of this post is paying so much more? :D

This 'Daily reports in Pattaya' the one that shows that 98% of Thais are causing the problems.....errr, do you have a link. I highly doubt that statistic, sounds like hyperbol to me :D


REALLY??? you pay the same to enter parks? or stadium? WOW you must be special!

You pay the same when buying clothing at the market?? wow, you must not only be fluent in Thai but also look Thai also

You pay same for tuk tuks? Drivers must really love you to drop the price for you

Try buying condo from Nova Group and see what price would be given to you and then send a Thai national and see what price they will get. An before you start to ramble some other crap, check out their website, which clearly has double pricing and if that does is still not good enough for you, do a search for the latest interview with the owner, who confirms double pricing

There is no need for statistics or links, turn on the TV and watch the news every day. There may be 1 report per week if that about foreigner being in an accident caused by alcohol or being or causing any kind of trouble involving other people. While 3-5 reports daily show Thai being arrested for assault because he/ she was drunk. Thai dead because he/she was drunk and lost control. Thai hurt because other driver was drunk. Foreigner killed, hit and run (drunk driver) and on and on.

I only pray and hope that this satisfies your highness, after all you would be one of the very lucky ones if not the only one to get same price entrance to the parks and stadiums

I agree, utter dribble ! I also pay the same as my Thai family, so I must be special too. Only yesterday I was in Phuket Zoo, paid the same as my Thai wife.

I too cant understand why the OP is paying so much more.


Absolutely terrible.

TAT demands urgent meeting with Finance Ministry.

Pattaya Hospitals inundated by a surge in heart and stroke victims.

3 Farangs leap to their deaths from a second floor balcony above one of the most frequented bars.

European Airlines report a rush of cancellations for flights to Thailand.

Shares in Boon Rawd Brewery are suspended on the Thai Stock Exchange after record one day fall.

Chang brings forward plans to introduce an alcohol free beer.

Then it was April 1st (April Fools Day)

^ Ohh there would be a good reason for it taxin, but I would bet its got nothing to do with being a farang.

Here is for the "special" ones

The pricing scale has been determined according to the estimated tourism potential, natural beauty, impact sensitivity, availability of public amenities and state of infrastructure for each individual national park.

The parks are now classified as belong into 1 of 4 entrance fee groups.

Group 1 charges 400 baht for foreign adults, 200 baht for foreign children, 80 baht for Thai adults and 40 baht for Thai children.

Group 2 charges 200 baht for foreign adults, 100 baht for foreign children, 40 baht for Thai adults, and 20 baht for Thai children.

Group 3 charges 100 baht for foreign adults, 50 baht for foreign children, 20 baht for Thai adults, 10 baht for Thai children.

Group 4 is everywhere else than those places belonging to 1, 2 and 3, and is completely free for everyone.

For full details visit http://www.thaivisa.com/forum/Entrance-Fee...ks-t155854.html

Rest assured since that time, prices only went up rather then down.

PS. Fairtex Pattaya, fight night, irrespective what license or other papers you show, Foreigners pay double if not triple depending on the seat

^ Ohh there would be a good reason for it taxin, but I would bet its got nothing to do with being a farang.

Here is for the "special" ones

The pricing scale has been determined according to the estimated tourism potential, natural beauty, impact sensitivity, availability of public amenities and state of infrastructure for each individual national park.

The parks are now classified as belong into 1 of 4 entrance fee groups.

Group 1 charges 400 baht for foreign adults, 200 baht for foreign children, 80 baht for Thai adults and 40 baht for Thai children.

Group 2 charges 200 baht for foreign adults, 100 baht for foreign children, 40 baht for Thai adults, and 20 baht for Thai children.

Group 3 charges 100 baht for foreign adults, 50 baht for foreign children, 20 baht for Thai adults, 10 baht for Thai children.

Group 4 is everywhere else than those places belonging to 1, 2 and 3, and is completely free for everyone.

For full details visit http://www.thaivisa.com/forum/Entrance-Fee...ks-t155854.html

Rest assured since that time, prices only went up rather then down.

PS. Fairtex Pattaya, fight night, irrespective what license or other papers you show, Foreigners pay double if not triple depending on the seat

More dribble, we've gone from being charged extra on everything, down to just paying extra for Fairtex Pattaya fight night. Fair enough Kuffki, perhaps Fairtex Pattaya do charge the farang more, doesnt interest me, havent been......as for the national parks, you can probably see in alot of the threads on this forum, particularly in the biking forum where expat farangs get admitted into national parks for the thai price if they produce official thai id.

Having said that, your first claim that everything is more expensive is utter dribble, it not true, some things are more expensive and other places will try it on you, such is life. :)

Anyway, so what, if you don't like the pricing policy here, move along, I am sure you can find somewhere else to park your attitude. :D

More dribble, we've gone from being charged extra on everything, down to just paying extra for Fairtex Pattaya fight night. Fair enough Kuffki, perhaps Fairtex Pattaya do charge the farang more, doesnt interest me, havent been......as for the national parks, you can probably see in alot of the threads on this forum, particularly in the biking forum where expat farangs get admitted into national parks for the thai price if they produce official thai id.

Having said that, your first claim that everything is more expensive is utter dribble, it not true, some things are more expensive and other places will try it on you, such is life. :)

Anyway, so what, if you don't like the pricing policy here, move along, I am sure you can find somewhere else to park your attitude. :D

I went to Erawan Falls (Kanchanaburi) a couple of weeks ago (driving), and there was double pricing, but the attendant *asked me* if I had a Thai licence, because then I could pay Thai prices.

^ Ohh there would be a good reason for it taxin, but I would bet its got nothing to do with being a farang.

Here is for the "special" ones

The pricing scale has been determined according to the estimated tourism potential, natural beauty, impact sensitivity, availability of public amenities and state of infrastructure for each individual national park.

The parks are now classified as belong into 1 of 4 entrance fee groups.

Group 1 charges 400 baht for foreign adults, 200 baht for foreign children, 80 baht for Thai adults and 40 baht for Thai children.

Group 2 charges 200 baht for foreign adults, 100 baht for foreign children, 40 baht for Thai adults, and 20 baht for Thai children.

Group 3 charges 100 baht for foreign adults, 50 baht for foreign children, 20 baht for Thai adults, 10 baht for Thai children.

Group 4 is everywhere else than those places belonging to 1, 2 and 3, and is completely free for everyone.

For full details visit http://www.thaivisa.com/forum/Entrance-Fee...ks-t155854.html

Rest assured since that time, prices only went up rather then down.

PS. Fairtex Pattaya, fight night, irrespective what license or other papers you show, Foreigners pay double if not triple depending on the seat

More dribble, we've gone from being charged extra on everything, down to just paying extra for Fairtex Pattaya fight night. Fair enough Kuffki, perhaps Fairtex Pattaya do charge the farang more, doesnt interest me, havent been......as for the national parks, you can probably see in alot of the threads on this forum, particularly in the biking forum where expat farangs get admitted into national parks for the thai price if they produce official thai id.

Having said that, your first claim that everything is more expensive is utter dribble, it not true, some things are more expensive and other places will try it on you, such is life. :)

Anyway, so what, if you don't like the pricing policy here, move along, I am sure you can find somewhere else to park your attitude. :D

Oh very sorry, so once you are proven wrong its little hard for your to handle?!

You raised the question of park entry being the same and i have proven you wrong in basic English, if you like you can read the thread link provided and read the same in basic Thai straight from the horses mouth.

And why is it when someone points out the wrong, you aways feel the need to advise to move on? Do you think you have more right to be here then anyone else? or is it the retired expat syndrom?

My attitude to what? to you? or to double pricing? If you really believe that you are paying same prices across the board, i hate to say it but you need a reality check.

With the amount of time you spend on TV, i am surprised you have time for anything else!

This is really funny....the joke is out but some are still discussing the story as if it was real......priceless :D

Taxes are a very sensitive topic these days.

Of course if you then address the issue of tax on one of societies greatest afflictions then your always guaranteed fireworks. The issue of whether or not its real is irrelevant.

Of course Howard, your just enjoying this so much because for a change people arnt laughing at you, but with you :D

Do you have even 1 piece of positive bone in you? or does your whole life revolve around picking on people? any chance of finding a new hobby?

Seems like a very hypocritical comment coming from you. Correct me if I am wrong, but wernt you the one given a little holiday recently for picking on people in the thread? :)

Also, please note, its against the forum rules to change somebodies post, as you have above. :D

Actually i picked on you, not people and sorry to say but you are not "the people" yet

Since you are aware of the rules, is there any reason why you think it is ok for you to pick on Howard? sooo should you be given little holiday now? You not happy with him because he is so successful or is it because he managed to pull an excellent joke?

Making something bald, does not change the post! or the comments you made.

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