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Why Chiang Mai


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Simple solution: For those who are complaining and saying negative things about C.M., why not move on? That way those of us who appreciate the simple life here can enjoy it without having to hear others bitch and moan about it. I never could understand why ex-pats would live someplace that they don't like.

Perhaps they should all move to Manilla - plenty of desperate women and a goldmine of things to complain about there!


I can't recommend Manila as a place to live but having a darling Made in Manila is a good thing here ! (communicable/gossip proof/big boobs/great laugh/no soupchicken)

I did have a ball, but as the saying goes "nice place to visit but I would'nt want to live there".

Living wise Chiang Mai has it hands down any day of the week.

Agreed. I love it for as long as I have enough money to hire a bodyguard! :)

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Do not place too much emphasis on the Thai smile, in many cases it is a decoy in order to mislead people as to their true feelings towards individuals, this aspect of the Thai culture has been in existance for centuries and found its beginning within the humbling masses as a protection against the ruling elite in order to avoid problems/punishment, the ruling "elite" on the other hand is not known for their smiles except for each other.

Given the current political impasse, the northern region of Thailand with Chiang Mai as its capital, as was the case during the existance of the Lanna state, might gain some political independence from BKK similar to Scotland, N/Ireland, and Wales (in the UK) and this will then probably bring about great changes within Chiang Mai and the northern region in general.

So hang on chaps, don't leave Chiang Mai yet, wait and see, the result might reflect to the advantage of all.

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Some folks will never be happy no matter where they are ! It is a problem that they must face, its not external.

As I mentioned to someone just the other day...... bitching is a part of human nature..... if we don't have anything to bitch about, we will invariably create something to bitch about.....

as an example, I am told from a good source, that Adam's partner/wife , Eve was the first bitcher.....she came home one day and was complaining to Adam about the fact that the devil only had one brand of apple...... there was just no selection at all..


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Have lived in most of SE Asia. I spent 8 months in Manila (Pasay, Paranaque, Makati etc) almost every city in Metro Manila

You can't even compare the two. I will say that the use of English is more widespread and so a lot easier to socialise and get around, and from a purely personal point of view the girls were much nicer.

But, shot guns everywhere, stabbings, robberies, corruption, armed guards at McDonalds and every shopping centre, road floodings, karaoke plus, and some of the biggest deviants you could find on the planet...the list is endless.

You certainly could not live there on a pension, maybe Angeles but too many Yanks for me.

I did have a ball, but as the saying goes "nice place to visit but I would'nt want to live there".

Living wise Chiang Mai has it hands down any day of the week.

Oh so true. I couldn't agree more. I never realized there WERE that many scams until I spent 3 months in the Philippines. Yes, the Filipinas are lovely. And, almost all of them speak good English. There are marvelous beaches, but the Filipinos kill every possible type of fish to a point where it's hardly worth diving. They blow up the coral reefs with dynamite.

And, in the party places like Angeles City (similar to Pattaya but rougher) it is very dangerous to go anywhere alone. Don't go ANYWHERE unless you go as a group. Even then there is no guarantee you won't run into bandits with machine guns. In the 3 months I was there I personally knew of 4 guys who were murdered. I had to get out of one bad situation with my switch blade knife.

The only redeeming features of the Philippines is the lovely ladies, booze is cheaper and rooms are less expensive.

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The question was "why Chiang Mai" which is fair enough, since most of us have settled here for a reason. I staid in Bangkok for 12 years before I moved north with my family. The reason was to find a comfortable home where our kids can grow up without being stuck in traffic jam half of their life. There are quite a few brownie points: it's cooler, less crowded, more laid back, very safe, the food is cheap and abundant, it's a natural green place with lots of space, it has good education facilities, reasonable health care and infrastructure. We were able to build a nice house with a big garden and are still only 15 min away from the city and 5 min away from the next shopping facilities. I would probably not be able to afford the same life style in Europe, not to mention have a tropical garden.

I think Chiang Mai has much to offer for expatriates who seek a natural relaxed lifestyle. Sure, there are some problems as well, and it would indeed be parochial to demand that everybody sings the praises of Chiang Mai, but these weren't the thread topic.

Cheers, CMX

Edited by chiangmaiexpat
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Given the current political impasse, the northern region of Thailand with Chiang Mai as its capital, as was the case during the existance of the Lanna state, might gain some political independence from BKK similar to Scotland, N/Ireland, and Wales (in the UK) and this will then probably bring about great changes within Chiang Mai and the northern region in general.

I doubt it. Northern Thailand has neither the political nor economic clout for increased independence. Such "great changes" are very questionable.

Cheers, CMX

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  • 2 months later...

Absolutely love Chiang Mai. Where else could I own a house as large as this in a nice safe moo baan with all my chores taken care of by a lovely domestic worker? Where else can I go cycling with a group of friends every morning at &:30am taking in a daily dose of 70-100km and be back for a nice mid-morning brunch? Where else can I get a great meal for 3 people for 85 baht? The town centre is reasonably hassle free and gentle. From my house I can be at the moat in 15 minutes or in the heart of the countryside in 5-10 mins. Where else could I see so many lovely girls (eye candy) everywhere I look (sorry Mrs Wife!). Where else can I live so comfortably on my pension? I love it. I've been here one year and two months and I have so many friends everywhere. And when visitors come we have found an endless stream of places to delight them with. Don't knock it.

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I think CM is a great place but I also live 20km outside, only a 25 min m/c drive in.

Loads of good-looking girls, and the wife knows this, so behaves herself.

Loads of great Thai bars (I hate farang bars)

Good snooker halls, Godzilla is my preferred

Loads of good places to eat


Good internet connection

Nice waterfalls and lakes

Reasonable priced housing

What more could anyone want?

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I live in the heart of the night bazar and have for four years. I have no motor bike or car. I can walk to most every place I wish to go including the heart of the old city. If I need transport there is always a songtell or tuk tuk. There is a free shuttle to the airport mall. I am a big movie fan of movies and get to see most of the top rated movies. I can relax and do nothing or I can go touring around the city. I just take a songtell and walk around. It is a life style that fits me to a T.

I have a wonderful Thai wife and every thing I want. That is not to say if I was rich I would certanly have a lot more. Like a cab on call at all times. I have a phylopasy that I live by makes no difference if I am in Chiang Mai or Vancouver Canada or Seattle Wash. I never buy anything I can not walk away from. Living here in Chiang Mai it is easy to live that way. I have had owned homes and find no Joy in that. Life here is wonderful with the main exception of the air quality. Lots of gtreat places to eat at, a good zoo and a lot of Wats. I have decided to go touring again and visit some of these places. A walk around the old city is a treat. There is a very nice park in the south west corner of the old city that I personaly find peaceful.

The big draw back for me is no beach. Oh well

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For me Chiang Mai is still somewhat nice and liveable.

Lots of infrastructure, hospitals, farang goodies, etc. And I agree with the OP that the people here are some of the friendliest people in the world.

But it has become a bit too popular, IMHO. Like Pai.

I live way out west at base of Doi Suthep near the uni.

Used to be a quiet, peaceful cool neighborhood with little student bars, sushi restos, etc.

Now 3 or 4 big buildings being built up within a 1 km radius in the last year or so.

The traffic on Huay Kaew Road is horrendous, and the construction noise is driving me bonkers (8 AM mallets on steel...BANG BANG BANG and angle grinders like a dental drill all day long).

OK, I know this is called organic growth. People have babies, and people with money want to make more money- fine with me.

But I don't want to move to Hang Dong, or Mae Rim, or Doi Saket. Chiang Mai is getting too big for me, but your mileage may vary, as they say....

I have an alternative, but I'd rather not mention it here.


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Do not place too much emphasis on the Thai smile, in many cases it is a decoy in order to mislead people as to their true feelings towards individuals, this aspect of the Thai culture has been in existance for centuries and found its beginning within the humbling masses as a protection against the ruling elite in order to avoid problems/punishment, the ruling "elite" on the other hand is not known for their smiles except for each other.

Not unlike Indonesians in that they have a smile for every emotion, but provided the visitor/expat is aware of the 'rules' and takes account of them, then all is OK.

I still think I'll be spending a lot of time in Cm with occasional stints down Hua Hin way.

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There have been two threads recently exploring alternatives to Chiang Mai as a place to live. It has been mentioned here that living costs are exceptionally low (particularly assuming that one is not aiming to live with the highest society), and it appears that the other threads are motivated in part by declining power - momentary or not - of European currencies against the baht.

Most of us live in Chiang Mai because, although we have our standards and minimum and maximum tolerances, we find it cheap for what it gives us. Should the baht advance greatly against our currencies (unless we are connected to the local economy), we'll join at the airport's lovely departure lounge, complaining unanimously about the smoke, the loss of charm, the traffic, and the wonders of our next Shangri-la.

PS. I like the music over at Payap and pretty fair selection of English language books, considering. So long as they do not get, you know, too expensive.

In sum: Chiang Mai is a cheap place to live pretty well.

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Another neat aspect on living here is the ability to get away :jap:. An International airport for distance and well kept roads for those who

want to explore the North of Thailand. 15 minutes outside the city is a whole new world full of delights for the senses. When the feet get itchy I pack some undies and polo shirts on my Phantom and head out. 2 hours to Pei, 3 to Chaing Rai 4 to Mae Sai. Doi Angkan , Chiang Dao, Mae Hong Son the list is endless. No reservations needed, always find a clean G.H. and good food along the way.

As for the traffic, it is an old city with narrow streets so rush hour can be a pain. 7:30 to 9 AM and 4 to 6 PM you might as well be in L.A.

act accordingly :blink:. Chok dee:D

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OK Gang, I know I am leaving myself open here. Its not easy to be me but I try. How about a thread about the wonderful things that Chiang Mai and environs has to offer. After 5 years living here I would not want to live anywhere else. The people # 1 are what makes a city. The Thai people I meet and do business with and the smiles I get are not found anywhere that I have been. The people of CM are class people. The weather? Everyplace I have lived has weather problems of one sort or another. If you do not like it move on. I agree the burning is excessive to us farange but accept that it is a culture thing that has been going on for eons. If it is bothersome, move on. No one is stopping you. Chiang Mai has such a party atmosphere from Loy Krathong to Flower Festival, Songkran, and the many visitor places

that are not found in any other places in this world. I could elaborate about Night Bazaar and Sunday and Saturday Night Walking Streets.

To top off this is a wonderful city, Just one guys opinion. Chok dee

What a bone! useless! worthless! pointless! thread!

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CMai :jap:is a great place- most expats I know appreciate that they have a MUCH better quality of life here than they can afford in their home country.

Plenty of competition with most items to make it a very affordable city. Not too big and not too small.

If you need Farang food we have a HUGE range. We have a great group of expats whom try to make a living here.

Whatever you need you usually can find... no matter what your needs maybe.

I feel more freedom here than in my own homeland... As the rules in regards to traffic and tax, etc are very strict back home. In CMai it is Mai Pen Rai and I feel more relaxed about these issues here.

You want express service then pay tea money for anything you wish.

Cost of living wise one of the best value for money and safe cities in Asia.

Other cities either are a lot more strict and expensive OR do not have everything we need.

Sometimes we NEED food from our homeland- the food we grew up with... It is everywhere...

We can attend endless number of courses in Unis, schools nearly anything you can wish..

Downfalls is the HEAT was bad this year- the burning did not help. Plus work and investment wise it has been limited. So you must have funds or you willing to take a much smaller income than many other Asian cities for your skills. Work is very limited to mostly teaching and NGOs in CMai- some try investing, GH, Bars, etc. Yet political issues made it difficult for workers.

High net worth Condo areas and people down to the lower end- usually there is a particular area that will suit most pepole's needs. From the gym junkies, night clubbers, quiet retirees to the gay community and everything in between.

And lest us not forget that most guys and girls have a larger pool of the opposite or same sex to select from here. Nearly every sort of life style is catered for and not frowned upon in CMai, like it maybe in other areas.

For expats there is a certain excitement and anticipation in learning a new language and culture that is completely opposite to our own. It can be quite a challenge for most.

We are all accepted in this society, with very few exceptions. In fact most of us are looked upon with an added amount of respect and value that is more rare in your homeland.

For those complaining I do not say go elsewhere I say go to another part of the city. As that may suit you a lot more. Have a look around and you will find...Chok Dee. :jap:

Edited by jayinoz
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