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Red-Shirts Blamed For Gunfights, Bomb Attacks

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I believe the ban was only temporary and it was primarily aimed at certain Thai media outlets. They later regained their senses and asked them to come back. They did go too far, but it's hard to blame them for their frustrations when such a large chunk of the news Thailand is receiving is government controlled or controlled by Bangkok elite interests.

Any confirmation that it was only temporary? So far I can't see anything like this.

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I believe the ban was only temporary and it was primarily aimed at certain Thai media outlets. They later regained their senses and asked them to come back. They did go too far, but it's hard to blame them for their frustrations when such a large chunk of the news Thailand is receiving is government controlled or controlled by Bangkok elite interests.

Any confirmation that it was only temporary? So far I can't see anything like this.

Webfact reported in yesterday's Live Sunday thread after the reporters had been chased off:

TAN Network: Weera, on Ratchaprasong stage, begged the press to come back to Panfah Bridge and promised better security. They are friends w/ the press


I'm also seeing reports from today's redshirt rally's on many different Thai networks and nothing much has been reported on the media banning today. I'm sure it would be a much BIGGER story if they were still banned.

http://twitter.com/tulsathit you will have to go back to the tweets from yesterday and follow the links ...

The source is from "twitter"?

Red shirts boo reporters from Phan Fa

Red-shirt leader at the Phan Fa Bridge told protesters Sunday afternoon to ask reporters to leave the rally ground.

Somchai Phaibool, a leader, told the crowd that all TV stations were biased against the protesters by refraining from airing clips of dead protesters.

He said it was useless to allow reporters to stay covering the protest and urged the protesters to boo the reporters away. At the end of his speech, protesters shouted in unison to demand reporters to leave. Reporters had to remove their green armband provided by the Thai Journalists Association.

The protesters also surrounded a mobile broadcast unit of Channel 3 t 4:10 pm and chased it out of the area.


-- The Nation 2010-04-11

http://twitter.com/tulsathit you will have to go back to the tweets from yesterday and follow the links ...

The source is from "twitter"?

Red shirts boo reporters from Phan Fa

Red-shirt leader at the Phan Fa Bridge told protesters Sunday afternoon to ask reporters to leave the rally ground.

Somchai Phaibool, a leader, told the crowd that all TV stations were biased against the protesters by refraining from airing clips of dead protesters.

He said it was useless to allow reporters to stay covering the protest and urged the protesters to boo the reporters away. At the end of his speech, protesters shouted in unison to demand reporters to leave. Reporters had to remove their green armband provided by the Thai Journalists Association.

The protesters also surrounded a mobile broadcast unit of Channel 3 t 4:10 pm and chased it out of the area.


-- The Nation 2010-04-11

So the reds cover up the traces of "black shirts" by asking journalists to leave the day after? :)


Rogue generals on Thaksin's payroll cry for final showdown

By Sopon Onkgara

The Nation

Published on December 29, 2009

A NEW battle line has been drawn, with the sound of war drums beating, and the red shirts dancing around the bonfire. Their spirits are high, hoping that the showdown this time will be final and victorious. It does not matter to them whether there will be bloodshed or if the nation faces ruin.

The red-shirt battle cry this time came from a rogue junior Army general, and a number of retired military officers on the payroll of fugitive Thaksin Shinawatra. They don't mind being branded traitors. The tidy sum from the man in exile is considered worthwhile.

The other day, the rogue soldier, commonly known as "Seh Daeng" warned that the battle this time will be open, with advance warning when shots will be fired upon the enemy, or whoever dares to move against the joint push for power at the command of Thaksin.

"Seh Daeng", Major General Khattiya Sawasdiphol, is a self-styled warrior, seeking the full blaze of publicity. He commands a group of militia being given political indoctrination as well as basic arms training.

He brands his warriors as "Ronin", the legendary leaderless samurai warriors of ancient times, and also soldiers of King Taksin the Great, who fought to free Thailand from Burmese occupation before the Chakri Dynasty. Some of the rogue general's fighters are mere thugs with no honour and or valour. It is sheer brute force inspired by cowardice.

The warning, of course, should cause considerable unease among those who know about Seh Daeng's notoriety. His claim to fame was an ability to predict when grenades would be launched at the rallies of the People's Alliance for Democracy. He denied with a deadpan face, of course, that he had any part in the action. There was no proof, due to lukewarm investigations by law enforcement officers.

When should the mayhem and bloodletting take place? There are variations in terms of timing for the strike. Seh Daeng said it should be sometime after Valentine's Day, as instructed by Thaksin. Another ageing general said April would be judgement day, and that would be the time for Thaksin's return to triumph.

Posted again i forgot the link sorry http://www.nationmultimedia.com/2009/12/29...on_30119360.php

When did the red leaders ban journalists?

yesterday, it was big headlines everywhere.

I believe the ban was only temporary and it was primarily aimed at certain Thai media outlets. They later regained their senses and asked them to come back. They did go too far, but it's hard to blame them for their frustrations when ...

Earlier posted, there was an attempt made for excusing a kidnapping (the CEO of CAT) and now we have an attempt made for excusing the act of throwing a brick and hitting someone.

An amazing side, the reds.

Last night, I was shocked in this thread by a post with the absurd notion that the reason foreigners oppose Thaksin was because he closed bars earlier. Surreal conclusions and postings.

Now today, we have excuses made for kidnapping and aggravated battery.

It just keeps getting deeper.

When did the red leaders ban journalists?

yesterday, it was big headlines everywhere.

I believe the ban was only temporary and it was primarily aimed at certain Thai media outlets. They later regained their senses and asked them to come back. They did go too far, but it's hard to blame them for their frustrations when ...

Earlier posted, there was an attempt made for excusing a kidnapping (the CEO of CAT) and now we have an attempt made for excusing getting hit with a thrown brick.

An amazing side, the reds.

Last night, I was shocked in this thread by a post with the absurd notion that the reason foreigners oppose Thaksin was because he closed bars earlier. Surreal conclusions and postings.

Now today, we have excuses made for kidnapping and aggravated battery.

It just keeps getting deeper.

I would appreciate it if you would stop placing words in my mouth. I didn't even mention the throwing of bricks, an action I don't support. You can have justifiable, defendable feelings about an issue but take the wrong actions in support of your feelings. That's what the Reds did yesterday. Justifiable feelings, inappropriate actions.

misread post, reply deleted.

No you didn't mate, maybe misunderstood my sarcasm. I just don't see how one journalist getting a brick thrown at his van equates to "the red leadership ban journalists"?

The red leaders banned them from their site and physically threatened them. While the media teams complied with the threats they still were physically hit.... with thrown bricks.

Plenty of media yesterday on all of this.

misread post, reply deleted.

No you didn't mate, maybe misunderstood my sarcasm. I just don't see how one journalist getting a brick thrown at his van equates to "the red leadership ban journalists"?

The red leaders banned them from their site and physically threatened them. While the media teams complied with the threats they still were physically hit.... with thrown bricks.

Plenty of media yesterday on all of this.

I disagree that there was "plenty of media yesterday on all of this". I haven't viewed a single article that devotes more than a few sentences to it. I think we need many more details to get the full picture, including a follow up discussing the media's reception today after this incident yesterday.

Rogue generals on Thaksin's payroll cry for final showdown

By Sopon Onkgara

The Nation

Published on December 29, 2009

A NEW battle line has been drawn, with the sound of war drums beating, and the red shirts dancing around the bonfire. Their spirits are high, hoping that the showdown this time will be final and victorious. It does not matter to them whether there will be bloodshed or if the nation faces ruin.

The red-shirt battle cry this time came from a rogue junior Army general, and a number of retired military officers on the payroll of fugitive Thaksin Shinawatra. They don't mind being branded traitors. The tidy sum from the man in exile is considered worthwhile.

The other day, the rogue soldier, commonly known as "Seh Daeng" warned that the battle this time will be open, with advance warning when shots will be fired upon the enemy, or whoever dares to move against the joint push for power at the command of Thaksin.

"Seh Daeng", Major General Khattiya Sawasdiphol, is a self-styled warrior, seeking the full blaze of publicity. He commands a group of militia being given political indoctrination as well as basic arms training.

From the man so Yellow that Yellow people would be ashamed at how un-Yellow they look when standing next to Super Yellow man.

Bravo, a new high in saying absolutely nothing of consequence to anyone.

Yellows did NOT get attacked by the military even though they TOOK OVER both government house and airports.

Don't make me laugh....take it you weren't here when it happened...many yellows lost limbs..through the army using out of date cheap tear gas granades bought from the chinese ...which don't explode till impact..

I have cd and pics showing the truth...people dead and lots with limbs missing..at the end of the day all the thais want to do is vote..so lets the reds and yellow vote..trouble is only one winner...the Reds..We Shall Overcome One Day

Block 2 .....Red Through And Through

So, if an election was held now and everyone votes how the voted in the last election, how would it play out? Reds in government?


Redshirt attacking people on BTS

staggering brutality displayed

embedded for ease of viewing

Yeah, staggering brutality precisely second 0:06 by the pedestrian in the blue shirt who throws the first punch and sends the redshirt guy near the rail falling back.

Actually, to be fair, nobody can truly tell from this video what instigated it.



Lets assume that the reds fired first ,, to provoke the army , and the army shot back to protect themselves.,, Right ?

But this still does not explain why many of the reds that were killed were killed by real bullets when the according to the government the army had ONLY RUBBER BULLETS for use against the crowds. Live ,, " real rounds " were to be shot in the air.

And by the way ,,, whats the army doing bringing live rounds into a crowd control situation anyway ,, even if they are to be shot only in the air . Aren't tanks and armoured personal carriers , tear gas , billy clubs , full body armour from head to toe, helicopters, and RUBBER BULLETS (quite painfull if you get hit by one ) enough ???

At this point some readers of this are I am sure saying to themselves :

" oh , um , gee ,, ok well then it must have been the reds shooting other reds as a sacrafice to make it all play well to the media and make the army and government look bad ""

Spin a story enough and you can get people to beleive anything I guess.


Lets assume that the reds fired first ,, to provoke the army , and the army shot back to protect themselves.,, Right ?

But this still does not explain why many of the reds that were killed were killed by real bullets when the according to the government the army had ONLY RUBBER BULLETS for use against the crowds. Live ,, " real rounds " were to be shot in the air.

And by the way ,,, whats the army doing bringing live rounds into a crowd control situation anyway ,, even if they are to be shot only in the air . Aren't tanks and armoured personal carriers , tear gas , billy clubs , full body armour from head to toe, helicopters, and RUBBER BULLETS (quite painfull if you get hit by one ) enough ???

At this point some readers of this are I am sure saying to themselves :

" oh , um , gee ,, ok well then it must have been the reds shooting other reds as a sacrafice to make it all play well to the media and make the army and government look bad ""

Spin a story enough and you can get people to beleive anything I guess.


Redshirt attacking people on BTS

staggering brutality displayed

embedded for ease of viewing

Yeah, staggering brutality precisely second 0:06 by the pedestrian in the blue shirt who throws the first punch and sends the redshirt guy near the rail falling back.

Actually, to be fair, nobody can truly tell from this video what instigated it.

It's pretty clear the red shirt rushed up to them to 'check bags',

and the women and her purse were involved.

Most women don't take to their bags being grabbed too well.

No doubt the big guy felt she was attacked, defended his lady, and decked the guy.

Then the red horde descends and there is a pulling match over her bag.

Finally big guy brings his distraught lady away from the scene.

Not rocket science to see this even with the camera bobble.


Lets assume that the reds fired first ,, to provoke the army , and the army shot back to protect themselves.,, Right ?

But this still does not explain why many of the reds that were killed were killed by real bullets when the according to the government the army had ONLY RUBBER BULLETS for use against the crowds. Live ,, " real rounds " were to be shot in the air.

And by the way ,,, whats the army doing bringing live rounds into a crowd control situation anyway ,, even if they are to be shot only in the air . Aren't tanks and armoured personal carriers , tear gas , billy clubs , full body armour from head to toe, helicopters, and RUBBER BULLETS (quite painfull if you get hit by one ) enough ???

At this point some readers of this are I am sure saying to themselves :

" oh , um , gee ,, ok well then it must have been the reds shooting other reds as a sacrafice to make it all play well to the media and make the army and government look bad ""

Spin a story enough and you can get people to beleive anything I guess.

This wasn't simply a crowd control situation. We're in Thailand. They had real ammunition because they knew that there would be guns and bombs being used by the mobs. They kept it as a last resort ... ie until the reds started firing and throwing bombs.

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