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Well if the Reds told the BMA where they were going to protest then the BMA might have been prepared. But this was the big surprise day remember. They say tomorrow they are going somewhere else but they won't say where. And I guess they will blame the BMA or Govt or whoever for lack of toilets or whatever else.

If they really aspire to run a Govt they should be able to organize their own porti-pots or handi-cans or whatever especially when they refuse to tell the authorities where to prepare for them.

The pllan is to inconvenience business, shut down Bangkok or gridlock it and hope the generated anger is turned on the government for allowing it to happen forcing the government to back down. The problem for the reds is that the anger may turn against them instead. It is it seems coming to a head but what way will it go?

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One needs to remember that in general Thai's have a slow long burning fuse, however when that fuse burns through to the charge it's the biggest explosion one has ever heard and the resultant actions can and are indeed often sadly violent.

I am of the opinion that those actions will be against the Red Shirt Brigade, certainly all the Thai's I know are indeed somewhat peeved about the Let's get Thaksin Back Campaign being carried out under the banner of DEMOCRACY.

Well if the Reds told the BMA where they were going to protest then the BMA might have been prepared. But this was the big surprise day remember. They say tomorrow they are going somewhere else but they won't say where. And I guess they will blame the BMA or Govt or whoever for lack of toilets or whatever else.

If they really aspire to run a Govt they should be able to organize their own porti-pots or handi-cans or whatever especially when they refuse to tell the authorities where to prepare for them.

The pllan is to inconvenience business, shut down Bangkok or gridlock it and hope the generated anger is turned on the government for allowing it to happen forcing the government to back down. The problem for the reds is that the anger may turn against them instead. It is it seems coming to a head but what way will it go?

Actually I see little chance of BKK anger being turned against the government and a high chance of it being turned even further against the Reds.

If I were the BKK or National government I would issue a lawful order for the reds to disperse and for them to move their rally back into a zone where they could be protected AND where the protest did not impinge on the civil liberties of others. I would repeat the order hourly. After nightfall I would send in the police with water cannon and clear the area.

THE NATION: Urgent: Pathumwan residents are starting to come together to oppose reds.

Go Pathumwan residents!

Seriously the BS these reds talk must be apparent to all observers.

We're pro-democracy, except when you speak out against us - and please ignore communist paraphernalia we wear

We're not about Thaksin, we just really, really like to talk about bringing him back.

We'll negotiate, except only after the house is dissolved when we say.

Well if the Reds told the BMA where they were going to protest then the BMA might have been prepared. But this was the big surprise day remember. They say tomorrow they are going somewhere else but they won't say where. And I guess they will blame the BMA or Govt or whoever for lack of toilets or whatever else.

If they really aspire to run a Govt they should be able to organize their own porti-pots or handi-cans or whatever especially when they refuse to tell the authorities where to prepare for them.

The pllan is to inconvenience business, shut down Bangkok or gridlock it and hope the generated anger is turned on the government for allowing it to happen forcing the government to back down. The problem for the reds is that the anger may turn against them instead. It is it seems coming to a head but what way will it go?

Actually I see little chance of BKK anger being turned against the government and a high chance of it being turned even further against the Reds.

If I were the BKK or National government I would issue a lawful order for the reds to disperse and for them to move their rally back into a zone where they could be protected AND where the protest did not impinge on the civil liberties of others. I would repeat the order hourly. After nightfall I would send in the police with water cannon and clear the area.

Im not in BKK so cant judge the mood. Thanks for assessing it. I see the other post about residents starting to group to oppose the reds. This could be very nasty. Lets just hope for the best

Weng is also saying to use violence.

From Tulsahit's tweet:

Dr Weng: "Don't get angry, do uses violence, Don't talk back"

All leaders are advocating violence today.

the propaganda and disinformation of tulsathit twit becomes more and more like a certain radio station in 1976 must have sounded.

looking at your signature quote "The government definitely has to extend the state of emergency, ... The situation requires us to do so.” Thaksin Shinawatra that was said 2005 about the situation in the south.

in case you don't know, Dr.Weng Tojirakarn, todays leader of the National United Front of Democracy Against Dictatorship, was an outspoken critic of that decree. "The group considers the decree issued last month to deal with violence in the deep South to be unconstitutional, said Federation of Democracy president weng Tojirakarn. The decree should not come into force since it would violate many basic rights of the people, he added."

One needs to remember that in general Thai's have a slow long burning fuse, however when that fuse burns through to the charge it's the biggest explosion one has ever heard and the resultant actions can and are indeed often sadly violent.

I am of the opinion that those actions will be against the Red Shirt Brigade, certainly all the Thai's I know are indeed somewhat peeved about the Let's get Thaksin Back Campaign being carried out under the banner of DEMOCRACY.

I believe you are correct, Siampolee.

My b/f is a very mellow guy and has really made no comments about the reds. Today he is on Vibhavadi-Rangsit Road and he has had a belly full. From what I gather, many people caught into this traffic are not to happy right now and tempers are starting to show. Given the temperatures outside and being stuck into that traffic, not a good scene right now. I do think that this will backfire on the reds. They can try to tell the world how they are the victims, but the "Truth Today" is that they are victimizing people and essentially holding businesses and people as hostages right now.

At least my b/f is keeping his cool though.

Weng is also saying to use violence.

From Tulsahit's tweet:

Dr Weng: "Don't get angry, do uses violence, Don't talk back"

All leaders are advocating violence today.

the propaganda and disinformation of tulsathit twit becomes more and more like a certain radio station in 1976 must have sounded.

looking at your signature quote "The government definitely has to extend the state of emergency, ... The situation requires us to do so.” Thaksin Shinawatra that was said 2005 about the situation in the south.

in case you don't know, Dr.Weng Tojirakarn, todays leader of the National United Front of Democracy Against Dictatorship, was an outspoken critic of that decree. "The group considers the decree issued last month to deal with violence in the deep South to be unconstitutional, said Federation of Democracy president weng Tojirakarn. The decree should not come into force since it would violate many basic rights of the people, he added."

dam_n, you really live in the past. Have yet to read much about the current state of affairs from you. In case you don't know this is 2010, not 1976. Times have changed since then. Ramble on dude.

Weng is also saying to use violence.

From Tulsahit's tweet:

Dr Weng: "Don't get angry, do uses violence, Don't talk back"

All leaders are advocating violence today.

the propaganda and disinformation of tulsathit twit becomes more and more like a certain radio station in 1976 must have sounded.

looking at your signature quote "The government definitely has to extend the state of emergency, ... The situation requires us to do so.” Thaksin Shinawatra that was said 2005 about the situation in the south.

in case you don't know, Dr.Weng Tojirakarn, todays leader of the National United Front of Democracy Against Dictatorship, was an outspoken critic of that decree. "The group considers the decree issued last month to deal with violence in the deep South to be unconstitutional, said Federation of Democracy president weng Tojirakarn. The decree should not come into force since it would violate many basic rights of the people, he added."

That tweet was actually from terryfrd not tulsie but shared onto tulsies page. I would guess it was a typo as Weng never said anything about violence from what I heard. Veera did however very early


THE NATION: A 18-year-old man was arrested for slamming his Porsche vehicle at some motorcycles of red-shirt protesters. Some were injured.

Anyone know where this happened? Tempers are starting to flare.

the october 1976 crackdown was nothing else than a similar hard-branding strategy to label the protesting students as wreckers of civilisation, the most dangerous threat to the society and that the the public, the honest and law-abiding citizen finally have enough of it and that something has to be done. not an act of suppression the people, but the right thing to do to defend law, peace and order for the good of every one.

today some see that event in an other light. and there are also the roots of the 2006 anti-coup movement.

Comparing the 76 crackdown with what is happening now is just enough sad and desperate bit of nonsense, much along the lines of Abhisit is like Hitler, or Thailand is like Burma. Either you don't have a clue what you are saying or you do and you have no shame using the genuine plight of others to try and win a phony battle.

i don't think Dr. Weng is a phony, or other members of the oktober people. until today there where still labeled as the bad communists and subject to other propaganda lies.

THE NATION: A 18-year-old man was arrested for slamming his Porsche vehicle at some motorcycles of red-shirt protesters. Some were injured.

Anyone know where this happened? Tempers are starting to flare.

It's a pity, really. I read that in the Nation. Given the current temperature outside, red shirts obstructing Bangkokians freedom to do what the need to do, I'm afraid things will heat up more, and I don't mean the weather conditions.

Weng is also saying to use violence.

From Tulsahit's tweet:

Dr Weng: "Don't get angry, do uses violence, Don't talk back"

All leaders are advocating violence today.

the propaganda and disinformation of tulsathit twit becomes more and more like a certain radio station in 1976 must have sounded.

looking at your signature quote "The government definitely has to extend the state of emergency, ... The situation requires us to do so.” Thaksin Shinawatra that was said 2005 about the situation in the south.

in case you don't know, Dr.Weng Tojirakarn, todays leader of the National United Front of Democracy Against Dictatorship, was an outspoken critic of that decree. "The group considers the decree issued last month to deal with violence in the deep South to be unconstitutional, said Federation of Democracy president weng Tojirakarn. The decree should not come into force since it would violate many basic rights of the people, he added."

And since you love the past and never answered my earlier question - it was none other than Chamlong Srimuang who led the uprising against the Suchinda junta. So he must be one of your heroes. So where is he now- supporting the Reds? Nope - he early on saw Thaksin for what he was and became, OMG - a yellow leader. So how can someone who fought for democracy be a yellow shirt? In a lot of ways this situation is more complicated than we know - but one thing is for certain- the Reds have one main agenda - bring back Thaksin. And they are willing to use any means to do so.


This thread is a hoot. I have come to realize is that no one likes the people in Bangkok. Red, Yellow, Pink, Blue. Polka Dot, alot of people are of the view that it couldn't happen to nicer people. I suppose it's alot like the way the French make fun of Parisians, or Canadians hate Toronto, or Americans insult Washington DC.

I am sure this is very important for the small number of Bangkok residents affected, but for the majority of the population in Bangkok and for the rest of the country, no one is being inconvenienced whatsoever. For those in the middle of the mess, I do sympathize. really I do, but you are on your own. The PM and his cabinet are doing just fine. The Red leadership is quite comfy. The Bangkok elites really haven't been too iinconvenienced. As such, this sort of madness can go and on and on.

As for these silly comments about redshirts peeing and pooping on the street, what's your point? bangkok on a good day hardly offers the delightful scent of jasmine in the air does it? People were pooping and peeing everywhere before the rallies weren't they? The klongs are filled with human and industrial waste, and the sewers that flood aren't coughing up chunks of gold when it happens are they? One could argue that soi ciowboy was already one big open toilet anyway. :)

Anyway, keep a stiff upper lip. If anyone needs a referral to a very important noodle shop, just let me know. The owner has taken a strong stand against the redshirts and should have your support.


Dissapointed in the major shopping centres letting them use the toilet facilities.

Corner them off in that area and let them stand sit and sleep in their own sh*t and p*ss.

the october 1976 crackdown was nothing else than a similar hard-branding strategy to label the protesting students as wreckers of civilisation, the most dangerous threat to the society and that the the public, the honest and law-abiding citizen finally have enough of it and that something has to be done. not an act of suppression the people, but the right thing to do to defend law, peace and order for the good of every one.

today some see that event in an other light. and there are also the roots of the 2006 anti-coup movement.

So then you would be a big supporter of the leader of the '92 protests? The name slips my mind, maybe you could provide it?

yes, i did that already. seems the case that you don't saw it, so i have to repeat myself just like you did.

the underlineed words a links to ither text in the internet, that give you additional information, the quotes are few snippets of events from the past.

maybe it can help you to decide who is phoney and who is genuine and stick to his principles.

Uh, you do realize who led the democracy movement to oust Suchinda in '92, don't you?

Chamlong the yellow friend of Thaksin or this odd Dr.Weng, the proto-PAD red shirt was also seen.

Weng, as a member of the early 'PAD', helped to bring PAD and Chamlong together , in their protest movement against the Thaksin government

Chamlong Srimuang Slammed on 16th Anniversary of Black May Incident

Dr. Weng Tojirakarn
stated that the remarks coming from Gen Chamlong showed that he is pro-dictatorship and a person who lacks idealism. He also called on Chamlong to stop agitating for a coup d’état to happen because the people will not allow it and will counter it to the same extent as in May 1992.
It was illegitimate for the PAD or those involved in the 19 September 2006 coup d’état to hold commemorations of the May 1992 or October 1972/1976 incidents.
If they are involved in supporting the 19 September coup, it means that they stand opposite to the spirit and ideals of the martyrs who sacrificed their lives to end dictatorship’s rule. Dr. Weng also called for an end to the abuse of using democratic spirit as a tool. ...

May 22, 2008

STREETWISE: From Chamlong, with love

Everybody knows former Bangkok governor Chamlong Srimuang and Prime Minister Thaksin Shinawatra have been good friends for a long time. Their friendship dates back years to when Thaksin first entered the political arena. And during this time,
Chamlong has often sent his best wishes to the prime minister. The latest gesture of friendship was a gift of four books about health food to the prime minister.
Chamlong recommended the prime minister read the books, knowing he likely would. After all he is an avid reader. "He has advised many people to read foreign titles. I thus want him to read something that I find interesting, like side dishes," he said. One of the books is based on a doctor's conclusions that ground sesame seeds contain more nutrients than milk. That particular book choice was based on Thaksin's endorsement of milk consumption. The government recently launched a campaign to encourage people to give milk to their loved ones. ...

June 18, 2004

MISSING LAWYER: ‘Rogue cop’ offers to talk

Democracy group demands 3 senior police be probed; threat to name more There were dramatic developments in the Somchai Neelaphaijit abduction case yesterday with a police officer in hiding offering to expose the identity of colleagues allegedly involved in the Muslim lawyer?s abduction, and a pro-democracy group naming three senior officers and threatening to reveal more....

If Thaksin fails to bring the culprits to justice, his government would lose the right to run the country, said Dr weng Tojirakan,
the CFD?s chairman.

?The government cannot provide security to the public and it knows that Somchai is a most respected Muslim lawyer.

If the government avoids seeking justice for him, the government policy?s of ?quashing fire in the South?? would be a political joke,?? he said.

April 7, 2004

Dissapointed in the major shopping centres letting them use the toilet facilities.

I don't think the shopping centres have much choice. Just like when protesters decided they wanted exclusive use of the river boats. It's not hard for a few hundred people to intimidate a couple of security guards.

Dissapointed in the major shopping centres letting them use the toilet facilities.

Corner them off in that area and let them stand sit and sleep in their own sh*t and p*ss.

Guess they'd be happier than a pig in shit.


I'm tempted to join the pinks. Today I couldn't drive my car home because the Reds unilaterally closed the street I live on (near Chidlom). They simply walked in around 11am, put up big banners at both ends of the road, and pronounced it closed.

Meanwhile of course cars and motorcycles waving red flags are zooming up and down the street in both directions (illegal, as it's a one-way street!). So the Reds can drive their bloody cars on MY street but I can't. No wonder the taxi driver I hired to get me somewhere in the vicinity referred to them as maeng daeng.

Jatuporn warns Chulalongkorn University against letting academics counter red-shirt movement

Quite right! Keep the snot nosed kids out of it!

Maybe Thaksin could buy 'em off with a free iPod.


All major shopping malls closed in the area.Read: powerfull people losing big money now.

I don't think it will last much longer now :)

You just couldn't make this stuff up. All of Thailand taking a trip down the Rabbit Hole:

Jatuporn vows to lead protesters to besiege BMA

BANGKOK: -- Jatuporn Promphan vowed Saturday morning to lead protesters to besiege the Bangkok Metropolitan Administration's headquarters.

He said the protesters were dissatisfied that the BMA took sample of protesters' blood for testing without permission and announced that the blood sample's was contaminated with HIV and other dangerous viruses.

Unbelievable. Once they throw it, it's in the "public domain". I guess they feel "proletariat blood" can not be infected?

errm, actually a more tricky question because it concerns civil liberties such as the right for medical privacy.

imagine there is a meeting of a group of whoever and monitored by the authorities, they collect saliva samples form used glasses and samples from everything what people left in the rest room, in a hidden operation without asking for permission. then analyse the samples and published the findings about health condition, infectious diseases, illicit drug use.

is that okay for you?

What is the expectation of privacy of individuals who commit illegal acts in public places? Also, I don't think in this "blood soup" that there is anything to distinguish individual persons is there?

Meanwhile of course cars and motorcycles waving red flags are zooming up and down the street in both directions (illegal, as it's a one-way street!).

It is strange the way traffic violations like not wearing helmets and not abiding by one way rules are allowed to be completely ignored.

All major shopping malls closed in the area.Read: powerfull people losing big money now.

I don't think it will last much longer now :)

And what a time for this to happen .... the first Saturday after the first of the month

Weng is also saying to use violence.

From Tulsahit's tweet:

Dr Weng: "Don't get angry, do uses violence, Don't talk back"

All leaders are advocating violence today.

the propaganda and disinformation of tulsathit twit becomes more and more like a certain radio station in 1976 must have sounded.

looking at your signature quote "The government definitely has to extend the state of emergency, ... The situation requires us to do so." Thaksin Shinawatra that was said 2005 about the situation in the south.

in case you don't know, Dr.Weng Tojirakarn, todays leader of the National United Front of Democracy Against Dictatorship, was an outspoken critic of that decree. "The group considers the decree issued last month to deal with violence in the deep South to be unconstitutional, said Federation of Democracy president weng Tojirakarn. The decree should not come into force since it would violate many basic rights of the people, he added."

dam_n, you really live in the past. Have yet to read much about the current state of affairs from you. In case you don't know this is 2010, not 1976. Times have changed since then. Ramble on dude.

i don't carry a Thaksin quote in my signature and devote my board activity to focus everything on the Montenegrin and his ex-wife (thai). i am not using his name for the circular logic of nearly all of my arguments.

anyway, to look back into the history can't be wrong in my opinion, but it should be not a cherry pick of only a few things while totally ignoring other details.

the curent situation is bigger than only to bring Thaksin back.

I think we all know it's bigger than just bringing Thaksin back, but he is the battle de jour. If the conflict expands to include all possible areas of discontent, all at once, I think you know it will have a horrific outcome for ALL Thai people and us too. Let's not be so bloodthirsty.

This thread is a hoot. I have come to realize is that no one likes the people in Bangkok. Red, Yellow, Pink, Blue. Polka Dot, alot of people are of the view that it couldn't happen to nicer people. I suppose it's alot like the way the French make fun of Parisians, or Canadians hate Toronto, or Americans insult Washington DC.

I am sure this is very important for the small number of Bangkok residents affected, but for the majority of the population in Bangkok and for the rest of the country, no one is being inconvenienced whatsoever. For those in the middle of the mess, I do sympathize. really I do, but you are on your own. The PM and his cabinet are doing just fine. The Red leadership is quite comfy. The Bangkok elites really haven't been too iinconvenienced. As such, this sort of madness can go and on and on.

As for these silly comments about redshirts peeing and pooping on the street, what's your point? bangkok on a good day hardly offers the delightful scent of jasmine in the air does it? People were pooping and peeing everywhere before the rallies weren't they? The klongs are filled with human and industrial waste, and the sewers that flood aren't coughing up chunks of gold when it happens are they? One could argue that soi ciowboy was already one big open toilet anyway. :)

Anyway, keep a stiff upper lip. If anyone needs a referral to a very important noodle shop, just let me know. The owner has taken a strong stand against the redshirts and should have your support.

Good post .

Tired of the anti-whatever color rambling here

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Opens just fine! Probably a lot of people trying to reach the site at the same time.




The song is, 'Mop see chom-poo'. It is not the yellow shirts or the red shirts in the streets but the pink shirts!!! This is an interesting concept for a song in light of recent demonstrations by the yellows and reds in Bangkok. Does it make a political statement too? Yes, the song does. Jintara is saying that the yellow and red shirts are not real competitors. She wants a new political formation based on love. This group would be identified by their pink shirts! Good for Jintara! Jintara was born on 12 March 1971, and this vcd was released on 11 February 2009. A special thank you to Nisamanee for helping to translate the title of the song, in particular, the word 'Mop' from Thai to English.

now there's a group I could "get behind"

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