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I Had To Wait 8 Minutes To Be Seated At The Emporium


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The thing I love about living on Suk 24 is that its close to The Emporium. And what I love about The Emporium is that the shoppers there tend to not be the "Food Court + Window Shop" types of Thais and Farangs. During the weekdays, its usually totally empty. I have the waitresses practically in my lap and have never before had to wait to be seated.

This is absolutely ridiculous! We now have the types of public transportation farang and Thais who visit the Siam Shopping Area showing up on our home turf. This must end today! I saw one farang and his Thai partner walking around with 5 young ethnic Thai children and the children had on those Tesco Lotus cartoon outfits that cost 40 baht that you often see and the children had flip flops and they were running around The Emporium like it was Big C.

Edited by TheItaliann
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I assume your being sarcastic.

Are you having us on?

I'm an American, so all the Brits on TV assure me I can't inderstand sarcasim.

Did they disturb your morning tea at the Oriental Hotel Tea Cafe place down there on the 1st floor?

I once knew a Burmese woman, who grew up in Burma as British (from a very rich family and educated in the best schools in England...and I mean "England", not the U.K. for her), who always had her morning Tea there in the Emporium at that Oriental Hotel Tea place. She said it was the last "proper" British Tea in Asia since the fall of the Empire.

I thought that was a bit extreme.

She was an amazing person, a real link back to the days of the British Empire, when geography was taught in English schools to students by having them memorise the countries of the Empire and their main exports. (Where in heck was British East Africa, anyhow?).

Not many like her around any longer.

But that's another topic.


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hahaha i dont know which i find funnier, the OP's post or the over reaction, total lack of humour replies.

But thanks for the warning, I'll give emporium a miss. If I want a Big C atmosphere I'll go to BIG C, thankyou.

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I really have no sympathy for you. Now that I can't get to Gaysorn Plaza I'm forced to slum it at the Emporium, along with, as you say, the oiks, oafs and commoners. Why, just today I had James drive me over there. The line of lesser cars blocking the path of my limousine was endless, and do you think any of the riff raff had the decency to make way for us? I almost had to get out and walk to the entrance, but couldn't find anyone to open the car door for me, so was forced to sit and wait. I was nearly in tears I tell you.

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British East Africa
In effect the country now know as Kenya, though the term is really archaic since most of it became the East Africa Protectorate in the 1890's IIRC.

Just sent my man to obtain the comestible Patum Peperium.

Pip pip.


Edited by A_Traveller
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British East Africa
In effect the country now know as Kenya, though the term is really archaic since most of it became the East Africa Protectorate in the 1890's IIRC.

Just sent my man to obtain the comestible Patum Peperium.

Pip pip.


Will he be long?

Co's I for one would like to know what it is

And would you have any left?


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Agree, Shoot them, Children first as they are smaller (difficult target) and run faster, after there parents.

And i agree most of them come from Big C, so use that at a practice shooting area so you don't shoot the waitres at the Oriental coffee area as this going to takes u next time 18 minutes to be seated.

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