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The fellas are doing okay this evening.

Brain's friend has lost way too much weight. He appreciates chocolate and things like that and he needs it. He appeared to be stronger today than yesterday.

The U.K. dude looked and sounded great, as if it was just another day for him. What a trooper he is.

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Hi! Ok,I understand that and we go to Mae sai to fix hes stamp-we have all the papers don from hospital and so-so I ques that we can fix it today. I have ask a cople of fligth fares how much it will cost and can they give him oxygen-so now we must see. Then I have write to Danish Ambasy again about this. Brian

Good luck at immigration. Hope they won't be sticklers, like they sometimes demand yet another piece of paper after you've provided a stack of official papers.


Tonight, I saw both fellows. The UK guy is getting stronger every day and continues to have a great outlook.

Brian's friend didn't make any headway today. Truly, he had a small setback this afternoon but the docs will have a look at that tomorrow. I asked what he could use the most tomorrow and he said a Coke. So, he'll get a bottle of Coke tomorrow, in addition to a few other favorites.

I met Brian and his wife at the hospital this morning. Nice folks and I'm glad I finally met them. Brian's friend is truly lucky to have Brian as a friend. But Brian claims that it is he who is lucky to have the other fellow for a friend. Sometimes, there just some good things that happen on the little planet.

Brian's friend is truly lucky to have Brian as a friend. But Brian claims that it is he who is lucky to have the other fellow for a friend.

Is Brian's friend named Brian? Almost sounds like a tongue-twister. Hope all's happy & healthy.

Brian's friend is truly lucky to have Brian as a friend. But Brian claims that it is he who is lucky to have the other fellow for a friend.

Is Brian's friend named Brian? Almost sounds like a tongue-twister. Hope all's happy & healthy.

Hey BB.

Nah, the guy's name isn't Brian. It is posted in previous posts here in this thread.

It wasn't meant so much as a tongue twister; more like a brain twister. It works, huh?

BB, stop in and say hi to those guys if you get a chance. Nice guys in there.




Please count me in on a donation for any required moneys to return your friend home. Please also give us the full name and detail's of the Danish diplomat you are dealing with.

If you can help us provide irrefutable proof of his condition I will contact various concerned individuals who hopefully will be able to influence them to do the right thing.

That being said, we cannot blame them too much because there are just so many people who abuse this system.

I wish your friend well. Does he require any books or visitors?



Please count me in on a donation for any required moneys to return your friend home. Please also give us the full name and detail's of the Danish diplomat you are dealing with.

If you can help us provide irrefutable proof of his condition I will contact various concerned individuals who hopefully will be able to influence them to do the right thing.

That being said, we cannot blame them too much because there are just so many people who abuse this system.

I wish your friend well. Does he require any books or visitors?



Thanhs,for your reply and understanding.

I talk whit a lady in Danish Ambasy named: Lisbeth Berming.

And I think we can get a diocnostic report from Hospital if you wont that.

We are very happy and pleased about your offer...Thank you,very much.

I dont think he read enything,but he will sure be happy to have a visit.

We are going in there now.

Have a nice day-and take care.

I return later today.



Brian's friend was doing great today. The more I visit with that guy, the more I like him. I wish I could have known him when he was out and about. He is wishing to have more contact with his people so he will have my laptop and Internet for an hour or so tomorrow, allowing him some chat and e-mail time. The nursing staff okayed that.

I missed the Uk guy. He wasn't in his room when I stopped by and the water festivities blocked the roads when I was ready to make my second attempt. But I left his goodies on the sofa in his room.

Joe, I believe Brian is going to PM you with the particulars.



i have been trying to contact friend's( the religious society of friends of which i am involved- and any other good folk's, but now is the worst time- is'n that always the way, like when you need a policeman!!! ) I will contact danish embassy as soon as i can.They are in fact very good to their own and i would be most suprised if they, after seeing all the facts would refuse help

it seems he is being well loked after, may i ask, is he okay for basic necessity, and if not, where can one send a little money to assist?

Please keep me/us up to date and thanks to all for showing this kindness

this is so nice to see


i have been trying to contact friend's( the religious society of friends of which i am involved- and any other good folk's, but now is the worst time- is'n that always the way, like when you need a policeman!!! ) I will contact danish embassy as soon as i can.They are in fact very good to their own and i would be most suprised if they, after seeing all the facts would refuse help

it seems he is being well loked after, may i ask, is he okay for basic necessity, and if not, where can one send a little money to assist?

Please keep me/us up to date and thanks to all for showing this kindness

this is so nice to see


Thanks,for your reply,understanding and kindness.

No,Carsten dont need anything,exept maby a visit-he loves that, and are so happy when mr. Kandahar and wife go to visit him,what they are very nice to do.

About the Embasy,you are right-they usualy do a good job-but I am afraid that in this case,they cant help Carsten-becourse,he no insurrance have-which he for sure,regraets today.

It looks like there is nothing happend,around the home page I made for Carsten, and I write to two newspapers in denmark, and Danish tv.2-but have not heard from eny of them yet.

It looks like,that nobody can help,for the moment,but I still belive that it will have a happy ending,some how.And I refuse to give up on this-after all,he is my freind and after my opinion,freinds stick together,exspicialy when time is rough.

I will,once again, say,tanks for all your support and kindness in here-you are a bunch of very good people.



Both fellas doing good today. Big smiles from both of them.

The UK dude is moving forward at a nice clip. The Danish dude is getting up to speed but more slowly.


Danish guy was hurting pretty good tonight. He hurt enough that he didn't want to fool with the Internet. I talked to the staff girls and they shot him up. He was feeling much better in minutes. He and I talked for quite a while. He spent some time reminiscing about the small things he missed from home. He mentioned a very dark bread that I have never had. Funny, the things we miss from the old days and ways.

I was late getting over to UK guy's room and he was already down for the night. I'll catch him a lot earlier tomorrow.


UK guy doing okay. Looked good but a little tired.

Danish guy still battling. Needed some painkiller but I lost that battle with the nurse. She knows best, I'm sure. Bed sores starting to get him down. Doc promised a better mattress but it hasn't appeared. Nurse says they are very short of those mattresses.

He was hurting too much to bother with checking his e-mail again today.

He had requested a burger, so one was delivered today from Nice Kitchen. I hope he enjoys it.

He hasn't anyone to look after him full-time. Lucky for him, there is a man next to him with an ailment and that man's wife does quite a bit for Danish guy. So, she's looking after two people instead of one. Nice lady. I'm proud of her.


Hi All

I am the UK dude that got his leg mashed in a recent Bike accident. I am amazed at the support I have received from all nationalities of the CR expat community. I am happy to report that my progress has been steady, there have been a couple of occasions when I needed to dig a little deeper than normal to keep up this progress, but we all have these reserves. My leg was lost, my life was not. My respect also to the Young Thai guy who collided with me, not only did he wait with me until the Police arrived but, he threw his hands in the air and admitted total responsibility for cause of the accident, and he visits me everyday.

To the guys who I knew before this incident, many thanks for your welcome visits and to Kandahar who I have met through this incident . . . you Sir are diamond.




I stopped and aggravated both of the fellows this evening.

Good news on both fronts.

UK dude, from here on out known as ImageDude, was looking great. He said he is feeling better today and he looked it. There was some extra twinkle in his eyes tonight.

Demark dude was especially improved from the last two days. He received the improved mattress at 7:00 p.m. last night and that alone has proved to be of great help to him. I was shocked to hear that he waited until four in the morning to eat his cheeseburger but he said it was GREAT and he was grinning so big when he said he it, that I know he enjoyed it. So, Nice Kitchen not only puts together a good burger but one that is still great after 16 hours.

He requested painkiller and the nurse that I spoke with obliged immediately. He had waited six hours to ask for it, so he's trying to keep the possible addiction at bay. Good man.

ImageDude is aware of that same problem and he is meeting it head on. He gets through most of his bad times without it and doesn't whimper. I can't imagine what they must go through and always, I hope I can be the kind of men that they are if I ever endure a plight such as either of those two have faced.

I see that Brian isn't posting too much on this but he and his wife are spending plenty of time looking after Denmark dude. What friends Denmark dude has in those two and what a better world it is when it has people like them in it.

I think neither of the men in hospital could know this but I get so much out of seeing them. I feel pretty selfish when I am filled with joy at the sight of their smiles and when I witness the vigor they display in their endeavor. I really do get a lot out of visiting them but that isn't why I go.



Thanks for the word-and yes,he looks much better today and was in a good mood,when we visit him-I realy dont know how he do-thinking of his situation.

I talk to his doughter today,and she was happy,when I told her,that he was fine today-she and her brother is very consirned, ofcourse.

Today,I have write to two more news papers in Denmark, and to the minister,and the AMP. where Carsten come from-I dont know, if it helps-but I have to try!

No,I have not been so much in here for the last days-as I told,we had visitors from Bangkok,and they left this morning-and then I have been busy whit writing to all kind of people-trying to help,Carsten-and we also have to look, about the new house some time -how it os going and pic furniture and so-so the last week or so,I have sleep about 3 ours every night-I know,Kandahar-I have to slow down a bit-but it is difficult, when there is something, you burn for.

Yes,and then I have to look up,about that home page,I have made for Carsten-I go there every day,and tell about how Carsten is, and so-and I have yo inform,Carstens doughter and son,every day to.

You told us,that you get alot,from visit the dudes-but you can be sure-they feel the same way, for you and your wife.

I think,I will go and get some rest,for once-have a good evening and night.



I missed ImageDude tonight. I arrived at his room at 8:12 and the lights were out. I'll go earlier tomorrow. I committed to a project this afternoon and it took longer than I wanted it to take. That put me behind schedule for my evening plan.

Carsten was doing well. They removed the tube from his ribcage and have taken him off the pain reliever injections, substituting pain pills now. The fellow was pretty darned perky tonight. He's on his way out of there, I believe.

The guy has lost 30 kilos in the last three or four months. He's a tall man but he didn't have 30 kilos to give up. He sure needs to gain some of it back. He is ravenous most times when I see him. He just can't get enough to eat. We loaded him up with some snacks. We'll do it again tomorrow.


I had a visit with each of the fellows tonight.

Carsten was doing a little better than before. Small improvements are welcome. He smiled a lot and talked a little more than usual and his voice was a bit stronger than before. He is still hitting the snacks that folks bring in, so maybe he will start gaining strength and weight soon. He will be moved from the ICU ward before much longer and he isn't too excited about going back into the 20 or 30 man bays. I feel bad for him on that subject.

He is from Denmark but he has a very good command of the English language, without too strong of an accent. He is very easy to understand and he is easy to communicate with. He appreciates all visitors. Visitors seem to do more for improving his health than the usual doctor/nurse stuff. Stop in and give him a smile and a shot of caring.

Brain's wife is taking care of the bathing and the haircuts and such for Carsten. A lot of work for her. So, if you happen to see her when you visit, give her a smile and a kind word as well. She's a kind, caring lady.

ImageDude was looking strong tonight. He was fairly talkative and he found occasion to smile too. He gets a lot of visitors and that is helping to pull him along, I think.

The docs will do the closing up of his amputation tomorrow (Wednesday). He probably won't be up for any visitors on that day. I'll give him a break tomorrow.

He will need blood for the surgery and they are seeking donors for that. So, for any of you that have ever shared a pint with him, tomorrow morning is a good time to do it again but for real this time. For any that have NEVER shared a pint with him, now is a time to share one that counts a little more than the usual.

Even if you get there too late for the surgery, they will gladly use your donation to replace what they took out of their dwindling supply to get him through it. You're still donating to him, in effect. The types needed, as explained to me, are the "A groups and the "O groups". However, whatever type you are, they can use it for someone and it sounds like he gets credit for that. My understanding is that they can do a little "horse trading" to make sure he gets what he needs.

So, ask at the info desk for the Farang that has recently lost a leg. His name is Glen. Someone there can help you find his room. Near his room is the main nursing station for that area. Tell the ladies at that nursing station that you are there to donate blood on behalf of Glen. They will give you a piece of paper that references that you are donating for Glen and they will steer you to the room where they draw blood. It is a very quick thing and you'll be out of there before you know it.

Folks, ImageDude appreciates all of the visits and all of the support. He hasn't asked for any of it but lots of you have risen to the occasion anyway. He has been touched by your efforts. This time, he IS asking, for any of you that can make it. See you there.


I just received a PM asking about visiting hours for these two guys.

As near as I can tell, there aren't any set hours. Carsten was in the main ICU for a few days and had set hours. Now he is in a less intensive section and that place is full of visitors no matter what time of day I go. No one asks you questions. Just walk in and visit. I don't know the room number. But ask a few good questions and you'll find him.

Again, I doubt ImageDude will be up to having company tomorrow (Wednesday). He is going through a pretty big procedure tomorrow. I don't know of any restrictions on his visiting hours. He gets company throughout the day.

I had a visit with each of the fellows tonight.

Carsten was doing a little better than before. Small improvements are welcome. He smiled a lot and talked a little more than usual and his voice was a bit stronger than before. He is still hitting the snacks that folks bring in, so maybe he will start gaining strength and weight soon. He will be moved from the ICU ward before much longer and he isn't too excited about going back into the 20 or 30 man bays. I feel bad for him on that subject.

He is from Denmark but he has a very good command of the English language, without too strong of an accent. He is very easy to understand and he is easy to communicate with. He appreciates all visitors. Visitors seem to do more for improving his health than the usual doctor/nurse stuff. Stop in and give him a smile and a shot of caring.

Brain's wife is taking care of the bathing and the haircuts and such for Carsten. A lot of work for her. So, if you happen to see her when you visit, give her a smile and a kind word as well. She's a kind, caring lady.

ImageDude was looking strong tonight. He was fairly talkative and he found occasion to smile too. He gets a lot of visitors and that is helping to pull him along, I think.

The docs will do the closing up of his amputation tomorrow (Wednesday). He probably won't be up for any visitors on that day. I'll give him a break tomorrow.

He will need blood for the surgery and they are seeking donors for that. So, for any of you that have ever shared a pint with him, tomorrow morning is a good time to do it again but for real this time. For any that have NEVER shared a pint with him, now is a time to share one that counts a little more than the usual.

Even if you get there too late for the surgery, they will gladly use your donation to replace what they took out of their dwindling supply to get him through it. You're still donating to him, in effect. The types needed, as explained to me, are the "A groups and the "O groups". However, whatever type you are, they can use it for someone and it sounds like he gets credit for that. My understanding is that they can do a little "horse trading" to make sure he gets what he needs.

So, ask at the info desk for the Farang that has recently lost a leg. His name is Glen. Someone there can help you find his room. Near his room is the main nursing station for that area. Tell the ladies at that nursing station that you are there to donate blood on behalf of Glen. They will give you a piece of paper that references that you are donating for Glen and they will steer you to the room where they draw blood. It is a very quick thing and you'll be out of there before you know it.

Folks, ImageDude appreciates all of the visits and all of the support. He hasn't asked for any of it but lots of you have risen to the occasion anyway. He has been touched by your efforts. This time, he IS asking, for any of you that can make it. See you there.


Just read this,and I will be there for sure,to give some blood to Glen-or who ever needed it-see you guys there I hope.



Keep up the great work guys,obviously both guys are digging deep but seem to be making a slow recovery,thumbs up to all concerned :)

Nice to read a heart warming story on here just dig in guys and you will be out of dock in no time!


Sorry I cannot resist to reply.

Ok, two guys are helped and taken care of. God knows How Many Westerns are in hospitals. Nobody looks at and after them simply because no one is talking about them and... nobody Knows!!

Within a few weeks this thread will die and all will be the same like before. Threads like this make me nervous simply because they are not real.

It is not the real world. In the real world people take care of themselves because it is never sure if somebody else will in time of real need.

In the real world you still will have people who missed the boat, are very poor and have absolutely no possibility to come out of that situation, most of the time because they are neglected by us.

Countless people in hospitals and jails. Countless in a poor environment because they somehow made a mistake.

If you want to make this forum in a forum of the circumstances of the few people YOU know who are in that situation... be my guest. If not... just help the ones you know... also your neighbor!


Sorry I cannot resist to reply.

Ok, two guys are helped and taken care of. God knows How Many Westerns are in hospitals. Nobody looks at and after them simply because no one is talking about them and... nobody Knows!!

Within a few weeks this thread will die and all will be the same like before. Threads like this make me nervous simply because they are not real.

It is not the real world. In the real world people take care of themselves because it is never sure if somebody else will in time of real need.

In the real world you still will have people who missed the boat, are very poor and have absolutely no possibility to come out of that situation, most of the time because they are neglected by us.

Countless people in hospitals and jails. Countless in a poor environment because they somehow made a mistake.

If you want to make this forum in a forum of the circumstances of the few people YOU know who are in that situation... be my guest. If not... just help the ones you know... also your neighbor!

Sorry I cannot resist to reply.

Ok, two guys are helped and taken care of. God knows How Many Westerns are in hospitals. Nobody looks at and after them simply because no one is talking about them and... nobody Knows!!

Within a few weeks this thread will die and all will be the same like before. Threads like this make me nervous simply because they are not real.

It is not the real world. In the real world people take care of themselves because it is never sure if somebody else will in time of real need.

In the real world you still will have people who missed the boat, are very poor and have absolutely no possibility to come out of that situation, most of the time because they are neglected by us.

Countless people in hospitals and jails. Countless in a poor environment because they somehow made a mistake.

If you want to make this forum in a forum of the circumstances of the few people YOU know who are in that situation... be my guest. If not... just help the ones you know... also your neighbor!

Well, this certainly is another view on the matter. There are lots of views, I'm sure.

I think this thread is one of many in the CR Forum and the CR forum is one of many forums and sub-forums in the HUGE ThaiVisa forum. So, to say that this forum is being made into a forum about the circumstances of a few is pretty much a miscalculation on your part. I am pretty sure that it is a BIG miscalculation on your part. I cannot imagine what kind of math would lead to this conclusion. But as I have said before, I left school way before the normal exit time so maybe I missed out on some of the "new math". As I see it, this is just one of a bazillion threads in a very large forum. ( I DO know that "bazillion" isn't a real number, even in the "new math".) So, maybe there are some other threads that people can read, instead of this one that seems to irritate them.

I think there are probably a lot of Farang in the local hospitals. Most of them are not in the CR government hospital, so, right off the bat, they are in better places. Have you been to CR government hospital? Have you seen the beds that line the hallways both indoors and outdoors because they don't have room for all of those people? I think anyone in that hospital needs a little more consideration than those other people enjoying air-conditioning and private care and private rooms in some of the other hospitals.

I KNOW there are lots of Thais in all of those hospitals. I also know that MOST of them have family taking care of them, showing concern, helping out and boosting morale. So, while I will not try to minimize their importance, I will say that they enjoy some support every day that at least one of the Farangs do not benefit from. And, when and if those Thais get released from the hospital, their homes are most likely pretty close by. It shouldn't be too much of a struggle for them to get home. One Farang in the hospital is just trying to live long enough, and to recover enough, to make the return trip to his homeland. So, from one Farang to another, that is worth noting and it is worth keeping tabs on.

Yes, in the real world, there are lots of people who need help. And I sure don't know about all of them. And for some of them, nobody knows about them. You are right on that. But I have met many people in need of help all of my life and I'm sure I will again. And, I help in the ways that I can. Sometimes, a small thing can correct a bad thing. Sometimes, a huge thing can't even begin to correct a bad thing. I'm not the kind of guy that sees some bad and decides to just sit on his hands because he knows there is lots of bad out there and all of it can't be addressed by me. I'm kind of glad that the world is populated with some people who think like me. I'm also glad that the world isn't entirely populated by people who think like you think.

In my world, you are entitled to your opinion and I don't begrudge your opinion. In my world, I am entitled to opinions, too. And I have quite a few. But, I'm entitled to action, as well. For most of my life, I have done the right thing. I'll continue with my actions, regardless of the opinions of others. Come visit my neighbors, fellow. Come see if I help. Come walk in my life, with me, for one week. Come to the hospital with me and see how many people we stop and say "hi" to, hold their hand, give them some fresh fruit, share a smile with them. You'll find that just because I write about two, you can't say that those are the only two that I help. I'm pretty sure that this is the case with many of the forum people.

You are right about another thing. This thread will die. The events will pass that make it not an interesting story. I'll be glad when it does. ImageDude will be on his way to learning to live with a new disability and hopefully, Carsten will be home. And I'll meet more people that need a hand. I probably won't write about them because they weren't brought to our attention on this forum. But I will do what I can do.



I just read what you say about all this,Kandahar,and I am totaly agree whit you-as you,I see it every day we are there,and we give a smile.a how are you? And just to see the smiling, and gteatfull faces,makes it worth 1000 fold.

I read something for along time ago, and never forget it, and it just come to my mind,when I read this.

To love,is to live.

To live,is to give.

To give,is making happyness!!!

I simply dont understand,that eny one,can think,that what you and your wife, are doing for those guys,are no good-I for my self,see Carstens smiling face, when we come and vist him,and you have been there-that tells me alot about, how much it counts for him.


Sorry I cannot resist to reply.

Ok, two guys are helped and taken care of. God knows How Many Westerns are in hospitals. Nobody looks at and after them simply because no one is talking about them and... nobody Knows!!

Within a few weeks this thread will die and all will be the same like before. Threads like this make me nervous simply because they are not real.

It is not the real world. In the real world people take care of themselves because it is never sure if somebody else will in time of real need.

In the real world you still will have people who missed the boat, are very poor and have absolutely no possibility to come out of that situation, most of the time because they are neglected by us.

Countless people in hospitals and jails. Countless in a poor environment because they somehow made a mistake.

If you want to make this forum in a forum of the circumstances of the few people YOU know who are in that situation... be my guest. If not... just help the ones you know... also your neighbor!

You should apologise to the two gentlemen on this thread for your comments earlier in this post against them also calling one for talking bullshit as you put it,sometimes people get back what they give in kind through many good deeds!....One poster has lost a leg through no fault of his own and the other is pulling through because of the help of good hearted human beings who post here!

YOU ARE A COMPLETE LOSER....who thinks the world is is full of people couldnt give a toss,you are wrong as this thread has proved.

You get nervous when from threads like this because they are not real????

In the real world people do still help people out and you are in a sad state of mind to think otherwise.

Do you just feel inferior to a good upstanding citizen that proves his worth to society or should we ignore people that we have got the time to help and can do so,like this thread has demonstrated.you sad fuc_ker.

Edit ....i am trying to be nice.



I hope all is well with you.

No apology from that man is needed by me. He believes what he believes, so even if one was offered, it wouldn't be sincere. So, no need to bother on my account. But yeah, after being proven wrong about his hateful "BS" comment concerning Brian, a better man would certainly own up to his mistake.

Here's a thing. What people post is often pretty telling about their character. On the forum, you can be anybody, but sooner or later, your personality will come through. So, now we know.

There is good news in his post. There really is. It would seem that he has never been in the position of needing help or friendship. He's a lucky man, apparently surrounded by friends and never in need. Wouldn't the world be better if many more had never needed, nor ever would, the help or friendship of others? To be in need isn't a good place to be.

There is also bad news in his post. He is critical of the thread of a fellow that initially asked for help and he is critical of how that thread has turned out thus far. Well, to discover the bad news, check out the threads that cmjantje has started himself. He has asked for help from forum members again and again. And he got helpful replies. He didn't get off his duff and go get his answers. He sat at the keyboard and expected others to take the time to type out the answers for him. So, while maybe he has never needed "real" help that involved another human actually leaving the house to provide that help, he is familiar with the "I need help" concept. It looks like he just can't apply that concept to anyone other than himself. I would think, the next time he posts a request for info, the proper answer might be that LOTS of people in the world need info and it just won't do to spend any time helping cmjantje. I suspect his threads with his requests for info are not REAL life and we should all be focusing on threads that are real life. I mean seriously, do any of us think that TWO threads (seriously, he started TWO!!!!) asking where to find shoes are REAL life? It sounds suspiciously artificial to me. Not anything like a life and death thread, which this one happens to be.


Okay. Here's the edit. You'll notice that there is an edit in almost every post I make. Maybe I fancy myself an editor, huh? I don't. I also don't fancy myself a typist. I'm not. Therefore, lots of edits. But this one isn't that.

This one is: If cmjantje posts and needs help, he should get help. Everyone should. Different views and different opinions should be allowed in discourse. They are healthy, usually. And even when those opinions seem so far out there to me, they are still the truth to those that hold them. And those people are part of my world. I can't turn my back on them. I hope the rest of you can't, either.



Thanks again,Kandahar,you are so right-evry one who need help should get help,even they have another opinion then you.

I must edmit that when I read his reply,I was a litle angry-becourse...I know what you and your wife are doing,for those two guys,,,and I know,what Suphaphon(my woman) and I, are doing/but as you say,eny one has there right, to have a opinion of there own.

I just can stop thinking...what a great man you are...realy,Kandahar..you are,for sure,and I am greatfull,to meet you.

I know that you are not in need/but anyway,you step up,for those who are in need/you dont laid back and think/that is non of my consirn-you dont think-I am ok-fuc_k the rest-you are so helpfull,kind and full of respect, for other people and their lifes.

Thanks,for being,my freind.!

About,cmjantje-dont thing to much about it-I dont-thats the real wold...different opinions,and thats ok. for me-I am just greatfull,that I dont are in need, and must relay on his help.

Have a nice day,every one-and take care.


If he's about to enter into overstay status, I believe he can get a waiver due to health reasons.

Yes you are correct, needs a letter from the hospital, his passport (two copies, one copy to be signed and counter signed by author of letter) that should get him a 'pass' until he is fit enough to travel.

I wish him well.

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