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State Of Emergency Decree Imposed In Bangkok


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power to the people !! why should,nt the rural poor have a say in how they are governed ? seems to me that a government was elected and because the elite did,nt care for it a military coup was engineered . some of the right wing crap spouted on here telling the thai people how to run their own affairs would make a pig vomit ..how many of these know alls are actually taking advantage of the poor girls from these regions .maybe they prefer to keep them poor and uneducated ..just a thought ................

Very uneducated thought, the poor had their time with Toxin for eight years and he f..d.d them over, get real, why can't the elite have their turn for a change!

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The respective numbers are immaterial.

The important point is that the parliament is the product of military coup and military interference .

Therefore undemocratic and illegal.

Can only be reset by elections.

Democracy is immaterial.

Can only be reset by elections and Thaksin returning.

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power to the people !! why should,nt the rural poor have a say in how they are governed ? seems to me that a government was elected and because the elite did,nt care for it a military coup was engineered .

So much fail.

The coup took place while there was no elected government, Thaksin had dissolved the government. At the time of the coup, there had been no elected government for 7 months.

Since the coup, the Thai people voted on a new constitution and approved it. Including the rural poor.

Three have also been elections, in which the rural poor voted. Neither the Democrats nor the PPP were able to win a majority of seats, so instead a coalition government was formed with the PPP as the largest party. After the vote buying scandal (PPP executive caught on tape orchestrating vote buying) and the dissolution of the PPP, the coalition partners decided to form a new coalition government with the Democrats, rather than with the PTP (The new name for the PPP).

And that's how we got to today.

To quote Thaksin, "I cannot allow mob rule to supersede the law" and neither should Abhisit.

I have no problem with you supporting the red shirts, but you do your cause no good when you come in here spouting nonsense.

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I just found this thread :D , can someone point me to the key points of the thread - 40 pages in 16 hours :) .

The red shirts are still protesting

Abhisit doesn't look as though he can control the situation because the Thai Prime Minister has never had complete control over the army unless the said Prime Minister was a Field Marshal. It nearly happened under Thaksin but a coup, changes to the constitution and a few court cases sorted that out.

Thankyou sir, I shall check back this afternoon after another 40 odd pages of rambling comments :D

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Britmaverick is one of the people I want to respond to my posts about free and fair elections.

He calls for them but when I ask him what he means by that and I put forward my view on elections, yet again his silence is deafening.

That't's because he's got about a nineteen word vocabulary. ThaiVisa might consider implementing an IQ threshold for posting. say above 75.

Well now that is an awful plan; what fun would I have here if everyone else was disqualified? :)

Edited by canuckamuck
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before Obama was elected President :) With the socialist agenda that Obama is trying to stuff down the throats of hard working Americans, it is quite possible that many of those Thais (and many Americans as well) may be liquidating their assets and moving overseas in the not too distant future, at least until some sense of sanity has returned to the U.S. governemnt :D

I love these lunatic "Obama is a socialist" types. Funny how Founding Father Benjamin Franklin was a socialist before there was socialism. Public libraries and hospitals were his ideas. Can't get more socialist than that. And what is a socialist hater doing backing the Red shirts? :D Or is socialism ok for Thailand but not the USA?

It's also amusing to see that a number of them here seem to be propounding the virtues of the Red Shirts' movement. What is it that could be attractive to them? After all, the Red Shirts are expressing many grievances the solution to which can be only 'socialist' (American) or Social Democrat (Europe) policies and programs - programs that I would support but they surely would not since, for them, such programs and policies are the road to perdition, fascism, communism, totalitarianism and Richard Dawkins. Perhaps what gets them hard of loin and frothed of mouth is the derogatory use of the term 'Elites'? Yes that could be it.

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Children! Children! Don't you guys have something better to do then to sit on here and post thousands of LAME notes insulting each other? This is the Internet, remember? No one really knows anyone else and everyone is anonymous. If you insult another person that is like kicking a rock - it does no good and is a complete waste of time.... NO ONE CARES!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

I'll bet if some of you had to put your picture and real names, 90% of you wouldn't be on here. For sure you would not send stupid, childish insulting messages to each other.

If you are frustrated because your job sucks, you have NO LIFE, or you are just a loser, then go get a real job and stop acting like a horse's ass here....

Now.... to the people over 12 years old here.... does anyone have any REAL updates as to what is going on out there? Any signs of a government crackdown?

Thank you for a meaningful post - one of very few on this thread (and many others).

In the past, this forum was a place to get news and a balanced point of view.

More recently, it seems to be a place for one to slag of another, and mostly for no reason at all.

I still read anything of interest from the OP, but rarely scroll down to read the comments as I know what it will be...

As an 'alien' in this country, I have no rights to decide who should govern this country.

I have lived here for nearly 19 years now and work in a government institution as a volunteer.

I love this country and the people.

But what Thailand has, and has had for too long, is NOT democracy.

We need this 'red-shirt' movement in order to propel this country into the 21st century.

All power to those who are trying to create real democracy in this land.

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Am happy that your hearing and eye sight have now recovered from the not too distant time when you could neither hear nor see the PAD rally, the occupation of central bangkok and the airport.

Yes your absolutely right. The Yellows occupied Government House and the Airport 2 years ago, so lets destroy Bangkok now.

No problem, rip the city apart. Pillage, rape, destroy and kill. It's all allright, because the yellows occupied the airport.

Because the Nazis killed 60 million people, doesnt mean you can do the same. Two wrongs dont make a right!

The Red's are in possession of the world's only functioning Time Machine. While Abhisit & most working Thais and expat workers are busy thinking " what are the problems facing Thailand TODAY , how can we fix them? How can we modernise, and encourage foriegn investment?" , the Red's are using their Time machine to re-live the past & saying ' look at these new photos from the yellow airport seige! Look at them! It is happening right now!' . Sadly, the people in the streets are largely innocent victims, of a sick & manipulative billionaire underworld tycoon, he is one of the shadiest criminals that has cursed this Earth for a long time.

Even though the yellow event is not really happening today, for the rest of the world. What is infact happening today, is that Thailand's economy has and is taking a mammoth kicking because of the actions of easily misled & ill-informed paid-for, rent-a-mob. Abhisit had infact already introduced progressive measures for the poor of the North, these are like all huge projects drawn out & don't happen overnight.

One thing is for sure, the Red's have cost themselves money, when they harm Thailand's economy so severley as they have, all Thais lose money & that includes them & the infrastructure work which was being done for them will obviously suffer financially too.

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I just found this thread :D , can someone point me to the key points of the thread - 40 pages in 16 hours :) .

Hi Neverdie. I was up early...so, a quick summary. There are two types of people in Thailand.

First group are very rich, live in Bangkok, drive expensive yellow cars, spend their waking hours plotting how to rob the poor. They enjoy a good protest and party.

Second group are in dire poverty, live in Isan, drive red pickups, spend their waking hours studying political science and democracy. They enjoy a good protest and party.

Both groups have clear cut solutions to restore a Utopian democracy. Should be here any day now.

There are a few fools that suggest there might other parts to society here, but you can't take them seriously.

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Nothing much will change today. No guns. No tanks.

Probably the only change will be that the army/police won't back off when the red shirts try to move off on another tour.

Had an interesting chat to an embassy guy last night. He pointed out how well this was being handled campared to how it would be handled in all other countries in the region, and also compared to how it would be previously handled in Thailand. Allowing the protests, negotiation with protestors etc.

Abhisit and the army don't want to attack the red shirts. Thais don't want to hurt Thais.

The SOE gives the cabinet more control over the army/police. Now the army/police can follow the cabinets orders without worrying about any liability. It doesn't mean they can start using their guns. That still has to be ordered by the cabinet.

The government still has time.

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I don't know where negotiations would lead at this point, if anywhere. Both sides are set on their own schedules and won't move. The red shirts want a house dissolution now (though some sources have said that 30 days would be acceptable), while the Abhisit government won't even consider anything below 9 months for a house dissolution, even longer for then elections to be held, the reason being that they want to change the Constitution in their favor and make some key reshuffling before the end of the year.

Have you checked that with MrT, otherwise its just a rumou r! :):D

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Yes your absolutely right. The Yellows occupied Government House and the Airport 2 years ago, so lets destroy Bangkok now.

No problem, rip the city apart. Pillage, rape, destroy and kill. It's all allright, because the yellows occupied the airport.

Because the Nazis killed 60 million people, doesnt mean you can do the same. Two wrongs dont make a right!

Someone had an extra shot of expresso this morning. Surely a contender for today's OTT post. Jing's got some competition

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Yes, Thaksin has ordered the attacks on the provincial city halls, so yes, you can expect his paid for true believers to follow their master's bidding. Some democratic movement this. More like Nazi brown shirts at this point.

Did he actually use the word " attack "?

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Well, it looks as though we finally have a definition of 'elite'. It's anyone who can afford to own a car! We'll just turn a blind eye to all those red pickup trucks driving around. After all, we can count them "on the tumbs of one foot". :)

Do the people who spout this kind of moronic propaganda think that the rest of us are stupid?

It would seem that answer is yes.

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I just found this thread :D , can someone point me to the key points of the thread - 40 pages in 16 hours :) .

Hi Neverdie. I was up early...so, a quick summary. There are two types of people in Thailand.

First group are very rich, live in Bangkok, drive expensive yellow cars, spend their waking hours plotting how to rob the poor. They enjoy a good protest and party.

Second group are in dire poverty, live in Isan, drive red pickups, spend their waking hours studying political science and democracy. They enjoy a good protest and party.

Both groups have clear cut solutions to restore a Utopian democracy. Should be here any day now.

There are a few fools that suggest there might other parts to society here, but you can't take them seriously.

Thanks for that, I was up early, wish i hadnt bothered :D

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I don't know where negotiations would lead at this point, if anywhere. Both sides are set on their own schedules and won't move. The red shirts want a house dissolution now (though some sources have said that 30 days would be acceptable), while the Abhisit government won't even consider anything below 9 months for a house dissolution, even longer for then elections to be held, the reason being that they want to change the Constitution in their favor and make some key reshuffling before the end of the year.

How do you know this? If a part offers more talk they always have something to discuss. The trouth is that your red friends closed the doors after a sms from someone!

'Talking' is all Abhisit does. All talk, no actions. It goes something like this:

UDD: Dissolve Parliament now.

Abhisit: I will. Maybe. I'm open to it. In 9 months. It's possible.

UDD: Dissolve Parliament in 2 weeks.

Abhisit: I'm still open to the idea. I never said I was against it. In 9 months.

UDD: Dissolve Parliament in 1 month and we'll stop the demonstrations immediately (I believe Chavalit mentioned it).

Abhisit: I would like some more talks. I'm open to the idea of dissolving parliament in 9 months.

Why did you stop there?

UDD: Got a call! Pause. Uh, did I say 1 month? 2 weeks, 2 weeks!

Please don't include me in the posters that think that you are not an idiot.

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Nice that you have a job that pays more that 40k a month (or you would be her illegally and that would never do would it!) and have a nice car to drive to work in. You could count the number of farmers in Isaan on the tumbs of one foot who have that.

Add to it your lovely Bangkok appartment/house and eating out and shopping trips for your expensive partner and evidence begins to appear that you really are as smug an elitist prip as you sound in your posts.

Wanting a free election and changing the constitution to end an eternity of your lovely bangkok friends imposing their will and elitist kids on the rest of the country is enough for most people.

Am happy that your hearing and eye sight have now recovered from the not too distant time when you could neither hear nor see the PAD rally, the occupation of central bangkok and the airport.

Grandpops what a sad little man you are. I live in a pleasant town house outside of Bangkok, I am married to a Surin farmers daughter.We have invested in the farm to improve the in laws lifestyle we support the village school and have organised a village co-operative to strengthen the farmers buying and selling powers. Oh we don't have maid either .That's the advantage of being an elitist isn't it.

I presume you are indeed leading the same lifestyle as us thus enabling you to pass valid comments on my presumed lifestyl

We have three children who go to Thai government schools. We are not into shopping or eating out neither my wife or I are a drinkers.

We happen to live near the airport and were well aware of the P.A.D. occupation as well .Apart from my salary which 46,000 baht a month (Like yours no doubt as you wouldn't be here) The luxury car, actually a four door pick-up which we pay for monthly, far to low class for you no doubt

I am in receipt of an occupational pension from my previous occupation and have been so for the last 10 years, in 6 months time I qualify for my state retirement pension from the U.K which I paid for the same as my occupational pension.

I assure you that the depth of anti Thaksin and Red Shirt Brigade feeling in the village and the surrounding villages is indeed strong, that was as of last Sunday when we were in Surin.Perhaps you would like to come and work alongside me on the farm when we next go to Surin? Oh I must mention I am a farmers son so I do understand hard work and farming.

Now little inverted snob you go and try to to find another way to malign someone who you don't know and their presumed lifestyle which you are indeed very wrong about.

Sadly it seems as if you are indeed the born again jealous loser type that gravitates to this country for all the wrong reasons as you accuse me of . Twenty years here and still loving it.

I've seen Thaksins corrupt ways and the way the ordinary man suffered whilst Thaksin amassed an obscene fortune on their backs , happily the administration the country has now is indeed a big improvement on any I have seen in the last twenty years here.

Edited by siampolee
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Nice that you have a job that pays more that 40k a month (or you would be her illegally and that would never do would it!) and have a nice car to drive to work in. You could count the number of farmers in Isaan on the tumbs of one foot who have that.

Add to it your lovely Bangkok appartment/house and eating out and shopping trips for your expensive partner and evidence begins to appear that you really are as smug an elitist prip as you sound in your posts.

Wanting a free election and changing the constitution to end an eternity of your lovely bangkok friends imposing their will and elitist kids on the rest of the country is enough for most people.

Am happy that your hearing and eye sight have now recovered from the not too distant time when you could neither hear nor see the PAD rally, the occupation of central bangkok and the airport.

Grandpops what a sad little man you are. I live in a pleasant town house outside of Bangkok, I am married to a Surin farmers daughter.We have invested in the farm to improve the in laws lifestyle we support the village school and have organised a village co-operative to strengthen the farmers buying and selling powers. Oh we don't have maid either .That's the advantage of being an elitist isn't it.

I presume you are indeed leading the same lifestyle as us thus enabling you to pass valid comments on my presumed lifestyl

We have three children who go to Thai government schools. We are not into shopping or eating out neither my wife or I are a drinkers.

We happen to live near the airport and were well aware of the P.A.D. occupation as well .Apart from my salary which 46,000 baht a month (Like yours no doubt as you wouldn't be here) The luxury car, actually a four door pick-up which we pay for monthly, far to low class for you no doubt

I am in receipt of an occupational pension from my previous occupation and have been so for the last 10 years, in 6 months time I qualify for my state retirement pension from the U.K which I paid for the same as my occupational pension.

I assure you that the depth of anti Thaksin and Red Shirt Brigade feeling in the village and the surrounding villages is indeed strong, that was as of last Sunday when we were in Surin.Perhaps you would like to come and work alongside me on the farm when we next go to Surin? Oh I must mention I am a farmers son so I do understand hard work and farming.

Now little inverted snob you go and try to to find another way to malign someone who you don't know and their presumed lifestyle which you are indeed very wrong about.

Sadly it seems as if you are indeed the born again jealous loser type that gravitates to this country for all the wrong reasons as you accuse me of . Twenty years here and still loving it.

I've seen Thaksins corrupt ways and the way the ordinary man suffered whilst Thaksin amassed an obscene fortune on their backs , happily the administration the country has now is indeed a big improvement on any I have seen in the last twenty years here.

thank you for a great post, just hope it falls on an open mind.

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Yes your absolutely right. The Yellows occupied Government House and the Airport 2 years ago, so lets destroy Bangkok now.

No problem, rip the city apart. Pillage, rape, destroy and kill. It's all allright, because the yellows occupied the airport.

Because the Nazis killed 60 million people, doesnt mean you can do the same. Two wrongs dont make a right!

Someone had an extra shot of expresso this morning. Surely a contender for today's OTT post. Jing's got some competition

Maybe you could give us your esteemed opinion rather than discussing my caffeine intake this morning.

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As a visitor here in Thailand, I would like to know, which the majority of Thai people support -

(a) The one they themselves elected or

(:) The one brought to power by the military.

Just A or B answers only please.

Neither. They didn't elect anyone. A coalition was formed in parliament. The Thaksin puppet party won the most votes but nowhere NEAR a majority of Thai voters. Since then, based on polling and events like Black Songkran, polling has shown an erosion of Thai support for the Thaksin puppet party.

BTW, your question is loaded and based on false assumptions, so if you want an A or B answer to that, you basically want a garbage answer. There is no A or B answer to that.

So why not hold an election

Its very clear why they will lose

The brits just annouced dissolution of parliment and elections in 6 weeks, pretty quick surely abhisit could do the same to put and end to this

exactly - because they will lose

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Having a minimum IQ to post here would be elitist...

It would also leave a much less cluttered forum.

Neverdie, here's some

Operative points:

Some think the reds have good ideas, but bad implementation.

Some think the reds are just misled totally and those good points are window dressing

Some think there is a mix of both, but Thaksin is in control and cares not for Thailand, only power.

Some think Thaksin will want revenge if he regains power

Some think anyone not supporting the reds is a yellow elitist oppressor.

Some think not supporting the reds means you are not supporting the reds, or forgiving the yellow.

Some think Most farangs support the reds

Some think most farangs don't support the reds.

Some don't think.

Some think what the yellows did in the past excuses what the Reds try to day.

Some think all yellow actions excuse all red actions, but more so they can top them.

Some think erraticly

Some think double standards arguments mean reds can do as they please.

Some think rule of law means double standards are ok to go back to proper standards and stay there.

Some think The courts are too slow

Some think the courts are slow because the yellows control them

Some think that Arisman on the street still is a double standard.

Some think Birther and Teaparty ideas actually mean ANYTHING at all in this discussion.

Some think that Abhisit is going down for being weak.

Some think that Abhisit has showed strength through extreme restraint.

Some think the Red Leaders are progressives working for the people.

Some think Red Leaders are self serving lunatics working for Thaksin's money.

Some think Red rank and file are sheeple ;led to slaughter for their puyai

Some think Red rank and file are freedom fighters against the elite

Some think Reds fight the elite for stealing from them.

Some think Reds are fighting WITH the same people who are stealing from them.

Some think PTP is an actually functional political party

Some think PTP is utterly inept waste of air

Some think Jaturporn is a fiery leader

Some think Jatuporn is an clueless, obnoxious bully

Some think some people posting here are utterly clueless.

Some think and say nothing here, because their voice gets drowned out in verbiage.

Some think that their point of view is the only one that matters.

Some think but don't give a Weng for anything at all.

Some think that posting repeatedly the same type of comments will keep Thaksins PR checks coming.

Some think that saying the things they want often enough will make them come true.

Some don't think.

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I'm flying in just after Songkran, whether the good guys in red or the bought off servants of the rich in yellow are in the ascendant. If the reds swarm the airport, which I don't think they will, I'll wai my way through the crowd with my baggage on my back. Ideally by that time Aphisit, who was elected by nobody, will have done the right thing and resigned, so that a real election can be held.

And you coming to Thailand to help all the poor people get a better life style

And you have made arrangements to do this by distributing money to girls in Pattaya, Nana Plaza and Soi Cowboy

My Thai Wife asks a favour of you

This is our country, if your not happy, DO NOT COME

You and your wife appear well suited. You sure she is totally self supporting there? Come on you can tell us.

A real insult like you just made demands that you tell us how your wife supports herself and who pays the bills, buys the cars etc

I love you guys, you have a wife that you pay a fortune to upkeep and then look down on bar girls.

If your wife has two messages for us ..

why is she not typing them instead of you?

Message for your wife - if you do not like reading ThaiVisa DO NOT READ - just go back to bed and think how lucky you are in landing a nice farang

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I've seen Thaksins corrupt ways and the way the ordinary man suffered whilst Thaksin amassed an obscene fortune on their backs , happily the administration the country has now is indeed a big improvement on any I have seen in the last twenty years here.

Improvement? What improvement? This government promised reconciliation, and failed miserably. Look at the state the country is in now, and tell me what has improved.

In demonising Thaksin as corrupt, you've described the behaviour of a typical Thai politician, amassing fortunes and so on. They all do it. Don't forget to include in your desciption of Thaksin the introduction of a healthcare system that gives everyone the right to see a doctor for 30 Baht, microcredit, OTOP, controlling the scourge of amphetamines, and all the good things he did. It's easy to see why so many people like him - he actually did things that improved their lives.

It's hard to understand why people here toe the propaganda lne and hate Thaksin so much. He was corrupt, as they all are, but at least he made material improvements to the lives of many people.

Anyway, it looks like the ineffectual Abhisit will be gone soon - the police and the army are not following his orders anymore. Good riddance to him.

Edited by clockworkorange
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Well yesterday the big news was "Redshirts declare war on government". Today the same sources are stating that they said that they were ready for war...not quite the same thing. What they actually said was somewhat different to both of these statements...but who cares...everybody has made their mind up already...it does not matter what they say...the only thing that gets attention is what the media and of course the TV pundits say they said.....if you get my meaning.

The do say the first casualty of war it truth..don't they? Still no army.....lot of red out there.. and maybe a lot more coming. Next.....

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I have to point out that constant referral to past events as in "yes, but what about what they did?" is known as moral equivalence. It is not allowed in intelligent debate because it leads to circular and pointless argument.

Vegas Vic and Rainman are regular sinners. Vic would know that if you tried it on Bill O'Reilly you would be shut down in a flash. Maybe he's more a Cardboard Cutout fan!

Sorry about the yank references, but I do like a wide spread of input.

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