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Thai Government Hangs By A Thread


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Parading corpses in front of thousands of people to incite violence is one of the most sickest things I have ever seen. Having lived in Thailand for four years this is the first time I am seriously worried about being in a country where people as deranged as this think they have a chance of being in power.

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French photographer tells me she saw troops open fire on medics trying to evacuate wounded.

14 minutes ago via mobile web Shooting continues even as ambulances arrive to take away the injured.

28 minutes ago via mobile web Colleague says he saw one man shot in the groin. The tarmac around Democracy Monument spattered with blood.

29 minutes ago via mobile web The Royal Thai Army is killing its people. Again.

31 minutes ago via mobile web Eyewitness reports of other injuries. Soldier dead or near dead. Man with brain blown out.

32 minutes ago via mobile web People are dying now. Just saw a red shirt, looking very dead, taken away in ambulance.

33 minutes ago via mobile web Cars and buildings in Khao San riddled with bullet holes.

39 minutes ago via mobile web Barricades going up at Khao San. Reds preparing for soldiers' return. Several pools of blood on road.

40 minutes ago via mobile web Don't listen to bland Thai govt reassuarances. Khao San is a dangerous place. I've seen 2 tourists with injuries.

about 1 hour ago via mobile web Khao San lis shuttered up, red shirts everywhere. It looks like a warzone.

about 1 hour ago via mobile web Streets littered with broken cars, bricks, other projectiles. Soldiers have retreated.

about 1 hour ago via mobile web Pitched battles in streets around Khao San. Tourists ducking for cover. A red shirt with an AK47.

about 1 hour ago via mobile web A Thai journalist carried out, bleeding.

about 1 hour ago via mobile web Massive explosions, gunfire around Khao San.

about 1 hour ago via mobile web Scenes of chaos at Khao San. Tourists tell me they saw horrific inuries, an old man with an eye hanging out.

about 1 hour ago via mobile web Walked past Govt House. 100s more soldiers, some heavily armed, facing down 500 or so reds.

oh really? same same as last year?

what's so disgusting is... you indulge your mind-habits... it's ok to believe soldiers will shoot medics --- _while at very same time_ there's plenty of information available... it's RED's who attacked soldiers & police.

so what's really enligthening, level-head - is _your_ individual inclination for delusions: be those "ideological romanticism" (from centuries long time ago) or be those... following (so-called) media-sources.

you just have made up your mind. & you enjoy indulging it. &, brother, inevitably, pain of dis-illusion will set in. & you'll go on "cold turkey" for next fanaticism.

thanks for your time

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I log off now, disgusted by the people on here who support government controlled violence against their own people.

When you attack, people will defend.

Who attacked who ? Who started this ?

Sleep well Abhisit and Suthep, the blood is on your hands.

Stop the violence and stop the killing !!

Sleep well, drama queen.

The reds (and their 'peaceful' protest) were given every chance to withdraw gracefully - they secured good progress in their campaign to have the rural voice heard.

Regrettably, it appears that was not the entire agenda.

Tam dee, dai dee. Reap what you sow - there are many cliches and hackneyed phrases flying around.

Thai rak Thai ????? <deleted> !

I hope the red leadership are proud of what they have achieved. The blood is on their hands - not Abhisit's.

Its sad how quickly and easily you dismiss the deaths of five people, "given every chance to withdraw" so because they didn't its perfectly acceptable to shoot them. Is this what your saying?

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The military/judiciary appointed government decided to end the peaceful demonstration - and make it into a violent one. The result is not unexpected. The consequences will give the Abhisit government a similar credibility to the Chinese after Tianamen.

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I log off now, disgusted by the people on here who support government controlled violence against their own people.

When you attack, people will defend.

Who attacked who ? Who started this ?

Sleep well Abhisit and Suthep, the blood is on your hands.

Stop the violence and stop the killing !!

Sleep well, drama queen.

The reds (and their 'peaceful' protest) were given every chance to withdraw gracefully - they secured good progress in their campaign to have the rural voice heard.

Regrettably, it appears that was not the entire agenda.

Tam dee, dai dee. Reap what you sow - there are many cliches and hackneyed phrases flying around.

Thai rak Thai ????? <deleted> !

I hope the red leadership are proud of what they have achieved. The blood is on their hands - not Abhisit's.

Its sad how quickly and easily you dismiss the deaths of five people, "given every chance to withdraw" so because they didn't its perfectly acceptable to shoot them. Is this what your saying?

they came here for a violent confrontation and they got one

som nom naa

see how proud they are?

parading the bodies of their dead on stage

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You would think that it would be possible to clear protesters without automatic weapons. Another great day in the history of the Thai Army.

Thats the thing your supposed to use your police for clearing protesters once you put the army on the streets your asking for trouble.

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Try Gordon Brown for one, Bibi Netanyahu for another.

No new elections called when they took office.

Blair retired, Brown voted in by Mps.

Bibi's party came insecond, but the winner failed to get a coalition with enough seats,

Netanyahu is PM of Israel with 2nd place minority party.

No new election called... this could last till next election cycles, or fall and a new one come in.

This has happened in many countries...

A parliament is elected and and IF a party shows

enough leadership to quickly put together a new coalition

they form a government, if they fall and another can quickly do the same they can.

This can go on until either a vote of no confidence is passed calling for a new

parliament to be elected, of the ruling PM dissolves the parliament.

If neither of these options happen then an election is called.

Essentially if a coalition can claim enough MP's they can rule.

I've sent them links to this information before, but when presented with facts they choose to ignore.

What link ? Here is your link


There was a general ELECTION in Israel in 2010 , The Likud came secund formed a coalition with a smaller party

and therefore came to power .

All this is perfectly legal


Thus by democratic standard Abhisit is 100% illegitimate

As for Gordon Brown he was Tony Blair deputy and took over when Tony Blair resigned to have more time with

his familly . What are you trying to compare ... ?

Please do not assume other poster are totally dumb.

Your idea of democracy is completely distorted , learn first what democracy means

Sorry to all for the diversion

Edited by moresomekl
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Includes a dead Reuters Japanese journalist, Huroyuki Muramoto, shot in the chest. Rubber bullets do not do this.

:) took a lesson from the Burmese junta?

It is the Reds using live bullets.

I know you want to believe this so bad, but this doesn't make it true. ASTV, government media, your sources just may lead you to believe something that fits your preconceptions, but may not be true.

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The military/judiciary appointed government decided to end the peaceful demonstration - and make it into a violent one. The result is not unexpected. The consequences will give the Abhisit government a similar credibility to the Chinese after Tianamen.

the reds drew first blood

som non naa

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The military/judiciary appointed government decided to end the peaceful demonstration - and make it into a violent one. The result is not unexpected. The consequences will give the Abhisit government a similar credibility to the Chinese after Tianamen.

Couldn't be more wrong, on many counts. And any insinuation that this group of Red thugs and para-military running around tonight are in the same class as the students at Tianamen is sadly misplaced.

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The military/judiciary appointed government decided to end the peaceful demonstration - and make it into a violent one. The result is not unexpected. The consequences will give the Abhisit government a similar credibility to the Chinese after Tianamen.

HUH? The reds were told to leave under a lawful order --- the troops didn't march in.

The reds were told 8 more times --- the troops didn't march in.

The reds attacked various places ending with Thaicom yesterday ---- the troops didn't march in.

The reds attacked 1st Regiment --- they were repelled and troops were deployed.

The reds use lethal force and the troops reply with lethal force.

and you want to blame someone but the reds?

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I log off now, disgusted by the people on here who support government controlled violence against their own people.

When you attack, people will defend.

Who attacked who ? Who started this ?

Sleep well Abhisit and Suthep, the blood is on your hands.

Stop the violence and stop the killing !!

Sleep well, drama queen.

The reds (and their 'peaceful' protest) were given every chance to withdraw gracefully - they secured good progress in their campaign to have the rural voice heard.

Regrettably, it appears that was not the entire agenda.

Tam dee, dai dee. Reap what you sow - there are many cliches and hackneyed phrases flying around.

Thai rak Thai ????? <deleted> !

I hope the red leadership are proud of what they have achieved. The blood is on their hands - not Abhisit's.

Its sad how quickly and easily you dismiss the deaths of five people, "given every chance to withdraw" so because they didn't its perfectly acceptable to shoot them. Is this what your saying?


Live by the sword, die by the sword.

First 'shot' ?

Deaths were, regrettably, inevitable once the protest failed to live up to it's billing as 'peaceful'.

Forget already the comments about "if the army attack us we will sit down and make them remove us ..." apologies for misquote but you understand the point.

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The military/judiciary appointed government decided to end the peaceful demonstration - and make it into a violent one. The result is not unexpected. The consequences will give the Abhisit government a similar credibility to the Chinese after Tianamen.

Peaceful? Did all the molotov cocktails, weapons and bombs just spontaneously appear?

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The military/judiciary appointed government decided to end the peaceful demonstration - and make it into a violent one. The result is not unexpected. The consequences will give the Abhisit government a similar credibility to the Chinese after Tianamen.

Couldn't be more wrong, on many counts. And any insinuation that this group of Red thugs and para-military running around tonight are in the same class as the students at Tianamen is sadly misplaced.

The soldiers and freedom fighters killed and injured were all in the same class. Unfortunately, Abhisit and the Generals who scripted this are in another class. There is a struggle for power, a struggle that may take a long, long time.

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Threathening and doing it for real are VERY VERY different things .

Never happen to you to threaten someone when you are angry ?

If Red shirts are shot at of course they defend themselves , its sad

but unavoidable . What do you expect ? .

Its the police hiding behind women . You are confused

Consider if you were to head back to your country today. While you are there threaten to kill your countries leader. Also threaten to derail a commuter train. Do this during a demonstration and broadcast it to your nation. What do you think the response would be?

Edited by way2muchcoffee
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The military/judiciary appointed government decided to end the peaceful demonstration - and make it into a violent one. The result is not unexpected. The consequences will give the Abhisit government a similar credibility to the Chinese after Tianamen.

Peaceful? Did all the molotov cocktails, weapons and bombs just spontaneously appear?

Apparently he never listened to the violence that was preached from the red stage!

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It is the Reds using live bullets.

4 red shirts dead.

There is film of Thai Army using live weapons.

Not a single Army causality...

How do you explain your logic?

bangkokpundit: ThaiPBS: Report of something thrown from the reds side injuring soliders

MCOT: Explosion at Kok Wua injures many in clashes between soldiers and Reds; protesters throw firebombs at soldiers

THE NATION: At Kokwua Intersection, protesters used lie ammunitions and M26 grenades while troops battled them with rubber bullets.

bangkokpundit: ThaiPBS: Reporter at hospital where military are being taken. One seriously injured

BMA's deputy governor Dr Malinee Sukavejworakit revealed 242 people were injured from the clash and 8 killed. 4 soliders and 4 civilians.

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Channel 9 on live video now showing reds throwing molotov cocktails into buildings near Phan Fa and setting then on fire.

They are ordinary shophouses. The living and working places of ordinary working people. What sort of a "people's revolution" is this?

The type where Thaksin's paid thugs need as much violence as possible to get an immediate change of government

Agreed. Unless they make it seem a total conflagration they have no hope.

I believe most Thais have seen them trying more and more to create this

scene of chaos and destruction, and attempts to blame others for their

intense attempt to discredit the government. But it is theater, it is a sham.

And it is way too sad.

Edited by animatic
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The military/judiciary appointed government decided to end the peaceful demonstration - and make it into a violent one. The result is not unexpected. The consequences will give the Abhisit government a similar credibility to the Chinese after Tianamen.

Couldn't be more wrong, on many counts. And any insinuation that this group of Red thugs and para-military running around tonight are in the same class as the students at Tianamen is sadly misplaced.

The soldiers and freedom fighters killed and injured were all in the same class. Unfortunately, Abhisit and the Generals who scripted this are in another class. There is a struggle for power, a struggle that may take a long, long time.

and off into ignore this new 'returnee' goes ---- but not without noting that the 'scripting' for this came 100% from Dubai.

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Channel 9 on live video now showing reds throwing molotov cocktails into buildings near Phan Fa and setting then on fire.

They are ordinary shophouses. The living and working places of ordinary working people. What sort of a "people's revolution" is this?

A Maoist/terrorist one. One to be completely REJECTED by all civilized people, in Thailand, and all over the world. That kind.

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The military/judiciary appointed government decided to end the peaceful demonstration - and make it into a violent one. The result is not unexpected. The consequences will give the Abhisit government a similar credibility to the Chinese after Tianamen.

the reds drew first blood

som non naa

shame shame shame - people are dying and you are satisfied now!!!!???

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