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Loss Of Face At The Airport - Double Standards For Farangs

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-Thanon Farang-

I would not pay, if I same you, felt that there is no reason to pay anything about that incident-just calling her a name. By the way, WHAT did you say?

Would not be enough for me to pay a sum like this!

But possibly you still owed her some money from your relationship? Did not pay the last week(s), month? That would be a reason for me, not only one spoken word.

Now, you still have contact with this GF or again contact with her?

Thanks for an update.

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The little man who beckoned me into the room after i overstayed my visa by 4 days said he was very sad.

I asked why and he replied that he should have been at home with his family throwing water at foreigners, but he had to work that night.

Took my cash and sent me on my way to departures.

Edited by Patsycat
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There are some silly responses. It was obvious that he wasnt there for something trivial like taxis or goods being stolen. The fellow was sitting on the couch in a looking very submissive and alone.

In response to the poster that said if it was a Thai guy it wouldnt have been noteworthy. Not so, it was the persons demeanour and the fact it was open for all to see was what attracted my attention.

As Thanon Farang said, the senior policeman was sitting at the desk, he didnt appear to be saying much.

It just seemed very wrong.

BTW, the Starbucks didnt have free wi-fi, which was the sole reason i got a coffee there.

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there is also a strong possibility he got caught up in the airport trap by a thai gang. even though i have never been there i have been warned about the roving gangs that set up farangs.

Very funny! Best reply I've ever seen on TV for a long time. Do you work for a western new media group?

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-Thanon Farang-

I would not pay, if I same you, felt that there is no reason to pay anything about that incident-just calling her a name. By the way, WHAT did you say?

Would not be enough for me to pay a sum like this!

But possibly you still owed her some money from your relationship? Did not pay the last week(s), month? That would be a reason for me, not only one spoken word.

Now, you still have contact with this GF or again contact with her?

Thanks for an update.

It doesn't matter that it was "just calling her a name" any more than it would be "just defacing a portrait of You-Know-Who" - a law is a law is a law. I broke the law.

I called her a word that starts with a g in front of a group of people. No I didn't owe her anything, it was pure extortion.

I do actually have contact with her again. We've come to understand each other quite well and have an odd close friendship. Not dating or anything and we did not talk for a long time.

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one would think that preservation of face would have applied equally to this fellow

In short, some compassion and common sense should have been exercised.

I for one am shocked by this considering the consideration, professionalism and respect the Thai police are renowned for showing their fellow man. :)

Indeed, who would ever find the need to criticize those fine men stuffed into XSS uniforms, they are the pride of Thailand!

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I do actually have contact with her again. We've come to understand each other quite well and have an odd close friendship. Not dating or anything and we did not talk for a long time.

She understands that you have more money than you need and you understand that she likes money more than men?

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I do actually have contact with her again. We've come to understand each other quite well and have an odd close friendship. Not dating or anything and we did not talk for a long time.

It's a start "ThanonFarang" that you have an understanding of what took place at the airport......... But it would appear, she is the only one with a grasp on reality! Good luck.... Your going to need it.

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there is also a strong possibility he got caught up in the airport trap by a thai gang. even though i have never been there i have been warned about the roving gangs that set up farangs.

Very funny! Best reply I've ever seen on TV for a long time. Do you work for a western new media group?

dude they are very real do i have to go into a full description?? i know personally of people getting pinched this way which is why i said i was warned. just cause i haven't been there yet, does not mean i don't know what i'm talking about on this subject.

Edited by BIGDADDYT46
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No different in Canada or the US when you go through customs and immigration. Customs officials assume the group sent through their area are all crooks... and treat you just the same. Every person is searched in front of everyone else in that big room. All personal questions are asked within hearing of 20 or 30 other people waiting in line. It doesn't matter whether you have done nothing wrong... all bystanders assume you are guilty of something. They ask questions they already know the answers to in hopes of catching someone in a lie.

Thailand has its own unique set of methods. If someone is caught for an alleged offence they are taken back to the scene of the offence and the accused has to re-enact the crime in front of the public.

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I do actually have contact with her again. We've come to understand each other quite well and have an odd close friendship. Not dating or anything and we did not talk for a long time.

She understands that you have more money than you need and you understand that she likes money more than men?

Exactly. As long as we both understand and respect the boundaries of a relationship like that, it can work out nicely. She's fluent in English, insanely gorgeous and extremely resourceful. It is good to have friennds like that. Anytime I have a problem in Thailand I call her, she helps me sort it out and I buy her dinner - 25% or so of the time I get to ride the old bike again too. She gives me relationship advice and lets me bang her friends. I have to deal with a Sick Buffalo story every now and then, but whatever.

If you cant afford, don't understand or don't agree with that - don't make a fool out of yourself by saying Im an idiot. I know exactly what I'm doing, why I'm doing it and the way she views me -and I'm fine with it. If you aren't secure enough to have somebody in your life who you know views you as an ATM, you have the issues, not me.

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If I was the American(Road?ThanonFarang) I would have kicked the cop playing with the cuffs right in the balls and hard too.

I have called all of them racist and then go totally mute and passive.

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Exactly. As long as we both understand and respect the boundaries of a relationship like that, it can work out nicely. She's fluent in English, insanely gorgeous and extremely resourceful. It is good to have friennds like that. Anytime I have a problem in Thailand I call her, she helps me sort it out and I buy her dinner - 25% or so of the time I get to ride the old bike again too. She gives me relationship advice and lets me bang her friends. I have to deal with a Sick Buffalo story every now and then, but whatever.

If you cant afford, don't understand or don't agree with that - don't make a fool out of yourself by saying Im an idiot. I know exactly what I'm doing, why I'm doing it and the way she views me -and I'm fine with it. If you aren't secure enough to have somebody in your life who you know views you as an ATM, you have the issues, not me.

Sorry Thanonfarang but you lost it:

Because of her you had to pay 60 k (at the airport) or elso go to jail.

Because of her you have never been so happy to leave Thailand.

Because of her you feeling was"the whole lot (guess include this girl)should rot in hel_l

And still you are happy to have a good friend like that, sorry i don't know what you are smoking or using but you going end up in deep SH3T with this additute as "I can afford it".

You don't need good luck because you have that already, as i still didnt saw the topic. "good friend took all my money, how to go home"

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We did not talk for a long, long time and have become what we are now very slowly.

I don't care to give you haters any more fuel so I'll say simply that I did things far worse to her than extort some money. Doesn't excuse her actions but makes it easier for us both to call the past even and be friends. I know she has friends who are shocked she talks to me as you guys are shocked I talk to her.

We are both intelligent adults so mind your own business...

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We did not talk for a long, long time and have become what we are now very slowly.

I don't care to give you haters any more fuel so I'll say simply that I did things far worse to her than extort some money. Doesn't excuse her actions but makes it easier for us both to call the past even and be friends. I know she has friends who are shocked she talks to me as you guys are shocked I talk to her.

We are both intelligent adults so mind your own business...

We are both intelligent adults

Majority of the people put here a big question mark

So mind your own business

no i dont, dont post your stupidity on a forum and ask only for positive feedback, doesn't work like that.

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what ifs...what color was his shirt? did he have a red shirt concealed in his bag or underneath his other shirt? Sounds suspicous to me. Did he look like a terrorist ofcourse not, terrorists can look like any arab. Most probably he was auditioning for a bit part of a foriegn film and you were his audition audience. They have now come to Thaivisa to see how well he played his part as to whether he did well.

I gather you did not have a plane to catch. You rubber neck at every road side accident and try to decide who was at fault before driving off.

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