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Red Shirt Violence: To All Who Ignored What Was Coming


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For a long time it was very clear this clash was coming. One did not have to be very smart to see or feel this.

However, many people at this board ignored it with the most ridiculous statements. Now it happened, and it is too late, and all of those people should feel a bit responsible. People on this board stated they understood very well what the Red leaders were talking about on stage and they still kept on giving support to the Reds. At least that is what they say.

This is the result from Red lies; the Hitler and Mafiosi speeches brought to the crowd in the most disgusting way. It was kill, kill, destroy, destroy, burn, burn, no peace, no talks, burn, kill, destroy. All day and night long.

Quotes hammered in the heads of some Isaan & Chiang Mai people. They were paid for by Thaksin to listen to those disgusting nonsense all day and night long. “Farangs” on this board might become a bit more silent after knowing what was really going on.

However, now it is too late. Damage has been done. Again, all of you ignoring the truth for such a long time should feel responsible as well. Criminal violence & people defending it, doesn't deserve respect.

Bredero: What benefits candle and glasses, if the owl does not want to see.

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Abhisit must resign and take responsibility for civilian deaths and injuries.

So by writing the above, should the red leaders face a court of law for inciting violence and leading their followers to their deaths, lambs to the slaughter.?.

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"The tree of liberty must be refreshed from time to time with the blood of patriots and tyrants. It is it's natural manure."

Thomas Jefferson

Curious how many pacifists (in domestic matters) side with established wealth, particularly in the case of a clear majority representing - among other matters - those in poverty. I know of no significant freedom, no beneficial shift in the law of justice, that arose in Western nations from a spontaneous and free gift of power by those who had it to the effectively disenfranchised.

Still, it is a matter entirely for the Thais, their decisions, their history, their (alas) blood. Mine not to rail, but to cry.

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people on this forum have to stop comparing the red shirts to hitler. yes, their oratorical style is meant to whip up fury but that's the point. you couldn't foment a mass movement with hello kitty and scooby doo at the microphone.

the fact that so many farangs deny that that fury isn't truly there and was something manufactured by thaksin is nonsense. the red shirts who rallied in bangkok knew that they were risking their lives for the sake of their cause. whether you agree with that cause or not is your prerogative. but to dictate whether a people should engage in risky protest is not.

human life is sacred, but so is the choice to risk it for what one considers a higher cause. it's presumptuous that anyone, farang or thai, should be able to determine whether something is worth dying for or not. everyone, including the red shirts, expected casualties. this is nothing that thaksin hid from them. they aren't lambs to the slaughter. if they succeed in their endeavour, then they'll be considered martyrs and heroes. if they fail, they'll still be considered martyrs and heroes when history looks back on them, just as it does in regards to those killed in the 76 and 92 massacres. that isn't to say that this conflagration is the same - those were far worse. the government is behaving admirably this time, as are the officers. it's only to say that what's at stake is seen by some as the same.

it's terribly tragic that people are dying of course. it's terribly tragic that people are dying everywhere in the world when virtually all conflicts could be solved without the loss of life. so it goes. all sympathy is welcome but i feel that smug moralizing of this stripe is out of place.

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What for me is difficult to understand, is the reasons why some 20% (but massively present on TV) of the members of this forum can simpatize for a well known criminal like Thaksin and a sad, well paid gang of ignorant shouting so said 'leaders' like Jatuporn, Veera, the unsuccesful singer, etc etc.

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people on this forum have to stop comparing the red shirts to hitler. yes, their oratorical style is meant to whip up fury but that's the point. you couldn't foment a mass movement with hello kitty and scooby doo at the microphone.

the fact that so many farangs deny that that fury isn't truly there and was something manufactured by thaksin is nonsense. the red shirts who rallied in bangkok knew that they were risking their lives for the sake of their cause. whether you agree with that cause or not is your prerogative. but to dictate whether a people should engage in risky protest is not.

human life is sacred, but so is the choice to risk it for what one considers a higher cause. it's presumptuous that anyone, farang or thai, should be able to determine whether something is worth dying for or not. everyone, including the red shirts, expected casualties. this is nothing that thaksin hid from them. they aren't lambs to the slaughter. if they succeed in their endeavour, then they'll be considered martyrs and heroes. if they fail, they'll still be considered martyrs and heroes when history looks back on them, just as it does in regards to those killed in the 76 and 92 massacres. that isn't to say that this conflagration is the same - those were far worse. the government is behaving admirably this time, as are the officers. it's only to say that what's at stake is seen by some as the same.

it's terribly tragic that people are dying of course. it's terribly tragic that people are dying everywhere in the world when virtually all conflicts could be solved without the loss of life. so it goes. all sympathy is welcome but i feel that smug moralizing of this stripe is out of place.

Sounds like the Arab suicide bombers, martyrs ans heroes and 60 virgins in the afterlive. Don't give me this BS

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If you dont like the way they do politics here , go home again. You are a guest in this country and and you have no right to judge anybody because you think you know and understand.


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people on this forum have to stop comparing the red shirts to hitler. yes, their oratorical style is meant to whip up fury but that's the point. you couldn't foment a mass movement with hello kitty and scooby doo at the microphone.

the fact that so many farangs deny that that fury isn't truly there and was something manufactured by thaksin is nonsense. the red shirts who rallied in bangkok knew that they were risking their lives for the sake of their cause. whether you agree with that cause or not is your prerogative. but to dictate whether a people should engage in risky protest is not.

human life is sacred, but so is the choice to risk it for what one considers a higher cause. it's presumptuous that anyone, farang or thai, should be able to determine whether something is worth dying for or not. everyone, including the red shirts, expected casualties. this is nothing that thaksin hid from them. they aren't lambs to the slaughter. if they succeed in their endeavour, then they'll be considered martyrs and heroes. if they fail, they'll still be considered martyrs and heroes when history looks back on them, just as it does in regards to those killed in the 76 and 92 massacres. that isn't to say that this conflagration is the same - those were far worse. the government is behaving admirably this time, as are the officers. it's only to say that what's at stake is seen by some as the same.

it's terribly tragic that people are dying of course. it's terribly tragic that people are dying everywhere in the world when virtually all conflicts could be solved without the loss of life. so it goes. all sympathy is welcome but i feel that smug moralizing of this stripe is out of place.

Sounds like the Arab suicide bombers, martyrs ans heroes and 60 virgins in the afterlive. Don't give me this BS

i'm not giving it to you. i'm giving it to people who don't think things are the same because the "sound like" other things. :)

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Oh God, not this discussion again on the Chiang Mai forum too. What's the point? It's just sad. The OP is shameless.

I hope peace and freedom will come to all Thai people.

you're right. best response so far.

Edited by ollylama
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What for me is difficult to understand, is the reasons why some 20% (but massively present on TV) of the members of this forum can simpatize for a well known criminal like Thaksin and a sad, well paid gang of ignorant shouting so said 'leaders' like Jatuporn, Veera, the unsuccesful singer, etc etc.

It is probably because they have the same sought of education as the red shirts. They can't even understand that the government was a democratically elected coalition nothing to do with the military or the coup.

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Abhisit must resign and take responsibility for civilian deaths and injuries.

Thaksin must take all responsibility for all deaths because he hires mercenaries to do his dirty work.


I agree it time for the Reds to take responsibility for their actions and Thaksin arrested...

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What for me is difficult to understand, is the reasons why some 20% (but massively present on TV) of the members of this forum can simpatize for a well known criminal like Thaksin and a sad, well paid gang of ignorant shouting so said 'leaders' like Jatuporn, Veera, the unsuccesful singer, etc etc.

It is probably because they have the same sought of education as the red shirts. They can't even understand that the government was a democratically elected coalition nothing to do with the military or the coup.

Elitist tactic #1: Call all your opponents dumb uneducated som-tam eating idiots, or married to one.

Hint: You could show some respect for all the viewpoints out there.

Anyway, enjoy the bickering, I'm off to enjoy the weekend with the family. :)

Edited by WinnieTheKhwai
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What for me is difficult to understand, is the reasons why some 20% (but massively present on TV) of the members of this forum can simpatize for a well known criminal like Thaksin and a sad, well paid gang of ignorant shouting so said 'leaders' like Jatuporn, Veera, the unsuccesful singer, etc etc.
What for me is difficult to understand, is the reasons why some 20% (but massively present on TV) of the members of this forum can simpatize for a well known criminal like Thaksin and a sad, well paid gang of ignorant shouting so said 'leaders' like Jatuporn, Veera, the unsuccesful singer, etc etc.

It is probably because they have the same sought of education as the red shirts. They can't even understand that the government was a democratically elected coalition nothing to do with the military or the coup.

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I guess the OP could be described as any of the following:

berserk, demoniac, demoniacal, possessed, balmy, barmy, bats, batty, bonkers, buggy, cracked, crackers, daft, dotty, fruity, haywire, kooky, kookie, loco, loony, loopy, nuts, nutty, round the bend, around the bend, wacky, whacky.

And that's just a start.

Reason for edit:

Oh, I forgot to mention troll.

Edited by Blinky Bill
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Abhisit must resign and take responsibility for civilian deaths and injuries.

People who make statements as above need to seriously give some consideration to their reasoning powers.

...and to those who make remarks that being guests in this country, should make one blind , deaf and dumb to those things surrounding them....need a reason check also....

Being human gives us every right to have an opinion....... now as to where to show and express that opinion is another matter.

Should one be able to express an opinion ???? yes in certain circles and ever in certain group circumstances.

Should one go on stage and further rally certain violence prone elements...... than thats a definite no.

Abhiset did everything in his power to restrain the forces that be from confrontation, but for each step back he tookbackward, the reds took two steps forward until they crossed the line on legalities. Whether we, the foreign "guest" community like it or not there is a system of laws here, and they are to be obeyed by all guests and citizens. No I say the major share of the blame for this latest violence and death lies with the dishonorable Mr. Thaksin and his puppet monkey red leaders.

Now to all those foreign guests, think about this...... stand back from the issue if you can.....

We deplore the actions that are going on in the south of Thailand at the time...... why ??? well if you are honest with your own mind, those people are fighting for something that they want,,,,,, right or wrong,,,,,, they want things their way,,,,,, but it is against the law, so we agree with the government in most cases...... or is the reason we agree really because they are Mulsim...???? THINK ABOUT HONESTLY .... why do we take sides in our opinions there silently, and express little or no opinion when there are many times the number of deaths involved???


What is the difference between the southern group and their demands and wants and the redshirt wants and demands.

Is it my wants are stronger or better than your wants ???

Search your heart and soul and give an honest answer, to why you care so much in one example and so little in the other....

.... and none of the pat answers either....like Issan wives and GF's etc........ one issue vs the other...... who is right and who is wrong.... Both cases are like little spoiled children , spoiled brats that talk democracy, but haven't a clue as to what it really is..

Remember Mr. Spock in one of the Star Trek movies..... just before dying..... saying..... [Paraphrased] "the sacrafice of the few for the good of the many" ..... now that is a non-existant thought in the red camp.

Just my opinion.... and its just as good as any others.

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Abhisit must resign and take responsibility for civilian deaths and injuries.

NO Way must the Prome Minister resign, any idiot could see this happening, it has just built up and up over the time.

Working with a Red Shirt supporter taught me a lot ( and me an ex soldier British) they were not interested in talking just in destroying and fighting. When the rumor started that the Red Shirts should destroy all BTS stations, they said yes we must good!

Also talking to 2 eye wittnesses (Dutch Ladies) who saw it told us the Red shirts at Khok Wau they had seen Red Shirts firing weapons at the soldiers and throwing what could have been bombs or petrol bombs at them, the soldiers were firing Rubber bullets back.

So now please where are the so called friendly and peace loving Red shirts?

Just for the record I am not Yellow or Red, just want a peacful Thailand and what we have had here for the last month is nothing to do with democracy at all!

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I guess the OP could be described as any of the following:

berserk, demoniac, demoniacal, possessed, balmy, barmy, bats, batty, bonkers, buggy, cracked, crackers, daft, dotty, fruity, haywire, kooky, kookie, loco, loony, loopy, nuts, nutty, round the bend, around the bend, wacky, whacky.

And that's just a start.

....and it looks to be all in alphabetical order too ...


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I guess the OP could be described as any of the following:

berserk, demoniac, demoniacal, possessed, balmy, barmy, bats, batty, bonkers, buggy, cracked, crackers, daft, dotty, fruity, haywire, kooky, kookie, loco, loony, loopy, nuts, nutty, round the bend, around the bend, wacky, whacky.

And that's just a start.

....and it looks to be all in alphabetical order too ...


Just googled synonyms of insane, GtF. :)

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