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Redshirt Payout


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If I really thought this was a true democratic grassroots movement I would be the first to support it even though I like and think Ab is doing a pretty good job but change comes slowly in Thailand.

Someone had mentioned that the reds were being payed something like 4000 baht but that this could not be collected unless they stayed the entire length of the protest.

So do you think Thaksin has maybe promised 10 or 20,000 baht to all protesters if the gov't is overthrown and he is able to get back his money?

It could be given to a regional leader than passed along to the active protesters.

I hope not but would not surprise me in the least as I believe Thaksin is the main catalyst behind this movement and the need for democracy comes in a distant second.

Edited by losworld
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The OP has lost me here.

Thinks Ab is doing a good job but that Thaksin comes first and need for democracy comes second.

As I recall Thaksin was voted in TWICE in a democratic vote, the ouctome of which has met UN and EU requirements.

Ab came in through a defacto coup.

There is a grassroots movement (and also the reds) concerned that their candidate, voted in twice, has been illegally ousted by the military and the Bangkok elite. The Reds are perhaps just the more vocal group. Grass roots people have been disenfracnhised by the appointed of Ab.

You can despise the reds no problem, but that does not mean that Thaksin is any less legitimately elected or that a coup installed Ab is more legitimate. If you want democracy the people have spoken...TWICE. Intersting would be what would happen if Thaksin was allowed to run again, despite the negative press and court outcome. What would all the pundits be saying if he was voted in democratically again.

Thaksin is by no means squeakly clean.....but he is legitimately elected, unlike Ab.

Edited by mamborobert
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The OP has lost me here.

Thinks Ab is doing a good job but that Thaksin comes first and need for democracy comes second.

As I recall Thaksin was voted in TWICE in a democratic vote, the ouctome of which has met UN and EU requirements.

Ab came in through a defacto coup.

There is a grassroots movement (and also the reds) concerned that their candidate, voted in twice, has been illegally ousted by the military and the Bangkok elite. The Reds are perhaps just the more vocal group. Grass roots people have been disenfracnhised by teh appointed of Ab.

You can despise the reds no problem, but that does not mean that Thaksin is any less legitimately elected or that a coup installed Ab is more lgitimate. If you want democracy the people have spoken...TWICE. Intersting would be what woudl happen if Thaksin was allowed to run again, desopite the negative press and court outcome. What would all the pundits be saying if he was voted in democratically again.

Thaksin is by no means squeakly clean.....but he legitimately elected, unlike Ab.

Are we including vote buying as democratically elected?

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Certainly their was vote buying...on both sides...not codoning that at all

My vote gets bought to a degree as well with promises of tax policy or tax refunds, or offsets, or foreign policy decisions etc.

Ab didn't have to do that at all.

But...the cash vote buying was not so much as to make the elections void for UN or EU purposes. You never heard anyone say that the elections which Thaksin won was a complete farce (unlike say the Mugabe). Their were problems...no doubt, same in US with Florida :)

But more EU and UN complaints and concerns rose out of the Ab takeover than the two Thaksin elections.

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Certainly their was vote buying...on both sides...not codoning that at all

My vote gets bought to a degree as well with promises of tax policy or tax refunds, or offsets, or foreign policy decisions etc.

Ab didn't have to do that at all.

But...the cash vote buying was not so much as to make the elections void for UN or EU purposes. You never heard anyone say that the elections which Thaksin won was a complete farce (unlike say the Mugabe). Their were problems...no doubt, same in US with Florida :)

But more EU and UN complaints and concerns rose out of the Ab takeover than the two Thaksin elections.

I understand what you are saying but could not support a movement forwarded by Thaksin. He is just too corrupt. However, I could easily support a real democratic movement that favors assisting the poor and disenfranchised Thais. Just don't think this redshirt movement has much to do with democracy.

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Britmaveric you obviously have no idea what you are talking about and you are dead wrong. Here is a little video for you:

And mamborobert...if you think handing out 500 baht notes, viagra pills and pick up trucks in exchange for votes is "democratic" then you and I don't agree on the meaning of the word. And yes...I know many recipients!

I usually don't chime in on political threads but this one was so off the mark I had no choice.

Now all you who disagree may begin your flaming!!! Enjoy

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