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Red Shirts ... Royal Gold ... And A "9/11" In Bangkok ? ? ?


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Red shirts ... royal gold ... and a "9/11" coming to Bangkok ? ? ?

The claims are bizarre ... yet they seem to explain more than any other hypothesis about possible motive power behind red shirt actions.

Extraordinary claims require extraordinary proof.

Does anyone know of any corroboration?

Selected quotes below.

Full post at the link (scroll down to find the headline).

-- Oneman



The ongoing street protests in Thailand are being orchestrated and funded by Western-controlled ... crime syndicate ...

They involve a planned heist of Thailand's royal gold and a 911-style destruction of inconvenient financial papers ...

In the view of the Western puppet-masters controlling the Shinawatra syndicate, the time has come for these inexpedient financial records to be destroyed in a "Bangkok Reichstag fire" ...

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One of the things about the internet is that you can write anything and post it online. That doesn't make it true. Quoting some nut job just helps them spread their wacko message and gives them the attention they crave. You have to use what common sense you might possess and evaluate what you read or hear. Unfortunately we have seen lately that many people lack this critical skill and allow others to think for them. The quotes you referred to and the article it comes from are utter nonsense.

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The quotes you referred to and the article it comes from are utter nonsense.

Thank you, "chadintheusa," for sharing your feelings.

However, if you re-read the second line in my post, you'll see where I say it is "bizarre".

No question about that.

The essential question of the OP is this: "Does anyone know of any corroboration?"

If so, I hope you'll post.

I'm looking for further information, not personal feelings.

Thank you.

-- Oneman


Edited by Oneman
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Tin foil hat time!

Thank you for providing that perfect example to add to my "ignore user" list.

Other readers here who want to use this valuable function of Thai Visa, will find step-by-step instructions on my personal profile page.

And, of course, "ignore user" works just as well on my user name, too.

I recommend it.

-- Oneman



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Tin foil hat time!

Thank you for providing that perfect example to add to my "ignore user" list.

Other readers here who want to use this valuable function of Thai Visa, will find step-by-step instructions on my personal profile page.

And, of course, "ignore user" works just as well on my user name, too.

I recommend it.

-- Oneman



Hey Oneman

I genuinely don't think anyone means any personal offense to you, its simply reactions to the conspiracy theory, which sounds pretty outlandish to me. I doubt you'll find anyone able to corroborate it! If the blogger who posted it originally didn't, that in itself leads to a certain amount of cynicism; unsupported narrative and a few pics of the Reds isn't something I'd take seriously even if I had zero common sense :). His tag is 'Exploring what might be'....says it all to me after a look through. I might be attractive one day!

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The quotes you referred to and the article it comes from are utter nonsense.

The essential question of the OP is this: "Does anyone know of any corroboration?"

Actually, it's more like .... here's what I think .... now, you prove me wrong .....

In my daily professional life, I strive to discuss things in terms of facts, opinions and recommendations. So much of the internet and mass media drivel is little more than narrowly held opinion, but so often is tried to be passed off as fact. It's a big problem in the world today, propaganda and subversion for purposes of creating confusion. As a wise man once opined .... "A confused society is a controllable society."

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All through life people from Nostradamus, and before that, onwards have made predictions of varying degrees of credibility. In the past these kooks and crazies were largely ingnored but nowadays they have their perfect forum - the internet - with it's infinite capacity to contain fact, figures and the detritus of human concience.

If anyone of us had the time and inclination we could all day every day putting together predictions and scattering them far and wide. Probability means that if make enough guesses one day one of them will come to pass but that still don't make you anything more than a kook.

People are always making predictions, if they are proved correct they scream and shout about how I predicted it, but in the 99.9999999% of occasions they are wrong they keep schtum and nobody remembers anyhow.

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From further down the page.

Japanese Gang of Five fingered by Yakuza and Pentagon: Yukio Hatoyama, Hisashi Owada, Shinji Kawasaka, Yasuhiro Nakasone and Junichiro Koizumi.

That sounds a bit painful.

" A bit more lube please Gateso San " :)

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People are always making predictions, if they are proved correct they scream and shout about how I predicted it, but in the 99.9999999% of occasions they are wrong they keep schtum and nobody remembers anyhow.

Plus they've always got the good old back up of " cover up " when someone knocks down their theories with cold hard evidence.

" TVF poster mca was spotted machine gunning monks at a temple in Khon Kaen last night "

Well actually I went for a meal with my wife and friends and then went to a 7-11 on the way home. My wife, friends and the 7-11 staff all corroborate I could not have been at the temple at that time.

"AH! Cover up! These witnesses have obviously been gotten to! "

Pricks. They never have to prove anything.

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Anyone who took this seriously would have to me more stupid than the people who wrote it. And I am sure no TV poster could take it seriously.

Looked at another way, it is typically Thai - blame the foreigners. We take no responsibility. It's not us who are destroying our own country.

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The ongoing street protests in Thailand are being orchestrated and funded by Western-controlled ... crime syndicate ..

I have to agree. The evidence is there if only the sheeple would open their eyes! WAKE UP!

From a reliable source. A foreign insurgent posing as a peaceful demonstrator attacking Thai security forces.

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I was just sitting on my balcony near OnNut BTS

and saw a large flying object not far off in the distance

I got my binoculars out and focused in, there was a

large window in the front of this flying UFO.

Thru the window I could see 3 little green men

I went inside to get my camera but by the time I

found it and made it back to the balcony the

UFO was gone

Anyone else see it?

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All through life people from Nostradamus, and before that, onwards have made predictions of varying degrees of credibility.

All we know for sure is that the Thais better get their sh$t in order by 12/12/2012. :)

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All through life people from Nostradamus, and before that, onwards have made predictions of varying degrees of credibility.

All we know for sure is that the Thais better get their sh$t in order by 12/12/2012. :)

A fortune teller assured me that its 13/13/2013 when it really gets out of control!

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