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Farang Private Car Rental Bangkok. .


I cannot post his name here but he is a farang from Canada that has been renting cars to farangs here in Bkk

This man D**e is a complete Rip off and will steal your money. All of his cars are crap and I would not trust them to be on the road.

I rented a car from him to come to Chiang Mai to be with my Girlfriend when she was in hospital and was told by D**e that the car I was about to rent from him was in perfect working order and that the last guy that rented it also went to Chiang Mai and it cost him 1400 baht for petrol.

I agreed to rent the car and gave him 2000 baht deposit and the monthly rental of 6000 baht. D**e told me that he had just put in 700 baht in petrol but the gas gauge was broken and reads ¼ tank less then it really has. I trusted him and left the next morning at 8:00 am for Chiang Mai.

When I arrived in Ayuthaya which s not far to fill the tank with petrol for my trip, it took 1400 baht. This means that in total with D**e’s 700 baht and my 1400 baht that this tiny little tank can take 2100 baht in petrol? This is a 1994 Nissan Sentra.

However I filled the tank and checked the oil etc. and left Ayuthaya and headed north. The car drove like a piece of crap all the way and I was actually afraid to drive it over 90km per hr but D**e had assured me that it was all just inspected and that everything was fine so I continued on.

When I stopped in Tak to get more petrol it cost me another 1200 baht to fill the tank and again I checked the oil etc and headed north. Well it wasn’t long after that when all the trouble began. 20 minutes after I left Tak, the car stalled while I was doing 100 km per hr and at the same time the car stalled, the temperature gauge went to the max. I pulled over and let the car cool down and spent the next 2 hours on the side of the hi-ay in the middle of nowhere trying to contact D**e on his mobile with no such luck. Finally, I had the tow truck come and take the car back to his shop where he determined that the car and the motor was NOT in good condition and would need a complete overhaul that would cost 16,000 baht.

The shops owner told his worker to take me to the nearest bus station and I continued on to Chiang Mai via bus. When I arrived in CM I had to take a taxi to my hotel and then to the hospital. This is NOT why I rented a car!!!!

D**e eventually made his way to Chiang Mai with his so called mechanic to tow the car back to Bangkok. I called him several times over these days but he would not answer unless it was another number. I made a police report in Lampung. D**e told me it took him 3 days to tow the car home and when I asked if he planned on giving me my money back he said “yes I will as soon as I determine the cost for repair then I will give you the balance” which we all know that will be zero.

D**e buys old crappy cars and rents them out to farangs hoping that something will go wrong so he can keep the deposit AND get his crap cars fixed for free. If anyone needs any more information please feel free to email or call me. I have been in Thailand for 10 years now and am used to being ripped off by Thai’s but wouldn’t expect another farang to do this to make a living. I imagine if you rent and everything goes well then you are doing ok but DO NOT expect anything if you have a problem with his vehicles and even the mechanic told me that his vehicle was FAR from road worthy in all aspects.


I second.

You should rent only from reputable renting shops which offer proper contract, guarantee, insurance, etc...

The only person you should be upset at is YOURSELF for being so gullible and ignorant for doing this. :)

Dude, You could of got a cheaper rental at Hertz.

NEVER rent a car from a back yard rental, Never repair your Car at a Back Yard Mechanic.

As P.T. Barnam once said; "There's a sucker born every Minute"


How can the OP have lived in LOS for 10 years and not have a car of his own? the only reason I'll believe he doesn't have a car is that he fell for the '1400baht fuel to Chang Mai' nonsense.


Totally agree.

What did you expect for a monthly rental of 6,000 ??

And one more thing: if you noticed that "all the cars were crap and would not trust them on the road" ... WHY did you rent from him ???



We have a saying here "If it seems to good to be true - it is"

In your case, I think we need to amend this to "If it looks like a beaten up 16 year old car - it is"

Honestly - 6000 baht a month - what on earth were you thinking ?

:) ha why dosent a 16 year old car run nicley...... :D:D:D , well the broken gas gauge should have been one of the first signs :D

Ok first off i assume your one of these brits that have been her a long time like 3 months and think you should be running this country because you have never been ripped off in the LOS? Also youhave it ALL under control/ ok lets adress your quote:

  • i just sold a 2006 isuzu 4x4 demax
  • i have a 2006 Harley DWG
  • just drove a friends truck to bkk and back 2009 Toyota Hiluxand the gas was 1800 baht one way with still some left over.

It's called "being between cars" and "checking CM out before I move there"

so as far as your saying nonsense you obviously know nothing about fuel prices here (if in fact you have ever been here)?

anyways, for the people that DO have brains here, there has been many teachers in Bkk with not so high salaries and friends that have used this maggots cars and they have been fine in town. we are not ALL pensioners here earning Euros etc. and cannot all afford Budget rent a car etc but i thought i would give this guy a shot and YES i was stupid and gullable but like i said "i'm sure NONE of you have ever been ripped off in LOS.

How can the OP have lived in LOS for 10 years and not have a car of his own? the only reason I'll believe he doesn't have a car is that he fell for the '1400baht fuel to Chang Mai' nonsense.
A 16 year old motor !!! .Thats one good reason not too rent .What do you expect for 6000 baht ?.

You could have got a 5 yr old Toyota Vio's for 9000 baht .

i would not even trust a 10K baht a month rental car.

best bet, go to dollar, hertz, etc. they've got news conditioned cars and will replace them immediately if something happens.


Thailandblue grass "I have been in Thailand for 10 years now and am used to being ripped off by Thai’s but wouldn’t expect another farang "

I have lived in thailand 4 years total, and i would say the opposite- i stay well away from farang owned/operated businesses if i can because i have heard too many stories like yours.

Ok first off i assume your one of these brits that have been her a long time like 3 months and think you should be running this country because you have never

First off, I'll assume that you are a first class tool.

<deleted> has being British got to do with it? :)

6,000 Baht rental for a month :D Enough said.

Ok first off i assume your one of these brits that have been her a long time like 3 months and think you should be running this country because you have never

First off, I'll assume that you are a first class tool.

<deleted> has being British got to do with it? :)

6,000 Baht rental for a month :D Enough said.

mrtoad: you must be the funniest man on TV. You have only been here since 2006 but have 7.575 posts here?

4 x 365 = 1,460 days

7,575 posts = 2 posts per day

And that’s if you are posting every single day since 2006 which is unlikely (well in your case maybe not).

Man you REALLY need to get a life old timer. I’m sure you must wake up every day and open Thai Visa just so you can look at posts and reply as though you have EVERYTHING under control and that you are better then everyone else? I have seen your posts before with the red shirts, Thai politics etc. I’m sure you could run this country better then the Thai’s hahaha.

Dude, try going outside once in awhile. It might do you some good to get away from your computer. Lmfao.

Ok first off i assume your one of these brits that have been her a long time like 3 months and think you should be running this country because you have never

First off, I'll assume that you are a first class tool.

<deleted> has being British got to do with it? :)

6,000 Baht rental for a month :D Enough said.

mrtoad: you must be the funniest man on TV. You have only been here since 2006 but have 7.575 posts here?

4 x 365 = 1,460 days

7,575 posts = 2 posts per day

And that’s if you are posting every single day since 2006 which is unlikely (well in your case maybe not).

Man you REALLY need to get a life old timer. I’m sure you must wake up every day and open Thai Visa just so you can look at posts and reply as though you have EVERYTHING under control and that you are better then everyone else? I have seen your posts before with the red shirts, Thai politics etc. I’m sure you could run this country better then the Thai’s hahaha.

Dude, try going outside once in awhile. It might do you some good to get away from your computer. Lmfao.

A clear case of the pot calling the kettle black.

Here is an OP telling everyone else to get a life / get their facts straight or accusing us of offering opinions when we don't even live in Thailand (which I do). Judging by the inordinate amount of time the OP himself has spent on his posts today trying to badmouth a car rental company over a lousy 6K, he's also let rip at a bunch of well-meaning people who have offered perfectly reasonable responses, I think it's safe to say that he's a little on the temperamental side.

It's like these Thai dramas with a psychotic woman character who screams a lot for no apparent reason... I think we need to just turn it off or change the channel.


Ok first off i assume your one of these brits that have been her a long time like 3 months and think you should be running this country because you have never

First off, I'll assume that you are a first class tool.

<deleted> has being British got to do with it? :)

6,000 Baht rental for a month :D Enough said.

mrtoad: you must be the funniest man on TV. You have only been here since 2006 but have 7.575 posts here?

4 x 365 = 1,460 days

7,575 posts = 2 posts per day

And that’s if you are posting every single day since 2006 which is unlikely (well in your case maybe not).

Man you REALLY need to get a life old timer. I’m sure you must wake up every day and open Thai Visa just so you can look at posts and reply as though you have EVERYTHING under control and that you are better then everyone else? I have seen your posts before with the red shirts, Thai politics etc. I’m sure you could run this country better then the Thai’s hahaha.

Dude, try going outside once in awhile. It might do you some good to get away from your computer. Lmfao.

You seem to have thrown yourself head first into a hole. A friend might recommend you should stop digging, as you're saying more about yourself than anyone else.

Bad decision on the car rental

Racist comment about the Brits.

Telling someone that 2 posts a day is time to get a life.

Actually 7,575 / 4 years is more like 5 per day not 2 :D

Perhaps we've now come full circle, we can poetically close the thread. It started with some rather unbelievable maths, so why not end it in a similar fashion.... :D

I agreed to rent the car and gave him 2000 baht deposit

1st clue if one is not clueless.

and the monthly rental of 6000 baht.

2nd clue if the first one wasn't obvious enough.

This is a 1994 Nissan Sentra.

3rd clue and the slam dunk.. <deleted> do you expect for a 16 year old car that is beat to death in it's old age? This car should have been retired ages ago and you're beyond naive to have to expected any more of it and from him in consideration of that knowing full well you weren't paying premium price not even close to premium deposit all of the red flags were waving profusely but you choose to ignore them...


>>anyways, for the people that DO have brains here, there has been many teachers in Bkk with not so high salaries and friends that have used this maggots cars and they have been fine in town.

You're a teacher at which school? I want to make sure my kids don't go there based on the grammar and punctuation above. Good luck on the rental.


I've used the TV link for car rentals twice now, with two different carriers and have had excellent experiences with both. I recommend both Thai rent a car and Budget. I'll probably stick with budget now, since they come with excess insurance in the package.

Afronaught, please show me a hertz rental for 6k a month, I want one.

I will have 2 and sell mine.

this car was a 1994,costing 6,000 baht,and the guy has been here for 10 years,that stinks to me.I wouldnt trust a 1994 car to travel from Bangkok to Chiangmai in a million years.This car should only be rented for local driving.


I agreed to rent the car and gave him 2000 baht deposit

1st clue if one is not clueless.

and the monthly rental of 6000 baht. :D

2nd clue if the first one wasn't obvious enough

This is a 1994 Nissan Sentra :)

3rd clue and the slam dunk.. <deleted> do you expect for a 16 year old car

Too Funny :D:D


Your post is incredible to say the least.

First you say

However I filled the tank and checked the oil etc. and left Ayuthaya and headed north. The car drove like a piece of crap all the way and I was actually afraid to drive it over 90km per hr but D**e had assured me that it was all just inspected and that everything was fine so I continued on.

Remembering that this is a '94 Nissan, you go on to say that it broke down at 100kph after proclaiming to be to scared to go over 90. If I was the owner of the car and the guy who rented it posted on a public forum that it ran like crap and he was scared to go over 90 and knowing that decided to run at 100 anyway - yep you guessed it I'd blame you too. Temp guages don't just shoot up instantaneously either.

1. You knew it was old.

2. You knew it drove crap. (your words)

3. You recklessly decided to drive it faster than what was previously scaring you.

4. It broke down.

5. You paid 6K for the month.

Som nom nah. :)

What did you expect?


I suspect the OP should have test driven the car before taking a vehicle of that vintage out on an extended lease. Buyer/lessor beware.

Now, since this has just turned into a flame fest at the expense of the OP's miss-fortune, I am locking the topic to prevent it sliiping further into the cauldron.


This topic is now closed to further replies.
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