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A Sick Freind!


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Maybe someone has connections with a good resort that would spoil those two and that would extend a discount. People could, anonymously or otherwise, drop off any contribution at the front desk in the name of the cause. I don't have any such connections with a resort in the area. I could arrange something at a couple of hotels downtown but those hotels aren't resort material. A resort would be a nicer weekend for them.

I'm in for 1,000 baht. I don't want to get involved in collecting any money. Better to just drop it off at the resort office. Maybe sign a register, real name or otherwise, and list the amount being given so anyone stopping by can see how much has already been contributed. I can buy a little register or journal to leave at the front desk.

I'll go a thousand baht also.

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Brian reports that a fellow Denmark citizen made the trip from Nakhon Sahwang to see Carsten. The fellow apparently delivered several types of Carsten's favorite Denmark food and that made Carsten's day. The guy has been a resident of Thailand for five years now. Good to know he would go to so much trouble to bring a smile to the face of a less fortunate fellow countryman.

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Carsten is holding steady these days. He can smile and have a laugh, enjoy some good food and he is pretty alert when company comes to visit. He sleeps a lot more than a healthy person sleeps but he obviously needs that rest. He lost his full-time caretaker recently. Brian has placed some ads for a caregiver for Carsten and several people have showed some interest. Hopefully, the next day or two will bring a caring person to spend twelve or so hours a day looking after his needs.

For those of you who are reading this from somewhere other than Thailand, be advised that the Thai hospital system is quite a bit different than the system you may know. Here, family are expected to look after the non-medical needs of a patient. Carsten hasn't any family here so he has been relying on hired help. The hospital WILL provide this support for Carsten but it is very expensive. Bathing, helping with toilet needs, feeding and other tasks are left to family to take care of. Almost every person in this hospital has one or more family members looking after them, pretty much full time. It is not unusual to see family members sleeping on the floor under the bed of the patient during the night.

Brian reports that the legalities of the fund-raiser in Denmark for Carsten are nearly sorted out. There should be a little more money to take care of him in the near future.

ImageDude has managed to overcome his recent setbacks and is going forward. He has resumed his physical therapy and is feeling better. Other treatments have been put in place to hold the annoying small ailments at bay and they appear to be working well for him. He was fairly chipper tonight and full of optimism. He is anxious to get well enough to go home. Soon, hopefully.

A quick note on Brian. He is doing well. The extra staff handling the Facebook page and the donations has given him quite the reprieve. With everything going well in those areas, he has more time to look in on Carsten and keep up the shopping for things that Carsten needs. Patients such as Carsten are expected to provide their own toilet paper, among other things. Brian takes care of purchasing those items.

As much as he has done, he can't win them all. Some people just seem to live to aggravate others. A fellow in the south of Thailand recently offered 5,000 baht to help with Carsten's care. Brian accepted and then went through a lot to accommodate the man's demands. In the end, the demands became too much and on Monday, Brian sent the 5,000 baht back to the guy. All of this after the guy demanded that Brian post about the donation on several sites in Denmark and demanded that Brian mention the guy's Thailand business in those posts. Brian is pretty level-headed and didn't let it get to him. But he spent an inordinate amount of time on this guy that he could have spent much more productively elsewhere. Some people aren't very good at being people. I hope Brain doesn't have to deal with any more of those types.

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today I met with kandahar and jubby and with my girl;friend we went to visit the hospital.

There are so many stories about farang who get into accidents on the Thai roads and end up paying for everything even if it wasn't their fault.

It was very refreshing to find out that the young Thai man who caused Image Dude's accident has admitted liability, there was an agreement that he payed half of the private hospital costs, then he has continued to pay all of the costs in the local hospital and visited every day. He was there when we turned up too. Image Dude was due to go home today and whilst the care he has received was very good he was looking forward to getting home.

Carsten was sleeping when we went to see him although he woke up and claimed he was only resting his eyes.

Both people are an example of courage and it has certainly put my life into perspective, I count my blessings every day, but now I think i will count them twice!

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ImageDude will be out of the hospital today. Great to hear that he is headed home and on to the resumption of his life. I wish a speedy recovery to you, good man.

Carsten was in good spirits today. I had to wake him when I arrived this afternoon but by the end of the visit, he was fairly animated and even fancied himself a bit of a comedian. Good to see him becoming his old self.

Carsten decided that he does want to go ahead with chemo after all but the docs say that he isn't strong enough to survive it. So, he is working on getting his strength back so that he can be strong enough to receive treatment. He eats as much food as he can get. Perhaps his strength will return.

Thanks to Bifftastic, his girlfriend and jubby for their visit to our two friends in hospital today. Visitors lend strength and good spirits to those in need. Folks like Biff and jubby seem to know how much good a few words can do. Thanks, guys. I visited with Carsten after they had gone and found Carsten to be in the best mood that I have seen him in. A few smiles and amiable chatter can sometimes do much more than medicine. Apparently, their visit made him hungry as well. He ordered three hotdogs and a Coke for his afternoon snack today. He also placed an order for fresh fruit. I'll see what the markets have in stock these days.

I'm moved by the turn-around Carsten is experiencing. His mind and his outlook have made a 180 degree turn for the better from two weeks ago. Whatever his future holds, he's enjoying life a little bit right now. Each day is valuable to him. I am pleased for him that he can have these good days. I wish him many more but I'm grateful for each of his good moments in the here and now.

The search continues for a full-time caregiver for Carsten.

Edited by kandahar
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I suspect I got him on a good day Khandahar. He's extremely Thin mate, the Doctors right he's too weak for Kemo . He's going to need a lot of Hotdogs and fast. That kemo's going to knock him for six. It'll stop his appetite in its tracks also.

Where's his favourite Hotdog stand ? save people making two trips :)

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I suspect I got him on a good day Khandahar. He's extremely Thin mate, the Doctors right he's too weak for Kemo . He's going to need a lot of Hotdogs and fast. That kemo's going to knock him for six. It'll stop his appetite in its tracks also.

Where's his favourite Hotdog stand ? save people making two trips :)

Yes, it was a good day but each day is getting just a little better than the one before. He is improving, slowly. And knowing that people care enough to stop in and say "hi" helps him to improve even more. Back when he had only one friend showing an interest, he really didn't see much point in going forward. He felt alone and unwanted in this world. Now, when he finds that some people have travelled hundreds of miles specifically to see him, he feels that he has something to live up to. And as more and more locals stop in, his will only gets stronger. I think it is very safe to say, other people have restored him much more than any hospital treatment has. Each and every person has something inside them to contribute and whatever it is, it is powerful and does wonders when they give Carsten a dose of their caring.

If there is a hotdog stand in CR, I don't know about it. The 7-11's in town serve hotdogs and the one just one-half block from the hospital serves them hotter than any others I have tried. He likes onions, tomatoes and a small amount of ketchup on his hotdogs. He also likes the cheeseburgers from Nice Kitchen on Jedyod Rd.

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711 & Nice Kitchen. Thats easy then. what about fruits, does he have a preference ?

You know, there's a Danish Guy in our Village. He was a sea-fareing Man in his youth Also. Maybe they have something in common. Atleast a common language I should think. I think I may have a word , it may do them both good.

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711 & Nice Kitchen. Thats easy then. what about fruits, does he have a preference ?

You know, there's a Danish Guy in our Village. He was a sea-fareing Man in his youth Also. Maybe they have something in common. Atleast a common language I should think. I think I may have a word , it may do them both good.

He mentioned nectarines. I don't know if they have them here. I'll find out. I do know he gets more bananas than he cares to eat. A guy can only eat so many bananas.

Yeah, maybe the sea-faring Danish guy is a good idea.

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I just wont to tell you,that Carsten is so happy for your visit, as Kandahar told you-I think also that help him alot more then the ordinary threatment.

The Danish people are going forward, and only need the permit from police to start, the collect again-and people are asking every day,about a acount number,where they can send mony to help.so that part looks good,I think.

Carstens 14 years old son and he s old school fellow-who just get a heart attack for two days ago-are trying to raise money, so they can come and say goodbye, to Carsten-offcourse, they stay in our place, if they come.

now we will go and visit Carsten.!

Have a nice day-and take care.!

Thanks, for all your kindness, to my freind,Carsten.


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I am the fellow Countryman from Nakhon Sawan, who saw your input on the Thai Visa.

I was touched especially upon Kandahar. What you are doing is of such nature, that it tuch me deeply in to my heart. Especially after you adding Kandahar.... your posts..., that Cartsen have been telling you, that he really was missing the Danish dark rye bread. I then decided to travel the long road to my fellow contryman up north.

I've never seen anything like it, I think. Carsten just ate and ate the first day, and I understand from Brian's post on Facebook that he is continuing with this.

This old man from the center of Thailand, Nakhon Sawan, like that so much, that the many miles ,not have been any trouble at all.

I can se on one of your last post Kandahar, that you have spoken with Brian about the collection. I do not know what you, and the other fellows have been experienced in the past, but these Danish men and women who now demand seeing the account. They have, as I encountered seen more scammers out here in Thailand, also from our fellow countrymen who have been begging for money for projects (sick children) and others.

This mistrust has now been Brians burden, which obviously is regrettable. For both you and I know that Brian is doing great work to help the very sick Carsten. We know that Brian not in any way will put money into his own pocket. This is because, you and I now know Brian, but the negative opponents do not.

It looks out this way, our new friend Carsten has been given new powers. I do not think it's food alone, but probably more pleasure, because we are many who now have been visiting him.

If this continues, I must of course take a trip more with more danish food, so he may be strong enough for the kemo-trip. Last I talked to Cartsen he explained that he was in the belive, that this kemo-trip last he got it, was the reason for his stronger health.....

As an fellow countryman to Carsten. I would like to say thank you to all your nice people, for what you have been doing for Carsten. Many other fellow countrymen could be learning from you guy’s.

My hope is in the future, that I have to take one more trip up to Ching Rai, bringing the special Danish food for my new friend Carsten. After last time, when I saw the very sick Cartsen, I was sure, that would be the last time….

He surprise, surprise thanks God for that….

Have a nice weekend all and do not forget

That positivity spreads like ripples in the water, but unfortunately the same do negativity.

Poul, Nakhon Sawan

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Carsten has had a pretty good run of good days. Today he was down. He had some bad news apparently. The hospital is also pushing for him to be released. He has some decisions to make. Tough times today. We will see what tomorrow brings.

Brian was admitted to Overbrook late tonight with some acute pains in his side. He suspects it is his pancreas. They scheduled some tests for him for tomorrow (Wednesday morning).

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Update concerning other foreign motorcyclists fates:

Imagedude will soon start to learn to walk for the second time in his life. He is training with the crutches.

Knowing him I am sure he will be back on the scene soon. He is a man of iron and has more willpower than

anyone I ever met.

German Karl, who got a dog inbetween his spokes, has been moved to a hospital in Chiang Mai.

One side is still lamed and he can not speak. There seems to be no progress so far.

His hospital bill here at the Overbrook was paid for, but in Chiang Mai the counter is on more than

200 thousand now. He worked as a teacher at a government school in Chiang Rai.

Dutch 'Andre Telegraaf' didn't survive the accident last week. May he rest in peace!

He lived in Chiang Rai for more than ten years. The last seven years he lived a quite life with his wife

in a small village not far from Ban Ruammit.

By the way, long term resident of Chiang Rai Dutch 'Peter Croquette', passed away two weeks ago,

but it is not sure if he went down with his chopper. He leaves a 10 year old son behind.

May he finally find the peace he was so intensively looking for.


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Carsten's condition hasn't changed. He isn't eating much, if anything. He is however, talking again when people stop to see him. He went through a few days where he didn't want to speak to anyone. He's having a tough ride right now. My wife visited him yesterday and found him to be in a pretty good mood.

ImageDude phoned me last week and reported good progress since he arrived at his home. I will see him this week if things slow down here for a half-day or so. He sounded really good on the telephone call.

Brian was, of course, released from the hospital on the day reported earlier. His wife is after him to slow down a bit and I think she is having some success. I saw him a few days ago and he looked good.

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I dont want to be insensitive, but how long is this thread going to last?, there is already a second one here--??

I don't want to be insesitive (but I'm going to be anyway)

seeing as the thread is about a sick friend, well two actually, and some people don't have the opportunity to see them, the thread will, I would imagine, last as long as the illness lasts.

I don't want to be rude (but I'm going to be anyway) <deleted> don't you go do something that helps someone rather than whinging about how long a thread that provides helpful information for people who are concerned about the well-being of two individuals might last?

(reason for edit; removing the word 'wanke_r')

Edited by bifftastic
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QUOTE (mumbojumbo @ 2010-06-02 20:07:52) I dont want to be insensitive, but how long is this thread going to last?, there is already a second one here--??


Personaly I think we will go on, until Carsten is dead-if you dont mind,offcourse.!


a bit morbid,don't you think..........running a thread until someone is dead.

I hope, as I'm sure his family and friends do, that he will be with us for a while longer.

Maybe we should start a pinned thread for all the people who are in hospital....................

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I tend to think we would all live better lives, if we lived in greater awareness of our mortality. I for one do not find impending death morbid. I do choose, however, not to hangout in hospitals and retirement homes when I can avoid doing so.

This is one of those threads where I believe a simple rule applies. If one doesn't have something constructive or kind to say, don't say anything at all.

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QUOTE (mumbojumbo @ 2010-06-02 20:07:52) I dont want to be insensitive, but how long is this thread going to last?, there is already a second one here--??


Personaly I think we will go on, until Carsten is dead-if you dont mind,offcourse.!


a bit morbid,don't you think..........running a thread until someone is dead.

I hope, as I'm sure his family and friends do, that he will be with us for a while longer.

Maybe we should start a pinned thread for all the people who are in hospital....................

I think when brianmarinus wrote his response to mumbojumbo he was a bit p_ssed off .. and rightly so, IMO.

And as english is not his first language, perhaps he meant to convey that the thread would run as long as the folks in the hospital need it to run.

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I hope the thread will last a long time as I have met Carsen and he is a nice guy.

As far as a pinned thread about people in hospital it could be a very good idea. Many people here are almost on their own and would value their friends being able to find out they were in hospital. There may be privacy issues though.

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Carsten has slipped back some. He's been down, depressed some. The hospital staff has said that he has to leave the hospital and that has taken a toll. The staff there have removed the IV,so he is getting no glucose. He isn't eating much either. He's weak. I delivered some food that will give him some energy tonight and he has requested the dark bread from the bakery tomorrow. He will get that.

I had thought that I was going to be able to report that he had moved to a new home with better care. Lots of conversations were taking place and things looked good for getting him moved. In the end, the offer that had been extended had to be retracted. No fault of anyone. Everyone involved wanted the best for Carsten. It just didn't work out.

Carsten told me tonight that he wants to go to the home in CM. That option has previously surfaced several times and has been dismissed several times. I think Carsten will pursue that option now.

ImageDude phoned today. He told me that he had ended up in the hospital again because of a virus but now he is home and going forward again. His original injuries are doing well. He sounded good on the phone. I will try to get out to see him soon. It did me good to hear his voice today.

Brian finally has just moved into his new home and is pretty busy with that at the moment. Things should slow down for him in a few days once he gets settled.

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The latest news is that he will be transferred on Thursday to CM. I'm hesitant to report on anything until it happens. There have been too many sure things that have fallen through lately.

I saw Carsten today. Thin, thin, thin. Barely enough strength to speak and difficult to hear when he does speak. No IV, little nourishment.

I saw ImageDude yesterday. He looked great and sounded great. I enjoyed the visit with him immensely. He's doing fine.

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The latest news is that he will be transferred on Thursday to CM. I'm hesitant to report on anything until it happens. There have been too many sure things that have fallen through lately.

I saw Carsten today. Thin, thin, thin. Barely enough strength to speak and difficult to hear when he does speak. No IV, little nourishment.

I saw ImageDude yesterday. He looked great and sounded great. I enjoyed the visit with him immensely. He's doing fine.

Wow, can a guy get any thinner !?. shame they cant give him an IV until thursday.

lets hope Thursdays the day.

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