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State Of Emergency Decree Imposed In Bangkok

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You guys don't understand currency exchange. :)

Look for 25 baht/usd by Jan 2012

Nor do you if you think you can predict the exchange rate 18 months in advance :D

THe last election in Thailand by the thai people was in December 2007 .

The PPP (proThaksin) won the absolute majority at that election if i remember well .

What election are you refering too ?

You are wrong. The PPP did not win an absolute majority. here are those 2007 results.

Constituency Vote

People's Power Party: 36.63%

Democrat Party: 30.30%

Proportional Vote

People's Power Party: 39.60%

Democrat Party: 39.63%

PPP 226 seats

Democrats 166

You guys don't understand currency exchange. :)

Look for 25 baht/usd by Jan 2012

We will all be dead by 2012 - Have you not seen the movie ?

THe last election in Thailand by the thai people was in December 2007 .

The PPP (proThaksin) won the absolute majority at that election if i remember well .

What election are you refering too ?

You are wrong. The PPP did not win an absolute majority. here are those 2007 results.

Constituency Vote

People's Power Party: 36.63%

Democrat Party: 30.30%

Proportional Vote

People's Power Party: 39.60%

Democrat Party: 39.63%

PPP 226 seats

Democrats 166

Just proved that they have bought more votes.

Am I right that the PPP never have won in Bangkok?

It's about time! Totally justified for all the world to see.

A message to the good people of Thailand.

I can tell you with confidence the vast majority of foreigners support your honorable PM Abhisit in his valiant effort to fight anarchic red shirt's illegal attempt at revolution and the rule of a violent mob. Good luck to and best hopes for a PEACEFUL resolution.

What do you consider "the vast Majority of foreigners" ? I guess you think people sould not have a say in how their country is run. Why don't you go back to ................ what ever country you are from.

The vast majority of foreigners do not think people should have a say in how their country is run by mob rule


the reds do not have the university STUDENTS. Its hard to imagine a successful insurgency without them in any country. The problem is they have no moral authority. None whatsoever. They have no coherent ideology except bring back Thaksin. And now their other violence inspiring leaders.

If the UDD signed up a Korean boy band the students would be there to a man

THe last election in Thailand by the thai people was in December 2007 .

The PPP (proThaksin) won the absolute majority at that election if i remember well .

What election are you refering too ?

You are wrong. The PPP did not win an absolute majority. here are those 2007 results.

Constituency Vote

People's Power Party: 36.63%

Democrat Party: 30.30%

Proportional Vote

People's Power Party: 39.60%

Democrat Party: 39.63%

PPP 226 seats

Democrats 166

Just proved that they have bought more votes.

Am I right that the PPP never have won in Bangkok?

Big question is will the Red Shirts paid holiday overtime for protesting during Songkran?

The fact still remains that despite the TRT being outlawed and many leaders of that party being sanctioned from any political activity, the remnants from the TRT formed the PPP and won more votes than any other party in Thailand :D That is quite an amazing feat, in any other country if a political party was disolved and its leaders banned from politics it would take years or perhaps decades for the disolved party to regroup and try and regain power! To those ignorant farangs out there who think that this red shirt revolution is just a few uneducated hillbillies, you had better think again because this movement is the core of those who got the most votes in the last election and by the looks of it they are mad as hel_l and not going to take it anymore :) My guess is that we will see parliment disolved and new election by the end of summer :D

Ummm no Vic -- another of your less than accurate posts. In 2007 PPP did NOT get more votes than any other political party. So that just isn't a fact. That pretty much ruins the premise of the rest of your rant.

Now -- to get it factual. TRT was disbanded. The leaders for the most part are still active (think about Newin and Thaksin).

The 2007 elections gave the Dems the most votes for any party. It did not give them the most seats in parliament.

Nobody thinks the red shirst are just ignorant hillbillies ---- many people think the reds are a bunch of corrupt elites like Thaksin and many of the political bosses from Isaan as well as career opportunists from over the North and Isaan as well as some rural poor that have been lied to, paid off, and some that even have been deluded into thinking that Thaksin cares about them (which is of course why Thaksin is overseas with his family while the red rank and file that are in harm's way have turned over thier ID's to the organizers so they can collect the daily wage).

THe last election in Thailand by the thai people was in December 2007 .

The PPP (proThaksin) won the absolute majority at that election if i remember well .

What election are you refering too ?

You are wrong. The PPP did not win an absolute majority. here are those 2007 results.

Constituency Vote

People's Power Party: 36.63%

Democrat Party: 30.30%

Proportional Vote

People's Power Party: 39.60%

Democrat Party: 39.63%

PPP 226 seats

Democrats 166

Only because of the jiggered election system.

With 'One Man On Vote Democracy' the results would be quite different.


It is starting to look like Apiwan's claim that the military had changed side was aime dmore at calming the erratic Arisman down than being real

It is starting to look like Apiwan's claim that the military had changed side was aime dmore at calming the erratic Arisman down than being real


Wondering on that tear gas report.

Must have been a tweet about Kyrgyzstan,

because other reports would be screaming in if that had happened here.


I'm sorry but this is really getting silly. The 'Red Shirts' here [bangkok] are not the poor and oppressed. They are in many cases the mercantile class from non urban areas. They are the very people who came here in company registered pick-ups, who run small business, some of which (? :) ) have unregistered money lending as a back room activity. This is, of course, the very activity which has been under pressure of closure by this government. Am I alone in seeing the possibility of a scintilla of connexion here?

For those who don't believe this, look a little more carefully at the footage. or like me take time to see with your own eyes [if you are in Bangkok]. Ferret out the parking places, or look at the preponderance of vehicle types as I've done. Draw your own conclusions, but please, stop attributing characteristics to these individuals which are totally at variance with reality.


THe last election in Thailand by the thai people was in December 2007 .

The PPP (proThaksin) won the absolute majority at that election if i remember well .

What election are you refering too ?

You are wrong. The PPP did not win an absolute majority. here are those 2007 results.

Constituency Vote

People's Power Party: 36.63%

Democrat Party: 30.30%

Proportional Vote

People's Power Party: 39.60%

Democrat Party: 39.63%

PPP 226 seats

Democrats 166

Just proved that they have bought more votes.

Am I right that the PPP never have won in Bangkok?

Thailand isn't just Bangkok, is it? Even though that's the current government's mentality.

the reds do not have the university STUDENTS. Its hard to imagine a successful insurgency without them in any country. The problem is they have no moral authority. None whatsoever. They have no coherent ideology except bring back Thaksin. And now their other violence inspiring leaders.

Historically fully disagree: students are not mandatory as key of a successful insurgency. Plenty of examples shows the Contrary. An action managed only by the students goes nowhere: they need the support of the working class. Ideology of the insurgency is often done by middle Class Men in revolt in their own class. (French Revolution: Danton, Robespierre, Karl Marx ...)

In Europe May 68, started with the students, but as the movement steam was going down, the Political Parties (Left) and associated Unions intervened and "saved" the students.

It's about time! Totally justified for all the world to see.

A message to the good people of Thailand.

I can tell you with confidence the vast majority of foreigners support your honorable PM Abhisit in his valiant effort to fight anarchic red shirt's illegal attempt at revolution and the rule of a violent mob. Good luck to and best hopes for a PEACEFUL resolution.

so now u have taken up speaking for the vast majority of farang - well sunshine count me out of your vast majority - would u like to qoute what percentage u claim is the vast majority --- sounds like another yellow shirt supporter - illegal - what part is illegial - the illegal government in place or the reds who just claim equal justice and recognition -

Count me out of that vast majority too. Speak for yourself and your cohorts, Jingthing, not the rest of us.

I have three points to make here:

1. I too hope that there is a peaceful resolution;

2. If you want my opinion I will give it to you; you do not speak for me - for the record I am not part of your "vast majority"; and lastly because there is nowhere convenient to hang this

3. The state of emergency is a top story on BBC news as it will also be in Europe, Japan, the US, Canada and Australia/NZ. That will translate into more cancelled bookings from the dwindling numbers of tourists that were going to come here anyway. It will also guarantee a TV news crew presence from the major networks. Web enabled cell phones with a built in camera guarantees that information will get onto the Internet so blocking the Peoples Channel may be nothing more than symbolic.

It will also guarantee a TV news crew presence from the major networks.

I wonder if anyone is going to streak in front of the CNN live reporter.


Individual persons did something illegal , not the entire party .

If you find another democratic country where an entire party is banned

because of few of its members then i am very interested to learn bout it

In Australia a lovely red haired lady called Pauline had her party banned due to irregularities in money flow.Yes the whole party was banned if I am correct......

Well you're not.

Thank you kind sir for the correction.I appreciate the help with my lack of knowledge.

I want to just say after having read through all 28 pages of comments and seeing the types of things that have been written about the Red shirts that the major thing that stands out in this country is a lack of education and questioning.It is a cultural thing and will only change when the system allows for natural curiosity to be satisfied by being given honest answers and honest options.

To teach someone how to look at an argument from all sides,allow them to form their own opinion without interference and then they allow others to have their opinions intact is an ideal that we need to strive towards.

It seems that while we maintain a "I am right,therefore you are wrong" POV there will be little growth or change.

Yes maybe I live in Fairyland with my ideas but it would be great to see this wonderful country blossom to its fullest potential and in doing so show the world that Thailand is really a great place to be.

Light and Love to all

Thailand isn't just Bangkok, is it? Even though that's the current government's mentality.

If you know anything about the current government, even from a red analysis, you would realise that statement is a tad silly. Still after insulting the poor of Thailand yesterday........

It is starting to look like Apiwan's claim that the military had changed side was aime dmore at calming the erratic Arisman down than being real

that claim got a lot of attention ----- and made for some funny posts by the board's reds and a few of the yellows too :)

The fact still remains that despite the TRT being outlawed and many leaders of that party being sanctioned from any political activity, the remnants from the TRT formed the PPP and won more votes than any other party in Thailand :D That is quite an amazing feat, in any other country if a political party was disolved and its leaders banned from politics it would take years or perhaps decades for the disolved party to regroup and try and regain power! To those ignorant farangs out there who think that this red shirt revolution is just a few uneducated hillbillies, you had better think again because this movement is the core of those who got the most votes in the last election and by the looks of it they are mad as hel_l and not going to take it anymore :) My guess is that we will see parliment disolved and new election by the end of summer :D

Ummm no Vic -- another of your less than accurate posts. In 2007 PPP did NOT get more votes than any other political party. So that just isn't a fact. That pretty much ruins the premise of the rest of your rant.

Now -- to get it factual. TRT was disbanded. The leaders for the most part are still active (think about Newin and Thaksin).

The 2007 elections gave the Dems the most votes for any party. It did not give them the most seats in parliament.

Nobody thinks the red shirst are just ignorant hillbillies ---- many people think the reds are a bunch of corrupt elites like Thaksin and many of the political bosses from Isaan as well as career opportunists from over the North and Isaan as well as some rural poor that have been lied to, paid off, and some that even have been deluded into thinking that Thaksin cares about them (which is of course why Thaksin is overseas with his family while the red rank and file that are in harm's way have turned over thier ID's to the organizers so they can collect the daily wage).

JD, they did get the most votes of any party and the rest of my post is quite germain to the current situatiuon :D The fact that the TRT was outlawed as a party and most of its leaders were banned from politics and yet the PPP rose from the ashes to gain the most seats in the election after the coup is a a truely amazing political story , as a matter of fact it is one of the most amazing political stories of this decade in worldwide politics :D You can deny this all you want but you can not change history! The rest of the world saw the military coup in Thailand as PM Shinawatra was about to adress the united nations and they have seen the dirty politicics in its aftermath that brought Ahhisit to power, you might want to pay attention to the final line in my post because it will come to pass :D Remember the world is watching!


The respective numbers are immaterial.

The important point is that the parliament is the product of military coup and military interference .

Therefore undemocratic and illegal.

Can only be reset by elections.

People should remember that Nattawut et al and particulalrly Arismon are going away for a long time if they lose and dont escape the country. They like the PM have lots of pressure on them

Very true. I can't see any of the red shirt being let loose for a while if they lose. Their court cases will surely come up before any of those who closed the airport down, or the government will never see an end to the cycle of protests.

But if they win, what then? More chaos from the yellows, pinks and rainbows!

Of course the court cases against the red shirts will come up before the court cases against the yellow shirts. Otherwise it wouldn't be double standard. Like the red shirt guy on his motorbike who threw a bag of poop at Abhisit's residence. He was convicted and sentenced to prison the same day, while the yellow shirts are still free and no sentence has yet been read after 2 years.

Oh come do you think murder suspects should go trial before a simple mugger just because of the chronological order.. I know what you are trying to say but you make crazy comparisons and kill your argument stone dead.

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