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Tests Prove HIV And Hepatitis Tainted Blood Used In Red Shirt Protests

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The obvious differences being that no urine was thrown at the airport and the blood that was thrown more recently was contaminated with HIV.

Some might think those are somewhat significant differences.

Urine was thrown at the airport by Yellow shirts

Do you have news coverage link on that? Never saw that in any media.

The PAD said it had to campaign for Samak government's ouster because it regarded the government as being a puppet of the Thaksin regime.

Police apparently briefed up its forces at the bridge while the PAD leaders announced to the demonstrators to get prepared for resisting a possible crackdown.

A PAD leader advised protesters to arm themselves with bags of human excrement and urine to fight off police.

below photos from the government house and what the PAD had left there:



i saw similar photos from the airport.

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Great comment. I respect your view totally. I won't deny I support the red very quietly. Due to my profession, I should be ''neutral'' so I don't make biased comments and I wouldn't say I agreed with the blood campaign the reds carried out, yet I totally understand their call, and I fight their corner. I believe the poors and unpriveledged votes should count just as much. In the society where it all depends who you know, it's unsurprising people with little connection will feel frustated like this.


Or if you're Thai like me, you'd know wherte to go already. We don't want these websites that us,banned so , with a bit of research without me spelling them out.

Went to the link, what I found was a completely one-sided website, with no reference to your claim about the hospital.

Just a question or two, since you are so well spoken - how exactly is bringing Thaksin back (because no Red "victory" will be allowed without that) going to improve Thailand? What specific programs have he and the Red leadership outlined to help the poor and end the so-called "class war"? If Thaksin is the answer, why didn't he achieve change in the 5 years he had absolute power?


Wow Posted this in an earlier thread

Reading this reminded me of my mate today, weird

A month ago went to hospital and told the doctor he wanted to become Irish,

The doctor said the only way we can do that is to take a quarter of your brain away

He said OK but after the operation the doctor said sorry Sir we &lt;deleted&gt;"kd up, we took half by mistake

My mate said

"mai ba lai"


Stupidity beyond belief!!! Absolute idiocy, and just goes to show there is no intelligence behind this kind of behaviour. The spread of aids in there

own country to possibly get worse seems senseless. This to me is an act of terrorism and one would believe these guys could be shot dead to stop this behaviour.

No understanding and a typical Yellow shirt aristocratic response.

I would have to say the same about your response, typical Red Shirt response. What started this latest Red Shirt protest? Was it when the court decided against Thaksin and seized his assets on February 27th? Thailand is not a democracy! It is a Constitutional Monarchy, is it not? Who does the army ultimately answer to? I don't think it's the PM?


Great comment. I respect your view totally. I won't deny I support the red very quietly. Due to my profession, I should be ''neutral'' so I don't make biased comments and I wouldn't say I agreed with the blood campaign the reds carried out, yet I totally understand their call, and I fight their corner. I believe the poors and unpriveledged votes should count just as much. In the society where it all depends who you know, it's unsurprising people with little connection will feel frustated like this.


Or if you're Thai like me, you'd know wherte to go already. We don't want these websites that us,banned so , with a bit of research without me spelling them out.

How is this site 'non-properganda????

Non-properganda means having an impartial view on avents. This site is a LONG way from that!

Why would they even bother testing it? Anyone with half a brain would realize that the odds of every donor being perfectly disease-free is slim-to-none. This news report reeks of government propaganda.

I think it would be a 'normal' procedure to test the blood from this 'abnormal' act. Not scaremongering at all. All diseases are contained or can be found in the blood which is why videoflouroscopy is such a good way of analysing one's health. The university were right to test the blood and correct to report it. It's just a shame that people's mental health can't be analysed through their blood. That would have given us more useful information. Lol

I think you never see Sukhumvit at night, a lot of black rats come from down, people trow all knind of things...come on you really think that one road in the world is clean like an hospital?

Then after 5 minute a squad from hospital clean the blood whit al kind of disinfectant possible....all this is a joke right?

Every day human put all kind of chemical liquid in the rivers, in the sea and ocean also toxic waste....what change same liter of blood?

Sorry i dont understand all this...sure 1 april joke!


The obvious differences being that no urine was thrown at the airport and the blood that was thrown more recently was contaminated with HIV.

Some might think those are somewhat significant differences.

Urine was thrown at the airport by Yellow shirts

Do you have news coverage link on that? Never saw that in any media.


So no news or evidence of "urine was thrown at the airport by Yellow shirts."

Thank you for confirming the error of that poster's words. I didn't think I would have missed something so news worthy and it's good to know I didn't.

Hardly news - if you take blood from a large random number of people then this result is inevitable. Good scaremongering tactics from the government but that is about it - any intelligent person knows that blood carries risk

110% agree - just statistic medical data that exists in every population no matter what country.

I think you folks are missing the point. :)

Whether you agree with the Redshirts, or with the Aphisit government, it's the "potential" to pass the infection that creates the criminal issue.

In the USA, at the very least, this would be considered "Reckless Endangerment" and subject to criminal prosecution. However, if the Redshirt leadership who planned it, KNOWINGLY utilized infected blood it could be considered "Attempted Homocide". If someone actually contracts an incurable terminal disease from it, then the planners and perpetrators could be prosecuted for premeditated murder, or in the case of the PM's home, attempted assassination.

In the law you have to consider intent, and potential. Not just dismiss it as low probability. :D

You're talking way out of school. Just a minute statistical chance is "not reckless endangerment". We know the blood was not tested so there can be no intent to harm.

You would first have to show that some specific person or persons was at actual risk. I accept you dislike but no criminality is involved.

Seems like some people have the same solution for every event or utterance, throw them in jail or execute them. Come on folks. How about some sanity in the posts here?

This thread is a Red rant.

Failure to ensure the safety (quality) of the blood (quantity) dumped or distributed in any space, public or private constitutes "Reckless Disregard" or "Reckless Endangerment." It could constitute either (both).

Reckless Disregard is typically a civil violation of law. Reckless Endangerment is a crimial violation of law.

Throwing any blood of any quality or quantity on a person is an act which places the perpetrator in liability of either or both civil law or criminal prosecution.

I don't want anyone or anything's blood on me or on my floor, wall, government offices, house, lawn......I could go on. Splashing blood (human or animal) around any metropolitan center is especially risky at the least. No thank you. It's a lunatic idea in the same category as bringing Thaksin back to Thailand and into the government again. It's as crackpot an idea as pardoning Thaksin or issuing an amnesty to his operatives or of amending the constitution to exempt criminal behaviours whether by the army or by Thaksin.

The Reds got the world's attention for sure. And the world knows who has blood on the mind. The world would know who would be at fault and to blame if more blood is spilled in the streets and in Bangkok.


The obvious differences being that no urine was thrown at the airport and the blood that was thrown more recently was contaminated with HIV.

Some might think those are somewhat significant differences.

Urine was thrown at the airport by Yellow shirts

Do you have news coverage link on that? Never saw that in any media.

The PAD said it had to campaign for Samak government's ouster because it regarded the government as being a puppet of the Thaksin regime.

Police apparently briefed up its forces at the bridge while the PAD leaders announced to the demonstrators to get prepared for resisting a possible crackdown.

A PAD leader advised protesters to arm themselves with bags of human excrement and urine to fight off police.

below photos from the government house and what the PAD had left there:



i saw similar photos from the airport.

This photo reminds me of Glastonbury!

Or any event where there are thousands of people and not enough toilets. The only answer is to piss in a bottle.

This photo just shows that these people were good enough to leave the bottles next to the toilet so it can be collected hygenically and not thrown at anyone (like at Glastonbury!)




Great comment. I respect your view totally. I won't deny I support the red very quietly. Due to my profession, I should be ''neutral'' so I don't make biased comments and I wouldn't say I agreed with the blood campaign the reds carried out, yet I totally understand their call, and I fight their corner. I believe the poors and unpriveledged votes should count just as much. In the society where it all depends who you know, it's unsurprising people with little connection will feel frustated like this.


Or if you're Thai like me, you'd know wherte to go already. We don't want these websites that us,banned so , with a bit of research without me spelling them out.

Went to the link, what I found was a completely one-sided website, with no reference to your claim about the hospital.

Just a question or two, since you are so well spoken - how exactly is bringing Thaksin back (because no Red "victory" will be allowed without that) going to improve Thailand? What specific programs have he and the Red leadership outlined to help the poor and end the so-called "class war"? If Thaksin is the answer, why didn't he achieve change in the 5 years he had absolute power?


The website I told you was not to do with this blood saga article. I just answered to your call for some other liberal websites, but I sensed you're not one of the ''liberal ones''

Me supporting the Reds doesn't mean I support Thaksin, so pls distinguish the fact that there're really people out there, like me, who would do anything within their power to chase the dream of true democracy. I just feel for those who're trying in vain against the elites -that doesn't mean I'm a pro-Thaksin.

Neither did I say I agreed with their blood campaign. I just found the cheap tactic of a false claim like this more pathetic.

I'm just a Thai woman who wants to see change. I'm not brave enough to go in the open like these red-shirts, because of my profession. That's why I feel these people trying to make change (which may never come) have made more sacrifice for their belief than you and me would ever do. Hats off to them.

Do you guys seriously read all these mainstream newspapers and just believe them for what they are. Shame that unless you're able to read Thai and know the true fact, you wouldn't jump in to make your unfounded comments so soon.FYI, this claim that the red shirts' blood is tainted is not only pure lie. The Ramatibadi hospital, which was claimed in this so-called ''medical report'' to be the place where the bllod was tested, has just come out and confirmed that there are no such records of any blood testing within their labs. It's sad that the anti-reds go as low as to make up such unfounded and damaging story

Surprise surprise, the so called doctor that supposedly and falsely claimed to have carried this ''testing'' was a PAD activist! Need I say more!

So whatever is written in Thai is "true fact"?

Can you post a link to your claim that this story is all made up? (any bets that if it exists it's from "Truth" Today?)

The replies to this story just show that no tactic is low enough to be condemned by the Red apologists. The whole blood voodoo episode embarrassed Thailand worldwide, as well as endangered people's health. But thats okay because a billionaire crook wants his money and power back? :)

You must be one of those yellow apologist of the PAD , that stormed the airport :D

Ummm, wrong again. :D actually i have often posted that the airport takeover was a poor decision and damaged Thailand, and I think the PAD leaders should be brought to justice (as they ever so slowly are), and that appointing Kasit was a &lt;deleted&gt;??? moment, and hopefully when the government can get back to business Kasit will go. I also believe the people of Isaan have legitimate grievences, as do people in the south, and the poor in any country. But question the actions of the Reds and someone who supports the red agenda no matter what their tactics are jumps up and down crying about the airport again. It's the blind followers of Thaksin, the "J" boys, Nattawut, Arisman and Seh Daeng, the ones who never question a tactic or the rhetoric that comes from the Red camp and have no plan for Thailand other than bring back Mr. T. that are, well, a little scary. :D

What does "Mai Ba Lai" mean?

I think it is actually a quick version of "Mai Pen Rai" ... "no problem".

No, Mai Ba laew, means: Not crazy now...


Great comment. I respect your view totally. I won't deny I support the red very quietly. Due to my profession, I should be ''neutral'' so I don't make biased comments and I wouldn't say I agreed with the blood campaign the reds carried out, yet I totally understand their call, and I fight their corner. I believe the poors and unpriveledged votes should count just as much. In the society where it all depends who you know, it's unsurprising people with little connection will feel frustated like this.


Or if you're Thai like me, you'd know wherte to go already. We don't want these websites that us,banned so , with a bit of research without me spelling them out.

Went to the link, what I found was a completely one-sided website, with no reference to your claim about the hospital.

Just a question or two, since you are so well spoken - how exactly is bringing Thaksin back (because no Red "victory" will be allowed without that) going to improve Thailand? What specific programs have he and the Red leadership outlined to help the poor and end the so-called "class war"? If Thaksin is the answer, why didn't he achieve change in the 5 years he had absolute power?


The website I told you was not to do with this blood saga article. I just answered to your call for some other liberal websites, but I sensed you're not one of the ''liberal ones''

Me supporting the Reds doesn't mean I support Thaksin, so pls distinguish the fact that there're really people out there, like me, who would do anything within their power to chase the dream of true democracy. I just feel for those who're trying in vain against the elites -that doesn't mean I'm a pro-Thaksin.

Neither did I say I agreed with their blood campaign. I just found the cheap tactic of a false claim like this more pathetic.

I'm just a Thai woman who wants to see change. I'm not brave enough to go in the open like these red-shirts, because of my profession. That's why I feel these people trying to make change (which may never come) have made more sacrifice for their belief than you and me would ever do. Hats off to them.

I say shirts off to everyone. :)


Great comment. I respect your view totally. I won't deny I support the red very quietly. Due to my profession, I should be ''neutral'' so I don't make biased comments and I wouldn't say I agreed with the blood campaign the reds carried out, yet I totally understand their call, and I fight their corner. I believe the poors and unpriveledged votes should count just as much. In the society where it all depends who you know, it's unsurprising people with little connection will feel frustated like this.


Or if you're Thai like me, you'd know wherte to go already. We don't want these websites that us,banned so , with a bit of research without me spelling them out.

Went to the link, what I found was a completely one-sided website, with no reference to your claim about the hospital.

Just a question or two, since you are so well spoken - how exactly is bringing Thaksin back (because no Red "victory" will be allowed without that) going to improve Thailand? What specific programs have he and the Red leadership outlined to help the poor and end the so-called "class war"? If Thaksin is the answer, why didn't he achieve change in the 5 years he had absolute power?


The website I told you was not to do with this blood saga article. I just answered to your call for some other liberal websites, but I sensed you're not one of the ''liberal ones''

Me supporting the Reds doesn't mean I support Thaksin, so pls distinguish the fact that there're really people out there, like me, who would do anything within their power to chase the dream of true democracy. I just feel for those who're trying in vain against the elites -that doesn't mean I'm a pro-Thaksin.

Neither did I say I agreed with their blood campaign. I just found the cheap tactic of a false claim like this more pathetic.

I'm just a Thai woman who wants to see change. I'm not brave enough to go in the open like these red-shirts, because of my profession. That's why I feel these people trying to make change (which may never come) have made more sacrifice for their belief than you and me would ever do. Hats off to them.

I would love to believe what you say , but lets face it , they are neither in for Thaksin nor for democracy but for the 500THB that they get daily of which i guess most is sent back to their familly in Isaan .

Poor people always have poor choice

there're really people out there, like me, who would do anything within their power to chase the dream of true democracy.

Apparently some of them are willing to sling HIV-contaminated blood on innocent people as part of that "do anything" stuff.

They can try and dress this way and that, but at the end of the day, it was a vile and despicable and inexcusable act.

What does "Mai Ba Lai" mean?

I think it is actually a quick version of "Mai Pen Rai" ... "no problem".

No, Mai Ba laew, means: Not crazy now...

It's always meant "doesn't matter" to me, and that's how I say it mai ba lai

And whatever it means it's still Thai



The website I told you was not to do with this blood saga article. I just answered to your call for some other liberal websites, but I sensed you're not one of the ''liberal ones''

Me supporting the Reds doesn't mean I support Thaksin, so pls distinguish the fact that there're really people out there, like me, who would do anything within their power to chase the dream of true democracy. I just feel for those who're trying in vain against the elites -that doesn't mean I'm a pro-Thaksin.

Neither did I say I agreed with their blood campaign. I just found the cheap tactic of a false claim like this more pathetic.

I'm just a Thai woman who wants to see change. I'm not brave enough to go in the open like these red-shirts, because of my profession. That's why I feel these people trying to make change (which may never come) have made more sacrifice for their belief than you and me would ever do. Hats off to them.

Then you are what the Red movement needs publicly. If they would find a Caesar Chavez, MLK, Su Kyi figure to lead them and truly condemn the acts of violence, refute Thaksin and be willing to hold meaningful talks with the government, they would achieve much more and perhaps gain international support. But realistically, what do you think would happen to you if you got up on stage and said what you said here? With the leadership the reds have now, there is, unfortunately, no room for a reasonable person such as yourself in their leadership ranks.


Great comment. I respect your view totally. I won't deny I support the red very quietly. Due to my profession, I should be ''neutral'' so I don't make biased comments and I wouldn't say I agreed with the blood campaign the reds carried out, yet I totally understand their call, and I fight their corner. I believe the poors and unpriveledged votes should count just as much. In the society where it all depends who you know, it's unsurprising people with little connection will feel frustated like this.


Or if you're Thai like me, you'd know wherte to go already. We don't want these websites that us,banned so , with a bit of research without me spelling them out.

How is this site 'non-properganda????

Non-properganda means having an impartial view on avents. This site is a LONG way from that!

did you take a look at the 'pending cases' and which persons are listed there?

I thought this was another April Fool's joke story. But I saw it on the MCOT news site so I guess not... :)

OP is original MCOT source.

MCOT is an official news agency.

Do you guys seriously read all these mainstream newspapers and just believe them for what they are. Shame that unless you're able to read Thai and know the true fact, you wouldn't jump in to make your unfounded comments so soon.FYI, this claim that the red shirts' blood is tainted is not only pure lie. The Ramatibadi hospital, which was claimed in this so-called ''medical report'' to be the place where the bllod was tested, has just come out and confirmed that there are no such records of any blood testing within their labs. It's sad that the anti-reds go as low as to make up such unfounded and damaging story

Surprise surprise, the so called doctor that supposedly and falsely claimed to have carried this ''testing'' was a PAD activist! Need I say more!

could you link to a thai language news report so's i can check your claims for myself?

good heavens fella, you come on here shouting about objectivity and balance, and link to two sites (now removed by mods) to red progaganda, the worst of all being that of Giles 'red siam' Ji Ungpakorn, trotskyist lunatic with an axe to grind.

its like jatumporn shouting for democracy while trying to return a dictator to power, given freedom of speech to address the nation then refusing the rights of others to demonstrate or broadcast an opposite message

such people are not only a joke, they are a disgrace


Great comment. I respect your view totally. I won't deny I support the red very quietly. Due to my profession, I should be ''neutral'' so I don't make biased comments and I wouldn't say I agreed with the blood campaign the reds carried out, yet I totally understand their call, and I fight their corner. I believe the poors and unpriveledged votes should count just as much. In the society where it all depends who you know, it's unsurprising people with little connection will feel frustated like this.


Or if you're Thai like me, you'd know wherte to go already. We don't want these websites that us,banned so , with a bit of research without me spelling them out.

How is this site 'non-properganda????

Non-properganda means having an impartial view on avents. This site is a LONG way from that!

I guess you could say that


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