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Red-Shirts Blamed For Gunfights, Bomb Attacks

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Then wait for elections. Don't try and force an elected government out through violence.

No country should have elections whenever a mob comes out to protest.

Unless, of course, it is a yellow mob.

Then, of course, everything is ok.

Yellow mob good.

Red mob bad.

Abhisit good!

Thaksin BAD!

Dissent is a privilege of the elite not the poor in this country now.

Dissent is the priviledge of everyone. Violence is not, from either side.

The yellow mob DID NOT overthrow a government.

Even the courts DID NOT overthrow a government.

The remaining PPP MPs (PTP) were still in government after the PPP was disbanded.

It wasn't until the smaller parties changed their support from the PTP that the Democrats came to power.

It wasn't the yellow, it wasn't the courts, it was the MPs elected by the people that chose Abhisit as PM.

Yellows did NOT get attacked by the military even though they TOOK OVER both government house and airports.

The red protesters took over some streets and there is a bloodbath now.

The government has and is using violence on it's people to silence dissent.

I ask again, how many DEAD, on ether side were there, until the military attacked last night?

You must be living in a different country to me. On all accounts it was the Reds that attacked the Military. There would have been many more deaths if the military had not become involved. The Reds have been given so many warnings and also offered a compromise, but they ignored everything and refused in more peaceful talks. How you can defend people that parade dead bodies on stage to gain Kudos is beyond me. Maybe a little soul searching is in order.

I stress that when I mention the Reds I mean the leaders. The rest are paid mercenaries and know not what they are doing.


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I am not alone thinking that way.

Yesterday a German was also shocked by the Army intervention that he was comparing to Former East Germany interventions

ARMY is the last resort, you should study some situations similar to the current one (Pre conditions of Spanish Civil war for example): the risks are existing of a drift to more serious issues. Soldiers have not to be put in such a situation when they have to fight their fellow citizens, particularly when conscripts.

In EIRE, the situation was different because it was a Separatist movement, National Unity was at risk, same in Southern Thailand: in such a case engagement of Army is normal. Yesterday it was a Political unrest motivated by Elections, Dissolution of Parliament,, Civil Affairs not involving the National Unity: typically Civil Affairs, domain of Police. Just by its presence , Army is escalating the degree of the Conflict at the opposite of a peace research. Can you understand?

(I am not young but for your information I have been a Navy Officer and I am not anti-militarist, just everybody at its place and doing what he has to do, in order to avoid confusion and escalation)

Do you know what country you're in?

We aren't in France, or Germany. There are no special police forces here. The army is used for the these situations, and even then, they are barely trained for it.

If there was a special police force, or the army was specially trained to handle this type of situation, then it probably wouldn't have changed the result.

The "special police force" would have moved in to clear the protestors. The protestors would have reacted in the same way that they did last night.

Jerry Y, I wish there was a CSN here, but there isn't, and the army is seen by Reds as the enemy,

there is no unity to maintain here around the army as national guardian of the borders.

I wish this were not the case, because of these two points your argument is useless in this context.

The battle lost before you started.

Just the fact to introduce ARMY is escalating the nature of the Conflict. and particularly because the political issues correspond to a geographical partition, the risks are high to a drift to a more serious situation. Yoou should read the Pre-Conditions of the Spanish Civil War (1936-1939) for understanding we are not far of a similar situation.

It is why the situation has to be cooled down and we have to take altitude. yesterday was a situation normally relevant from a police operation. If Police only will have been involved, I guess we will have seen a Thai soap, but nobody will have lost his life.

Stepping up the conflict and introducing army is just escalating the dangerosity of the situation. Today, you have to admit Abhisit is no more in a position of defusing the situation and rely on external intervention. Only the big Brass (Anand and others) or Higher (as some have requested his intervention), can cool down the situation. Abhisit currently sidelined as he cannot pretend represent Unity and Peace.

tactical mistakes have been done throughout those last few days


I don't see many reds armed with grenades or guns here, they do seem to have a lot of water bottles though.

Yep, but that might actually be because of the poor vantage point. Could not see anybody shooting at all, just hear some shots, grenades going off. I saw something like a petrol bomb going off as well right in front of the soldiers and it did not look like military equipment at all. Where the first shots were coming from is pretty hard to judge from that VDO, but if I had to bet on a side I would just put two and two together and go with that. Who has been trying to push for that very hard, talked about war, threatened the use of petrol bombs, etc.?

Jerry Y, I wish there was a CSN here, but there isn't, and the army is seen by Reds as the enemy,

there is no unity to maintain here around the army as national guardian of the borders.

I wish this were not the case, because of these two points your argument is useless in this context.

The battle lost before you started.

Just the fact to introduce ARMY is escalating the nature of the Conflict. and particularly because the political issues correspond to a geographical partition, the risks are high to a drift to a more serious situation. Yoou should read the Pre-Conditions of the Spanish Civil War (1936-1939) for understanding we are not far of a similar situation.

It is why the situation has to be cooled down and we have to take altitude. yesterday was a situation normally relevant from a police operation. If Police only will have been involved, I guess we will have seen a Thai soap, but nobody will have lost his life.

Stepping up the conflict and introducing army is just escalating the dangerosity of the situation. Today, you have to admit Abhisit is no more in a position of defusing the situation and rely on external intervention. Only the big Brass (Anand and others) or Higher (as some have requested his intervention), can cool down the situation. Abhisit currently sidelined as he cannot pretend represent Unity and Peace.

tactical mistakes have been done throughout those last few days

The point is Jerry, unfortunately there is no one else to introduce. The police have no idea how to handle this. The army had to be introduced.

They were introduced with riot shields and batons. But this did not deter the red protestors.

The reds kept on pushing. The red leaders kept on pushing until they got what they had been asking for for weeks.

4 soldiers dead and hundreds wounded....

If thailand had a professional police, with anti riot force to front the insurgents, special forces to quickly and clean arrest the red leaders, they had no needs for the intervention of the Thai Army.

But cops are too busy to count the baht made with their corrupted activities and to scared to face to face a mob.

In France the Anti Riot Forces (named CRS) are recruited amidst Police and professional soldiers at the end of their contract with Army: all the CRS are experienced, no young conscrit. They have a special training. It will not take so long to create such a Force in Thailand.

It is particularly important that People doing this kind of work are mature, responsible, well informed about laws, consequences of their acts.

It is amateurism to engage the Army.

Right on. There are many ways to break up a gathering like this without direct confrontation. You can use loud noise, water, CS gas, deprive them of sleep. and wear them down....all kinds of things. It takes time and patience but If you sent armed and inexperienced soldiers (most of them are probably just kids) to confront a huge hostile crowd...this is what happens. And it is (or should be) a police function, not army.

such a thai mentality you show here. If the government step down Peter Thailand has won, not mob rule.

This government ordered this crackdown just as they did last songkhran, and all because they want to cling to power, in the knowledge they will lose an election. They have not managed to win power for the past 3 elections and they know that number will raise to 4.

Dissolve parliament, charge all parties involved in this mess the same as the PPP are persecuted for ordering the crackdown on the yellows. show some balance and maybe the country has a chance to move forward.

Don't forget this 'mob' were on the streets simply to get a government elected by the people, it is the power grabbing by the dems that has led to this situation, and the help of the military and the military backed courts and bodies. Many people should be hanging their heads in shame, and none of them are wearing red.

You've seen most of my posts explaining that Abhisit IS elected.

The PPP were not a majority. They don't automatically deserve to be in government because a large number of people voted for them.

A larger number of people did not vote for them. A larger number of MPs have decided that they don't want the PPP (PTP) in government.

The red leaders have been spouting violence for weeks. The reds have been pushing and pushing, stepping up the rhetoric, stepping up the actions, and last night the red leaders got what they have been asking for on stage for weeks.

Abhisit is an elected MP, his party are not the elected government, they did not win enough seats to form a government and had to rely on being placed there after buying coalition partners, after the body set up by the army during the illegal military coup decided to disband the elected government for vote buying, while allowing the dems to continue despite also being found guilty of vote buying.

The fact is if the dems were wanted in power they would have been voted into power, they were not in the last 3 elections. In their desire to cling onto the power they know they will lose when it is democratically put to the people, they oversee the mass murder of people trying to return the country to a democratically elected government.

If you want to defend the current murdering non elected government then feel free, just don't expect me to join you.

4 soldiers dead and hundreds wounded....

If thailand had a professional police, with anti riot force to front the insurgents, special forces to quickly and clean arrest the red leaders, they had no needs for the intervention of the Thai Army.

But cops are too busy to count the baht made with their corrupted activities and to scared to face to face a mob.

Excellent post.

Thai army is probably the worst in the world in anyway. The weakest / spent money. They lost against Laos and they'd lose against Cambodia.

Abisith is also 100% responsible for the yesterday drama. He never tried to understand the other opinions. Friday, Thai police and Thai army tried to solve the issue in a Thai way but at 10 PM, Abisith put some oil on the fire.

Thank you, for your clear thinking! Unlike the usual propaganda listed here.

This Thread should not have been opened as it is in Contradiction with the aim of what the Nation has written in "our darkest day".

Yesterday morning, before any incident, I have underlined that Army should stay in its barracks because Army is a symbol of National Unity and should not be used against any fellow citizen- only reserved to external threats.

Young soldiers with several rounds of rubber and some (for warning) live ones, can confuse easily in the heat of a battle. Once everything begins to degenerate, everybody is warming up and the situatiion is escalading on both sides.

The decision to engage army (reluctant initially to be involved) is the key to this tragic saturday.

People engaged in a battle are loosing restraints it is well known: this kind of situation nearly always is degenerating.

The real responsability belongs to those who have created the situation, not to the fighters.

ARMY should have never been involved in this action.

Royal Thai Army


The Royal Thai Armed Forces’ main role is the protection of the sovereignty and territorial integrity of the Kingdom of Thailand. The Armed Forces is also charged with the defence of the people and the Monarchy of Thailand against all threats both foreign and domestic.[6]

Apart from these roles,the Armed Forces also have responsibilities to ensure public order and participating in social development programs by aiding the civilian government. The Armed Forces is also charged with assisting victims of national disasters and drug control.

I think we can all agree it would not be below the Red Shirt mentality to spill some of its own blood to play the sympathy card. They killed their own people, shame on the reds!

How can you come up with a post like that? If you'd be a soldier in Thailand, just watching guys with real guns, trying to shoot you, wouldn't you kill them first? Don't make up stories you can't proof, please…..

If you talk to some Thai people, they will tell you that the reds have been buying military outfits to stage a military killing if they couldn't get one the normal way. I guess they don't need that now. You can also look at the fact that a red shirt who had half of his head blown off, (probably from the misapplication of one of the reds own bombs, or lit propane tanks), was dragged to the red stage so that he could be shown off to further rile up the mob.

Violence has been the plan of the red shirts since this began, but they have had to play pretty with the media to keep their "oh, poor us" victim faces present for international consumption. If you listen to what is being said on stage, (difficult if you don't speak Thai, and the major detriment for the western media to see the true source of this), all you hear is their calls for blood and fire. Why do you think they almost lost control twice this week already, at Thaicom and the Election Commision offices? They are telling them to get trophies, but are trying to distance themselves at the same time with the "fake red" garbage. This allows them to terrorize while seeming peaceful. Peace is not their intention, they, (including Thaksin), figure that if they are going down, they will pull all of Thailand with them.

That is why I'm sure that the first shots were fired by reds, with their stolen guns. I can't tell for sure, but it is in line with their calls for violence.

You must be living in a different country to me. On all accounts it was the Reds that attacked the Military. There would have been many more deaths if the military had not become involved. The Reds have been given so many warnings and also offered a compromise, but they ignored everything and refused in more peaceful talks. How you can defend people that parade dead bodies on stage to gain Kudos is beyond me. Maybe a little soul searching is in order.

I stress that when I mention the Reds I mean the leaders. The rest are paid mercenaries and know not what they are doing.


The bbc reports are very clear in stating the trouble started AFTER the army fired tear gas.


If this had happened in the US with guns, grenades and gas cannisters for bombs being used against the US police, anyone like to place bets as to the response of the US police - SWAT and lots of guns with live ammunition being used.

4 soldiers dead and hundreds wounded....

If thailand had a professional police, with anti riot force to front the insurgents, special forces to quickly and clean arrest the red leaders, they had no needs for the intervention of the Thai Army.

But cops are too busy to count the baht made with their corrupted activities and to scared to face to face a mob.

In France the Anti Riot Forces (named CRS) are recruited amidst Police and professional soldiers at the end of their contract with Army: all the CRS are experienced, no young conscrit. They have a special training. It will not take so long to create such a Force in Thailand.

It is particularly important that People doing this kind of work are mature, responsible, well informed about laws, consequences of their acts.

It is amateurism to engage the Army.

Right on. There are many ways to break up a gathering like this without direct confrontation. You can use loud noise, water, CS gas, deprive them of sleep. and wear them down....all kinds of things. It takes time and patience but If you sent armed and inexperienced soldiers (most of them are probably just kids) to confront a huge hostile crowd...this is what happens. And it is (or should be) a police function, not army.

A state of emergency was declared, so it should be the Army that sorts this out. The Reds were warned and offered peace talks many times but they refused to negotiate and we all know why. The Red leaders were inciting violence the whole day even to the point of derailing passenger trains. Previous video footage of the red leaders asking their supporters to take a bottle of gasoline to Bangkok is available on Youtube.

The Government in my opinion are doing the right thing to protect the residents of Bangkok who just want to get on with their daily lives. This is not about one man one vote or democracy because they already have that. It is about Thaksin and his desire to return as a dictator. Get real!

Cheers, Rick

So, for the future, as you know Violent Riots are also a French speciality, this is the organisation of the CRS;

The Compagnies Républicaines de Sécurité (CRS) (English: Republican Security Companies) are the riot control forces and general reserve of the French National Police. The CRS were created on 8 December 1944 and the first units were organised by 31 January 1945. The CRS were reorganized in 1948. The task for which they are best known in popular culture is crowd and riot control and re-establishment of order. Their suppressive role and occasional abuse of force has led to criticisms among certain demonstrators.

Company composition

There are currently 61 companies; most of these companies have four platoons each, and others have six platoons. The composition for 4-platoon companies is thus:

• 1 Commander

• 1 Captain

• 2 Lieutenants

• 1~4 Brigadier-Majors

• 12~25 Brigadier-Chiefs

• 100~120 Guards


• 1 Central Directorate under a Director-general of the National Police in Paris ;

• 7 Zonal Directorates in each of the military's defence zones;

• 60 General Service Companies (for the maintenance of public order) ;

• 1 VIP Escort compagny (CRS n° 1);

• 9 Autoroute Companies (Highway Patrol);

• 6 Zonal Motorcycle Units;

• 1 Mountain Group (Pyrenees);

• CRS Band (attached to CRS n° 1).[2]

What does this have to do with anything?

Because some posts say Thai Police has not a clue of what to do (I doubt about that because they are in touch with their colleagues worldwide). So this is the French example of the Anti Riot POLICE.

THE NATION: Thaksin said he's deeply saddened by what happened, asking reds to decide by themselves whether to go on rally.

translation from Taksin-ese: bleed on, I don't feel a thing

You must be living in a different country to me. On all accounts it was the Reds that attacked the Military. There would have been many more deaths if the military had not become involved. The Reds have been given so many warnings and also offered a compromise, but they ignored everything and refused in more peaceful talks. How you can defend people that parade dead bodies on stage to gain Kudos is beyond me. Maybe a little soul searching is in order.

I stress that when I mention the Reds I mean the leaders. The rest are paid mercenaries and know not what they are doing.


The bbc reports are very clear in stating the trouble started AFTER the army fired tear gas.

The army are using standard methods to disperse illegal rioters. The Reds were warned, but they persisted in illegal activities. Stop blaming the Govenment for trying to do the job that they were elected to do.

Cheers, Rick

Royal Thai Army


The Royal Thai Armed Forces’ main role is the protection of the sovereignty and territorial integrity of the Kingdom of Thailand. The Armed Forces is also charged with the defence of the people and the Monarchy of Thailand against all threats both foreign and domestic.[6]

Apart from these roles,the Armed Forces also have responsibilities to ensure public order and participating in social development programs by aiding the civilian government. The Armed Forces is also charged with assisting victims of national disasters and drug control.

Those are the magic words.

THE NATION: Thaksin said he's deeply saddened by what happened, asking reds to decide by themselves whether to go on rally.

translation from Taksin-ese: bleed on, I don't feel a thing

Good one Thaksin you sit back there and have anothercoffee and cake while you come up with another bright idea of how to get back at the government , you dont give two hoots about your reds it just about money to you, come back to thailand and face justice.

You must be living in a different country to me. On all accounts it was the Reds that attacked the Military. There would have been many more deaths if the military had not become involved. The Reds have been given so many warnings and also offered a compromise, but they ignored everything and refused in more peaceful talks. How you can defend people that parade dead bodies on stage to gain Kudos is beyond me. Maybe a little soul searching is in order.

I stress that when I mention the Reds I mean the leaders. The rest are paid mercenaries and know not what they are doing.


The bbc reports are very clear in stating the trouble started AFTER the army fired tear gas.

Yes but thats just some grubby little outfit not suited to reporting on issues. If you want the truth you should go to the Nation, ASTV and Thaksin Anguish Network.

Speaking of which, The Hi-So airheads on Thaksin Anguish Network were worrying about how they will look if the Reds take power and they have to wear 30 bath flower pattened shorts and 19 baht flip flops.

They will stiil be airheads.

You must be living in a different country to me. On all accounts it was the Reds that attacked the Military. There would have been many more deaths if the military had not become involved. The Reds have been given so many warnings and also offered a compromise, but they ignored everything and refused in more peaceful talks. How you can defend people that parade dead bodies on stage to gain Kudos is beyond me. Maybe a little soul searching is in order.

I stress that when I mention the Reds I mean the leaders. The rest are paid mercenaries and know not what they are doing.


The bbc reports are very clear in stating the trouble started AFTER the army fired tear gas.

The army are using standard methods to disperse illegal rioters. The Reds were warned, but they persisted in illegal activities. Stop blaming the Govenment for trying to do the job that they were elected to do.

Cheers, Rick

Elected to do?

I must have missed the election where the people voted them into power.

Cheers, Tony

Abhisit is an elected MP, his party are not the elected government, they did not win enough seats to form a government and had to rely on being placed there after buying coalition partners, after the body set up by the army during the illegal military coup decided to disband the elected government for vote buying, while allowing the dems to continue despite also being found guilty of vote buying.

The fact is if the dems were wanted in power they would have been voted into power, they were not in the last 3 elections. In their desire to cling onto the power they know they will lose when it is democratically put to the people, they oversee the mass murder of people trying to return the country to a democratically elected government.

If you want to defend the current murdering non elected government then feel free, just don't expect me to join you.

No party was elected government. No party won enough seats to form a government. I don't know why the smaller parties started supporting the Democrats. I don't know why the smaller parties supported the PPP when they said during election campaigning that they wouldn't.

The government wasn't disbanded. A party was. The PTP (ex-PPP) was in still in government after the PPP was disbanded.

The Democrats were voted into power by a majority of MPs. The same way that Samak was elected PM. The same way that Somchai was elected PM.

If you want to support red leaders that vow to burn down Bangkok, or threaten to derail BTS trains, or threaten many other violent acts, then that is your choice. You know sure well I won't join you.

You must be living in a different country to me. On all accounts it was the Reds that attacked the Military. There would have been many more deaths if the military had not become involved. The Reds have been given so many warnings and also offered a compromise, but they ignored everything and refused in more peaceful talks. How you can defend people that parade dead bodies on stage to gain Kudos is beyond me. Maybe a little soul searching is in order.

I stress that when I mention the Reds I mean the leaders. The rest are paid mercenaries and know not what they are doing.


The bbc reports are very clear in stating the trouble started AFTER the army fired tear gas.

Yes but thats just some grubby little outfit not suited to reporting on issues. If you want the truth you should go to the Nation, ASTV and Thaksin Anguish Network.

Speaking of which, The Hi-So airheads on Thaksin Anguish Network were worrying about how they will look if the Reds take power and they have to wear 30 bath flower pattened shorts and 19 baht flip flops.

They will stiil be airheads.

if today wasn't such a sad day for thailand I would have responded with the laughing smiley your post so richly deserves.

THE NATION: "We will carry on with appropriate measures so our (red shirts') losses will be worthwhile," Nattawut said.

I would have thought that no red shirt losses would be worthwhile. What a great democratic leader he would be!

I am ashamed that this man was educated in the UK, as soon as he left there and came to Thailand he straight away adopted the thai attitude of 'fuc_k you, I am rich'.

He has always been weak and always will be

At least Abhisit faces his detractors head on, unlike the defacto coward-leader Thaksin, who could give a bird crap about his red mercenary army and what might happen to them, as long as they pave a way for his dictatorial return to Thailand, and save his billions.

Abhisit is an elected MP, his party are not the elected government, they did not win enough seats to form a government and had to rely on being placed there after buying coalition partners, after the body set up by the army during the illegal military coup decided to disband the elected government for vote buying, while allowing the dems to continue despite also being found guilty of vote buying.

The fact is if the dems were wanted in power they would have been voted into power, they were not in the last 3 elections. In their desire to cling onto the power they know they will lose when it is democratically put to the people, they oversee the mass murder of people trying to return the country to a democratically elected government.

If you want to defend the current murdering non elected government then feel free, just don't expect me to join you.

No party was elected government. No party won enough seats to form a government. I don't know why the smaller parties started supporting the Democrats. I don't know why the smaller parties supported the PPP when they said during election campaigning that they wouldn't.

The government wasn't disbanded. A party was. The PTP (ex-PPP) was in still in government after the PPP was disbanded.

The Democrats were voted into power by a majority of MPs. The same way that Samak was elected PM. The same way that Somchai was elected PM.

If you want to support red leaders that vow to burn down Bangkok, or threaten to derail BTS trains, or threaten many other violent acts, then that is your choice. You know sure well I won't join you.

The people you mention led the party with the most seats, that is why they formed coalitions to get a majority, twist this all you want, In would imagine if the reds had come to power this way you would agree with me. I will now support the reds after this action and hopefull they achieve their objective of a new election and remove these murdering charlatans that purport to be the current government, shame on them and all that support these murdering scumbags.

You must be living in a different country to me. On all accounts it was the Reds that attacked the Military. There would have been many more deaths if the military had not become involved. The Reds have been given so many warnings and also offered a compromise, but they ignored everything and refused in more peaceful talks. How you can defend people that parade dead bodies on stage to gain Kudos is beyond me. Maybe a little soul searching is in order.

I stress that when I mention the Reds I mean the leaders. The rest are paid mercenaries and know not what they are doing.


The bbc reports are very clear in stating the trouble started AFTER the army fired tear gas.

Yes but thats just some grubby little outfit not suited to reporting on issues. If you want the truth you should go to the Nation, ASTV and Thaksin Anguish Network.

Speaking of which, The Hi-So airheads on Thaksin Anguish Network were worrying about how they will look if the Reds take power and they have to wear 30 bath flower pattened shorts and 19 baht flip flops.

They will stiil be airheads.

Did the BBC report that the Reds have refused to negotiate that they have brought Bangkok to a stand still. That they being paid to oust the elected Government.

That they snatched dead bodies from the hospital to parade in stage. That they have taken soldiers hostage. That they threatened to derail the BTS trains. I thought not. Peaceful demonstration????

Cheers, Rick

I am ashamed that this man was educated in the UK, as soon as he left there and came to Thailand he straight away adopted the thai attitude of 'fuc_k you, I am rich'.

He has always been weak and always will be

At least Abhisit faces his detractors head on, unlike the defacto coward-leader Thaksin, who could give a bird crap about his red mercenary army and what might happen to them, as long as they pave a way for his dictatorial return to Thailand, and save his billions.

yeah, i saw the footage of abhisit on the frontline yesterday :)

the guy is a coward, hopefully he will pay for his actions

Yellows did NOT get attacked by the military even though they TOOK OVER both government house and airports.

Yes they did.....the PPP fired on innocent civilians with explosive tear gas containers, arms and legs blown away. So quickly red apologists try to change history, and so predictable....


THE NATION: "We will carry on with appropriate measures so our (red shirts') losses will be worthwhile," Nattawut said.

I would have thought that no red shirt losses would be worthwhile. What a great democratic leader he would be!

Now we can see what value Nattawut places on the lives of rank and file members of the Red Shirt Brigde, just dispensable cannon fodder for for the puppet master and his acolytes.

Cheap ammunition at 500-1,000 baht a day.

DEM(ON)OCRACY Red Shirt Brigade style.

4 soldiers dead and hundreds wounded....

If thailand had a professional police, with anti riot force to front the insurgents, special forces to quickly and clean arrest the red leaders, they had no needs for the intervention of the Thai Army.

But cops are too busy to count the baht made with their corrupted activities and to scared to face to face a mob.

Excellent post.

Thai army is probably the worst in the world in anyway. The weakest / spent money. They lost against Laos and they'd lose against Cambodia.

Abisith is also 100% responsible for the yesterday drama. He never tried to understand the other opinions. Friday, Thai police and Thai army tried to solve the issue in a Thai way but at 10 PM, Abisith put some oil on the fire.

I don't think you understand the other opinions.

The red shirts want power. They don't want to change anything else.

I agree,I can't understand the logic has to how anyone can condemn the army for their actions,faced with the blood shirts holding the capitol city to ransome.There was only going to be one outcome.The reasons for the blood shirts demonstrations don't equate to their actions,some may say democracy (doubt if the majority of the riot mob on the

front line could define the definition of the word),has I see it their only objective is to have Twatskin reinstated on the false promises that he will throw the Issarn farmers a

bone to chew every now and then.Has in most things it's all about money.

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