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Thai Protesters Target Bangkok's Tourist Centre

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I work in the tourism field and this protest is costing me plenty of money. But its not my country. So I won't judge. What I will say is that clearly anyone who supported the yellow shirts can hardly complain about the reds moving to the center of Bangkok. After all, the yellows were the ones who shut down an international airport. And to watch the army rush in here to clear the reds out so quickly would be the height of double standards.

The same old song again and again. Remember the airport...remember the yellow shirts....This is about Bangkok today and not repeat the same misstake...

Mistake... Yeah. Woops, how did we let thousands of people lay siege to the international airport - for three weeks, costing the country billions and then fail to arrest anyone. Everyone makes mistakes I guess.

But the question is ... should they make the same mistake again?

Hmmm the BKK airport was closed for 8 days ... not three weeks. The AoT closed it and the AoT board blamed the AoT chief at the airport. but this is about the current mess as was pointed out to me in PM :)

NOTE: Deleted photos and smileys from original post to save space....<deleted> does being in Bangkok have to do with anything? Does not being in Washington DC mean I can't have / express an opinion on US politics or not being in Moscow mean I can't have an opinion about the bombings in Russia? You're making no sense.

i do have a couple of questions for you though - but they require thought, so I'm not really expecting an answer...Do you support the Red call for guerilla groups in Thailand? What about the ethics of Jatuporn, who apparently has immunity from prosecution, asking poor farmers to stay and be arrested for the benefit of a convicted thief on the run?

Perhaps direct your question to jdinasia who continually thinks he takes some great moral highground because he is IN Thailand and he reads Thai.

In fact he recently accused me of not living here with ZERO knowledge to try and win some cheap point in an argument.

Start paying attention to your groupthink cabal's own posts and smell the hypocrisy.

Mr. Rumford, shouldn't be talking about hypocracy, unless it truly AWESOME...

You WERE asked a direct question you side stepped ham-footedly.

Do you support the Red call for guerilla groups in Thailand?

Come on are you for or against, is this a revolution by ANY means?

Pitchforking HiSo babies ok for the cause because ti's just?

Or is only grenade attacks on mommy at the ATM allowed, for the cause?

Hey their parents have been been mistreating the little people for ever,

so fairs fair right.

Sure this last is hyperbole, but I bet you side step that too.

I work in the tourism field and this protest is costing me plenty of money. But its not my country. So I won't judge. What I will say is that clearly anyone who supported the yellow shirts can hardly complain about the reds moving to the center of Bangkok. After all, the yellows were the ones who shut down an international airport. And to watch the army rush in here to clear the reds out so quickly would be the height of double standards.

The same old song again and again. Remember the airport...remember the yellow shirts....This is about Bangkok today and not repeat the same misstake...

Mistake... Yeah. Woops, how did we let thousands of people lay siege to the international airport - for three weeks, costing the country billions and then fail to arrest anyone. Everyone makes mistakes I guess.

But the question is ... should they make the same mistake again?

How many red leaders from closing the Asean Summit and Songkran violance are in jail? I think they like the yellow leaders are free with bail and still are the leaders of the red crowd now. Stop talking about double standards refering to this.

Wait? So what are you advocating?

It is ok to comment from afar if someone agrees with you but NOT if they disagree with you?

Interesting. Why is it that no red supporter will answer the questions: Do you support the Red agenda of calling for guerilla groups in Thailand? Is it ethical for a person with immunity to put his (poor) followers in a position to be arrested and fined, knowing nothing can happen to him? And, do you support the Red idea of a "New Thai State"? Yes or no will do fine.

Why do you need to change the subject? At least admit the hypocrisy before you change the subject. It might make you seem like have the slightest bit of intellectual honesty.

Sorry to disagree.... But...it IS ultimately all about Thaksin....

I don't dispute that there may be all kinds of different interests and motivations involved on the part of the so-to-speak foot soldiers in the Red Shirt movement.

But the leaders and organizers and funding for it all come from people who are there to put Thaksin back in power, regain his lost fortune, and to try to quash the court rulings against him....

If it weren't for all that, none of this Red Shirt stuff, at least the way it is now, would be happening.

Initially it might have been but now its not anymore.

I know this upsets many as they love the Thaksin excuse, but sorry, its now about The Reds movement for democracy.

This is why Thaksin, rightly, has been less and less involved as he needs to now fade into the background while keeping his supporters involved, but allowing the new faces to take over.

The local English press with their controllers and bias will still try to manipulate things to say its all about him, but its not, he represents a symbol of the unjust way the elite works against people who stand up to it, but he is not the sole cause now, the Reds have moved on and that was signaled by the government having negotiations.

That was the point at which the Reds moved into being a "political worry" for the elite.

i disagree, thaksin is the one who excogitated the idea of the class war becasue he knew that he could instiigate the poor majority but surely behind the scene he is more worried about his frozen asset and will do everything to get it back (soon!!!), while he sits back and relax and watch thailand self destroy. if he is really fighting for democracy why don't he go back to thailand and join that reds to demonstrate?

Hmmm the BKK airport was closed for 8 days ... not three weeks. The AoT closed it and the AoT board blamed the AoT chief at the airport. but this is about the current mess as was pointed out to me in PM :)

It takes a very stubborn person you just keep spewing the same bold faced lie relentlessy no matter how many times it is shoved right back in there face.

"The PAD has completely taken control of Suvarnabhumi Airport so any airline that wants to take off or land must seek permission from us directly,'' said Chaiwat Sinswuwong, one of the leaders of the People's Alliance for Democracy.

It really makes little sense to even debate with Red shirt supports. The Reds have shown themselves as lunatics unwilling to cooperate, unrealistic demands, no real agenda except Thaksin. They are a bunch of law breaking liars who continue to provoke violence and make violent threats and made clear their intention is to overthrow the government.

No other nation (democrat or otherwise) on this planet would be as patient and compromising with such a group.

I work in the tourism field and this protest is costing me plenty of money. But its not my country. So I won't judge. What I will say is that clearly anyone who supported the yellow shirts can hardly complain about the reds moving to the center of Bangkok. After all, the yellows were the ones who shut down an international airport. And to watch the army rush in here to clear the reds out so quickly would be the height of double standards.

The same old song again and again. Remember the airport...remember the yellow shirts....This is about Bangkok today and not repeat the same misstake...

Mistake... Yeah. Woops, how did we let thousands of people lay siege to the international airport - for three weeks, costing the country billions and then fail to arrest anyone. Everyone makes mistakes I guess.

But the question is ... should they make the same mistake again?

One thing you can be sure of is that Thaksin does not give a moment's thought to 'double standards' or any moral grandstanding where decisions have to be made.

He leaves the verbal dressing to his cheerleaders.

When action is directed his only concern is whether the action can benefit him.

Readers may wonder why he is directing his forces to the shopping centres.

Was it just dreamed up?


His aimed message is very clear.

It is aimed at his fellow capitalists with whom he is in competition with.

The message is this:

'I demand to be in charge of Thailand's economy.

If you do not let me back to be in charge, then I will disrupt your economy.'

This is one way I will do it.'

Thaksin is trying to put the squeeze on like a mafia boss.

Which he is.

Listening to the Thaksin apologists parroting away with their irrelevancies is just being assaulted with so much verbal confetti.

Hmmm the BKK airport was closed for 8 days ... not three weeks. The AoT closed it and the AoT board blamed the AoT chief at the airport. but this is about the current mess as was pointed out to me in PM :)

It takes a very stubborn person you just keep spewing the same bold faced lie relentlessy no matter how many times it is shoved right back in there face.

"The PAD has completely taken control of Suvarnabhumi Airport so any airline that wants to take off or land must seek permission from us directly,'' said Chaiwat Sinswuwong, one of the leaders of the People's Alliance for Democracy.

This debate over the airport is clearly off topic and probably time to start another thread as it doesn't belong here.

NOTE: Deleted photos and smileys from original post to save space....<deleted> does being in Bangkok have to do with anything? Does not being in Washington DC mean I can't have / express an opinion on US politics or not being in Moscow mean I can't have an opinion about the bombings in Russia? You're making no sense.

i do have a couple of questions for you though - but they require thought, so I'm not really expecting an answer...Do you support the Red call for guerilla groups in Thailand? What about the ethics of Jatuporn, who apparently has immunity from prosecution, asking poor farmers to stay and be arrested for the benefit of a convicted thief on the run?

Perhaps direct your question to jdinasia who continually thinks he takes some great moral highground because he is IN Thailand and he reads Thai.

In fact he recently accused me of not living here with ZERO knowledge to try and win some cheap point in an argument.

Start paying attention to your groupthink cabal's own posts and smell the hypocrisy.

Mr. Rumford, shouldn't be talking about hypocracy, unless it truly AWESOME...

You WERE asked a direct question you side stepped ham-footedly.

Do you support the Red call for guerilla groups in Thailand?

Come on are you for or against, is this a revolution by ANY means?

Pitchforking HiSo babies ok for the cause because ti's just?

Or is only grenade attacks on mommy at the ATM allowed, for the cause?

Hey their parents have been been mistreating the little people for ever,

so fairs fair right.

Sure this last is hyperbole, but I bet you side step that too.

No one asked ME a direct question. I challenged you and jdinasia and netfan's hypocrisy. You all are again sidestepping and ignoring it.

You all are the hypocrites advocating violence, NOT me.

PS: Again you resort to personal attack. It shows your intellect (or lack thereof) and your lack of integrity.

One thing you can be sure of is that Thaksin does not give a moment's thought to 'double standards' or any moral grandstanding where decisions have to be made.

He leaves the verbal dressing to his cheerleaders.

When action is directed his only concern is whether the action can benefit him.

Readers may wonder why he is directing his forces to the shopping centres.

Was it just dreamed up?


His aimed message is very clear.

It is aimed at his fellow capitalists with whom he is in competition with.

The message is this:

'I demand to be in charge of Thailand's economy.

If you do not let me back to be in charge, then I will disrupt your economy.'

This is one way I will do it.'

Thaksin is trying to put the squeeze on like a mafia boss.

Which he is.

Listening to the Thaksin apologists parroting away with their irrelevancies is just being assaulted with so much verbal confetti.

Which reveals his nerositic character. "I'll destroy and burn what I cannot have" his deepest longing. :)

The niceties of protocol (Hun Sen is their PM) have some charm in that instance .

Maybe Kasit should be sent to talk to the protesters , he has some experience in

the matter i believe

Pleeeease NO, he will enjoy it again as long as it leads to destruction of private and public property.

You are right :)

Perhaps the post of Minister for forestry and amusement parks for him then ?

Well if that Ministry dont exist they could create it :D


"it certainly isn't out of line to use water cannon and other non-lethal crowd dispersal techniques"

"Then do what has to be done"

If they are blocking a street who cares? If it is a peaceful protest then using force is not an appropriate response.
Water CANNON are not violent? Do you care to take yourself (if you are in Thailand) and your family and put your bodies in the way of some water CANNON to demonstrate how they are not violent? (Granted they are usually less than LETHAL but not always --- however they are certainly violent!)

You are actually comparing getting hit by water CANNON as taking a shower? You should gladly be willing to be a test subject for that then!

You think "water is not violent"? Were you alive on Boxing Day 2004?

When you call for actual violence .. then your opinion CAN hurt people. (That may be why there is a rule against it on ThaiVisa.com)

Can anyone guess who wrote these conflicting items?

Can anyone guess who thinks violence is OK against people he disagrees with but never justified if it is against someone he agrees with?



Does anybody have the youtube link with the red leader talking about setting fires and telling those in the north not to worry about filling their jugs with gasoline and just to bring empty jugs because they have all the gas they need down here?

I only saw part of it this am and want to watch it but cannot find the link somebody posted here.

Hmmm the BKK airport was closed for 8 days ... not three weeks. The AoT closed it and the AoT board blamed the AoT chief at the airport. but this is about the current mess as was pointed out to me in PM :)

It takes a very stubborn person you just keep spewing the same bold faced lie relentlessy no matter how many times it is shoved right back in there face.

"The PAD has completely taken control of Suvarnabhumi Airport so any airline that wants to take off or land must seek permission from us directly,'' said Chaiwat Sinswuwong, one of the leaders of the People's Alliance for Democracy.

This debate over the airport is clearly off topic and probably time to start another thread as it doesn't belong here.

Of course. It might illuminate the absolute hypocrisy of the bigoted anti-red crowd and their calls for violence against a far more peaceful domonstration than what happened with the PAD.

We certainly wouldn't want that to happen. No that would be very bad, exposing liars and hypocrites.

"it certainly isn't out of line to use water cannon and other non-lethal crowd dispersal techniques"

"Then do what has to be done"

If they are blocking a street who cares? If it is a peaceful protest then using force is not an appropriate response.
Water CANNON are not violent? Do you care to take yourself (if you are in Thailand) and your family and put your bodies in the way of some water CANNON to demonstrate how they are not violent? (Granted they are usually less than LETHAL but not always --- however they are certainly violent!)

You are actually comparing getting hit by water CANNON as taking a shower? You should gladly be willing to be a test subject for that then!

You think "water is not violent"? Were you alive on Boxing Day 2004?

When you call for actual violence .. then your opinion CAN hurt people. (That may be why there is a rule against it on ThaiVisa.com)

Can anyone guess who wrote these conflicting items?

Can anyone guess who thinks violence is OK against people he disagrees with but never justified if it is against someone he agrees with?


I am just confused .. is he saying police don't have the right to use force (violence) to take people into custody for non-violent crimes ... they should just let these people continue to do what they want?

Wonder how he would feel if his house was burglarized and the cops said they know who did it and where the person is at with all his possessions but they cannot do anything because the criminal says he isn't going to cooperate in terms of being arrested or giving back the stolen merchandise.

Hunsen or his advisors may have watched Aphiset's speeches and Thaksin's phone-ins. I wouldn't be surprised if he decided to hedge his bets after comparing the two!

Perhaps .... Or maybe Hun Sen has calculated that if PTP came to power , Chavalit would be the new PM with his well known track record on the economy :D .

Last time Chavalit was in power back in 97 he plunged not only the thai but the rest of the SEAs economy in the doldrum :)

I am just confused .. is he saying police don't have the right to use force (violence) to take people into custody for non-violent crimes ... they should just let these people continue to do what they want?

Wonder how he would feel if his house was burglarized and the cops said they know who did it and where the person is at with all his possessions but they cannot do anything because the criminal says he isn't going to cooperate in terms of being arrested or giving back the stolen merchandise.

Before he said police don't have the right to interfere with peaceful demonstrations using violent means. NOW he is saying Police SHOULD use violence against demonstrators. Either he has had an epiphany that violence is good or he's just a plain old hypocrite.

I'm guessing the latter.


There are a number of ways government can disperse the crowds without even having to se force.

Just like in any company, when they want for someone to resign rather then having to fire that person, company management does anything possible to make that person's life hel_l.

Government can apply same principles here.

-Stop supply of toilets. Yes they will start to use the streets, well few hours later not only they will be standing in their own "shit" but it will smell.

-Cut off all food and drinks supplies.Reds have blocked the roads, fine do not allow in any delivery's May sound inhuman, but if anyone in the crowd needs water or wants to leave-they are free to walk away

-Bring in 2-3 helicopters and have very loud speakers to either asking people to move on or play pro government speeches. If the helicopter speakers are so loud that Reds can not hear their own leaders, that may force some to walk away, not to mention headaches it will create.

I am sure there are things government can do to make crowds life very difficult.

On the topic of Airport seizuer.Right or wrong is not relevant any longer. it is past, so let past be the past.

Without taking sides, i must say, at least PAD had the brain and decency to apologize not only to Thai people but to foreigners also. While Red shirts to my knoweledge have not apologized to foreigners and tourists and right now they are directly causing problems for foreign tourists.

Personally, i would prefer to be stuck in the country due to airport problem but free to move around and do whatever. Over being stuck in the hotel room and unable to shop or travel around the city.


any ideas of what amount of money is changing hands for setting up scenarios at this very moment?

It is pretty clear Thaksin and PAD are longing for a coup, one more time, give me one more time ...lalalala ...


THE NATION: Deputy Bkk Gov Pornthep Techapaiboon says 7 BMA staff taking care of mobile toilets were attacked by red-shirts at Phanfa Bridge yesterday.

THE NATION: BMA has pulled out the service and only provides knock-down type toilets at the rally site. BMA has filed a charge with police.


Perhaps direct your question to jdinasia who continually thinks he takes some great moral highground because he is IN Thailand and he reads Thai.

In fact he recently accused me of not living here with ZERO knowledge to try and win some cheap point in an argument.

Start paying attention to your groupthink cabal's own posts and smell the hypocrisy.

Mr. Rumford, shouldn't be talking about hypocracy, unless it truly AWESOME...

You WERE asked a direct question you side stepped ham-footedly.

Do you support the Red call for guerilla groups in Thailand?

Come on are you for or against, is this a revolution by ANY means?

Pitchforking HiSo babies ok for the cause because it's just?

Or is only grenade attacks on mommy at the ATM allowed, for the cause?

Hey their parents have been been mistreating the little people for ever,

so fairs fair right.

Sure this last is hyperbole, but I bet you side step that too.

No one asked ME a direct question. I challenged you and jdinasia and netfan's hypocrisy. You all are again sidestepping and ignoring it.

You all are the hypocrites advocating violence, NOT me.

PS: Again you resort to personal attack. It shows your intellect (or lack thereof) and your lack of integrity.

Ah so you are Rumsford and are taking it personally. LOL.

You weren't even referring to me, unless you are using some global YOU.

Besides you have never heard me suggest to crack heads or beat reds.

So you can try to scale the heights of moral indignation all you like,

it's a Sisyphusian road trip for you. Ooo weee ooo what a view. I'll send pictures.

THE NATION: Deputy Bkk Gov Pornthep Techapaiboon says 7 BMA staff taking care of mobile toilets were attacked by red-shirts at Phanfa Bridge yesterday.

THE NATION: BMA has pulled out the service and only provides knock-down type toilets at the rally site. BMA has filed a charge with police.

this is when the :):D

There are a number of ways government can disperse the crowds without even having to se force.

Just like in any company, when they want for someone to resign rather then having to fire that person, company management does anything possible to make that person's life hel_l.

Government can apply same principles here.

-Stop supply of toilets. Yes they will start to use the streets, well few hours later not only they will be standing in their own "shit" but it will smell.

-Cut off all food and drinks supplies.Reds have blocked the roads, fine do not allow in any delivery's May sound inhuman, but if anyone in the crowd needs water or wants to leave-they are free to walk away

-Bring in 2-3 helicopters and have very loud speakers to either asking people to move on or play pro government speeches. If the helicopter speakers are so loud that Reds can not hear their own leaders, that may force some to walk away, not to mention headaches it will create.

I am sure there are things government can do to make crowds life very difficult.

On the topic of Airport seizuer.Right or wrong is not relevant any longer. it is past, so let past be the past.

Without taking sides, i must say, at least PAD had the brain and decency to apologize not only to Thai people but to foreigners also. While Red shirts to my knoweledge have not apologized to foreigners and tourists and right now they are directly causing problems for foreign tourists.

Personally, i would prefer to be stuck in the country due to airport problem but free to move around and do whatever. Over being stuck in the hotel room and unable to shop or travel around the city.

Are you sure you are not taking side ? :)


No one asked ME a direct question. I challenged you and jdinasia and netfan's hypocrisy. You all are again sidestepping and ignoring it.

You all are the hypocrites advocating violence, NOT me.

PS: Again you resort to personal attack. It shows your intellect (or lack thereof) and your lack of integrity.

Ah so you are Rumsford and are taking it personally. LOL.

You weren't even referring to me, unless you are using some global YOU.

Besides you have never heard me suggest to crack heads or beat reds.

So you can try to scale the heights of moral indignation all you like,

it's a Sisyphusian road trip for you. Ooo weee ooo what a view. I'll send pictures.

Personal attacks





You are a classy piece of work.

Go celebrate in your ooze pit of deceit on your firm bed of lies and have a nap.

Formulate your next dehumanizing slur for Thai People and your next insult for those who disagree with you

In your warped dreams.

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