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Estate Agents Here


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I've heard many times that the real estate agents are, broadly speaking, pretty useless here. Why's that do you think? I know that during the 'boom' years anyone and everyone could pretty well make some money buying and selling property, and a lot of 'cowboys' (those with no real or practical experience) got in on the act.

But Phuket's been through a pretty rough ride for the past few years and one would have thought this would have weeded the terminally apathetic out. Not so, apparently. They all seem to think all they need to do is stick a property up on a website and wait for the buyer to show up, no matter how long that takes.

So far as I can see, that's the only marketing they do. Why? Idleness? Stupidity?

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what kind of agents are we talking about? the beautysalon owners, policeoffisers, puyai baan and kamnan, or the farang with shiny offices, websites and 90 years leases. the latter one is the worst. most of them dont even bother to inspect property and use own pics in their marketing.

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The problem is there is little exclusive deals, and everyone from clients to sellers try to wiggle out of commissions and strike private deals, so putting real money in to marketing something that everyone also has doesnt make sense. Its just throw a wide net and see what you catch.

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I looked at the previous thread which pretty much stated that there were indeed no 'professional' agents here insofar as that they were basically all 'just looking for a way to stay in Thailand'. However, I would have thought that at least one or two of them would have cottoned on to the fact that the easy money's pretty much over and that they're now going to have to actually work for their living.

I don't buy into the spurious remark made by one poster that all property owners are simply out to do these people out of their commissions, poor lambs, thus taking away any incentive to get them to do any work. And believe that most sellers use the 'scattergun' approach in the forlorn hope one of them might actually carry out the work they advertise. Real Estate Agency and all that implies.

And so, aside from idleness, stupidity seems to me to be the main reason. A case in point, I was just this afternoon contacted by a 'real estate agent' with whom I'd listed a property at least a year ago to ask basic information such as size, aircon, cable/internet etc. When I pointed out that they must surely already have this information on file, they told me they had pictures, but not information?!

Which brings me back to my original question, and which also seemed to have ended somewhat unsatisfactorily in that earlier thread. Why do those who aspire to be estate agents here turn up such dross? There must be at least one or two who 'want to stay in Thailand', and make a decent living? Surely so basic a concept as actually promoting that which you are trying to sell can't be above all of them?

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I have been following the real estate web sites for a while now as i intend to buy a house in the near future,

the only site witch seems to sell any houses is phuket.net all the others just seem to keep adding property's

to there listings and not selling any.

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I have been following the real estate web sites for a while now as i intend to buy a house in the near future,

the only site witch seems to sell any houses is phuket.net all the others just seem to keep adding property's

to there listings and not selling any.

I have approx 5 "agents" calling me every week wanting to list something I have for sale. They want info and pics emailed. I reply an agrement with me starts with an inspection of property, taking your own pics and noting info yourself. Most never show, or cansell and reschedule 30 minutes before apointment.

There seems to be a few decent ones, but they usually do only new project sales or very expensive used homes

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I have approx 5 "agents" calling me every week wanting to list something I have for sale. They want info and pics emailed. I reply an agrement with me starts with an inspection of property, taking your own pics and noting info yourself. Most never show, or cansell and reschedule 30 minutes before apointment.

There seems to be a few decent ones, but they usually do only new project sales or very expensive used homes

I agree with you, it seems the agents here have no idea how to value a property which involves inspecting the property

and comparing to similar property's in the same area which have been sold, its no good putting a price on a property and

valuing the same as other over priced property's in the area because it will just join the list of overpriced property's that are

on the market for months and some for years.

The amazing thing i find here is if someone has a property on the market for months and it does not sell they don't drop the

price to make it value for money, they put the price up and still wonder why they cant sell it.

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I've had experience of both agents recommended above and can state quite frankly that both are as useless as each other. One even seems to think they're doing you a favour by simply listing your property on their 'nice website' and will tell you that they are, after all, listing for free?! Well how else do they justify their 5% fee? They will also charge you for any photos put up in their office.

As to the other agent, you remember I was talking about receiving a call asking for basic information, after an entire year ...

I believe it's pretty pointless asking for 'recommends' if that's the choice we have.

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The amazing thing i find here is if someone has a property on the market for months and it does not sell they don't drop the

price to make it value for money, they put the price up and still wonder why they cant sell it.

Just because one has property "on the market" for a length of time does not mean he is desperate to sell. It is there and available at that price. After a period of time .. no buyers .. OK; raise the price and wait for a buyer who wants THAT property at the specified price.

The land in the middle of Ban Kokmakam, Rawai, is a prime example.

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I can tell you that I consider selling my apartment house here in Patong and contacted several agencies already. Nearly all the same answer: YOU give us the details and we put you at our homepage. Just always their "homepage". No other idea. When I asked about other sales tools (and I was even willing to pay for it!) like overseas magazines etc. they had no clue about it. Never cared. I was quite speechless about their unwillingness to consider any other means of sales. Now I decided I will run my own campaign.

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The problem is there is little exclusive deals, and everyone from clients to sellers try to wiggle out of commissions and strike private deals, so putting real money in to marketing something that everyone also has doesnt make sense. Its just throw a wide net and see what you catch.

What's wrong with that?

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The problem is there is little exclusive deals, and everyone from clients to sellers try to wiggle out of commissions and strike private deals, so putting real money in to marketing something that everyone also has doesnt make sense. Its just throw a wide net and see what you catch.

What's wrong with that?

WHy should a seller shell out 3% to some Jack that comes along claiming he has a client. When it comes to the nitty-gritty, the supposed agent is dumb-struck. Any seller in their right mind would try to avoid paying what amounts to nothing more than a finders fee. Seller and Buyer sort the deal, lawyers sort the fine print and the ambulance chasers get left behind

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I've said it over and over again, get your own website and market it. If you're in Sai Yuan, for example, your website should be something like, saiyuanvilla.com or rawai-house.com or whatever. Won't be hard to rank with a few inbound links, and you'll eliminate the middleman riff raff that only list you on their website.

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I've said it over and over again, get your own website and market it. If you're in Sai Yuan, for example, your website should be something like, saiyuanvilla.com or rawai-house.com or whatever. Won't be hard to rank with a few inbound links, and you'll eliminate the middleman riff raff that only list you on their website.

Top idea; eliminate middleman riff-raff vultures FULL STOP

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I've had experience of both agents recommended above and can state quite frankly that both are as useless as each other. One even seems to think they're doing you a favour by simply listing your property on their 'nice website' and will tell you that they are, after all, listing for free?! Well how else do they justify their 5% fee? They will also charge you for any photos put up in their office.

As to the other agent, you remember I was talking about receiving a call asking for basic information, after an entire year ...

I believe it's pretty pointless asking for 'recommends' if that's the choice we have.

seconded. dont even bother to take their own pics, but want to charge to use mine :):D

no clue whatsoever on pricing, marketing, legal issues, and unable to keep appointments.

wouldnt have made it selling used cars in a western country

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I have a villa for sale and from my experience with agents they are not sales people. They are only interested in making quick money and sending people to developments and sell off plan, the properties themselves sell without any sales talk.

Also, when we have had people turn up, there is very little or no interaction with a foreigner and a Thai agent, the Thai agent stands there like a rabbit in headlights.

U can have a wonderful house - villa, but if your property is not being marketed in the right direction or right way, then you have no chance of selling..

They will use the excuse oh its the financial climate, to a degree yes there is a problem but not every country has a problem, there are still people with money.

You need an agent that comes to sell your house, not an agent who is just showing cos they are driving past..

Agents just want a get rich quick deal, and in reality most of the agents are not agents they are clueless and that goes for Thai and foreign.

I have also seen the agents concentrate on the negative rather than positive aspects and also noticed having ask people what do they know about the area, they knew nothing, agent had not talked to them about area etc..

Having said that, after talking to one or two freelance agents, have a much more positive-can do attitude.

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I have a villa for sale and from my experience with agents they are not sales people. They are only interested in making quick money and sending people to developments and sell off plan, the properties themselves sell without any sales talk.

Also, when we have had people turn up, there is very little or no interaction with a foreigner and a Thai agent, the Thai agent stands there like a rabbit in headlights.

U can have a wonderful house - villa, but if your property is not being marketed in the right direction or right way, then you have no chance of selling..

They will use the excuse oh its the financial climate, to a degree yes there is a problem but not every country has a problem, there are still people with money.

You need an agent that comes to sell your house, not an agent who is just showing cos they are driving past..

Agents just want a get rich quick deal, and in reality most of the agents are not agents they are clueless and that goes for Thai and foreign.

I have also seen the agents concentrate on the negative rather than positive aspects and also noticed having ask people what do they know about the area, they knew nothing, agent had not talked to them about area etc..

Having said that, after talking to one or two freelance agents, have a much more positive-can do attitude.

There is an agent in Nai Harn who can tick all of the above. I can't mention his name but is similar to an amphur in Nakhon Ratchasima.

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I have a villa for sale and from my experience with agents they are not sales people. They are only interested in making quick money and sending people to developments and sell off plan, the properties themselves sell without any sales talk.

Also, when we have had people turn up, there is very little or no interaction with a foreigner and a Thai agent, the Thai agent stands there like a rabbit in headlights.

U can have a wonderful house - villa, but if your property is not being marketed in the right direction or right way, then you have no chance of selling..

They will use the excuse oh its the financial climate, to a degree yes there is a problem but not every country has a problem, there are still people with money.

You need an agent that comes to sell your house, not an agent who is just showing cos they are driving past..

Agents just want a get rich quick deal, and in reality most of the agents are not agents they are clueless and that goes for Thai and foreign.

I have also seen the agents concentrate on the negative rather than positive aspects and also noticed having ask people what do they know about the area, they knew nothing, agent had not talked to them about area etc..

Having said that, after talking to one or two freelance agents, have a much more positive-can do attitude.

There is an agent in Nai Harn who can tick all of the above. I can't mention his name but is similar to an amphur in Nakhon Ratchasima.

I can tick all of the above with every 'agent' I've listed with, every single one.

The line about the agent standing there like a rabbit in the headlights struck a particular chord. I've found myself having to nip in pretty quickly before the viewer makes a sharp exit. I think the poster saying 'no more than a finder's fee' hit the nail on the head. Useless, and downright embarrassing when the 'agent' suffers stage fright. lol

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I have a villa for sale and from my experience with agents they are not sales people. They are only interested in making quick money and sending people to developments and sell off plan, the properties themselves sell without any sales talk.

Also, when we have had people turn up, there is very little or no interaction with a foreigner and a Thai agent, the Thai agent stands there like a rabbit in headlights.

U can have a wonderful house - villa, but if your property is not being marketed in the right direction or right way, then you have no chance of selling..

They will use the excuse oh its the financial climate, to a degree yes there is a problem but not every country has a problem, there are still people with money.

You need an agent that comes to sell your house, not an agent who is just showing cos they are driving past..

Agents just want a get rich quick deal, and in reality most of the agents are not agents they are clueless and that goes for Thai and foreign.

I have also seen the agents concentrate on the negative rather than positive aspects and also noticed having ask people what do they know about the area, they knew nothing, agent had not talked to them about area etc..

Having said that, after talking to one or two freelance agents, have a much more positive-can do attitude.

This part also rings a very true note. They will blab on about the economy etc, nothing to do with their skills as marketers being sadly lacking.

Believe self-marketing, as suggested, only way to go. :)

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Just a quick warning to those who are impressed by the independent 3 per centers. Yes, they are more motivated, but beware they dont' sell your property too cheap just for a quick profit for themselves. Such as one very active 'independent' in the Sai Yuan area. :)

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Glad to see there aren't any agents in this thread either attacking or defending but merely giving their professional opinion after having dealt with agents and property in multiple transactions :). BTW I am not involved in property, unless it concerns buying a property that I believe will appreciate and make a good income stream along the way.

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Estate agents are the same the world over, blue sky sellers after their commision. Why we need them I have no idea, the sooner slimey middle men are booted out of every business sector the better off we'll all be as consumers.

Estate agents are boy scouts compared to immigration agents and education visa agents. If you really want to see gouging, imcompetence and bad business practices try some of these agents. They charge a lot for doing a little.

Having had wars with the Australian immigration going back years I always say do the paper work yourself, do it slowely and double check it and you'll do a better job than 99% of agents.

My latest story is my nephew sending his daughter to study in Australia. She is supposed to start on the 12th and the agent just went off on a junket to Singapore and turned off her mobile phone. Yesterday my niece rang and was told the visa could not be isued until a police clearance was provided from Australia as the student is a minor.

This should have been done months ago and the agent just shrugged it off saying she "overlooked" the need for this!! Now the girl is going to miss the start of school.

My nephew has also paid 30,000 baht to an agent to get a visa for his girlfriend to visit him here as well. Also botched.

I don't see any difference between Thai and Farang. Thais get cheated more and probably worse than most farangs ever realise by other Thais.

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Sorry, but Talang is not considered "well situated", if that is where your villa (read house) is located.

This sounds like a typical estate agent on a personal view, if they dont like something, they dont bother.

A good sales person in general can sell anything as its all about correct marketing.

What is not considered well situated for one person, will be well situated for another, its all about personal preference and of course financies, someone rich would prob want almost on the beach, someone with low budget would have to seek else where.

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