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Thai Ladies Bad Habits When Talking On The Phone


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i would think its rude from where i come from but everything when we are on the phone, the gf would always talk to someone else without even a polite 'excuse me'....she could go and order food or give instructions to a cab driver while in the middle of a conversation.

Another one is eating and talking on the phone...not just with me but she does it to everyone. Is is type of behaviour the norm? Don't they have any phone etiquette seeing how important the mobile phone is to the thais

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give instructions to a cab driver while in the middle of a conversation.

Good point. The polite thing to do would be to let the taxi driver go the wrong way until you're done talking, however long it takes.

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I have a couple of phone complaints.

One is the excessive use of the speaker phone option, my wife and many of her friends seem to think it is cool to hold the phone in front of their face like a microphone and carry on a high volume conversation. And of course you get hear both sides. very annoying when you are in a car or trying to watch TV.

The second is the inability to tell the person on the other end to hold for a minute no matter what comes up. I remember being at a toll booth holding up other cars because I could find any change, but the wife was too afraid to offend the person on the other end to say hold on, and get some out of her purse. This is a particular problem since her phone calls can push up to an hour long occasionally.

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I have a couple of phone complaints.

One is the excessive use of the speaker phone option, my wife and many of her friends seem to think it is cool to hold the phone in front of their face like a microphone and carry on a high volume conversation. And of course you get hear both sides. very annoying when you are in a car or trying to watch TV.

The second is the inability to tell the person on the other end to hold for a minute no matter what comes up. I remember being at a toll booth holding up other cars because I could find any change, but the wife was too afraid to offend the person on the other end to say hold on, and get some out of her purse. This is a particular problem since her phone calls can push up to an hour long occasionally.

Solution take a new wife (younger version when you can still change her) and train her well. Other option just accept it

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Hanging up at the end of a conversation without saying goodbye is my peeve. She has gotten better about it over the past couple of years, and barely does it now.

As to the talking to someone else while I'm talking to her on the phone, my girlfriend is good at asking me to hold on, but if her conversation goes on for too long, I'll hang up and wait for her to call back. I tell her that her face to face conversation is free, but sitting on the phone waiting costs money.

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making phone calls when you get into bed to go to sleep, put on a movie to watch or are just about to order food in a restaurant. most the time there seems to be little need for a phone as they talk so loud...

turn up the volume of the tv to drown out the wailing and they just talk louder. then wonder why you shout at them?

complete ignorance/selfishness....

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Talking while I'm fuc_king them is kinda odd, especially when it's their boyfriend. American girls do this too though.

Maybe they are bored?

i hope he pays when hes done.

on a similiar note: i find thai girls very rude asking if you are finit yet :):D:D:D , while they are on the mobile of course.

Edited by simpathy
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Funny, I was just thinking about this yesterday when I watched a couple sit near me in a restaurant. The Thai girl was on the phone when she arrived, sitting down, ordering and eating and only hung up when they were leaving. It was pretty obvious she did not want to be there.

Her "boyfriend" basically dined alone. She didnt look at him or acknowledge him until it was time to leave. It was in Patong and she was dressed more for the night before rather than for breakfast.

I really felt sorry for the guy. He was clearly smitten, but she was just finishing her shift and enjoying the perks of the job.

Personally I wouldn't tolerate that kind of behaviour, but it was interesting to watch.

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Talking while I'm fuc_king them is kinda odd, especially when it's their boyfriend. American girls do this too though.

Talkingis fine, especially when they start yelling out _ uck me _ uck me, etc.etc. is that the talking out you mean?

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Talking while I'm fuc_king them is kinda odd, especially when it's their boyfriend. American girls do this too though.

Maybe they are bored?

lol good one - they are answering calls 100% of the time, not placing them - but that still doesn't mean they are not bored i guess. they always seem to get some kind of sick excitement out of it, making these guilty/excited eyes at me.

Edited by ThanonFarang
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Talking while I'm fuc_king them is kinda odd, especially when it's their boyfriend. American girls do this too though.

Maybe they are bored?

lol good one - they are answering calls 100% of the time, not placing them - but that still doesn't mean they are not bored i guess. they always seem to get some kind of sick excitement out of it, making these guilty/excited eyes at me.

answering calls eh?..maybe its the thai BF asking how mutt she get out of the farang

guilty?...because she emptied your wallet?

excited?...thinking about how she's gonna spend it :)

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Talking while I'm fuc_king them is kinda odd, especially when it's their boyfriend. American girls do this too though.

Maybe they are bored?

It's hard NOT for them to be bored. They've had so many similar guys and so much "action" that the whole process is boring to them. A woman doesn't have to be aroused to have sex. A man does.

But, that doesn't change the fact that women (and men) should turn off their cel phones while in the company of others. The only time it might be acceptible is if the person with the phone is on call for work. When a woman I am with answers her phone and continues a conversation then I just get up and leave. I request any woman I'm with to TURN OFF her phone if we are spending intimate time together. If they won't or don't I just send them on their way and that's the last I see of them.

However, I do believe that most Thai women don't understand the meaning of politeness. And, very often their cel phone is their only source of entertainment. You see them constantly checking messages, or playing the games they've installed.

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Talking while I'm fuc_king them is kinda odd, especially when it's their boyfriend. American girls do this too though.

Maybe they are bored?

lol good one - they are answering calls 100% of the time, not placing them - but that still doesn't mean they are not bored i guess. they always seem to get some kind of sick excitement out of it, making these guilty/excited eyes at me.

answering calls eh?..maybe its the thai BF asking how mutt she get out of the farang

guilty?...because she emptied your wallet?

excited?...thinking about how she's gonna spend it :)


Thread was called 'Thai ladies bad habits' not 'Bad habits of prostitutes'. If you want to hear some bad experiences I've had with the latter, start a new thread. He I was referring to non-paid talent.

'Nong sow, u ni?' 'lor'


'Hi honey, I stay with my sister'

'Yes, I promise, I will call you later ok, I love you'

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Not aimed at ladies in particular but I've noticed that many Thais are capable of having full conversations with a wrong number.

It's never a simple " Sorry wrong number " and putting the phone down.

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Well. I'm not the type that just observes and complains and whines... Either I try to change and improve the situation or if I can't change it then I try to accept it.

Here is what I do:

With my lovely Thai wife I tried EDUCATION. Sure, it needed some patience but finally after years of patiently convincing her she is getting close to displaying Middle-European phone discipline.

And for all others and situations in which education is not possible I have a magic device: A CELL PHONE JAMMER.

Whenever I feel bothered by loud mobile phone conversation - be it in a car when I want the driver to concentrate on traffic and not on his phone - be it in a restaurant where I want to enjoy the delicious food and/or the pleasant company and I want to enjoy a good conversation and where I certainly don't want to listen to stupid phone calls - be it in a business meeting where I want to get things done without being interrupted by people who don't switch off their phones - and in all other situations in which I don't want to hear loud phone talks I can now play god, switch the magic bottom and enjoy the wonderful silence that was available before the invention of the cell phone. I will just hear some surprised "Hallooh?!?" and maybe some remarks about "bad mobile phone" - and then they just see a good and decent smile on my face agreeing "yes, you are right..bad mobile phone..." :)

I didn't buy the cheapest model available and it works perfectly within a radius of at least about 10-15 meters. This nice piece of modern electronic is certainly a device that has improved the quality of my life in Asia (not only Thailand).

Edited by TallForeigner
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Ring ring



"Yes, hello?"


"sigh, what do you WANT???!!"

"ooohhh, (gibberish in Thai)"

"(even bigger sigh), look, it would be obvious to even a neanderthal that you have the wrong number"

"Khun Noi unai khap???"

"Yeah, about 8.30, but I ain't gonna be able to make it to the party"


"goodbye". Hang up

Ring ring (same number)


"Khun Noi unai khap???"

"Sigh" click

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