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Throng Of Tuk Tuk Drivers Deliver Major Beat Down To Two Tourists On Patong.


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Never ever get into an argument with a tuk-tuk driver or anyone of a simialr occupation in Thailand, especially if you have been drinking. Agree the price when you leave and you should have no problems. If you do, tell the driver that you want the police to sort the mess out.

And when the stop halfway, in the dark somewhere, and demand more money for the journey, what choices do you have????

I haven't used them for years and have no intention of musing them again until the whole industry is cleaned up.

Yet, in a similar tourist entertainment area, Pattaya, the baht buses are making good money abd providing great transport.

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I haven't used them for years and have no intention of musing them again until the whole industry is cleaned up.

That's just it. You don't use them. I don't use them. The OP who started the thread doesn't use them. Nobody who has taken part in this thread uses them, so what's everybody getting their knickers in a twist about.

I had no idea everybody was so principled that they are prepared to fight for a cause that has no bearing on themselves what so ever.

They're there for the tourists primarily, and the vast majority don't seem to have any issues with them, so why not let them get on with it.

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That's just it. You don't use them. I don't use them. The OP who started the thread doesn't use them. Nobody who has taken part in this thread uses them, so what's everybody getting their knickers in a twist about.

I had no idea everybody was so principled that they are prepared to fight for a cause that has no bearing on themselves what so ever.

They're there for the tourists primarily, and the vast majority don't seem to have any issues with them, so why not let them get on with it.

No bearing whatsover? Seriosly? Wow man... your really showing your newbie stripes here.

I am curious JOESHEAD..do you live in Phuket? You must not. If you lived here you would or should know that the problem extends way beyond the mere fact that we can't/won't use them. There are lots of examples of how they can cause trouble even when we aren't a customer. They effect us all in many ways including negatively effecting tourism which many of us living here rely on. They blockade roads when their monopoly is threatened. Drivers pay off police and local authorities to gain the best parking spots along beach road. There are 500% to many of them and they clog the roads slowly trolling for fares, adding to the noise pollution with their endless honking. Our Thai friends and nieghbors cannot use them because they are so grossly overpriced.

The other day after I was teaching a diving course at the beach our pickup wasn't available and I was instructed to take a tuk tuk ~300m from the beach to the office. I had no choice. I would have rather waited but the Thai office secretary arrived and bargained down the price for the 90 second ride from 150 to 100 baht. Then sudenly the boss man started yelling "Mai die!" for no other reason than possibly because we had 3 tanks, two bags, and 2 people. They were happily willing leave us stranded there. The office secretary had to go in search of a tuk tuk from another area and after being told no by several drivers, she finally found one that was willing but had to pay an extra 100 baht because "very dangerous". That 100 baht was certainly later collected by the tuk tuks stationed at the beach even though they declined to service us.

Several years ago my mates and I were sitting in front of Mac Donalds on beach road during New Years, We were lighting and dropping small firecrackers near our feet for fun. Not towards anyone. One of the tuk tuk drivers who looked quite drunk, (and so were we) walked right up to us and started getting in our faces, even putting hands on me. I couldn't believe the audacity of this guy. We got into a brief shoving match until my very large mate pushed him away several times while telling him to go away. I was too new on the island to realize I should just shut the fuc_k up or risk the trouncing by 20 of his mates like I witnessed the other night. Some of the his mates were getting vocal as well, so we left. It was a no win situation. These kinds of interactions are reported by tourists all the time.

My Thai neighbor is in property sales and she frequently picks up clients from hotels. She has in the past on more than one occasion been stopped by tuk tuk/taxi mafia entering or exiting a resort/hotel and interrogated as to who she was and why she was transporting tourists without a pass issued by the mafia. This is a common complaint among hotels/resorts and business needing to transport their clients. Then, ironically, when she did later have to use the tuk tuks to transfer her customers, when the tuk tuk asked for an unreasonable fair and she protested, the driver told her Thai colleague to "Shut up the prostitute."

And of course if you haven't heard the story of the French family that got put in the hospital by the stick wielding tuk tuk driver for parking in a spot that was unofficially officially belonged to the mafia, then you definitely have been living under a rock. The tuk tuks and taxis are so numerous they take up all the parking in the beach areas and clog up traffic. I couldn't count the number of times I have been told I cannot park in a legal spot because the mafia claims it's theirs. Their numbers approach 1000 on the island, not counting the illegal ones, and we could get away with 300 easily. It's a huge money maker for some well connected, very wealthy, getting weather Thais like the son of Patong's mayor. He runs the Patong "club."

These are just a few examples. I could go on.

If you really think the tourists don't have a problem with them, then perhaps you can explain why several consulate officials met with Governor Wachai recently to complain primarily about one thing. I'll let you guess what it was. For s&g's go Google "Phuket tuk tuk" sometime and see what you find. Educate yourself.

I suggest you pick an argument you have some chance of winning, possibly one you actually know something about?

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There have always been too many tuk tuks on the island, especially around the Patong area. The only differences are that 25 years ago, a tuk tuk fare in Patong (local) was B30 (and you could get to Kamala, Karon or Kata for between B50 and B60); and the tuk tuks used to be constantly on the move, slowly circling the town (delaying traffic), beeping every farang they passed and calling out 'Tuk tuk?'. They now wait idly in the long lines at various places and do their touting to people as they walk past. There are still too many of them - indeed, even more than before. The reason? If they only average two B250 fares in an entire day, they have received more than double the minimum wage. It's easy money. Little wonder this mob of thugs want to keep competition out (eg more bus and songthaew services). The boom in motorcycle taxis is biting into their customer base - providing a cheaper option. I imagine there would be occasions that tuk tuk drivers work an entire day without getting any fares at all.

The solution to this aspect of the problem is so simple that it's pointless stating the obvious - so why has it taken so long to address it? And will the Governor ever achieve his stated intention of controlling this mob? We all know that time can move very slowly in Thailand and that the Thai way often involves compromise/face saving. Don't be surprised if the end result of the Governor's efforts involves very little change to the current situation.


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This gets right to heart of the matter. Why step in to help a 'defenceless girl being beaten by a thug' when you risk 20 thais jumping you in return? It is US against THEM. Like it or not, thais either want our money or our blood.

This is why Joeshead has got this completely wrong. Accepting these types of societal norms harms us all - farang and thai.

again.... the best way to defeat a bully ( tuk tuk drivers ) is to stand up to them not runaway ...the longer people keep filling their pants when confronted by these guys the worse this gets ......this is not unique to Thailand ... i had the same experience in Bali , France (taxi) , Italy (taxi) .......... sorry to say but the heart of this problems lies in what is un folding in Bangkok ....no respect for the Law and a Police force who fails to en force the Law ...... hence the corruption , intimidation and violence ....... where will it end ???

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That's just it. You don't use them. I don't use them. The OP who started the thread doesn't use them. Nobody who has taken part in this thread uses them, so what's everybody getting their knickers in a twist about.

I had no idea everybody was so principled that they are prepared to fight for a cause that has no bearing on themselves what so ever.

They're there for the tourists primarily, and the vast majority don't seem to have any issues with them, so why not let them get on with it.

It's because they are bashing the sh*t out of unsuspecting tourist - as the OP has writen. They are extorting them, then, when the price is questioned by the passengers, they are set upon by 20 other drivers and bashed and robbed. This is what the threat is about. Not the fact that expats know not to use them so who cares about the tourist!!!!!!!!

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There have always been too many tuk tuks on the island, especially around the Patong area. The only differences are that 25 years ago, a tuk tuk fare in Patong (local) was B30 (and you could get to Kamala, Karon or Kata for between B50 and B60); and the tuk tuks used to be constantly on the move, slowly circling the town (delaying traffic), beeping every farang they passed and calling out 'Tuk tuk?'. They now wait idly in the long lines at various places and do their touting to people as they walk past. There are still too many of them - indeed, even more than before. The reason? If they only average two B250 fares in an entire day, they have received more than double the minimum wage. It's easy money. Little wonder this mob of thugs want to keep competition out (eg more bus and songthaew services). The boom in motorcycle taxis is biting into their customer base - providing a cheaper option. I imagine there would be occasions that tuk tuk drivers work an entire day without getting any fares at all.

The solution to this aspect of the problem is so simple that it's pointless stating the obvious - so why has it taken so long to address it? And will the Governor ever achieve his stated intention of controlling this mob? We all know that time can move very slowly in Thailand and that the Thai way often involves compromise/face saving. Don't be surprised if the end result of the Governor's efforts involves very little change to the current situation.


One problem is, thus far, there have been NO EFFORTS, to change anything, from anybody.

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and the tuk tuks used to be constantly on the move, slowly circling the town (delaying traffic), beeping every farang they passed and calling out 'Tuk tuk?'. They now wait idly in the long lines at various places and do their touting to people as they walk past.

Agree with your point, but the slow trolling and honking at every farang is still very much a primary means to get a fare in Patong, Kata and Karon.

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No bearing whatsover? Seriosly? Wow man... your really showing your newbie stripes here.

I am curious JOESHEAD..do you live in Phuket? You must not. If you lived here you would or should know that the problem extends way beyond the mere fact that we can't/won't use them.

I suggest you pick an argument you have some chance of winning, possibly one you actually know something about?

I love the way people throw the word 'newbie' around, as if that could be the only possible reason that they have a different opinion.

I think you should stop using the royal 'we', as if everyone agrees with you. I think you will notice that there have been a considerable amount of people who have voiced similar opinions to myself. The fact that Tuk Tuks upset you so much doesn't mean they upset everybody. I for one, have far more issues with the behaviour of the average tourist, and have never had a single run in with a Tuk tuk driver.

I quite clearly, from my very first post, made it known that I thought their behaviour was bad, and I have never denied that there is a certain amount of Tuk tuk drivers that are morally lacking to say the least. I just knew that the hate for them, which I believe has grown disproportionately to reality, would mean that the Farangs behaviour (assumed) would be forgotten as if it wasn't even an issue. If you truly want Thai attitude to Farang to change, then the behaviour of Farang when in Thailand would need to change dramatically as well.

I don't profess to have 2000 posts worth of knowledge like your good self, but I used to use Tuk tuks a lot when I first came to Phuket 10 years ago. I used to fall out of Safari at 5AM every day, but never had any problems.

An example I have used is before. If the shoe was on the other foot, and it was Thai or any other Asian nation who poured in to the UK every day to throw their money around and behave as if they owned the place, there wouldn't be a slap here and there, there would be deaths and lots of them. On the whole Thai people have the patients of saints to deal with Farang tourists, I would like to slap some of them myself!

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I once witnessed the tuktuk guys select their victim, instigate a fight, then rob the victim while he was being beaten on the ground....all within 20 ft of the police box on the top of soi bangla. I was waiting for some friends who were parking their motorbike down the road(took them about 10-15 min to join me). Of course I sprinted over to alert the cops, who did absolutely nothing.

This was about 3-4 yrs ago....and yes, I am talking about a violent mugging in front of hundreds of people(most of whom didn't really even notice what was happening, as it happened so fast and that corner is very chaotic late at night). These guys obviously had zero fear of the police. Quite frankly I was first appalled, then scared as I realized the perpetrators saw me alert the cops and were giving me evil eye. Didn't go back to the top of bangla for quite some time after that.

The tuk tuk drivers are 99.9% rotten to the core. Stay away from them if you value your personal safety. And please, if your are a female alone, do not under any circumstance take a tuktuk by yourself.

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I once witnessed the tuktuk guys select their victim, instigate a fight, then rob the victim while he was being beaten on the ground....all within 20 ft of the police box on the top of soi bangla. I was waiting for some friends who were parking their motorbike down the road(took them about 10-15 min to join me). Of course I sprinted over to alert the cops, who did absolutely nothing.

This was about 3-4 yrs ago....and yes, I am talking about a violent mugging in front of hundreds of people(most of whom didn't really even notice what was happening, as it happened so fast and that corner is very chaotic late at night). These guys obviously had zero fear of the police. Quite frankly I was first appalled, then scared as I realized the perpetrators saw me alert the cops and were giving me evil eye. Didn't go back to the top of bangla for quite some time after that.

The tuk tuk drivers are 99.9% rotten to the core. Stay away from them if you value your personal safety. And please, if your are a female alone, do not under any circumstance take a tuktuk by yourself.

The reason they are not scared of the cops is because the cops are in on it. The drivers beat and rob the westener and they pay the cops to turn a blind eye.

To my way of thinking the cops are at fault the most because it's their job to ensure public safety.

A bunch of animals being run by an even bigger bunch of animals.

Unfortunately, the Thai tourism industry's propaganda machine works so well that westeners are unaware that they will be targetted if the animals see an opportunity present itself.

And equally unfortunate is that almost all western governments are fully aware that westeners (their countrymen) are frequently targeted in certain situations (ie: outside of the confines of your 4/5 star hotel) and they do absolutely nothing about it such as have clear and obvious permanent traveller warnings to Thailand (particularly Phuket, Bangkok,Pattaya) . Therfore, due to their inaction they are similarly culpable for any unprovoked and/or heavy-handed animal act on their citizens.

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I love the way people throw the word 'newbie' around, as if that could be the only possible reason that they have a different opinion.

I don't recall having ever called someone a "newbie" before. So you can apply your own logic to yourself and stop generalizing and using collective terms when speaking directly about something I wrote. The author of the post I was referring to clearly exhibited a lack of understanding of the issue and thus was deserving of the word.

I think you should stop using the royal 'we', as if everyone agrees with you.

The royal "we" was first used by the poster I was responding too. I replied to him using his terminology. It is true, however, that most expats know, or should know, the problems and do their best to stay away from the tuk tuk mafia.

I think you will notice that there have been a considerable amount of people who have voiced similar opinions to myself. The fact that Tuk Tuks upset you so much doesn't mean they upset everybody. I for one, have far more issues with the behaviour of the average tourist, and have never had a single run in with a Tuk tuk driver.

There are always 2 or 3 people that have voiced similar positions to yourself, but they never provide any real argument, just vapid, anecdotal tired generalizations that "farangs can be rude too" and "the same thing can happen anywhere" or "because I've never had a problem so just ignore them" and my personal favorite, some variation of "cue the the anti tuk tuk crowd." (on two occasions it was revealed that two of such people have tuk tuk drivers in the Thai gf/wives family, so the clear bias we see from time to time is understandable.) All these arguments are rationalizations (a cognitive process of making something seem consistent with or based on reason) for the mafias behavior and as long as you continue minimizing the problem, the more you will help it get worse. In terms of comments from TV board members, the numbers are about 10-1 against you. Are there tourists that don't have a problem with them? Of course. The majority probably don't. But even if it's only 30, 20 or even 10 percent that do, that's way to many. Remember that a person experiencing positive customer service generally tells 3 people, while a person experiencing a negative one tells 10. That saying predates the internet so now the person will potentialy tell thousands. That adds up to a lot of complaining and more negative image for Phuket and Thailand.

I quite clearly, from my very first post, made it known that I thought their behaviour was bad, and I have never denied that there is a certain amount of Tuk tuk drivers that are morally lacking to say the least. I just knew that the hate for them, which I believe has grown disproportionately to reality, would mean that the Farangs behaviour (assumed) would be forgotten as if it wasn't even an issue. If you truly want Thai attitude to Farang to change, then the behaviour of Farang when in Thailand would need to change dramatically as well.

I don't profess to have 2000 posts worth of knowledge like your good self, but I used to use Tuk tuks a lot when I first came to Phuket 10 years ago. I used to fall out of Safari at 5AM every day, but never had any problems.

An example I have used is before. If the shoe was on the other foot, and it was Thai or any other Asian nation who poured in to the UK every day to throw their money around and behave as if they owned the place, there wouldn't be a slap here and there, there would be deaths and lots of them. On the whole Thai people have the patients of saints to deal with Farang tourists, I would like to slap some of them myself!

To be fair to the drivers, many of them are not happy with the strictness of many of the rules they have to follow and the behavior of some of their comrades. I know some good ones. I have sympathy for some of them, the ones that don't jump in for a good sucker punch or kick in on a downed tourist, even if it is a bad behaving tourist.

I'll agree with you that 10 years ago it wasn't as bad. I used them a lot then too. The situation has degenerated with the uncontrolled organic growth of tuk tuks/taxi's with a lack of any oversight.

Your last paragraph is another pointless speculation, again attempting to normalize and rationalize the mafia's behavior. It's like saying what if black was white and up was down. It doesn't matter who the players are, what they are doing is wrong. I would argue with you whether the vast vast majority of toursits"behave as if they own the place"...another generalization. Yes Thai's are very patient and usually very pleasant, but that does not make what the tuk tuk mafia is doing right. I never said their was not bad behaving tourists, but that issue has very little to do with the overall problem which 20 tuk tuk drivers delivering a beat down on two tourists is a symptom of.

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I just knew that the hate for them, which I believe has grown disproportionately to reality, ....

Totally agree with this.

Totally disagree with that. Snap. (Nothing personal, just an observation...)

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5 years ago I disliked tuk tuks. Past couple of years I have hated them

I do not accept these criminals to

beat up people, except for self defense. since all tuk tuks have a steel/glass wall between driver and passangers, the need of self defence is not usually present. 20 tuk tuk drivers beating up 2 people inside a tuk tuk is pure organized violence

deny other vehicles to park on public roadside parking, despite having vacant spots

block roads while driving 5 km/h looking for a ride

block roads by driving maniac in the middle of the road

never yield

the price of a tuk tuk ride is of course not acceptable too, but can be avoided by not using them. the above mentioned actions can not be avoided living in Phuket

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5 years ago I disliked tuk tuks. Past couple of years I have hated them

I do not accept these criminals to

beat up people, except for self defense. since all tuk tuks have a steel/glass wall between driver and passangers, the need of self defence is not usually present. 20 tuk tuk drivers beating up 2 people inside a tuk tuk is pure organized violence

deny other vehicles to park on public roadside parking, despite having vacant spots

block roads while driving 5 km/h looking for a ride

block roads by driving maniac in the middle of the road

never yield

the price of a tuk tuk ride is of course not acceptable too, but can be avoided by not using them. the above mentioned actions can not be avoided living in Phuket

nice post kbb..... you know this particular thread got me thinking and i have contacted a friend of mine who makes great documentaries , the lawlessness of this place has to documented , on a daily basis something totally unacceptable happens without any authority batting an eyelid , just stop and consider some of the things we see daily , i think we need to start a thread about these incidents , be it tuk tuks, violence , corruption , the two rates system .... esp you guys that have been here for a longtime , its like the wild wild west ....if it wasnt so serious i would be laughing about it......... what you think ??

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nice post kbb..... you know this particular thread got me thinking and i have contacted a friend of mine who makes great documentaries , the lawlessness of this place has to documented , on a daily basis something totally unacceptable happens without any authority batting an eyelid , just stop and consider some of the things we see daily , i think we need to start a thread about these incidents , be it tuk tuks, violence , corruption , the two rates system .... esp you guys that have been here for a longtime , its like the wild wild west ....if it wasnt so serious i would be laughing about it......... what you think ??

I like the idea of a documentary. I have thought about a tuk tuk hall of shame thread before, but I think the vocal minority JOESHEADS of the world will just flood it with flames. Better we give each incident it's own thread as to reach a wider domgraphic.

The next time an incident like this happens and I am present, I will have video of it and the police will not be able to cover it up, as has happened so far.

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nice post kbb..... you know this particular thread got me thinking and i have contacted a friend of mine who makes great documentaries , the lawlessness of this place has to documented , on a daily basis something totally unacceptable happens without any authority batting an eyelid , just stop and consider some of the things we see daily , i think we need to start a thread about these incidents , be it tuk tuks, violence , corruption , the two rates system .... esp you guys that have been here for a longtime , its like the wild wild west ....if it wasnt so serious i would be laughing about it......... what you think ??

I totally agree. And to give your friend's documentary an extra 'twist', how about including some of the appalling scams ex-pats perpetrate against one another whilst safely abroad and far away from the censure of their fellow expatriates? What do you say?

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I like the idea of a documentary. I have thought about a tuk tuk hall of shame thread before, but I think the vocal minority JOESHEADS of the world will just flood it with flames. Better we give each incident it's own thread as to reach a wider domgraphic.

The next time an incident like this happens and I am present, I will have video of it and the police will not be able to cover it up, as has happened so far.

I'm not totally down with forum lingo, but I'm fairly sure I don't flame!! Anything I write I genuinely believe. I'm not looking to push peoples buttons, or provoke hostility just for the sake of it. That doesn't interest me in the slightest.

You sound like you genuinely want to start something more productive than a forum thread.

If it was me, and I was prepared to stand up and be counted, regardless of reprisals. I would start a partition, stating exactly what you believe should happen, in the way of regulation, what issues people have with their behaviour and asking what will be done about it. I would also threaten to do everything in my power to spread the word and damage their trade if things aren't done. If you are the majority as you claim, you should have no problem getting several thousand signatures, Thai and Farang. You then invite every media person you can think of to attend, while you hand it the union type boss of the Tuk Tuk drivers and maybe a copy to the mayor. A Farang doing something like that will undoubtedly get themselves on national TV. You then move away sharpish!!

Instead of all the hot air, why doesn't someone come back when they're prepared to fight for their convictions, and tell us all about it.

The way I see it, you need to go forward or just let it go, because staying where you are and just moaning about it on a forum is achieving nothing.

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I also think your point is inaccurate because I believe the huge majority of tourists use Tuk Tuks without any negative feelings toward them or the driver, and that includes being happy to pay the price, which in holiday/tourist terms is pretty cheap. So as I said before, behave yourself, negotiate a price before you move and 99% of the time you will have no issues.

Joe, I think your beliefs are misguided.

i know a lot of tourists here really resent the transport charges here. One of the great things about being on holiday is cheap transport and cheap food and drink that we do not get in our home countries.

Where i live,Hong Kong, also an island, (and the only reason I mention island is some poster her said the only reason the prices are so high in Phuket is because it's an island) the flag fall for an air con cab is about 75 baht equ.

In London(capital of an island) where my family is, a black cab, with a driver that has passed the "knowledge" exam which can take several years,is about 150 baht equ.

You laughably say "negotiate a price before you move...."

I may be an appalling negotiator but the last time I tried 'negotiating' a short trip from Bangla area to Royal Paradise area we started at 200 b, and believe it or not, ended at 200 baht. We ended up staying in Bangla.

Joe, take off your rose tinted glasses, read the international papers and blogs, and open your eyes to reality.

Phuket could be a real paradise location, but not with the level of corruption that is displayed every day here.

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The way I see it, you need to go forward or just let it go, because staying where you are and just moaning about it on a forum is achieving nothing.

Thanks for the pep talk there WOOHOO. I wasn't referring to you when I said the thread will fill with flames. That was directed to JOESHEAD, and a few others.

And FYI just because I don't post my every move here doesn't mean there aren't other things myself and others aren't doing. There are other things happening, trust me.

I and others have spelled out numerous times what needs to be done. Making sure that these incidents don't just disappear by posting them here and elsewhere is only one thing that should be done. I don't see how you can call that "hot air".

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I totally agree. And to give your friend's documentary an extra 'twist', how about including some of the appalling scams ex-pats perpetrate against one another whilst safely abroad and far away from the censure of their fellow expatriates? What do you say?

Sounds like a great idea. I, in the last two years I have been scammed twice by naively trusting once a Brit (doing repairs on my motorbike and borrowing money before skipping town) and then a kiwi (buying a motorcycle). I don't get scammed by Thai's because I don't generally deal with them unless I have a history. In the last few years my overall experience with Thai's have been wonderful actually.

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In London(capital of an island) where my family is, a black cab, with a driver that has passed the "knowledge" exam which can take several years,is about 150 baht equ.

You laughably say "negotiate a price before you move...."

I may be an appalling negotiator but the last time I tried 'negotiating' a short trip from Bangla area to Royal Paradise area we started at 200 b, and believe it or not, ended at 200 baht. We ended up staying in Bangla.

Joe, take off your rose tinted glasses, read the international papers and blogs, and open your eyes to reality.

Is there a record for the amount of times, someone has been accused of wearing rose tinted glasses, in a six month period? I want to lay claim to it if not.

I don't lie about these things. If I tell you I have had no problems with Tuk Tuk drivers personally, then it's true. If I tell you I think the behaviour of some of the drivers is appalling, but doesn't bother me personally, then it's also true. Rose tinted glasses has absolutely nothing to do with it.

I would say, like for like, distance for distance, Tuk Tuk prices and black cabs are about the same, so I don't see how that's that bad.

To negotiate does not imply you will always bring the price down. If there's set price then obviously you won't. The key to the negotiation is agreeing what the price will be before you move, that way, if you're not happy, you don't get in.

People talk about Phuket as a lawless place full of scammers. Someone just likened it to the Wild West. What bemuses me is why these people still want to call this place home, I just don't get it. If I felt the way some TV posters felt, it would depress me to be here and I would have to find somewhere that I felt more comfortable.

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I just knew that the hate for them, which I believe has grown disproportionately to reality, ....
Totally agree with this.

steven how can you possibly justify that position?

easy, i feel the hatred here on the forum for the tuktuks is way over the top. Sure there are many things to say about them, but that does imo not justify the hatred from tv members.

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Is there a record for the amount of times, someone has been accused of wearing rose tinted glasses, in a six month period? I want to lay claim to it if not.

I don't lie about these things. If I tell you I have had no problems with Tuk Tuk drivers personally, then it's true. If I tell you I think the behaviour of some of the drivers is appalling, but doesn't bother me personally, then it's also true. Rose tinted glasses has absolutely nothing to do with it.

I would say, like for like, distance for distance, Tuk Tuk prices and black cabs are about the same, so I don't see how that's that bad.

To negotiate does not imply you will always bring the price down. If there's set price then obviously you won't. The key to the negotiation is agreeing what the price will be before you move, that way, if you're not happy, you don't get in.

People talk about Phuket as a lawless place full of scammers. Someone just likened it to the Wild West. What bemuses me is why these people still want to call this place home, I just don't get it. If I felt the way some TV posters felt, it would depress me to be here and I would have to find somewhere that I felt more comfortable.

woohoo..... pull your head out of your small orifice and have look around you ..... this is planet earth , we all want to live in a safe enviroment , why should i move because of some punks preying on innocent people , if you accept that kind of behaviour then i suggest you move to a country more suited to your liking ... lets move on and start to gather info so we can begin to put an end to this before its too late ..... Phuket as a whole needs to address these situations swiftly , only a fool would continue to think that Tourists will just keep accepting this , sooner rarther than later another more appealing destination will pop up and bingo the numbers will plummet ...... the odds are stacking up already ..... currency exchange not good , political unrest not good , violence getting worse daily , prices on the rise , tax increases on property , int media coverage tuk tuks , jet skis , duty free etc etc

investment opps limited ......

cheers CdM

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