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Thai Government Hangs By A Thread


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You would think there would be quite a few live balcony cameras? Why hasn't CNN gotten a room at a hotel with a vantage point? Very strange.

Probably because Thailand is under a state of emergency, and broadcasting live footage of the protests could be deemed harmful to national security, and hence, very illegal right now.

What is the source that says live broadcasting is "very illegal right now". It's not. Live coverage has been around all day, and most stations were broadcasting live when the action was going on at Phan Fa. There were live shots from around the city just a few minutes ago on TNN and nothing was happening. Boring. Who wants to watch people just standing around?

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One thing you won't see today is a single member of Thaksin's family facing the riot squad.

Do you really want to see Thaksin's daughter squaring off with Abhisit's daughter in a WWF match?

I'd gladly be the meat in that sandwich :)

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Threathening and doing it for real are VERY VERY different things .

Never happen to you to threaten someone when you are angry ?

If Red shirts are shot at of course they defend themselves , its sad

but unavoidable . What do you expect ? .

Its the police hiding behind women . You are confused

This is the most despicable post I have seen from you thus far. If you are suggesting that it's acceptable for a 'pro-democracy' movement's leader to make threats of public violence in an effort to gain his objectives, regardless of whether he can then control the aftermath if his mob actually follow through with his threats, then I think you need to stop and think hard.

I'm also disgusted by your 'hiding behind women' comment. Do you think female police are different from male ones? Welcome to the 21st century, try to develop a more humanistic approach.

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At 4:18 pm, Thai PBS reported that troops were retreating from the Makkhawan Rangsan Bridge to the area in front of the Kurusapa Hall of the Education Ministry.

The station explained that the wind blew the tear gas back to troops, causing them to be unable to maintain position at the Makkhawan Bridge.

Could someone PLEASE explain to the army that you don't shoot gas AGAINST the wind?

It is rather pathetic isn't it. But it may be intentional as they no doubt want to fail in their attempts so as not to escalate the situation. Admittedly, it is difficult to see motive clearly thru the plot fog of the street theatre as it develops. That's what makes the play so interesting.

More amazing

they went in ready to use Tear Gas

but had no gas mask

how can you advance

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What is a trifle amusing is the fact that Jutaporn, Arisman, Veera and Weng and the absentee leader advocate violent means to achieve their aims in urban terrorist attacks,

However they scream so loudly when the authorities send out their big boys to play with them.

Play with fire Jatuporn, Arisman, Veera and Weng and absentee leader you burn your fingers.

Oh sorry you don't burn your fingers, you burn the fingers of the gullible folk you have lied to and bought.

In my younger days I experienced combat in both a military actions and later in an urban terrorist setting, in a military setting your foe and you know what to expect, trained to deal with the situation knowing the risks. You're both trained and equipped to do the job

Sadly in an urban terrorist street fighting setting the untrained unknowing little people are the ones who always suffer whilst the big mouthed rhetoric heroes are the quickest to run from danger and to safety.

''He who runs away doesn't get hurt.''

( No anti American comments as I am not an American )

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A news blackout can only discredit the present govt. Thais need to learn that a free press and free speech is one of the basic principles of any democracy. It suggests transparency and honesty. I hope they are reading this :)

I'm hearing a lot of gunshots on from a call in report on TNN.

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You know the sad thing about this is that Thaksin is probably 'knocking on out' over all this. He does not give on iota about the people that are being injured or even worse. He should take full responsibility for his actions. He has left the Country divided to meet his own ends. These poor ignorant farm workers are paying the full price, while he is probably sat drinking G and T's in Dubai. Democracy is not and never was on his agenda. He just wants to return to give payback to his enemies and resume his role as dictator.

I understand that the people of the North need a better deal, but this is not the right way to go about it. Get rid of all ties with this dictator, form a political party and achieve your goals in the proper democratic way. This guy is not worth dying for.

Cheers, Rick

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You know the sad thing about this is that Thaksin is probably 'knocking on out' over all this. He does not give on iota about the people that are being injured or even worse. He should take full responsibility for his actions. He has left the Country divided to meet his own ends. These poor ignorant farm workers are paying the full price, while he is probably sat drinking G and T's in Dubai. Democracy is not and never was on his agenda. He just wants to return to give payback to his enemies and resume his role as dictator.

I understand that the people of the North need a better deal, but this is not the right way to go about it. Get rid of all ties with this dictator, form a political party and achieve your goals in the proper democratic way. This guy is not worth dying for.

Cheers, Rick

Agreed Rick and that's the point that many of us have been making for days.

Cheers, Hummy

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You know the sad thing about this is that Thaksin is probably 'knocking on out' over all this. He does not give on iota about the people that are being injured or even worse. He should take full responsibility for his actions. He has left the Country divided to meet his own ends. These poor ignorant farm workers are paying the full price, while he is probably sat drinking G and T's in Dubai. Democracy is not and never was on his agenda. He just wants to return to give payback to his enemies and resume his role as dictator.

I understand that the people of the North need a better deal, but this is not the right way to go about it. Get rid of all ties with this dictator, form a political party and achieve your goals in the proper democratic way. This guy is not worth dying for.

Cheers, Rick

I think if you just translated this verbatim into Thai, put it in a brochure and went door to door in rural areas of Thailand it just might be a game changer.

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A news blackout can only discredit the present govt. Thais need to learn that a free press and free speech is one of the basic principles of any democracy. It suggests transparency and honesty. I hope they are reading this :)

I'm hearing a lot of gunshots on from a call in report on TNN.

Under the circumstances it's a good move. They tried to clamp down yesterday but called it off apparently because the plan was "leaked" (we were talking about it on here for hours before hand).

It's a sure bet that the events of this Songkran will be discussed no end once it's over, regardless of outcome. There's a tonne of journalists down there now, as well as regular citizens with cameras (as encouraged by their leaders). I doubt any events which occur will go unreported.

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You know the sad thing about this is that Thaksin is probably 'knocking on out' over all this. He does not give on iota about the people that are being injured or even worse. He should take full responsibility for his actions. He has left the Country divided to meet his own ends. These poor ignorant farm workers are paying the full price, while he is probably sat drinking G and T's in Dubai.

Hardly. I don't get it, why do so many people pass Issan folk as "poor, ignorant, farm workers", who are willing to blindly follow Thaksin like sheep? Many of them may not have education, but they are human, and do have intelligence and critical thinking skills.

Thaksin simply opened the door for them after centuries of oppression, and let them know what kind of life is possible if they reach out for it. It's just that the door he opened can never be shut. Given everything, I'm certain the red shirts would be doing exactly what they're doing now, with or without Thaksin around.

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form a political party and achieve your goals in the proper democratic way.

Impossible in the current Thai system unfortunately.

Could that be the reason that Abhisit is determined to stay in power, reform? Then I ask who else is going to lead Thailand in to the future? Jutuporn?

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You know the sad thing about this is that Thaksin is probably 'knocking on out' over all this. He does not give on iota about the people that are being injured or even worse. He should take full responsibility for his actions. He has left the Country divided to meet his own ends. These poor ignorant farm workers are paying the full price, while he is probably sat drinking G and T's in Dubai. Democracy is not and never was on his agenda. He just wants to return to give payback to his enemies and resume his role as dictator.

I understand that the people of the North need a better deal, but this is not the right way to go about it. Get rid of all ties with this dictator, form a political party and achieve your goals in the proper democratic way. This guy is not worth dying for.

Cheers, Rick

Agreed Rick and that's the point that many of us have been making for days.

Cheers, Hummy

Isn't that the thing though? As has been said before most 'anti-reds' on TV are not really anti-red, they're anti Thaksin, and again, very few are actually yellow. Of course no-one cares what we think but the return of our box-headed Chinese friend will be a disaster for this country. Thai reds- Drop this meglomaniac, withdraw from the direct action theatre and pursue political means to reach your goals. In friend Mark, you may just have someone who will listen to you and see the wisdom of change.

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form a political party and achieve your goals in the proper democratic way.

Impossible in the current Thai system unfortunately.

So please explain as to why this is impossible. Abhisit is far from stupid and he knows that he must win over the Northern people. In fact he has already taken steps to do so by financing the farmers debt. The Red leaders are on a power trip and you can see this when they address the reds. Are they anywhere near the action today?

I have been watching the news all day and it is the minions at the front taking all the risks. The leaders stay out of harms way and let the canon fodder lead the charge. Thank God or Buddha that there has not been many women and children in sight.

Very sad,

Cheers, Rick

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form a political party and achieve your goals in the proper democratic way.

Impossible in the current Thai system unfortunately.

Could that be the reason that Abhisit is determined to stay in power, reform? Then I ask who else is going to lead Thailand in to the future? Jutuporn?

Everyone knows that Governments don't run countries now... Corporations do!

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form a political party and achieve your goals in the proper democratic way.

Impossible in the current Thai system unfortunately.

And how about two additional public holidays in the coming week, Monday and Friday, is that possible?

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form a political party and achieve your goals in the proper democratic way.

Impossible in the current Thai system unfortunately.

And it will continue to be as long as the reds keep acting like they are.

Most of the country would get behind them if they were campaigning for real social change. Only a fool would follow them when their sole purpose is to exonerate the square faced dictator.

If there is any hope for democracy in Thailand, it will begin by the reds denouncing Thaksin and trying to form a real party with a real political agenda. I can only hope that one day they will wake up and recognize this. Democracy can not begin until the people want it. As long as the reds keep pushing for the return of a dictator, that is exactly what they will get. Although probably not the dictator they are currently campaigning for.

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Hardly. I don't get it, why do so many people pass Issan folk as "poor, ignorant, farm workers",

who are willing to blindly follow Thaksin like sheep? Many of them may not have education,

but they are human, and do have intelligence and critical thinking skills.

Thaksin simply opened the door for them after centuries of oppression, and let them know what kind of life is possible if they reach out for it. It's just that the door he opened can never be shut. Given everything, I'm certain the red shirts would be doing exactly what they're doing now, with or without Thaksin around.

More likely The Communication Age, enlightened those up country under-educated and under-informed folks,

Thaksin was the first to harness that, simply because he could ALSO profit from it.

Get them loans to buy his phones, and then charge by the minute....

So his government gave loans, that he took credit for it, and then his salesmen arrive in town

with great phone deals... solidifying image and information control. And incidentally pull back the

social veil enough to let them know they are not as well off as others, and then tell them

they CAN be if they stand by him...

The battle over PTV was not about letting information get to the people,

but about letting fair and balanced information flow freely,

not in the FoxNews version of fair and balanced either.

That's essentially what PTV was putting out, but it had veered from legal communications

into pure insurrection propaganda, ie a control mechanism. So without their propaganda

central mouth piece the Reds risked losing control of the masses just at a critical time.

So they went postal on Thaicoms security... well guess what;

you can pull the tigers whiskers only so many times before the tiger eats you,

even if that tiger was raised from a pet in your home...

The scorpion asks the turtle for a ride across the river, turtle says; No you'll sting me.

Scorpion says; Oh no I won't then we would both die.

Half way across scorpion stings the turtle.

A dieing turtle asks; Why? Why did you sting me? Now we will both die.

Scorpion says, with a sigh; But it's just my nature to sting you.

He saw the route to power through them. Not educating them,

but harnessing their LACK of information access just enough to control them.

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form a political party and achieve your goals in the proper democratic way.

Impossible in the current Thai system unfortunately.

So please explain as to why this is impossible. Abhisit is far from stupid and he knows that he must win over the Northern people. In fact he has already taken steps to do so by financing the farmers debt. The Red leaders are on a power trip and you can see this when they address the reds. Are they anywhere near the action today?

I have been watching the news all day and it is the minions at the front taking all the risks. The leaders stay out of harms way and let the canon fodder lead the charge. Thank God or Buddha that there has not been many women and children in sight.

Very sad,

Cheers, Rick

A fact that goes ignored by many here. I posted the same yesterday... not one response from the other side, I also included The Mekong River Commission's agreement to solve the water shortage downstream. But it fall on ear's of stone.

Cheers, Hummy

Edited by humfurry
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You know the sad thing about this is that Thaksin is probably 'knocking on out' over all this. He does not give on iota about the people that are being injured or even worse. He should take full responsibility for his actions. He has left the Country divided to meet his own ends. These poor ignorant farm workers are paying the full price, while he is probably sat drinking G and T's in Dubai.

Hardly. I don't get it, why do so many people pass Issan folk as "poor, ignorant, farm workers", who are willing to blindly follow Thaksin like sheep? Many of them may not have education, but they are human, and do have intelligence and critical thinking skills.

Thaksin simply opened the door for them after centuries of oppression, and let them know what kind of life is possible if they reach out for it. It's just that the door he opened can never be shut. Given everything, I'm certain the red shirts would be doing exactly what they're doing now, with or without Thaksin around.

and you'd be wrong ......

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You know the sad thing about this is that Thaksin is probably 'knocking on out' over all this. He does not give on iota about the people that are being injured or even worse. He should take full responsibility for his actions. He has left the Country divided to meet his own ends. These poor ignorant farm workers are paying the full price, while he is probably sat drinking G and T's in Dubai.

Hardly. I don't get it, why do so many people pass Issan folk as "poor, ignorant, farm workers", who are willing to blindly follow Thaksin like sheep? Many of them may not have education, but they are human, and do have intelligence and critical thinking skills.

Thaksin simply opened the door for them after centuries of oppression, and let them know what kind of life is possible if they reach out for it. It's just that the door he opened can never be shut. Given everything, I'm certain the red shirts would be doing exactly what they're doing now, with or without Thaksin around.

I have spent time in Isaan and my extended family are from that area. Most of the people that I met were as I described in my earlier post. They are lovely people and no one is denying that, but they have limited education, a love for strong alcohol at all times of the day and not enough money to support this. they will follow anyone that gives them virtually anything. Thaksin fooled them into believing that he was giving them something. He gave them more loans, telephones and more debt.

This is the way it is in my opinion.

Cheers, Rick

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A news blackout can only discredit the present govt. Thais need to learn that a free press and free speech is one of the basic principles of any democracy. It suggests transparency and honesty. I hope they are reading this :)

I'm hearing a lot of gunshots on from a call in report on TNN.

I'd like more video as well. Truthfully, most Thais don't really care what the military news stations care to broadcast about recent events. The Thais I was with were irritated at Abhisit for scheduling his statement a couple nights ago interrupting a soap opera.

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form a political party and achieve your goals in the proper democratic way.

Impossible in the current Thai system unfortunately.

So please explain as to why this is impossible. Abhisit is far from stupid and he knows that he must win over the Northern people. In fact he has already taken steps to do so by financing the farmers debt. The Red leaders are on a power trip and you can see this when they address the reds. Are they anywhere near the action today?

I have been watching the news all day and it is the minions at the front taking all the risks. The leaders stay out of harms way and let the canon fodder lead the charge. Thank God or Buddha that there has not been many women and children in sight.

Very sad,

Cheers, Rick

A fact that goes ignored by many here. I posted the same yesterday... not one response from the other side, I also included The Mekong River Commission's agreement to solve the water shortage downstream. But it fall on ear's of stone.

Cheers, Hummy

Of course it will do Hummy. People here hear only what they want to hear.

Cheers, Rick

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You know the sad thing about this is that Thaksin is probably 'knocking on out' over all this. He does not give on iota about the people that are being injured or even worse. He should take full responsibility for his actions. He has left the Country divided to meet his own ends. These poor ignorant farm workers are paying the full price, while he is probably sat drinking G and T's in Dubai. Democracy is not and never was on his agenda. He just wants to return to give payback to his enemies and resume his role as dictator.

I understand that the people of the North need a better deal, but this is not the right way to go about it. Get rid of all ties with this dictator, form a political party and achieve your goals in the proper democratic way. This guy is not worth dying for.

Cheers, Rick

Agreed Rick and that's the point that many of us have been making for days.

Cheers, Hummy

Isn't that the thing though? As has been said before most 'anti-reds' on TV are not really anti-red, they're anti Thaksin, and again, very few are actually yellow. Of course no-one cares what we think but the return of our box-headed Chinese friend will be a disaster for this country. Thai reds- Drop this meglomaniac, withdraw from the direct action theatre and pursue political means to reach your goals. In friend Mark, you may just have someone who will listen to you and see the wisdom of change.

I think bangkokrick makes an excellent point and probably this is the key to the whole problem.

I support Abhisit, detest Thaksin, but have a sincere sympathy for the people of the north and northeast poorer regions who have been led to believe Thaksin is some kind of indispensable cult hero.

He is fast becoming irrelevant and sadly it is because a few hundred of Thaksin's diehard bullyboys are holding this crowd together that they must lose in the end.

As numerous posters have said before "IT'S ALL ABOUT THAKSIN"

Cast Thaksin adrift, get rid of the local Thaksin godfathers and there may be a chance for the real Red Shirt people to rise out of this mess with some future. to look forward to.

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You know the sad thing about this is that Thaksin is probably 'knocking on out' over all this. He does not give on iota about the people that are being injured or even worse. He should take full responsibility for his actions. He has left the Country divided to meet his own ends. These poor ignorant farm workers are paying the full price, while he is probably sat drinking G and T's in Dubai.

Hardly. I don't get it, why do so many people pass Issan folk as "poor, ignorant, farm workers", who are willing to blindly follow Thaksin like sheep? Many of them may not have education, but they are human, and do have intelligence and critical thinking skills.

Thaksin simply opened the door for them after centuries of oppression, and let them know what kind of life is possible if they reach out for it. It's just that the door he opened can never be shut. Given everything, I'm certain the red shirts would be doing exactly what they're doing now, with or without Thaksin around.

and you'd be wrong ......

He'd be worse than wrong.

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You know the sad thing about this is that Thaksin is probably 'knocking on out' over all this. He does not give on iota about the people that are being injured or even worse. He should take full responsibility for his actions. He has left the Country divided to meet his own ends. These poor ignorant farm workers are paying the full price, while he is probably sat drinking G and T's in Dubai. Democracy is not and never was on his agenda. He just wants to return to give payback to his enemies and resume his role as dictator.

I understand that the people of the North need a better deal, but this is not the right way to go about it. Get rid of all ties with this dictator, form a political party and achieve your goals in the proper democratic way. This guy is not worth dying for.

Cheers, Rick

Agreed Rick and that's the point that many of us have been making for days.

Cheers, Hummy

Isn't that the thing though? As has been said before most 'anti-reds' on TV are not really anti-red, they're anti Thaksin, and again, very few are actually yellow. Of course no-one cares what we think but the return of our box-headed Chinese friend will be a disaster for this country. Thai reds- Drop this meglomaniac, withdraw from the direct action theatre and pursue political means to reach your goals. In friend Mark, you may just have someone who will listen to you and see the wisdom of change.

I think bangkokrick makes an excellent point and probably this is the key to the whole problem.

I support Abhisit, detest Thaksin, but have a sincere sympathy for the people of the north and northeast poorer regions who have been led to believe Thaksin is some kind of indispensable cult hero.

He is fast becoming irrelevant and sadly it is because a few hundred of Thaksin's diehard bullyboys are holding this crowd together that they must lose in the end.

As numerous posters have said before "IT'S ALL ABOUT THAKSIN"

Cast Thaksin adrift, get rid of the local Thaksin godfathers and there may be a chance for the real Red Shirt people to rise out of this mess with some future. to look forward to.

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