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State Of Emergency Decree Imposed In Bangkok


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before Obama was elected President :) With the socialist agenda that Obama is trying to stuff down the throats of hard working Americans, it is quite possible that many of those Thais (and many Americans as well) may be liquidating their assets and moving overseas in the not too distant future, at least until some sense of sanity has returned to the U.S. governemnt :D


It's a shame the Reds picked Red... or is it a Chinese 'lucky' red thing, as opposed to a 'Nepalese' type red.

Bring on the Mauve party!

I do feel Thailand is a microcosm of the world, all in one country. Most of the world I'm sure would like to take to the streets.

Edited by whiterussian
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THe last election in Thailand by the thai people was in December 2007 .

The PPP (proThaksin) won the absolute majority at that election if i remember well .

What election are you refering too ?

You are wrong. The PPP did not win an absolute majority. here are those 2007 results.

Constituency Vote

People's Power Party: 36.63%

Democrat Party: 30.30%

Proportional Vote

People's Power Party: 39.60%

Democrat Party: 39.63%

PPP 226 seats

Democrats 166


PPP 233 seats

Dems 165 seats

Check your numbers

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The respective numbers are immaterial.

The important point is that the parliament is the product of military coup and military interference .

Therefore undemocratic and illegal.

Can only be reset by elections.

It is true to say that this parliament was elected under the constitution written by the military government. It included some gerrymandering which resulted in fewer seats in the NE.

Ummm there was no gerrymandering. There were not fewer seats in the NE. The parliament seated today would have been seated onder the 1997 constitution. The results would have been the same.

What IS true is that had the PPP dissolved parliament even the last day before they were disbanded then they could have had the elections that people are calling for now. They didn't. Their coalition partners dumped them .. the rest is just them crying because they lost their coalition.

On the contrary, the number of MPs in the house was significantly reduced by the military constitution.

From what to what? and does it matter? The number of representatives usually varies per capita around the world. Please enlighten us. Te military consty had quit a numberof bad points but, thenumber of people offed by EJK was also dramatically decreased by the military constitituion but I guess I shouldnt argue it was a good thing and the rights given to individual peope was increased which actually dumbfounds most reds if you talk to them about it. Still guess whatever your chosen horse tells you is what you have to argue. No balanced consideration of anythign allowed here. What is this Andrew Walkers, I got an ozzie uni to fund a research project into why the decrease in the price of garlic that wrecked Thai exports of it was nothing to do with God Thaksin's FTA with China even though everyone knows it was, personal site or something?

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THe last election in Thailand by the thai people was in December 2007 .

The PPP (proThaksin) won the absolute majority at that election if i remember well .

What election are you refering too ?

You are wrong. The PPP did not win an absolute majority. here are those 2007 results.

Constituency Vote

People's Power Party: 36.63%

Democrat Party: 30.30%

Proportional Vote

People's Power Party: 39.60%

Democrat Party: 39.63%

PPP 226 seats

Democrats 166

Only because of the jiggered election system.

With 'One Man On Vote Democracy' the results would be quite different.

Numbers above are wrong .

Yes am the first one to want "one man one vote" among other things

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before Obama was elected President :) With the socialist agenda that Obama is trying to stuff down the throats of hard working Americans, it is quite possible that many of those Thais (and many Americans as well) may be liquidating their assets and moving overseas in the not too distant future, at least until some sense of sanity has returned to the U.S. governemnt :D


Vic is missing the point (this aint the USA --- this being the country I live in). Vic is also wrong about his vote count but hey .... if he repeats the lies often enough someone might believe it!!)

moresomekl --- ah why bother ... Just to repeat the facts the PPP formed a coalition government.

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Oh gee, I wonder why that happened?

Now let me see... A legally elected government of red shirt thugs is ILLEGALLY ousted by a military backed bunch of yellow shirt thugs who didn't get their own way, and don't like being not in power. That just about sums it up.

No question that Thaksin was a crook and needed to be taken out of power. But, the yellow shirts had many years to use the same process of bribing the poor Thai farmers with their own money. Had they done so, Thaksin would never come into power in the first place. Thaksin's mistake was being a greedy megalomaniac who thought he could get away with anything and it was his undoing. But, the yellow shirt group are no less crooked.

No question that Abhisit is a smart man, but so was Thaksin. Maybe Abhisit WOULD be a good leader, but because he illegally came into power it ruins all credibility.

I get pissed off when the same type of business backed thugs in Canada get elected, but at least I allow the LEGAL election process to take place.


I agree 100% in everything you said

I concurr with FC, that post of yours sums up the situation in Thailand pretty well! Thanks Ian Forbes :)

Nice Analysis Ian!


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before Obama was elected President :) With the socialist agenda that Obama is trying to stuff down the throats of hard working Americans, it is quite possible that many of those Thais (and many Americans as well) may be liquidating their assets and moving overseas in the not too distant future, at least until some sense of sanity has returned to the U.S. governemnt :D

I love these lunatic "Obama is a socialist" types. Funny how Founding Father Benjamin Franklin was a socialist before there was socialism. Public libraries and hospitals were his ideas. Can't get more socialist than that. And what is a socialist hater doing backing the Red shirts? :D Or is socialism ok for Thailand but not the USA?

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You know, honestly, it seems to be that most of the yellow shirt farang supporters are fairly hypocritical. If this same situation existed in any of our home countries, with an unelected government taking power for a good while, and publicly stating they will not relinquish power to the people for at least another 21 months, guaranteed everyone would be up in arms and demanding an election.
Totally wrong. Bush vs. Gore. Year 2000. Bush installed by a biased court after NOT winning the election. Election stolen. If the Gore supporters had even begun to act like the Thai insurgent reds, even the violent revolutionary speech of the reds, they would all still be in jail. Such an illegal violent movement would NOT have found major support in America.

Wrong again there Jing :) We have something called the electoral college here in the states that elects our President, and G.W. Bush won the most votes in the elctoral college an therefore won the election :D Mr. Gore realized this and conceeded, end of discussion!!! Q.E.D.

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You are wrong. The PPP did not win an absolute majority. here are those 2007 results.

Constituency Vote

People's Power Party: 36.63%

Democrat Party: 30.30%

Proportional Vote

People's Power Party: 39.60%

Democrat Party: 39.63%

PPP 226 seats

Democrats 166

Just proved that they have bought more votes.

Am I right that the PPP never have won in Bangkok?

Thailand isn't just Bangkok, is it? Even though that's the current government's mentality.


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before Obama was elected President :) With the socialist agenda that Obama is trying to stuff down the throats of hard working Americans, it is quite possible that many of those Thais (and many Americans as well) may be liquidating their assets and moving overseas in the not too distant future, at least until some sense of sanity has returned to the U.S. governemnt :D


It's a shame the Reds picked Red... or is it a Chinese 'lucky' red thing, as opposed to a 'Nepalese' type red.

Bring on the Mauve party!

I do feel Thailand is a microcosm of the world, all in one country. Most of the world I'm sure would like to take to the streets.

Just wanna say thanks for that clip


Well carry on then

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THe last election in Thailand by the thai people was in December 2007 .

The PPP (proThaksin) won the absolute majority at that election if i remember well .

What election are you refering too ?

You are wrong. The PPP did not win an absolute majority. Here are those 2007 results:

Constituency Vote

People's Power Party: 36.63%

Democrat Party: 30.30%

Proportional Vote

People's Power Party: 39.60%

Democrat Party: 39.63%

The absolute majority is 240 seats .

In 2007 elections

The PPP won 233 seats

The democrat a distant secund won 165 seats

Wrong but by 7 seats only , not much and i said if i remember well

And of course you are aware that the only aspect of the Thai electoral process that is 'one man one vote' is the proportional vote. In this the Democrats edged the PPP.

I'm also not blind to the fact that the true power comes from the number of seats in Parliament a party controls.

Edited by way2muchcoffee
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I don't need to say more about how stupid is the initiator of this post. But I want to tell him:Man,

- if you feel so clever (I am doing you a favour by telling you you're not), go to your country which is so wonderful and do your 2 penny politics;

- Follow what's happening and get a good idea before giving an opinion;

- stay in the business you came here for because you may be good at that at least (but I doubt it)

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Oh gee, I wonder why that happened?

Now let me see... A legally elected government of red shirt thugs is ILLEGALLY ousted by a military backed bunch of yellow shirt thugs who didn't get their own way, and don't like being not in power. That just about sums it up.

No question that Thaksin was a crook and needed to be taken out of power. But, the yellow shirts had many years to use the same process of bribing the poor Thai farmers with their own money. Had they done so, Thaksin would never come into power in the first place. Thaksin's mistake was being a greedy megalomaniac who thought he could get away with anything and it was his undoing. But, the yellow shirt group are no less crooked.

No question that Abhisit is a smart man, but so was Thaksin. Maybe Abhisit WOULD be a good leader, but because he illegally came into power it ruins all credibility.

I get pissed off when the same type of business backed thugs in Canada get elected, but at least I allow the LEGAL election process to take place.


I agree 100% in everything you said

I concurr with FC, that post of yours sums up the situation in Thailand pretty well! Thanks Ian Forbes :)
Nice Analysis Ian!


Except, of course, it's wrong.


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before Obama was elected President :) With the socialist agenda that Obama is trying to stuff down the throats of hard working Americans, it is quite possible that many of those Thais (and many Americans as well) may be liquidating their assets and moving overseas in the not too distant future, at least until some sense of sanity has returned to the U.S. governemnt :D


Vic is missing the point (this aint the USA --- this being the country I live in). Vic is also wrong about his vote count but hey .... if he repeats the lies often enough someone might believe it!!)

moresomekl --- ah why bother ... Just to repeat the facts the PPP formed a coalition government.

Now repeat after me Jing "the PPP won the most seats in parliment by a wide margin in the last election", and they will do it again when Abhisit is forced to have new elections :D

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The respective numbers are immaterial.

The important point is that the parliament is the product of military coup and military interference .

Therefore undemocratic and illegal.

Can only be reset by elections.

Not illegal , they have strange rules in Thailand you know , you would be surprised

Like some judge can disband an entire political party among other things

Undemocratic ? Yes certainly

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I don't need to say more about how stupid is the initiator of this post. But I want to tell him:Man,

- if you feel so clever (I am doing you a favour by telling you you're not), go to your country which is so wonderful and do your 2 penny politics;

- Follow what's happening and get a good idea before giving an opinion;

- stay in the business you came here for because you may be good at that at least (but I doubt it)

So u get all upset about a factual report that the government have announced a state of emergency! I dont get this post unless it is aimed another post and not the factual report this all started with. Agree or dont with an SoE but what are you talking about?

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This is an appeal to all the 'farang' active on this forum. I don't care if you prefer yellow or red, but stop your bickering on behalf of one of the parties. Try to think about how each of you could contribute to a peaceful solution of the current crisis instead of shouting your expert advices to... yes to who? To each other? Try to look at what is happening with objectivity and being concerned about the well being of Thailand and it's people. When you do that, you can only be concerned about the imminent future. There is a government confronted by civil unrest. This government declares the state of emergency for parts of the country and orders the arrest of red shirt leaders. To enforce this it has - like any government in any country - to rely on police and eventually armed forces. If they do not act it may be a sign that police and armed forces are as divided as the rest of Thai society. In that case the threat of civil war is a real one. Nobody will gain from that, everybody will suffer. Demonizing the opponent serves nothing. So lets hope and pray that the THAI who are in a position to do so stand up and act wise with the sole objective to do good for this country.

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DO NOT BLAME THAKSIN. BLAME THAI PEOPLE BECAUSE YOU ALL LIKE TO SUPPORT CORRUPTION. Any Thai here reply if you do not bribe the police when you break the traffic law? Small bribe is bribe. All add up, million of US dollar. The root of Thai political problems lay down to Thai people. Thai politicians corrupt because of Thai culture and value. Look at Singapore, Hong Kong, Canada and many more as good example of less corruption because of our culture and value. I am wondering, which Thai PM did not corrupt? Any Thai can answer me this question? From Canada writer

so, when's the baht gonna start falling???

Don't be so selfish. Lives are on the line now. This is no joke. Thank Thaksin for this mess. He was willing to destroy his own country for his money and power greed.

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I don't need to say more about how stupid is the initiator of this post. But I want to tell him:Man,

- if you feel so clever (I am doing you a favour by telling you you're not), go to your country which is so wonderful and do your 2 penny politics;

- Follow what's happening and get a good idea before giving an opinion;

- stay in the business you came here for because you may be good at that at least (but I doubt it)

So u get all upset about a factual report that the government have announced a state of emergency! I dont get this post unless it is aimed another post and not the factual report this all started with. Agree or dont with an SoE but what are you talking about?

apologies! I meant to talk to jingthing…. This post is getting long quickly. That's a good thing though!

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Nice pics. When taking them I hope you also explained to them how you despised daily paid workers as you did on here before. I assume you being such an upright citizen albeit hater of the poor that these are your pictures and not some you knicked form somewhere else and posted here ilegally without any permission as I am sure someone with such an understanding of the poor as demonstrated in here prviously would happily mix with them and even have the courage of conviction to state they should lose their daily pay as copmpared to university students on job trainign they didnt deserve to get it

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We were very close to seeing the problem resolved.

If only Abhisit had chosen to provide a credible reason for a 9 month delay or a more reasonable time frame that an

internationally observed election could have been held and a very large percentage of the Thai population would have accepted it. Instead he made a terrible mistake by choosing as rationale 2 controversial reasons and unbelievable by many Thais.

1. They need to change the constitution before an election could be held without even suggesting what changes were so urgent. Naturally the opposition would be suspicious of such an offer since several elections have already been held using the provisions for elections in the constitution. Secondly the opposition would be suspicious because constitutions are intended to be long lived and for that reason extreme caution is usually taken and usually very early in a new government's tenure and almost never shortly before an election. Banharn suggested it is impossible to to hold an election and only takes 9 months. Why hasn't it already been changed if it is that urgent?

2. Abhisit, during the televised negotiations also indicated that a leaader of the military is retiring in September. This is not credible reason. What does a military leader retirng have to do with electing a civilian government that the military is supposed to report to. It is also natural that the opposition would not believe that is a reason to delay an election. Military leaders retire frequently and they never cause a civilian election to be delayed. It is only natural for the opposition to be skeptical of possible deals that may have been made.

I fear that today the government escalation of infringment on Thais rights is the exact wrong thing to do.

Abhisit should drop the foolish idea of rushing constitution changes that have not been explained to anyone yet. He should figure out exactly how much time it takes to disolve Parliment and schedule an election under the existing Constitution. It' probaly is not 15 days and surely not 9 months or into next year as I saw in an earlier post today.

The UK has just demonstrated they can do it in 1 month. Iraq did it in six months including writing an new constitution. I've heard all the excuses that Thailand is not like the UK. So what! The model for disolving the Parliment works and is included in the current constitution.

It is time to stop the escalating rhetoric and get down to negotiating a solution with the opposition the improve the life of all Thais.

Pray to your God that cooler heads will prevail.


I agree completely with what has been said here. Both sides need to negotiate and reach an agreement. Elections are scheduled and it would be so easy to come to terms on a new earlier date. I am sure the the thinking by the current government is that the longer it can stay in power the better chance of winning next time. The Red shirts on the other hand think that by quickly getting new elections they can keep their momentum going and win in a quick election. Both sides are working for their self interests and neither is really looking out for the welfare of the country. I think that the one demand the current leaders should make is that there can be no pardon or legislation to "forgive" Taksin his crimes. IF the red shirts are really concerned with the peoples well being, they should be willing to dump Taksin or let him come back and serve his time in jail and NOT reenter politics. The red shirts need to declare they are for the interests of the people and not for Taksin. (I know this is probably like pissing against the wind.)

To be clear I neither support the Abisit government nor the red shirts seeming support for Taksin. You supporters of the current government can rally behind Abisit all you want but the fact is the current government came to power by controversial means. You can talk all you want about the legality of it, but the fact remains that likely in an election the "reds" could win. That means a sizable portion of the population is currently disenfranchised. Like it or not that is the big problem here. Demonstrations like this occur in any country where a sizeable portion of the population feels like the government is not representing them. These red shirts have every right to do so. It may tie up traffic and cause inconvenience but that is how change is made. Quite honestly I give a lot of credit to both sides for keeping things from getting violent.

Governments govern by the will of the people, not for its own self interest. Well, seems to me like it is time to clarify what THE PEOPLE really want by calling for new elections at a point negotiated by both sides. Could not be easier. The reds need to back off from immediate dissolution of the government and the government needs to come up with a realistic date for new elections properly supervised. The country needs an election seen by the Thai people and the international community to be open and without corruption.

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THe last election in Thailand by the thai people was in December 2007 .

The PPP (proThaksin) won the absolute majority at that election if i remember well .

What election are you refering too ?

You are wrong. The PPP did not win an absolute majority. Here are those 2007 results:

Constituency Vote

People's Power Party: 36.63%

Democrat Party: 30.30%

Proportional Vote

People's Power Party: 39.60%

Democrat Party: 39.63%

The absolute majority is 240 seats .

In 2007 elections

The PPP won 233 seats

The democrat a distant secund won 165 seats

Wrong but by 7 seats only , not much and i said if i remember well

And of course you are aware that the only aspect of the Thai electoral process that is 'one man one vote' is the proportional vote. In this the Democrats edged the PPP.

I'm also not blind to the fact that the true power comes from the number of seats in Parliament a party controls.

You will notice that i also said "among other things" .

Unlike most muppets here i dont change opinion to suit my political beliefs and what arranges me

Yes its the number of seats that counts

Edited by moresomekl
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Nice pics. When taking them I hope you also explained to them how you despised daily paid workers as you did on here before. I assume you being such an upright citizen albeit hater of the poor that these are your pictures and not some you knicked form somewhere else and posted here ilegally without any permission as I am sure someone with such an understanding of the poor as demonstrated in here prviously would happily mix with them and even have the courage of conviction to state they should lose their daily pay as copmpared to university students on job trainign they didnt deserve to get it

Wow, talk about twisting. Feel free to go back in my posts. I never said that I despised daily paid workers. I however said that I don't support unpaid trainees and that I always pay my trainees a salary, never use them for free. I said that I despise employers who use trainees as a free work force.

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