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Why Are The Tourists Scared To Come To Thailand?


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As I wrote in another thread, I have some family members from Europe staying with me in Bangkok. And they hesitated coming, since, every day, there are reports of people in the streets.

But this is not what makes them worried, plenty of people go to the streets in Europe, and nobody notices.

But in Thailand, you can't help but notice since there is in Bangkok as many soldiers and policemen as there are people in the streets.

So, it must be dangerous.

But well, they're young and they just did it, they went out in Bangkok from morning to evening, taking pictures, and clips of the red shirts

And kind of liking it actually, telling me, you see the media always gets it wrong, these people are fun.

So are the red shirts really making the tourists scared or is it the way it is "reported" in the local media and abroad? :)

Edited by eurasianthai
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I have been going to the Philippines lately for business, and I received an e-mail last week from one of the people there I had met asking me if it was safe to come here where there was "war."  I told her it was fine.  On Thursday, I received another e-mail telling me that her family had decided not to come due to the "danger" and were going to Indonesia instead for their vacation.

One isolated incident maybe, but more likely representative of that of many perspective visitors.

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One isolated incident that shows how deep the problem is.

I was in Japan recently and when I came back the flight was half empty.

And these days when I go through the customs at Bangkok airport, it takes 5 minutes.

For no reason, if safety is an issue for tourists, they'll sure be safer in Thailand than in most countries in this world.

And today is not different than what it was before, just more fun, more people in the streets :)

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Eurasian's anecdotal family story just doesn't quite match up with reality does it? Well at least from my observations it doesn't make sense to claim the numbers of police and army visible on the streets since basically there were very few to be seen yesterday. Not enough of a physical presence to goad the reds into starting on their violence and guerilla actions that they announced earlier yesterday, at least.

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Well at least from my observations it doesn't make sense to claim the numbers of police and army visible on the streets since basically there were very few to be seen yesterday.

I really can't comment about that, Jdinasia, I actually do not go out.

But my family comes pretty often and they noticed quite a big difference compared to when they went to Bangkok 2 years ago.

I guess they're wrong, expat residents know better...

Edited by eurasianthai
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My folks in the 70s arrived here on the 15th (right after the propposed 1million man protest) and enjoyed a couple of weeks in the sun. TOok them back to the airport on the 29th and they hadn't seen one iota of disruption and had not felt fearful in the least.

Storm in a tea cup.

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I do not think people are afraid to come to Thailand, They are just more astute, high Bart, Civil problems, high crime rate, Attitude to Holiday makers, Attitude towards Ex pats, what more can you say,Thailand L O S no more. ,

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Storm in a tea cup.

Indeed Loz, but who or what is feeding the storm?



I was surprised by a comment made by my non red shirt sympathetic friend when he said part of the problem was that the TV stations would repeat the same images over and over. OK, there was a bomb blast, but why did they have to show it hundreds of times.

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i dunno about being scared, it's just the inconvenience of it all. that said, i would never come to bkk for a holiday...

Just a period off time some incoveniences and jou never come to BKK for a holiday, you longest relationship was about 12 minutes and 16 seconds isn't.

She said one wrong word and you never going to see her again :) .

And from now on you never visit Thai Visa again,

Buy buy c411um

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No doubt a lot of potential travellers remember the airport being closed down for a long period of time. Thailand = the Third World on steroids.
The Yellow Shirts' occupation of the airport is like a dark cloud hanging over Thai tourism. Now, at the first sign of unrest, vacation planners start to question their ability to return home from holiday on a timely basis.

As for violence, I think tourists who have never been to Thailand would be more likely to worry about that. For now, the rest of us are more concerned about being inconvenienced. (That could change, however, if the police and army start clubbing protesters. Nobody wants to holiday in a war zone.)

Edited by misterjag
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I do not think people are afraid to come to Thailand, They are just more astute, high Bart, Civil problems, high crime rate, Attitude to Holiday makers, Attitude towards Ex pats, what more can you say,Thailand L O S no more. ,
I think you've hit the nail on the head. I have a lot of friend's that come every year. Over 20 infact. last year they were saying how expensive thing's were getting. Had an email yesterday the last group told me there not coming, and none of them said it's a problem with the red's yellow's ect, all bar none, say it's that Thailand along with the cost of flight's, is now a very expensive holiday destination. And please dont tell me you can live cheap. Yes you can if you live here. But if you come on holiday you want to travel an go to place's. And we all know what the farang have to pay. Im not going to name place's but in a lot of tourist spot's, the price of a beer is now a lot more than it is in London. Cheap not any more.
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Outside of Thailand, when people here of any protests they are given the impression that it is all

over Bangkok, only if you've actually been there do you realize how a small area is actually being

taken up. It's like with the Tsunami in 2004, Phuket and areas were hit but in some countries,

people were worried about going to Chiang Mai!

What the reds are doing is of course absurd, Thaksin should have been arrested months ago -

if the Reds can 'find' him, why can't the Government? Of course they know if he is brought back,

all hel_l would break loose at whatever place he were held.

Thailand has become an expensive, sad country and the Thais have only themselves to blame,

letting greed take over from really standing up and tackling the No. 1 cause of their problems...

CORRUPTION. No future election is ever going to satisfy with all that vote buying that goes on.

And Buddhism?? Well, it seems to me people only go out of ritual and to be seen, rather than

actually understand the true ethics of Buddhism. Such a shame.

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uh? maybe you could write that again in your native tongue then maybe i could use google translate to hopefully make some sense of it....

i dunno about being scared, it's just the inconvenience of it all. that said, i would never come to bkk for a holiday...

Just a period off time some incoveniences and jou never come to BKK for a holiday, you longest relationship was about 12 minutes and 16 seconds isn't.

She said one wrong word and you never going to see her again :) .

And from now on you never visit Thai Visa again,

Buy buy c411um

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Things certainly aren't looking good right now on the tourist front, I know it's low season but the decline in tourists was IMO much more rapid then usual over the past few weeks.

For business owners that rely solely on tourism it must be a worrying time and with not much to look forward to other then a very small dose of Songkran and watching Shrek boy run circles around Donovan on June the 12th things are looking a little bleak. :)

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Outside of Thailand, when people here of any protests they are given the impression that it is all

over Bangkok, only if you've actually been there do you realize how a small area is actually being

taken up. It's like with the Tsunami in 2004, Phuket and areas were hit but in some countries,

people were worried about going to Chiang Mai!

What the reds are doing is of course absurd, Thaksin should have been arrested months ago -

if the Reds can 'find' him, why can't the Government? Of course they know if he is brought back,

all hel_l would break loose at whatever place he were held.

Thailand has become an expensive, sad country and the Thais have only themselves to blame,

letting greed take over from really standing up and tackling the No. 1 cause of their problems...

CORRUPTION. No future election is ever going to satisfy with all that vote buying that goes on.

And Buddhism?? Well, it seems to me people only go out of ritual and to be seen, rather than

actually understand the true ethics of Buddhism. Such a shame.

Thailand still gets my vote over East Ham or Slough - at least I don't have to lock my car door when driving in Thailand!

So all this western media bullshit is scaring middle class people to not come to Thailand? But they are not scared to let their kids out on their own with all the knife crime and child killers and paedophiles in the Aryan nations?? Go figure....

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uh? maybe you could write that again in your native tongue then maybe i could use google translate to hopefully make some sense of it....
i dunno about being scared, it's just the inconvenience of it all. that said, i would never come to bkk for a holiday...

Just a period off time some incoveniences and jou never come to BKK for a holiday, you longest relationship was about 12 minutes and 16 seconds isn't.

She said one wrong word and you never going to see her again :) .

And from now on you never visit Thai Visa again,

Buy buy c411um

Just a load of crap

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Every media outlet is there as a Money making business, and there no new like bad news to make money, let’s face it does anyone really think that even news organization like the BBC or CNN don’t sensationalize the facts, I like to watch both BBC or CNN and compare with Al Jazeera, especially on middle east matters.

I think the problem lies when you couple “The braking news story” with the general population’s knowledge of things outside their own comfort zone; you end up with irrational thinking, 2+2=5. This was driven home to me when I got a phone call from a friend who still lives in Manchester. A level headed bloke with a reasonable IQ and a great sense of humor, so when he told me that he rang because he was a little worried about me, and I really should get out of Thailand, as he’s been following the news!

Well, he made me feel guilty!!! I think, maybe I should have rang him before now to tell him to get out the UK! I’m sorry to say, but like a lot of towns and cities in the UK going out on a Fri or Sat night could mean ether finishing the night with pudding peas chips and gravy, or a trip to casualty…….. Can be as much as an even bet, depending where you are.

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There are many more factors causing disruption to the Thai tourist industry other than the shirt mobs.

Less and less single guys are travelling to Thailand for it`s renowned low cost wine, women and song as this is no longer low cost, prices hyped up for those so called rich Farangs, airfare and airport tax increases and not forgetting those dreadful bank exchange rates.

For example the cost of a 2 week holiday for a UK family of four, 2 adults with 2 children will run into thousands of pounds, airfares, accommodation, food and entertainments etc.

If I were still residing in the UK, I very much doubt if I would be holidaying in Thailand, much better deals to be had, America, Europe, India and other places.

Over the years Thailand has lost it`s appeal as the low cost paradise holiday playground of the world and as for the tourism, it will probably be downhill in the foreseeable and long term future.

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