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Hairy, Itchy Looking Balls Taste Like Heaven...

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Had my first rambutan for this year from Wororot market - absolutely delicious and they will taste much better as the season moves on.

Such a curious looking fruit don't you think?



Ooo! perfect. I'll have to get some on Friday. Was it everywhere or only a one specific shop? Did you see any mangosteens and lychee?

Actually an indonesian fruit, rambutan means hair in bahasa

The English word for the fruit is Malay / Bahasa, but the tree is common / native to the whole of SE Asia and Sri Lanka.


Hmmm, Hairy, itchy balls? You been peeking in my room AGAIN? Maybe we should go see the pharmacist. My pharmacist is a cute gal and I use every excuse I can to see her again. She always has a giggle when I buy another dozen condoms.


Are you talking about the mangosteen?


Hmmm, Hairy, itchy balls? You been peeking in my room AGAIN? Maybe we should go see the pharmacist. My pharmacist is a cute gal and I use every excuse I can to see her again. She always has a giggle when I buy another dozen condoms.


Are you talking about the mangosteen?


:) lol


Guys, no Mangosteen or Lychees yet. Lychees will take a bit longer to be truly in season.

BTW the Rambutan were delicious but some of them are hit and miss due to the early part of the season. A couple of sour balls in the bunch - that's all.

Head down to the fruit market - about 3 shops have them. Be prepared to pay 50-60 baht per kilo at the mo.

When the trucks start rolling into town laden with them, we will all be paying 10-15 baht per kilo.


Hmmm, Hairy, itchy balls? You been peeking in my room AGAIN? Maybe we should go see the pharmacist. My pharmacist is a cute gal and I use every excuse I can to see her again. She always has a giggle when I buy another dozen condoms.


Are you talking about the mangosteen?


and the pharmacy is where exactly?? :)

Guys, no Mangosteen or Lychees yet. Lychees will take a bit longer to be truly in season.

BTW the Rambutan were delicious but some of them are hit and miss due to the early part of the season. A couple of sour balls in the bunch - that's all.

Head down to the fruit market - about 3 shops have them. Be prepared to pay 50-60 baht per kilo at the mo.

When the trucks start rolling into town laden with them, we will all be paying 10-15 baht per kilo.


Wow, am insanely envious of all you peeps in Thailand at the moment. Over here in Brisbane, Australia, the Rambutans have also suddenly started to appear on the supermarket shelves. They are currently a real 'steal' at AU $14 per kilo, which is round about THB 417 p/kilo!

I think a lot of the rambutans sold here in Oz are actually grown up in Northern Qld, which has a similar tropical climate to Thailand. Either way, it costs a small fortune to indulge in them over here, while you guys are literally drowning in cheap as chips rambutans in LOS :)


Mangosteens is where its at the king of fruit in Thailand,and when you can get them at there cheapest juiceing them makes for a fabulously healthy drink....uummmmmm!

Mangosteens is where its at the king of fruit in Thailand,and when you can get them at there cheapest juiceing them makes for a fabulously healthy drink....uummmmmm!

Last year they were already cheap by March... but this year I haven't seen any yet. I thoroughly agree... rambutans (by the way, there's a place in Malaysia called Tanjong Rambutan, which is presumably a centre for these) and lychees come nowhere when the mangosteen is in season.

Actually an indonesian fruit, rambutan means hair in bahasa

The English word for the fruit is Malay / Bahasa, but the tree is common / native to the whole of SE Asia and Sri Lanka.

So you mean to say that everybody calls it rambutan because of the common language between the countries???? :)


The international name for it is rambutan. Unless you want to have a go at the Thai/Lao name for it. :D

Anyways... I went to Kad Luang today and bought 1 and a half kilo from 2 different shops. lol

Tons of durian now too. before I was only seeing it at somphet market.

Too bad they dont have mangosteens yet!!! I was really hoping to get some to take to Laos :)

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