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Tests Prove HIV And Hepatitis Tainted Blood Used In Red Shirt Protests

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should we assume blood from thai hospitals are not tested for these deseases

and if you have an operation here you might get one of those dirty deseases while you are getting the needed blood ???

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Nw you have my Thai wife worried

She has a large family back in Issan

and it only takes 2 or 3 people to start of an ecademic

what about the Monk who through blood at people

Is it time the Government stood up and started to act like a government

enoough is enough

Do this in America or Australia and you would be in a cell so fast

Come on Thailand, time for the Government to act like a Government

Lets Thank God then , that we are not in Australia.... You know the road.? Pass another Chang...

"It was in the Bangkok Post many hours ago. So the report is false? The Mahidol University medical group has made it all up?"

Are you ready to back you life on this

maybe a joke today

but what about in a week or 2 weeks

This is serious

and intent when they did the act

There was no way they could know if the blood they got was infected as it was never tested

Intent is just as bad as to do

I think my Issan wife got some of that blood spilled onto her..... I`m sure she is turning into a Pig... Pass another Chang..!


First April or not, propaganda or not. Still there should be a law about spreading infectiousness diseases like those, as many said before in this thread there are high probability of blood borne diseases and in many westerner countries laws, it is illegal to intentionally throw blood at someone or something. So not defending any color, this act and the act of attacking a military facility should have made a clear point to the government to take some serious measure. Back at home I would have had a warning shot first if I entered a military facility without any authorization and the second shot I wouldn't be able to run from.

should we assume blood from thai hospitals are not tested for these deseases

and if you have an operation here you might get one of those dirty deseases while you are getting the needed blood ???

That's a ridiculous and false assumption


I hope the police officer in Chiang Mai who had blood mixtures thrown on him by a monk will not contract any of this.

If he does, I wonder what type of charges the monk will face? I have no idea.


In most places in the world throwing any type of body fluid would be assult. I think the first show of force back at the reds and they would scatter like ants. Most don't even really care and are only there for the show


It's very likely that the Red shirt donors who were HIV positive knew about their condition at the time they gave their blood which means it was an intentional criminal act to slosh the collected blood about.

Reprehensible conduct made worse by the biologically hazardous nature of blood splattering with infected plasma. The matter of how much the risk was is inconsequential as inflicting any risk with their tainted serum is reckless.

I hope none of people involved on the front lines of protecting the sites where the blood sloshing occurred and also those involved with the subsequent clean-up end up contracting this incurable and terminal disease associated with HIV.


Not nice , but not a big problem. As to get contaminated, blood needs to get into the bloodstream, e.g, by transfusion. Having a cut and suchlike then the blood flows outwards.

Hardly news - if you take blood from a large random number of people then this result is inevitable. Good scaremongering tactics from the government but that is about it - any intelligent person knows that blood carries risk

Agreed. Even though the article stated the chance of infection was remote, the seeds of panic have been spread. I'm still waiting for the criminals who closed the airports to go on trial...

any intelligent person knows that blood carries risk

Sure does.

...and yet the reds handled copious amounts of it poorly and disseminated it around other people.

I think you just summed up the reds quite nicely.

"It was in the Bangkok Post many hours ago. So the report is false? The Mahidol University medical group has made it all up?"

Are you ready to back you life on this

maybe a joke today

but what about in a week or 2 weeks

This is serious

and intent when they did the act

There was no way they could know if the blood they got was infected as it was never tested

Intent is just as bad as to do

I really don't understand what you are trying to say, but your last line caught my attention, grammatically as well as conceptually.

  1. You are in a club and a guy takes a swing intending to hit you but his mate grabs his arm before he can hit you. That is the same as getting hit?
  2. A guy that owed you 5 large was on his way to pay you when he was robbed. His intent was there. Is he all even with you now?


"laboratory tests found that the blood used in the symbolic blood-pouring protests included pig and cattle fluids, Dr Kusol said.

Regarding possible HIV/AIDS infection from the splattering protest, Permanent Secretary for Public Health Paichit Varachit explained that the chance of contracting the virus was slim".

I didn't know you could catch AIDS from these animals.. Another Yellow shirt propaganda issue. The yellow shirts are threatened with defeat and are now stooping to very low tactics. I thought the Yellows were the elite class the educated wealthy people. The people that modern society had 200 years ago the aristocrats who step on the little man and try and keep him down. Western society had that but the little man won and the western society little man, is the thai red shirt today.

Why would they even bother testing it? Anyone with half a brain would realize that the odds of every donor being perfectly disease-free is slim-to-none. This news report reeks of government propaganda.

I think it would be a 'normal' procedure to test the blood from this 'abnormal' act. Not scaremongering at all. All diseases are contained or can be found in the blood which is why videoflouroscopy is such a good way of analysing one's health. The university were right to test the blood and correct to report it. It's just a shame that people's mental health can't be analysed through their blood. That would have given us more useful information. Lol

"laboratory tests found that the blood used in the symbolic blood-pouring protests included pig and cattle fluids, Dr Kusol said.

Regarding possible HIV/AIDS infection from the splattering protest, Permanent Secretary for Public Health Paichit Varachit explained that the chance of contracting the virus was slim".

I didn't know you could catch AIDS from these animals.. Another Yellow shirt propaganda issue. The yellow shirts are threatened with defeat and are now stooping to very low tactics. I thought the Yellows were the elite class the educated wealthy people. The people that modern society had 200 years ago the aristocrats who step on the little man and try and keep him down. Western society had that but the little man won and the western society little man, is the thai red shirt today.

Diluting human blood with pig and cow blood doesn't mean that there is no human blood, I would have thought that was obvious from the "included".

Hardly news - if you take blood from a large random number of people then this result is inevitable. Good scaremongering tactics from the government but that is about it - any intelligent person knows that blood carries risk

Those Red Shirts acted like animals. Throwing the blood on government property and even on the feet of the soldiers was the most sickening thing I have ever seen in my life. With that many people coming to Bangkok from where they are from you know they knew there was a lot of tainted blood - HIV/AIDS & Hepatitus. Would have been good to charge the leaders with attempted murder as trying to contaminate people with the AIDS virus fits such a crime in many countries even putting aside the Red Shirts trying to overthrow the government - leaders should have been arrested for terrorism - on Thaksin's orders. Plus Thaksin & these Red Shirt leaders are definitely out to have the PM assassinated. There are so many charges these Red Shirt leaders should and could be arrested on. Inciting a riot is another. God those people are so sickening - human, cattle & pig's blood. Wonder how horrible a death the pigs died at the hands of those brutal and ignorant people?! They are ruining Thailand. Thaksin loves it and they love him!

The Government has a right to and should publish the results of the blood thrown all over the gates and sidewalks of government and goverment official's residences. That is part of their job.

"laboratory tests found that the blood used in the symbolic blood-pouring protests included pig and cattle fluids, Dr Kusol said.

Regarding possible HIV/AIDS infection from the splattering protest, Permanent Secretary for Public Health Paichit Varachit explained that the chance of contracting the virus was slim".

I didn't know you could catch AIDS from these animals.. Another Yellow shirt propaganda issue. The yellow shirts are threatened with defeat and are now stooping to very low tactics. I thought the Yellows were the elite class the educated wealthy people. The people that modern society had 200 years ago the aristocrats who step on the little man and try and keep him down. Western society had that but the little man won and the western society little man, is the thai red shirt today.

Diluting human blood with pig and cow blood doesn't mean that there is no human blood, I would have thought that was obvious from the "included".

And how long does the HIV (Virus) live outside the body??????

Back at home I would have had a warning shot first if I entered a military facility without any authorization and the second shot I wouldn't be able to run from.

There's even any number of protected military sites in the USA where no warning shots are fired.

The Use of Deadly Force (etc.) warning signs are placed before the entrance to them.


Stupidity beyond belief!!! Absolute idiocy, and just goes to show there is no intelligence behind this kind of behaviour. The spread of aids in there

own country to possibly get worse seems senseless. This to me is an act of terrorism and one would believe these guys could be shot dead to stop this behaviour.

Hardly news - if you take blood from a large random number of people then this result is inevitable. Good scaremongering tactics from the government but that is about it - any intelligent person knows that blood carries risk

Agreed. Even though the article stated the chance of infection was remote,

remote or not, I wouldn't be so cavalier when someone else life is put at risk.

the seeds of panic have been spread.

Never witnessed the months long slow painful trip to death an AIDS sufferer goes through, I take it.

I'm still waiting for the criminals who closed the airports to go on trial...

Did they throw HIV-contaminated blood on people?

Stupidity beyond belief!!! Absolute idiocy, and just goes to show there is no intelligence behind this kind of behaviour. The spread of aids in there

own country to possibly get worse seems senseless. This to me is an act of terrorism and one would believe these guys could be shot dead to stop this behaviour.

No understanding and a typical Yellow shirt aristocratic response.

its takes less than 5 minutes to conduct the actual aids test.....add on say 3 hours each way for the blood to be transported to the hospital/testing facility and the reslts to be returned......you have around 4 hours....add a few more hours for "RED SHIRT" traffic jams...........hey they poured the blood over 2 weeks ago.......but today they release the results????????? Obv a govt generated piece of BS....tarnish the reds at all cost....they want democracy....don't let them

Of course it is not possible for the reds to generate bad news.

We know this because Thaksin denied it was the reds who attacked Bangkok residents last Songkran.

So it must only be a matter of time before Thaksin/the Thaksin apologists are accusing the Government of tainting the pure blood of the reds with smuggled in AIDS virus.

And pigs.

Oink! Oink!

people fighting for DEMOCRACY !!!! hahahahahahahha ahahahahahahah they want to reinstate a dictator and its clique of most corrupt politicians .... but its for democracy ...

i cannot stop laughing at some people gullibility

NOTE: this was to answer someone whose post disappeared who was saying that some newspaper was scoffing at " people fighting for democracy"

Democracy? without election? Oh yeah, it is. Thanks for letting us know.

For another poster who said throwing blood is distasteful... so what about urine bags at the airport...

Both sides are the same... no difference...

The only difference is that Thaksin IS an ELECTED prime minister and Abhisit is NOT...

First April or not, propaganda or not. Still there should be a law about spreading infectiousness diseases like those, as many said before in this thread there are high probability of blood borne diseases and in many westerner countries laws, it is illegal to intentionally throw blood at someone or something. So not defending any color, this act and the act of attacking a military facility should have made a clear point to the government to take some serious measure. Back at home I would have had a warning shot first if I entered a military facility without any authorization and the second shot I wouldn't be able to run from.

Perhaps some of you Red Shirt (Thaksin lovers) apologists on TV can tell all of us what country in the world would have allowed attacks on a military facility without taking action at least against the leaders? The Red Shirts will continue to push - lawless acts and lawless tactics - until they are finally stopped by the Government whether it be police or the military. Something has to be done. They are killing the economy of Thailand & don't give a dam-n. They don't want peace, they want war. Give it to them!

people fighting for DEMOCRACY !!!! hahahahahahahha ahahahahahahah they want to reinstate a dictator and its clique of most corrupt politicians .... but its for democracy ...

i cannot stop laughing at some people gullibility

NOTE: this was to answer someone whose post disappeared who was saying that some newspaper was scoffing at " people fighting for democracy"

Democracy? without election? Oh yeah, it is. Thanks for letting us know.

For another poster who said throwing blood is distasteful... so what about urine bags at the airport...

Both sides are the same... no difference...

The only difference is that Thaksin IS an ELECTED prime minister and Abhisit is NOT...

I think it's pretty fruitless and a waste of time to debate that here. This place is not impartial.


Following past blood-pouring protests, several media workers and cameramen asked for anti-viral pills from the ministry, said Dr Paichit.

...there are no such anti-viral pills for Hep B, C or HIV..bad reporting here..you can't even say it is AIDS until it is 'full-blown' and only in a living carrier which can take up to five years to evaluate..the carrier then has to give permission to have such results released to the general public.

For Hep B protection you must take a course of three injections, with probably a follow-up booster, as more than likely your anti-body count is too low after your course, which is usually over a nine month period.

Hep C..no known course of preventitive medicine nor shots..same goes for HIV.

So where are they getting their information from?

For another poster who said throwing blood is distasteful... so what about urine bags at the airport...

Both sides are the same... no difference...

The obvious differences being that no urine was thrown at the airport and the blood that was thrown more recently was contaminated with HIV.

Some might think those are somewhat significant differences.

Hardly news - if you take blood from a large random number of people then this result is inevitable. Good scaremongering tactics from the government but that is about it - any intelligent person knows that blood carries risk

110% agree - just statistic medical data that exists in every population no matter what country.

I think you folks are missing the point. :)

Whether you agree with the Redshirts, or with the Aphisit government, it's the "potential" to pass the infection that creates the criminal issue.

In the USA, at the very least, this would be considered "Reckless Endangerment" and subject to criminal prosecution. However, if the Redshirt leadership who planned it, KNOWINGLY utilized infected blood it could be considered "Attempted Homocide". If someone actually contracts an incurable terminal disease from it, then the planners and perpetrators could be prosecuted for premeditated murder, or in the case of the PM's home, attempted assassination.

In the law you have to consider intent, and potential. Not just dismiss it as low probability. :D

Not nice , but not a big problem. As to get contaminated, blood needs to get into the bloodstream, e.g, by transfusion. Having a cut and suchlike then the blood flows outwards.

As somebody that has worked for doctor did you know you can actually catch Hep B from kissing??

its very very contagious alot more than HIV and is the first thing rape victims etc.. get checked for by police/doctor, so peeps maybe you should all get a check up soon!!!

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