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Drugged And Robbed At Dynasty Grande Bkk

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Things like this do happen.

It is almost always an "inside" job....as quite clearly at least someone in the hotel was involved.

He was doing his "old familiar" routine....and they had previously identified him as their target. They knew he must have money in his room. They were waiting for him to show at his old haunts. They drugged him and "helped" him back to the hotel. I would guess that the taxi driver was involved in the plan, or knew what was happening, and took money to keep his mouth shut about it.

The fact that the hotel did not insist on their I.D. cards shows that someone at the hotel was involved in the plan.

Opening the safe, if he did not do it himself, required hotel management to help get the safe open.

Going out through the kitchen and 'covering their face to avoid the CCTV cameras" clearly shows that the hotel staff at least was involved. Who else would know where the cameras were?

Conclusion: he was set up, identified and targeted for robberry. His routine was too predictable....they knew where he was going. It was all planned in advance.

It's also possible that the Thai staff knew that these were professional criminals, and they were forced to keep quiet about what was going on due to threats they knew to be very real. The Thai staff was afraid of these people.

Frankly, being Thailand, I wouldn't say it was impossible the police weren't involved in the plan.


P.S. Many years ago now I was at one of those "full nud_e dancing" bars in Patpong. It was late. Just before closing time, three or four Thai men entered the bar. I was plastered, and wasn't paying attention. After a short while, I realised that most of the bargirls and staff had left. A man who spoke reasonably good English sat down next to me and explained that the bar was being closed, but that to leave I would have to pay 5000 Baht. There were two BIG Thai guys, who looked like professional Thai boxers standing by the door. I realised I was being shaken down for money or I would be beaten up. I told the guy that all I had was 1500 Baht left. He didn't like it, but he could see it was the truth. He even let me keep 150 baht for the taxi to my hotel. Later I realised that I had been identified as the potential victim. However, I was lucky enough to get out of there without any violence....but I lost my 1500 Baht.

I should have known better...but I was drunk and foolish.

Edited by IMA_FARANG
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^yes I agree it can happen to anyone who doesnt use a bit of common sense. :)

It would only take a second to put something in your drink. For example, someone distracts you and you glance around in a different direction - and it's in - no way to tell - they would not put powder or a tablet in - it would already be dissolved in a drink identical to your own. Barbiturates are water soluble and from what I have read are the drugs of choice in these type of crimes.

It's dangerous to mix these drugs with alcohol research appears to show that they interfere with the process of metabolising alcohol into acetaldehyde - so you stay drunk for longer, it can be fatal to mix them as I am sure many people have found out.

Why it kills people : http://www.time.com/time/magazine/article/...,940786,00.html

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If he couldn't remember anything how come he remembered that the girl's name was Da, she was 22 and she came from Nakhon Phanom?

The drugs that envoke anterograde amnesia will prevent you making new memories once they have entered your system, you will remember perfectly anything that happened before the drugging.

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If he couldn't remember anything how come he remembered that the girl's name was Da, she was 22 and she came from Nakhon Phanom?

Because he remembers what happened BEFORE the drugging.

Jeez, some Einsteins and unbelievers on this board.

Must sound weird, but drugging's DO happen, obviously even to males on their 97th trip, why not?

But be assured, it won't happen to you, the smart man who doesn't drink and whore :)

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Yet another pathetic sob story. ----------------This man gets pis*ed (2K bill) volunteered to go with people he did not know ------------------- and then wanted to go to Soi Cowboy -------------- how stupid is that ? If in 97 trips he has learnt nothing this man must be mentally deficient and his son shou;d have been taking care of him.

All "victims" are volunteers !!! Stop whining

Into my ignore filter on your first post. Though I suspect it's not really your first post.

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^yes I agree it can happen to anyone who doesnt use a bit of common sense. :)

It would only take a second to put something in your drink. For example, someone distracts you and you glance around in a different direction - and it's in - no way to tell - they would not put powder or a tablet in - it would already be dissolved in a drink identical to your own. Barbiturates are water soluble and from what I have read are the drugs of choice in these type of crimes.

It's dangerous to mix these drugs with alcohol research appears to show that they interfere with the process of metabolising alcohol into acetaldehyde - so you stay drunk for longer, it can be fatal to mix them as I am sure many people have found out.

Why it kills people : http://www.time.com/time/magazine/article/...,940786,00.html

They actually don't have to put it in your drink.I know the lads that are working on beachroad pattaya put the drug on their forearm and just give you a big hugh.It parralizes you and works in seconds.It is a kind of powder,I assume ketamine,which they for example let the buffalo's sniff when they get transported on the back of a pick-up.

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If he couldn't remember anything how come he remembered that the girl's name was Da, she was 22 and she came from Nakhon Phanom?

Because he remembers what happened BEFORE the drugging.

Jeez, some Einsteins and unbelievers on this board.

Must sound weird, but drugging's DO happen, obviously even to males on their 97th trip, why not?

But be assured, it won't happen to you, the smart man who doesn't drink and whore :)

That's right. I don't.

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Yet another pathetic sob story. ----------------This man gets pis*ed (2K bill) volunteered to go with people he did not know ------------------- and then wanted to go to Soi Cowboy -------------- how stupid is that ? If in 97 trips he has learnt nothing this man must be mentally deficient and his son shou;d have been taking care of him.

All "victims" are volunteers !!! Stop whining

I agree. What's the big mystery here? You don't even have to be a bar-goer to read this and think...DUMB!

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I do not have the answers to all your questions. This really happened. I have nothing to earn by posting this story, actually I have more to lose, because my family has invested much money (everything is relative), in the real estate industry in Thailand. I was just trying to warn fellow travellers.

good point, i had it happen to a couple of good friends in the same general area, both men were long time veterans of lol. I think that was the problem, because they had been here so often they let their gaurd down in ways they would not have done when they were newbies. btw from personal exp. i have been told that the drug is almost like a truth drug and the victim will answer questions i.e. safe combinations etc... before passing out.

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Yet another pathetic sob story. ----------------This man gets pis*ed (2K bill) volunteered to go with people he did not know ------------------- and then wanted to go to Soi Cowboy -------------- how stupid is that ? If in 97 trips he has learnt nothing this man must be mentally deficient and his son shou;d have been taking care of him.

All "victims" are volunteers !!! Stop whining

You joined this forum just to make this stupid comment, or are you too ashamed to post under your proper user name?

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It begins to seem more like an attack on the hotel to me.... :)

Have to agree,

I'm given the evil eye coming and going no matter how big of a Forest Gump smile I can muster,

Staff always requires ID for associates,

Their situational awareness is such that I find it highly suspect they would not pay extra attention of someone being carried up to their room.

Of course TIT so anything is possible, but at the core I would guess the demon rum was the initial catalyst degrading judgment and common sense, once that goes your reduced to a staggering gazelle in the mists of lions, no make that hyenas. :D

Edited by cobra
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Yet another pathetic sob story. ----------------This man gets pis*ed (2K bill) volunteered to go with people he did not know ------------------- and then wanted to go to Soi Cowboy -------------- how stupid is that ? If in 97 trips he has learnt nothing this man must be mentally deficient and his son shou;d have been taking care of him.

All "victims" are volunteers !!! Stop whining

Lighten up man....................

He's just doing what most normal people do in BKK.

Don't be so judgemental. ( or are you jealous ??? )


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Yet another pathetic sob story. ----------------This man gets pis*ed (2K bill) volunteered to go with people he did not know ------------------- and then wanted to go to Soi Cowboy -------------- how stupid is that ? If in 97 trips he has learnt nothing this man must be mentally deficient and his son shou;d have been taking care of him.

All "victims" are volunteers !!! Stop whining

I am not getting drunk for 2 k with 3 people, he was just drinking in a bar nothing wrong with that.

This couldt happening to all of us.

Taking care off his father, why?

Your post is B$#SH*T

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Yet another pathetic sob story. ----------------This man gets pis*ed (2K bill) volunteered to go with people he did not know ------------------- and then wanted to go to Soi Cowboy -------------- how stupid is that ? If in 97 trips he has learnt nothing this man must be mentally deficient and his son shou;d have been taking care of him.

All "victims" are volunteers !!! Stop whining

"1st" post and a flamer........ Hmmm. :)

I don't think so.


OP... sorry about your Dad's theft, inside job.

He's lucky he was fit. Other guys could have died.

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Thanks for posting.

I have to agree with some others though that somethings seem a bit odd with the description of what happened.

The Dynasty (and Grande) normally have a fairly strict application of:

- ID Cards retained for visitors

- Extra guests being charged for entry

- Hotel staff phoning your room when your guest leaves

That they would let 4 people in, including Thai males, seem extremely unusual.

Anyway, good luck in finding them.

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Yet another pathetic sob story. ----------------This man gets pis*ed (2K bill) volunteered to go with people he did not know ------------------- and then wanted to go to Soi Cowboy -------------- how stupid is that ? If in 97 trips he has learnt nothing this man must be mentally deficient and his son shou;d have been taking care of him.

All "victims" are volunteers !!! Stop whining

Wow, you must be some king of investigative genius to confirm that the man was pissed because his bar bill was 2k. :)

As for the rest of your first post, I hope the ones that follow are of a higher quality.

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Yet another pathetic sob story. ----------------This man gets pis*ed (2K bill) volunteered to go with people he did not know ------------------- and then wanted to go to Soi Cowboy -------------- how stupid is that ? If in 97 trips he has learnt nothing this man must be mentally deficient and his son shou;d have been taking care of him.

All "victims" are volunteers !!! Stop whining

Talk about entering in style!

You seem to know it all, don't you?

It really doesn't make any difference that it is his 97th trip because, no matter how clever you think you are, if you spend any length of time in Thailand it can and will happen to you.

Edited by Jonathanpattaya
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Why did the hotel show him the CCTV, implicating themselves? If they were involved, they would have said it was out of order, last night tapes were already destroyed, or something like that.

There are some strange things to this story.

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Why did the hotel show him the CCTV, implicating themselves? If they were involved, they would have said it was out of order, last night tapes were already destroyed, or something like that.

There are some strange things to this story.

I think it's quite obvious he went and asked about the CCTV when the day shift were working, from the sounds of it the night shift were involved in the incident.

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Tourists who go out drinking alone are prime targets, OP needs to get some friends rather than buying random girls drinks in order for some company.

It is really his 97th trip? anyway the story comes from a second source so cant be relied apon as completely true....

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"Innocent bloke" is about as far from the truth as one could stretch it. :D To quote the O/P:

My father was out drinking and playing pool in BKK. This was his last night in town on his 97th trip to Thailand.

A person might be lead to believe that after nearly 100 frickin' trips to the glorious "Land 'O Thais" the man might have gleaned at least a modicum of common sense concerning the night life in the area he frequents especially given his "usual routine" of:

Big dog (a soi 4 <deleted> hole)

Morning Night (also a soi 4 <deleted> hole)

New Wave in Sukhumvit (a soi 7 semi <deleted> hole)

Now if ANYONE cannot see the reason he frequents bars of this type, please STOP reading now. Here's a hint, it ain't the frickin' ambiance. :) ..

Bangkok is a GIANT city filled with more bars than a person could even name much less hope to visit them all; yet he spends his time in dive bars filled to the overflowing with "time-share" or "rent-2-own" gurls. Hmmm, the mind wobbles at the insanity of it all. :D

FWIW; the Lumpini Police station is about the ONLY station in Bangkok which has translators on-site to facilitate the engrish/thai interactions which go on there. I am dubious as to the O/P's claim that his father was 'laughed at'. Believe me; I'm sure he wasn't the first guy who'd been drugged comin' in there to make a report.

The responsibility rests solely on the O/P's father, his choice in drinking establishments and/or his choice of 'drinking partners'.

As an aside, the Dynasty should bear some responsibility but a person would hafta be smoking crack cocaine to think a Soi 4 hotel would step up to the plate like that.

I am sorry, I do hope he recovers, and sincerely hope that perhaps by his 100th trip here, he'll catch on.

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People ask for the own problems, keeping 60k in there hotel room is stupid..have people not heard of a bank?

He probably started telling them personal information, dropping 2k drink bills by buying these random girls drinks..then they just think lets drug this sucker and rob him, lesson learnt but another fool will do the same thing day after day....

Agree that the fellow was a little naive to pick two girls up in a bar and then head off to Nana with them but in fairness you do expect things in your hotel safe to be secure particularly in a 4 or 5 star hotel. Most people would put their passport, tickets etc in the safe. I guess the drink and the buzz of the evening got the better of him. They say beer helps ugly people have sex and as the evening gathered pace he would thing all around him was roses.

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