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Redshirt Protesters Force Immigration Bureau HQ To Close


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You can see the idea behind this approach, when the yellows took the airports, it had worldwide coverage, plus effected tourism in a big way, this in turn hit the pockets of the working classes, the ones the yellows don't give a hoot about, so it was effective. The reds obviously think the same approach will work for them, they've been nice as pie to the Bangkokians, apologising for the inconvenience, etc. Now they're blocking Malls, tourist areas, and now the immigration bureau, but don't they realise, causing problems for the tourism industry will have a long lasting effect on their (the working classes) pockets. The Royalists and elite don't give a dam_n if they never see another tourist in Thailand, remember the national anthem translated says "Thailand is for Thai people" they don't need our pittance, they're way to wealthy, and they'd rather we stopped giving money to their poor because we're upsetting the balance of their class--driven society.
Well it probably doesn't much impact on the tourist industry. Can you tell us what percentage of Thailand's annual tourist arrivals ever have to visit the Immigration Bureau to support your theory? Most of the foreigners who ever go there are people living here. I am hard pressed to find the part of the national anthem that says Thailand is only for the Thai people. Can you please point it out for us. To make it easy for you here are the lyrics:


เป็นประชารัฐ ไผทของไทยทุกส่วน


ด้วยไทยล้วนหมาย รักสามัคคี

ไทยนี้รักสงบ แต่ถึงรบไม่ขลาด



เถลิงประเทศชาติไทยทวี มีชัย ชโย

The conclusion of your class analysis that the royalists and elite don't care about the tourism industry is based on what? Please expand. Also please define the royalists and elite and explain why Thaksin is a phrai, rather than included in this group. It sounds as if you got your ideas about Thai social structure from the stage at Rajprasong.

On the Anthem point, I was given this translation some while ago, which may be in error, however:-

Thailand is the unity of Thai blood and body.

The whole country belongs to the Thai people, maintaining thus far for the Thai.

All Thais intend to unite together.

Thais love peace but do not fear to fight.

They will never let anyone threaten their independence.

They will sacrifice every drop of their blood to contribute to the nation, will serve their country with pride and prestige full of victory.



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My computer crashed and I dont know if the reply was sent. The people of Bangkok have had enough of the Red Shirts closing down traffic, Siam Centre and now Immigration Offices. I say get the batons or tear gas out.

May I refer you to another thread posted earlier today on this forum in which the Finance Minister was reported as calling for the same response you are advocating? Some, including me, saw that as a direct challenge to the Prime Minister and Deputy Prime Minister (and their backers). The truth is my friend, that if the Finance Minister got his way Khum Abhisit will have lost control. I suspect that, being a politician, The prime Minister is counting his supporters. If the numbers are not in his favour he should call a snap election and invite the country to back him or sack him.

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The Royalists and elite don't give a dam_n if they never see another tourist in Thailand, remember the national anthem translated says "Thailand is for Thai people" they don't need our pittance, they're way to wealthy, and they'd rather we stopped giving money to their poor because we're upsetting the balance of their class--driven society.

Perfect post, but the royalists, elite etc are so greedy they fortunately still tolerate us. Meanwhile we can continue to disturb the balance by not only supporting, but also educating the poor. And for sure, one day these poors will stand up for real.

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She was number 248 I think....... I wonder how she got on?

I was there too with the number 274 or some such. If it is the same person that I'm thinking of then she probably got her passport stamped. Also just an FYI, 5000 baht is the maximum fine for not reporting your address, I doubt she'd get the full fine if at all.

I got my passport and started making my way to the south entrance when I saw the huge crowd of red shirts blocking the doors. Luckily I was able to get out another entrance before the doors were locked behind me. Even more luckily I managed to escape in a taxi at the same time a group of red shirts approached to block off the door I just exited from.

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The Royalists and elite don't give a dam_n if they never see another tourist in Thailand, remember the national anthem translated says "Thailand is for Thai people" they don't need our pittance, they're way to wealthy, and they'd rather we stopped giving money to their poor because we're upsetting the balance of their class--driven society.

Perfect post, but the royalists, elite etc are so greedy they fortunately still tolerate us. Meanwhile we can continue to disturb the balance by not only supporting, but also educating the poor. And for sure, one day these poors will stand up for real.

And who may i ask are you to educate the poor. Maybe they can think for themselves or are you a proponent of indoctrination camps or people being told what to think? Tha sounds very facist to me

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This weekend they will go home or do someting to force the goverment s hand. Like try to close the air port .This would give them more worldwde coverage. If this happens the Goverment will have to take action, We will jsut have to wait and see.

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A justified reaction is coming very soon. That, or a coup. The impatience is understandable but Abhisit had to wait to show the country just how destructive and anti-democratic the red shirts are. If he moved too early, it would have backfired.

Exactly. And business shopping malls loosing some millions is not a reason to use force. In other countries shopping malls are closed every Sunday and national holiday and they are still alive. Hope they can get the arrest warrants for the leaders and really get them off the stage. That would be great. Abhisit said it very nicely: They are all Thai. A few more days of inconvenience is not killing anybody and therefore not worth to kill anybody. Get the leaders off the stage and Taksin off the line, then the party will end.

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What Thailand need is a REAL ELECTION.

Funny to read how a lot of retired old men, angry americans with their terrorist laws and Abisit fans seemes to think this is just something that has to be stopped - so they can go on doing - what ever. Some times you have to stand up for what is right, and I think this will take along time, but a military government is not a good idea - would you like that in your respective native countries - NO WAY!

If you old military freaks want this, why don't you move your gear to Burma!

You are out of line son with your comments. Don't put everyone into YOUR vision of a forum member. :) (Tosser)

Well said Transam

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Yes - totally agree, as do all the red-shirts, what is Abhisit affraid of, any western power would have stepped asside by now or at least set a date for General elections.

If a kid was constantly in your face in the play-ground, "you can't beat me in a race, you're too slow, you're no good" How should you respond, well we know what most Americans would say "Punch him in the mouth/Nuke him", but most of us would let him have his moment, in a fair race. If the kid wins, you just say"Quite right you were faster than me well done", and if you win, "Now can we just get on with our own business now - as I've beaten you fair'n'square"

If I remember well, Aphisit DID offer new election in 9 months. So what is your point?

How many street protester does it need (under the constitution?) to call for new elections? 60'000? 45'000? 200? 1 with the name Thaksin?

If street protest is a legal way to call for elections, then forget about any constitution, no need for that. No need for any laws! Street protesters don't respect them anyway. Whoever shout the loudest, wins. And all that, of course, in the name of democracy.

These people haven't a clue what democracy is about.

And why should I have to race against any stupid kid who got paid by his rich uncle to stir up trouble in the play ground? I have a right to play here and that's what I intend to do. Whether you like or not. Tell your pathetic uncle to go ... eat his caviar.

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What Thailand need is a REAL ELECTION.

Funny to read how a lot of retired old men, angry americans with their terrorist laws and Abisit fans seemes to think this is just something that has to be stopped - so they can go on doing - what ever. Some times you have to stand up for what is right, and I think this will take along time, but a military government is not a good idea - would you like that in your respective native countries - NO WAY!

If you old military freaks want this, why don't you move your gear to Burma!

I just have to applaud you a second time....not often do I see or read someone who can see through the lazy,apathetic, foreign type whining and complaining, here. As long as they can sleep, eat, drink and have sex when they fancy..life is great. Interrupt that...ohhh boy!! That is the only time these particular fat-cats open their big mouths! Go to Burma..better yet go back to your OPPRESSIVE REGIMES!

Do you really think that this regime is like Burma. Why don't you ask the monks there how their protest went. Oh yes they are all now dead or in jail. Do you think before you open your mouth or type. Judging from what I've read from you, the answer would be no.

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Fantastic, the thai people undertaking their right to peaceful protest.

This must really be eatin up inside the PAD and yellowshirts elites.

For 1 year now the military junta appointed EC have stalled and stalled on ruling the dems dissolved over the illegal 258 million baht donation.

Peaceful protest from the reds (thats Rural electoral Democracy Supporters) against appointed elite corruption.

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What Thailand need is a REAL ELECTION.

Funny to read how a lot of retired old men, angry americans with their terrorist laws and Abisit fans seemes to think this is just something that has to be stopped - so they can go on doing - what ever. Some times you have to stand up for what is right, and I think this will take along time, but a military government is not a good idea - would you like that in your respective native countries - NO WAY!

If you old military freaks want this, why don't you move your gear to Burma!

I just have to applaud you a second time....not often do I see or read someone who can see through the lazy,apathetic, foreign type whining and complaining, here. As long as they can sleep, eat, drink and have sex when they fancy..life is great. Interrupt that...ohhh boy!! That is the only time these particular fat-cats open their big mouths! Go to Burma..better yet go back to your OPPRESSIVE REGIMES!

Do you really think that this regime is like Burma. Why don't you ask the monks there how their protest went. Oh yes they are all now dead or in jail. Do you think before you open your mouth or type. Judging from what I've read from you, the answer would be no.

It is an insult to the Burmese activisit to compare what they face with anyhting in what is a flawed democracy

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OMG, this is so funny. The Thai government has been short-sighted again!

It's obvious that Tourists/Farangs are the major target if you want to shake up the government. We are the reason why Thailand is strong.

So, with the closing of the Airport, the government's going, THEY WILL NOT BE ABLE TO DO THIS AGAIN. OK, we are safe. Put more troops there. Then, short-sighted they are, this happens to the Immigration Division. I can just imagine chaos caused by this to many foreigners. If the red shirts continue and succeed in getting it closed down for more days, it won't be long till the foreigners go, WE ARE NOT COMING BACK TO THAILAND. I don't take sides but Red Shirts, this is a really smart move, IMO.

Edited by maydagirl
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A justified reaction is coming very soon. That, or a coup. The impatience is understandable but Abhisit had to wait to show the country just how destructive and anti-democratic the red shirts are. If he moved too early, it would have backfired.

Exactly. And business shopping malls loosing some millions is not a reason to use force. In other countries shopping malls are closed every Sunday and national holiday and they are still alive. Hope they can get the arrest warrants for the leaders and really get them off the stage. That would be great. Abhisit said it very nicely: They are all Thai. A few more days of inconvenience is not killing anybody and therefore not worth to kill anybody. Get the leaders off the stage and Taksin off the line, then the party will end.

I agree that shopping malls losingmoneymight not be such an issue.

However, it is more than just the shopping malls here that are losing

money, and some are losing money in a major way. The largest loser

of money would be the Thai economy as a hole.

I wold be okay with the reds just picking a spot, any spot and staying there

much like hat other color did. At least they wold be able to be controlled

and easily monitored. The rolling parades are a smart tatic the reds are using

to try an incite violence. The feel as long as they do not cast the first stone,

they can then plead self defense. You san be sure as soon as one little pebble is

tossed ... boulders will fly ... violence will erupt full scale. Bullets, hand grenandes,

RPG's and molitov cocktails will be seen a plenty

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These iddiots are going to far it is time they were charged and arrested. This is getting rediculous. i have no problem with rallies, even sit ins to a certain extent but disruption of the country is going to far how is cowtowing to a few tens of thousands of radical terrorist protesters democracy ot of a country of 60 some million.

The government also ought to charge Mr. T with sedition, terrorism and conspiracy and put out an international warrent for his arrest with interpol and any and all other international police organizations.

Were you as vocal when the Yellow shirts who brought the current government to power shut down the Airport. I would say that was major inconvenience compared to this. And Kasit the current Foreign minister was at the airport rooting them on. .

Not your business not your country we are just visitors- -I am sure there is plenty to bitch about in your home country alsobitch about your own country

Methinks the pot is calling the kettle black here

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What Thailand need is a REAL ELECTION.

Funny to read how a lot of retired old men, angry americans with their terrorist laws and Abisit fans seemes to think this is just something that has to be stopped - so they can go on doing - what ever. Some times you have to stand up for what is right, and I think this will take along time, but a military government is not a good idea - would you like that in your respective native countries - NO WAY!

If you old military freaks want this, why don't you move your gear to Burma!

You are out of line son with your comments. Don't put everyone into YOUR vision of a forum member. :) (Tosser)

Nice reply transam. To quote one of my heros "give'm hel_l Harry"! icon6.gif

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Fantastic, the thai people undertaking their right to peaceful protest.

This must really be eatin up inside the PAD and yellowshirts elites.

For 1 year now the military junta appointed EC have stalled and stalled on ruling the dems dissolved over the illegal 258 million baht donation.

Peaceful protest from the reds (thats Rural electoral Democracy Supporters) against appointed elite corruption.

Thats a good nickname, it really fits

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OMG, this is so funny. The Thai government has been short-sighted again!

It's obvious that Tourists/Farangs are the major target if you want to shake up the government. We are the reason why Thailand is strong.

So, with the closing of the Airport, the government's going, THEY WILL NOT BE ABLE TO DO THIS AGAIN. OK, we are safe. Put more troops there. Then, short-sighted they are, this happens to the Immigration Division. I can just imagine chaos caused by this to many foreigners. If the red shirts continue and succeed in getting it closed down for more days, it won't be long till the foreigners go, WE ARE NOT COMING BACK TO THAILAND. I don't take sides but Red Shirts, this is a really smart move, IMO.

95% of the customers in Siam shopping district are Thais.

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Not your business not your country we are just visitors- -I am sure there is plenty to bitch about in your home country alsobitch about your own country

EXCUSE ME? not my country yes, but its my business they are affecting and i pay my taxes, i m not just a visitor. So far the red shirts useless call to reinstate a dictator and his mafia has cost my company ( a Thai company) a net loss of 7 million baht growing into 10.5 Million as I speak....

I'm sorry but i feel that i m rightly entitled to bitch about the mess the red shirts are bringing upon Thailand even thought I'm a farang.

Sorry, have you factor in the country political risk when you decide to invest?

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OMG, this is so funny. The Thai government has been short-sighted again!

It's obvious that Tourists/Farangs are the major target if you want to shake up the government. We are the reason why Thailand is strong.

So, with the closing of the Airport, the government's going, THEY WILL NOT BE ABLE TO DO THIS AGAIN. OK, we are safe. Put more troops there. Then, short-sighted they are, this happens to the Immigration Division. I can just imagine chaos caused by this to many foreigners. If the red shirts continue and succeed in getting it closed down for more days, it won't be long till the foreigners go, WE ARE NOT COMING BACK TO THAILAND. I don't take sides but Red Shirts, this is a really smart move, IMO.

95% of the customers in Siam shopping district are Thais.

95% of the customers in Siam shopping district are YELLOW.

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OMG, this is so funny. The Thai government has been short-sighted again!

It's obvious that Tourists/Farangs are the major target if you want to shake up the government. We are the reason why Thailand is strong.

So, with the closing of the Airport, the government's going, THEY WILL NOT BE ABLE TO DO THIS AGAIN. OK, we are safe. Put more troops there. Then, short-sighted they are, this happens to the Immigration Division. I can just imagine chaos caused by this to many foreigners. If the red shirts continue and succeed in getting it closed down for more days, it won't be long till the foreigners go, WE ARE NOT COMING BACK TO THAILAND. I don't take sides but Red Shirts, this is a really smart move, IMO.

95% of the customers in Siam shopping district are Thais.

so why do u think the Thailand economy plunged by half or more when the airport got shut down?

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Fantastic, the thai people undertaking their right to peaceful protest.

This must really be eatin up inside the PAD and yellowshirts elites.

For 1 year now the military junta appointed EC have stalled and stalled on ruling the dems dissolved over the illegal 258 million baht donation.

Peaceful protest from the reds (thats Rural electoral Democracy Supporters) against appointed elite corruption.

The last time EC speed up a hearing is when PAD was occupying the airport. I begain to suspect if EC even goes to work, without pressure from the public?

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These iddiots are going to far it is time they were charged and arrested. This is getting rediculous. i have no problem with rallies, even sit ins to a certain extent but disruption of the country is going to far how is cowtowing to a few tens of thousands of radical terrorist protesters democracy ot of a country of 60 some million.

The government also ought to charge Mr. T with sedition, terrorism and conspiracy and put out an international warrent for his arrest with interpol and any and all other international police organizations.

It looks as if you like the way democracy works, as long as it doesn't affect your circles. But would you like Thailand to be like Burma. Or are you just another angry american..?

Thailand is becoming worse than Burma. Burma at least has some rules even if we

don’t like it. Over here is complete anarchy and no one want to be responsible for

making the hard decision.

You guys don't get it !!

First: I sincerely think that it is NOT appropriate to make such comparison ! Specially with Burma !!


Our beloved King is NOT well while constantly monitoring the happenings about "reds" and "Yellows" !

Khun Abhisit is doing (in my humble opinion) a GREAT job while showing sympathy - even proposing early elections !!!!!!

He is doing his best to keep the situation calm !

We are here guests, and the Thais are nice. It is THEIR HOME AND COUNTRY !

So we have to respect this and be thankful not to be the target of such troubles...

TIT = This Is Thailand

All this turmoil about "power" is surely a very bitter pill to swallow for the leaders of this beautiful Country...

Indeed the confusion is growing...

I can imagine that the disappointment is great, not only for us but specially for them...

Millions wasted while so many in need !


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I'm not sure what the laws regarding assembly are in Thailand, but in America freedom of assembly is guaranteed right under the constitution. The right is abrogated if the assembly is considered to be "unlawful assembly". Unlawful assembly includes, when the exercise of ones rights of assembly diminishes the rights of others. Clearly the disturbances that have caused busineesses to close would qualify as "restraint of trade", which is unlawful. I'm sure there is a similar statute with regard to government institutions, but I'm not sure what its called.

Edited by lannarebirth
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I'm not sure what the laws regarding assembly are in Thailand, but in America freedom of assembly is guaranteed right under the constitution. The right is abrogated if the assembly is considered to be "unlawful assembly". Unlawful assembly includes, when the exercise of ones rights of assembly diminishes the rights of others. Clearly the disturbances that have caused busineesses to close would qualify as "restraint of trade", which is unlawful. I'm sure there is a similar statute with regard to government institutions, but I'm not sure what its called.

It is call, "the YELLOW have the rights to all Airports in Thailand".

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I'm very surprised at the comments left here on the Red Shirt situation - 'anti-foreigner sentiment', ' declare martial law', etc. I was at the Immigration Office this morning ( fortunately finished my business before the Red Shirts arrived). The main entrance was closed but I was able to leave through one of the others. There were a lot of Red Shirts but it was a peaceful protest rally. They are exercising their democratic rights and the government is letting them. That's what democracy is all about.

In Canada, where I'm from, labour strikes frequently inconvenience the public if various ways - picket public, and private, buildings, slow traffic etc. No one suggests declaring martial law. Should the Red Shirts resort to acts of terrorism then, in my opinion, there would be justification for that. Otherwise, let the people speak and democracy take its course.

I do not know enough to support one side or the other but there are a lot of sympathizers of the Red Shirt cause. Maybe, as is usually the case, there are two sides to this story. Complicated situations usually contain something you can sympathize with and something you can't in both camps.

Personally I'm impressed with the restraint and respect for the democratic way shown by both the government and the Red Shirts (apart from the few radicals). If the people cannot speak and demonstrate publicly within the law and without fear, you do not have democracy. You have to take the bad with the good.

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I'm not sure what the laws regarding assembly are in Thailand, but in America freedom of assembly is guaranteed right under the constitution. The right is abrogated if the assembly is considered to be "unlawful assembly". Unlawful assembly includes, when the exercise of ones rights of assembly diminishes the rights of others. Clearly the disturbances that have caused busineesses to close would qualify as "restraint of trade", which is unlawful. I'm sure there is a similar statute with regard to government institutions, but I'm not sure what its called.

It is call, "the YELLOW have the rights to all Airports in Thailand".

Get over it! icon11.gif

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I'm not sure what the laws regarding assembly are in Thailand, but in America freedom of assembly is guaranteed right under the constitution. The right is abrogated if the assembly is considered to be "unlawful assembly". Unlawful assembly includes, when the exercise of ones rights of assembly diminishes the rights of others. Clearly the disturbances that have caused busineesses to close would qualify as "restraint of trade", which is unlawful. I'm sure there is a similar statute with regard to government institutions, but I'm not sure what its called.

It is call, "the YELLOW have the rights to all Airports in Thailand".

And that's all in the court system, which is seperate from the government. If you don't understand even that basic seperation of powers argument, it makes you appear extremely ignorant, and I'm guessing you're one of the brighter ones, which is frightening.

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