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Thai Protesters Target Bangkok's Tourist Centre


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Which agencies were "set up to convict one side"?

The AEC/ASC was set up by the CNS. Their only task was to investigate corruption in the TRT. It was believed that only an independent investigative body could be trusted with this task.

Set up to "investigate" but not to convict. The convictions came from the courts/judiciary that was not set up by the CNS.

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They then set up agencies to investigate Thaksin ? YES OR NO ?

So you're actually saying that because of the coup, the system of check and balances was restored?

I agree on this point with you!

No, balance is balance.

When you set up agencies to convict one side by garnering as much verbal evidence as you can generate in a couple of years, but find the other sides not guilty of flagrant violations its not balance.

You have become exactly what you accussed the other side of being.... in control with no checks and no balance.

This is why today you have Red shirts protesting.

The Thaksin administration single-handedly destroyed the check and balances in Thai society. Media was in complete control the TRT. If journalists wrote critical pieces, mega law suits were thrown at them.

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I did not dodge the question.

I answered it in the first line.

There are other media sources with the information, however as per the rules of TV I am not allowed to mention them or refer to them

So sorry, I am unable to answer the question.

You can mention them, you just can't link to them.

There are plenty of other media sources quoted and mentioned in TV.

Try again...

Sorry, I have been told firmly to not mention them, link to them, quote them, refer to them etc...

So I cannot. I will abide by the rules of TV.

The rules also state that you are not allowed to spread lies ... and yet you still post.

edit: why don't you point us to the rules that say you can not reference any other media.

Why not give a few key words we can do a google search on and find this information you claim TV is preventing you from sharing.

Relevant rule:

31) All members are not allowed to quote news articles or material from Associated Press (AP), bangkokpost.com or phuketwan inside topics on thaivisa.com. Posts containing quotes will be deleted from the forum. Links referring back to the sites are also not allowed and will be deleted.

I am not a mod but it would seem to me you could still talk about these news stories and where they came from. You just cannot quote them or provide links. Although I am not going to pretend TV is in complete control here, I don't see any rule about speaking about general news items regardless of where the news was originally reported from.

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According to this ThaiVisa news post, Phuket was under a tsunami alert this morning. Yet, the sirens failed to go off and warn the tourists and Thai people of the threat. Add this to the list of failures of this government. After 16 months in office, they can't even get the sirens working properly?

You mean they weren't working in the 4 years since the Tsunami under the Thaksin governments before Abhisit took over?

edit: and besides that, did it say anywhere that the sirens didn't actually work? They don't sound them on the slightest hint of a tsunami. They analyse the risk and then decide if they will sound them or not.

Edited by anotherpeter
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I really think the situation has gone beyond red, yellow (or any other color) beliefs and is simply a matter of restoring peace and order to the capitol. Regardless of the Reds beliefs or cause, it is not okay to intimidate, threaten, break the laws and provoke violence. It is not right now nor was it right last year or during the airport siege.

Until Thailand's police and military take stance that their job is to protect the people and/or uphold the laws of the land while being intolerant to those who show no respect for the laws or their uniforms then you can continue to expect unlawful mobs taking to the streets ... especially if they are allowed to get their way or are given concessions through these means.

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According to this ThaiVisa news post, Phuket was under a tsunami alert this morning. Yet, the sirens failed to go off and warn the tourists and Thai people of the threat. Add this to the list of failures of this government. After 16 months in office, they can't even get the sirens working properly?

You mean they weren't working in the 4 years since the Tsunami under the Thaksin governments before Abhisit took over?

I don't know if they were working before or not, surely not when the last tsunami hit, since there were none in place, but wha I do know is that they didn't work last night when they should have.

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Yes, the reason for the coup is clearly defined in the last sentance, to control the situation by removing Democracy, to restore the elite control which is normalcy and the other part about "unity" well, that failed even though they spent a fortune "educating" the people. But at least they managed to "gain control" and still do to this day :)

With your every post your reinforce your ignorance. As everyone knows, BUYING an election Taksin style is the OPPOSITE of true democracy. Until the widespread problem of vote buying is addressed and resolved there will never be true democracy in Thailand. If you can't understand that then there's really no point in taking anything you say seriously.

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According to this ThaiVisa news post, Phuket was under a tsunami alert this morning. Yet, the sirens failed to go off and warn the tourists and Thai people of the threat. Add this to the list of failures of this government. After 16 months in office, they can't even get the sirens working properly?

You mean they weren't working in the 4 years since the Tsunami under the Thaksin governments before Abhisit took over?

I don't know if they were working before or not, surely not when the last tsunami hit, since there were none in place, but wha I do know is that they didn't work last night when they should have.

Rainman, how do you know that they "should have" worked last night?

It doesn't say anywhere that they didn't work. It doesn't say anywhere they they were supposed to sound.

As I said in the post above (edited after you quoted unfortunately), the sirens won't go off at the slightest hint of a tsunami. That would cause unnecessary panic, and also cause many to ignore them if they sound when not really required.

You will just pick any thing out of anywhere that you can try and use to discredit the government.

IF they didn't actually work, Thaksin and his puppet governments had a number of years after the 2004 tsunami to get them working, but you try and blame the Abhisit government.

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According to this ThaiVisa news post, Phuket was under a tsunami alert this morning. Yet, the sirens failed to go off and warn the tourists and Thai people of the threat. Add this to the list of failures of this government. After 16 months in office, they can't even get the sirens working properly?

You mean they weren't working in the 4 years since the Tsunami under the Thaksin governments before Abhisit took over?

I don't know if they were working before or not, surely not when the last tsunami hit, since there were none in place, but wha I do know is that they didn't work last night when they should have.

Rainman, how do you know that they "should have" worked last night?

It doesn't say anywhere that they didn't work. It doesn't say anywhere they they were supposed to sound.

As I said in the post above (edited after you quoted unfortunately), the sirens won't go off at the slightest hint of a tsunami. That would cause unnecessary panic, and also cause many to ignore them if they sound when not really required.

You will just pick any thing out of anywhere that you can try and use to discredit the government.

IF they didn't actually work, Thaksin and his puppet governments had a number of years after the 2004 tsunami to get them working, but you try and blame the Abhisit government.

A tsunami warning was issued for Phuket. Why on earth would you install warning sirens if you don't need them? Hawaii sounded warning sirens when they received a tsunami warning, 6 hours before it was scheduled to hit. Phuket had about a 2 hour window to evacuate everyone. They did nothing. It a tsunami would have hit, everyone would be dead again. Your dodge-logic doesn't apply here.

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:) Analysts say regardless of the outcome, the mass rallies mark a turning point in a country where the richest 20% of the population earn about 55% of the income while the poorest fifth get 4%, according to a November World Bank study. That income disparity is among Asia's widest, it showed. :D

Wow, I need to go back and look at stats but if this is true then the rich here are not at all that rich. 20% of the population?!?!? That is huge or more than half of the working people in Thailand. Another words, the middle class. I think the richest 1% of American account for the same amount of income.

The problem I really see is the claim to 20% of the population only earning 4%. But since you don't supply a link to these findings, I also have to assume they are VERY VERY flawed. Just take one thing into consideration ... Most thais don't pay income tax and therefore nobody knows what the heck they actually make.

I am not denying there are problems here, like everywhere, but like any democratic society ... you wait to cast your vote and hope your person wins. And the same is true when it comes to laws and courts dictating who will be a leader ... just go back and look at Bush's win in the US back in 2000. He clearly had the majority of votes and possibly more electoral votes too but the supreme court ultimately ruled he would be the president regardless.

Also have to wonder how that income earning is distributed now that Thaksin is no longer in the country.

Bush has the majority of the general votes....thats a good one. thing is makes for a double standard to claim corruption with thailands election process when the same thing happened in florida-2000 and a bush victory

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According to this ThaiVisa news post, Phuket was under a tsunami alert this morning. Yet, the sirens failed to go off and warn the tourists and Thai people of the threat. Add this to the list of failures of this government. After 16 months in office, they can't even get the sirens working properly?

You mean they weren't working in the 4 years since the Tsunami under the Thaksin governments before Abhisit took over?

I don't know if they were working before or not, surely not when the last tsunami hit, since there were none in place, but wha I do know is that they didn't work last night when they should have.

So rainman can add seismologist to his list of omnisicent credentials? Why do you contend that the sirens should have been sounded?

There was never a tsunami threat to Phuket or anywhere near it. From the Pacific Tsunami Warning Centre's warning bulletin issued after the earthquake:










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Rainman, how do you know that they "should have" worked last night?

It doesn't say anywhere that they didn't work. It doesn't say anywhere they they were supposed to sound.

As I said in the post above (edited after you quoted unfortunately), the sirens won't go off at the slightest hint of a tsunami. That would cause unnecessary panic, and also cause many to ignore them if they sound when not really required.

You will just pick any thing out of anywhere that you can try and use to discredit the government.

IF they didn't actually work, Thaksin and his puppet governments had a number of years after the 2004 tsunami to get them working, but you try and blame the Abhisit government.

A tsunami warning was issued for Phuket. Why on earth would you install warning sirens if you don't need them? Hawaii sounded warning sirens when they received a tsunami warning, 6 hours before it was scheduled to hit. Phuket had about a 2 hour window to evacuate everyone. They did nothing. It a tsunami would have hit, everyone would be dead again. Your dodge-logic doesn't apply here.

So, go and find out from the tsunami warning centre why the sirens weren't sounded.

Hawaii would not issue a tsunami warning and sound their sirens if there was a low possibility of a tsunami. They would warn people to expect some difference in the tides, and maybe some bigger than usual waves.

Sirens would only be used in the expectation of a dangerous event.

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Nat Jantakat, a 38-year-old lychee farmer from the north, for one vowed to keep up the fight, making light of the 37 degrees Celsius (99 Fahrenheit) temperature.

"I've been here since the first day and I'll be here until we achieve democracy."

Spoken like a true patriot. Democracy is ending the present government, sending Thailand in a downward spiral and bringing back the man on the run to restore his ill gotten gain. What a buffalo.

Sorry I didn't realise that the electorate had actually voted to put the current custodians of power in office, rather I thought that they'd been imposed by those on heigh.... Some democracy that is, bit like that shower running the show in Burma really!

Interesting reply. I suppose you forgot that Mr. T brother-in-law was put into office by the exact same process. Didn't see any protest from the reds then.

I don't remember the Military/Elite buying forty Democrat MPs to install him as PM. Are you sure it was the same process?

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We have seized power. The constitution, the Senate, the House of Representatives, the Cabinet and the Constitutional Court have all been dissolved. We agreed that the caretaker prime minister has caused an unprecedented rift in society, widespread corruption, nepotism, and interfered in independent agencies, crippling them so they cannot function. If the caretaker government is allowed to govern it will hurt the country. They have also repeatedly insulted the king. Thus the council needed to seize power to control the situation, to restore normalcy and to create unity as soon as possible.

Yes, the reason for the coup is clearly defined in the last sentance, to control the situation by removing Democracy, to restore the elite control which is normalcy and the other part about "unity" well, that failed even though they spent a fortune "educating" the people. But at least they managed to "gain control" and still do to this day :)

Ahhh I see, so you are quoting out of context.. So you admit to your fallacies.

That's cool, just so long as everyone else realizes that and discards your posts for the nonsense they are.

Not to mention:

The constitution, the Senate, the House of Representatives, the Cabinet and the Constitutional Court have all been dissolved.

Which was done BY THAKSIN himself....

and that his tenure as Caretaker had run past expiry...

And they didn't mention the faked car bomb attempt on Thaksins life,

that was so badly done, that he couldn't declare marshal law at that time.

No one was waiting till he figured out a scam that would work;

a SOE with him ALONE on top, no advisers no one he would listen to.

At the time there were only THREE functioning constitutional entities,

the Courts, the army, and HRM.

Thaksin was extra-constitutional as Caretaker, because he had timed out,

and had earlier dissolved house, senate and cabinet.

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They then set up agencies to investigate Thaksin ? YES OR NO ?

So you're actually saying that because of the coup, the system of check and balances was restored?

I agree on this point with you!

No, balance is balance.

When you set up agencies to convict one side by garnering as much verbal evidence as you can generate in a couple of years, but find the other sides not guilty of flagrant violations its not balance.

You have become exactly what you accussed the other side of being.... in control with no checks and no balance.

This is why today you have Red shirts protesting.

The Thaksin administration single-handedly destroyed the check and balances in Thai society. Media was in complete control the TRT. If journalists wrote critical pieces, mega law suits were thrown at them.

One could perhaps say that the TRT reduced the checks and balances system. I would not disagree.

However, the coup, the CNS and the elite since then have completely destoyed the checks and balances system.

Do you not agree now given the outrageous double standards that since the coup "checks and balances" have now completely been wiped out ?

Or are you blind to the reality of today ?

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Hopefully the Army will see that country is divided again and will withdraw support from the coalition that was not elected by the people.

This will leave them "flying in the wind" and checks and balances will be brought back, the Democrats will be found guilty and dissolved and then parliament will be dissolved and new elections will happen.

In the same way the courts (and not the yellows) sorted out the last problem, if the Army withdraw support then the Democrats can go the same way and the reds cannot claim victory but the result will be the same.

The Democrats have been "immune" under the checks and balance system of late, if the Army withdraws their support and they are left same positon as PPP then action can at last be taken.

This is the ideal solution, allowing all sides to "unite" and for new elections to happen.

That would be wonderful !!!!

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Hopefully the Army will see that country is divided again and will withdraw support from the coalition that was not elected by the people.

This will leave them "flying in the wind" and checks and balances will be brought back, the Democrats will be found guilty and dissolved and then parliament will be dissolved and new elections will happen.

In the same way the courts (and not the yellows) sorted out the last problem, if the Army withdraw support then the Democrats can go the same way and the reds cannot claim victory but the result will be the same.

The Democrats have been "immune" under the checks and balance system of late, if the Army withdraws their support and they are left same positon as PPP then action can at last be taken.

This is the ideal solution, allowing all sides to "unite" and for new elections to happen.

That would be wonderful !!!!

A "coalition that was not elected by the people". When do people elect coalitions?

According to your earlier posts, the country is divided because of the coup. Now you're suggesting another coup. Is that supposed to even things up?

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Hopefully the Army will see that country is divided again and will withdraw support from the coalition that was not elected by the people.

This will leave them "flying in the wind" and checks and balances will be brought back, the Democrats will be found guilty and dissolved and then parliament will be dissolved and new elections will happen.

In the same way the courts (and not the yellows) sorted out the last problem, if the Army withdraw support then the Democrats can go the same way and the reds cannot claim victory but the result will be the same.

The Democrats have been "immune" under the checks and balance system of late, if the Army withdraws their support and they are left same positon as PPP then action can at last be taken.

This is the ideal solution, allowing all sides to "unite" and for new elections to happen.

That would be wonderful !!!!

A "coalition that was not elected by the people". When do people elect coalitions?

According to your earlier posts, the country is divided because of the coup. Now you're suggesting another coup. Is that supposed to even things up?

Yes in a way, to even things up.

If it takes a coup to get rid of the unelected Democrat/BJT coalition government, which will then see the way to fair elections I am sure the Reds will be fine with that.

They want to stop any possible attempt by the Democrats/BJT lining their pockets with the peoples money in the next 9 months ready to bribe their way to election wins, so a coup would be fine for the Reds as a process in order to get Democracy returned I do beleive.

Sometimes its takes one step back to move two forward.

Edited by LevelHead
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Hopefully the Army will see that country is divided again and will withdraw support from the coalition that was not elected by the people.

This will leave them "flying in the wind" and checks and balances will be brought back, the Democrats will be found guilty and dissolved and then parliament will be dissolved and new elections will happen.

In the same way the courts (and not the yellows) sorted out the last problem, if the Army withdraw support then the Democrats can go the same way and the reds cannot claim victory but the result will be the same.

The Democrats have been "immune" under the checks and balance system of late, if the Army withdraws their support and they are left same positon as PPP then action can at last be taken.

This is the ideal solution, allowing all sides to "unite" and for new elections to happen.

That would be wonderful !!!!

Let's see ... to address level's lies one by one .....

1) The current government is "elected" just the same way the last 2 were.

2) Hadd PPP dissolved parliament even a day before they were disbanded then new elections would have been called. They didn't.

3)The Army is doing its job so far and responding to the direct call of the government. Apparently Level wants the military to not answer to the government. Level wants the military to play politics. The military has said they would prefer not to do so.

4) He got it right! The courts disbanded the party that formed the last government for cause.

5) Level states that the Dems have been "immune" under the checks and balances. Simply a lie. The only cases against the Dems have shown leadership NOT to be involved in electoral fraud. The current case will likely show the same when the EC decides on Apr 20th. If the EC says the Dems are guilty, history shows us that there will be about 6 months between when the EC reccomends an action and the time the courts make a ruling. Assuming that occurs it is highly likely that new elections will have to be called (stretching the time frame out to 8 months minimum) Meaning Jan 2011. Since the first findings of the EC panel suggested a lack of evidence in the only case against the Dems, it is likely that nothing will happen to the party. It is quite funny that Level thinks that not being guilty = some nefarious immunity.

New elections WILL happen. They MUST happen in about 18 months and likely will happen in Dec 2010 or Jan 2011. Assuming that level's favored reds don't force a coup, that is.....

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According to this ThaiVisa news post, Phuket was under a tsunami alert this morning. Yet, the sirens failed to go off and warn the tourists and Thai people of the threat. Add this to the list of failures of this government. After 16 months in office, they can't even get the sirens working properly?

You mean they weren't working in the 4 years since the Tsunami under the Thaksin governments before Abhisit took over?

I don't know if they were working before or not, surely not when the last tsunami hit, since there were none in place, but wha I do know is that they didn't work last night when they should have.

The earthquake occurred at 5am and the tsunami warning was limited to 100 miles of the epicentre.

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Hopefully the Army will see that country is divided again and will withdraw support from the coalition that was not elected by the people.

This will leave them "flying in the wind" and checks and balances will be brought back, the Democrats will be found guilty and dissolved and then parliament will be dissolved and new elections will happen.

In the same way the courts (and not the yellows) sorted out the last problem, if the Army withdraw support then the Democrats can go the same way and the reds cannot claim victory but the result will be the same.

The Democrats have been "immune" under the checks and balance system of late, if the Army withdraws their support and they are left same positon as PPP then action can at last be taken.

This is the ideal solution, allowing all sides to "unite" and for new elections to happen.

That would be wonderful !!!!

Let's see ... to address level's lies one by one .....

1) The current government is "elected" just the same way the last 2 were.

2) Hadd PPP dissolved parliament even a day before they were disbanded then new elections would have been called. They didn't.

3)The Army is doing its job so far and responding to the direct call of the government. Apparently Level wants the military to not answer to the government. Level wants the military to play politics. The military has said they would prefer not to do so.

4) He got it right! The courts disbanded the party that formed the last government for cause.

5) Level states that the Dems have been "immune" under the checks and balances. Simply a lie. The only cases against the Dems have shown leadership NOT to be involved in electoral fraud. The current case will likely show the same when the EC decides on Apr 20th. If the EC says the Dems are guilty, history shows us that there will be about 6 months between when the EC reccomends an action and the time the courts make a ruling. Assuming that occurs it is highly likely that new elections will have to be called (stretching the time frame out to 8 months minimum) Meaning Jan 2011. Since the first findings of the EC panel suggested a lack of evidence in the only case against the Dems, it is likely that nothing will happen to the party. It is quite funny that Level thinks that not being guilty = some nefarious immunity.

New elections WILL happen. They MUST happen in about 18 months and likely will happen in Dec 2010 or Jan 2011. Assuming that level's favored reds don't force a coup, that is.....


The people voted PPP in, not the Democrats.

BJT did not exist at the last elections.

It is said ex-PPP politcians were enticed over to BJT with promises of power and lumps of money - thats "politician buying", worse than "vote buying".

The coalition was made up by the "elite" making people agree to work together.

Under the rules and evidence the PPP and the Democrats should have been disbanded, one was the other was not.

The same happened under the coup, TRT was disbanded and the Democrats got away with it.

and its possible to go on and on.....

A lot of points and evidence are not allowed to be brought up on TV forum as its against the rules, therefore I am sorry but I can only use the information I am allowed to post, as I wish to abide by the rules of TV.

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Yes we know its possible for you to go on on and yet, you dont get to judge who is right or wrong. Only the EC does and the Thai legal system.

We'll all know about the fate of the Democrats case of alleged irregularities on April 20th.

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Dissolving a political party is not an effective thing to do. It's a tool to get rid of the lawfully elected people. Political parties are NOT corrupt. PEOPLE are corrupt. Parties don't buy votes, parties don't take bribes. The effective way to clean things up is to prosecute the corrupt politicians who organize the corruption.

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Hopefully the Army will see that country is divided again and will withdraw support from the coalition that was not elected by the people.

This will leave them "flying in the wind" and checks and balances will be brought back, the Democrats will be found guilty and dissolved and then parliament will be dissolved and new elections will happen.

In the same way the courts (and not the yellows) sorted out the last problem, if the Army withdraw support then the Democrats can go the same way and the reds cannot claim victory but the result will be the same.

The Democrats have been "immune" under the checks and balance system of late, if the Army withdraws their support and they are left same positon as PPP then action can at last be taken.

This is the ideal solution, allowing all sides to "unite" and for new elections to happen.

That would be wonderful !!!!

Let's see ... to address level's lies one by one .....

1) The current government is "elected" just the same way the last 2 were.

2) Hadd PPP dissolved parliament even a day before they were disbanded then new elections would have been called. They didn't.

3)The Army is doing its job so far and responding to the direct call of the government. Apparently Level wants the military to not answer to the government. Level wants the military to play politics. The military has said they would prefer not to do so.

4) He got it right! The courts disbanded the party that formed the last government for cause.

5) Level states that the Dems have been "immune" under the checks and balances. Simply a lie. The only cases against the Dems have shown leadership NOT to be involved in electoral fraud. The current case will likely show the same when the EC decides on Apr 20th. If the EC says the Dems are guilty, history shows us that there will be about 6 months between when the EC reccomends an action and the time the courts make a ruling. Assuming that occurs it is highly likely that new elections will have to be called (stretching the time frame out to 8 months minimum) Meaning Jan 2011. Since the first findings of the EC panel suggested a lack of evidence in the only case against the Dems, it is likely that nothing will happen to the party. It is quite funny that Level thinks that not being guilty = some nefarious immunity.

New elections WILL happen. They MUST happen in about 18 months and likely will happen in Dec 2010 or Jan 2011. Assuming that level's favored reds don't force a coup, that is.....


The people voted PPP in, not the Democrats.

BJT did not exist at the last elections.

It is said ex-PPP politcians were enticed over to BJT with promises of power and lumps of money - thats "politician buying", worse than "vote buying".

The coalition was made up by the "elite" making people agree to work together.

Under the rules and evidence the PPP and the Democrats should have been disbanded, one was the other was not.

The same happened under the coup, TRT was disbanded and the Democrats got away with it.

and its possible to go on and on.....

A lot of points and evidence are not allowed to be brought up on TV forum as its against the rules, therefore I am sorry but I can only use the information I am allowed to post, as I wish to abide by the rules of TV.

You should check the results of the last election.

The people voted fairly evenly between the PPP and Democrats. More in favour of the PPP, but not to the level of a majority.

The PPP got into government through a coalition with the smaller parties, exactly the same way as the Democrats are currently in power.

Are you suggesting that the PPP didn't offer any sweeteners for the smaller parties backing?

The smaller parties changed allegiences from PPP to Democrats. This could have been for a number of reason: better for the country, better for their electorates, PPP not honouring promises, PPP trying to get Thaksin back here.

Based on the results of the last election, you could easily say that the Democrats would still be in power if an election was held now. But seeing as they don't need to hold elections until the end of 2011, we probably won't find out until then.

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