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It's All A Vast Conspiracy

sriracha john

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PM blames it all on critics

Published on May 31, 2005

Prime Minister Thaksin Shinawatra yesterday blamed the political turmoil engulfing his administration on ill-intentioned people from three main groups who were he11 bent on undermining his government.

(not to confused with himself who is he11 bent on undermining the country)

“These people work for vested interests and they want power for themselves and their cronies,” he said.

(It's far better to let him and his cronies and his family keep the power and solidify it amongst themselves.)

Thaksin was referring to his government’s dip in popularity following corruption scandals, and turmoil at the National Counter Corruption Commission and the Auditor General’s Office.

(and CONTINUIOUS trouble in the South (now no longer just the "Deep" South), the faultering economy, rising fuel prices, etc. etc. etc. etc.

The plethora of problems facing the country is vastly understated.

He said he would not cite any names in order to avoid litigation.

*** but we have it on fairly reliable authority that a shadowy character, a certain "ovenman" from Chiang Mai is involved. *** "He's always talking bad about me," Thaksin is quoted as saying.

“If everyone strives to serve the public and the nation, there won’t be any problems. But some people stir up trouble in order to fulfil their vested interests,” he said.

"so shut up, stop complaining, and serve me... errrr.... I mean the country, and everything will be just fine. Let me go back to manipulating the entire country unabashedly, like I was before."

There is no way to stop these ill-intentioned people, he said, although his awareness of their movements had enabled him to see through them.

(yeah, by reading through thaivisa, he has found out just who is who and what is what)

He said he needed time to uncover evidence of corruption, and his critics didn’t improve matters by issuing daily tirades instead of helping him fight graft violations.

"Don't distract me with facts or even allegations, because every time you do, it interupts my golf game. Give me time... I need time. Just wait 10 or 15 years before you resume scrutinizing my performance."

As for the bomb scanner scandal at the new airport, he said his government was waiting for evidence from the US Department of Justice before making the next move. “The bribery allegation was raised with unclear evidence. This has led to suspicion, which is natural. But we need clear evidence before drawing our conclusions.”

This directly contradicts what he said less than a month ago when he denied any wrongdoing or corruption by any official. This was done so, rather hastily and very soon after the scandal broke; something that he is now warning others NOT to do which is to evaluate the situation before drawing conclusions.


AIRPORT CORRUPTION SCANDAL: PM ‘too hasty in absolving officials’

Published on Apr 30, 2005

A senior opposition figure yesterday criticised Prime Minister Thaksin Shinawatra for being too hasty in stating that no officials in his government were involved in alleged corruption at Bangkok’s new international airport.

He said he was optimistic that, with time, the situation would unfold in his government’s favour. Thaksin refused to react to the opposition’s preparations to file a no-confidence motion but he said he would comment on the issue when the time comes.

Perhaps with some new attention-diverting "issue of the week", everything will blow over. "Ok now guys, think hard.... what can we come up with?????"

Edited by sriracha john
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PM blames it all on critics

Published on May 31, 2005

Primeminister-    -----      ----  --------yesterday blamed the political turmoil engulfing his administration on ill-intentioned people from three main groups who were he11 bent on undermining his government.

(not to confused with himself who is he11 bent on undermining the country)

“These people work for vested interests and they want power for themselves and their cronies,” he said.

(It's far better to let him and his cronies and his family keep the power and solidify it amongst themselves.)

------- was referring to his government’s dip in popularity following corruption scandals, and turmoil at the National Counter Corruption Commission and the Auditor General’s Office.

(and CONTINUIOUS trouble in the South (now no longer just the "Deep" South), the faultering economy, rising fuel prices, etc. etc. etc. etc.

The plethora of problems facing the country is vastly understated.

ect,ect,ect .

exactly which prime minister/president from which country where you quoting?

They all sound the same, Chirac is the present euopean one to bleat the same self serving apolgees for those at his door. :D Politians;can't live with them can't

live with out them . :o

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Another Thaksin moan-a-thon...

If he wasn't so bad, it wouldn't be "a-thon", but simply the sporadic and mild "moan."

What's the point?

Hopefully to strive for change.

What will it achieve?

Any opportunity to point out the wrongs in a system should be encouraged.

Who will it help?

Hopefully, the long-suffering people of Thailand.

Have we learned anything new?

I dare say many people inside and outside of Thailand are oblivious to the many of the issues facing Thailand.

When you love something, be it a person or a country then you love it warts and all. :o

And when you TRULY love something, you want only the best for that entity. If I love a person and that person has warts, I would strive to see that they got the medical attention necessary to remove the warts.

Accept the things you can not change, I'm still trying and I'm getting there slowly.

That's the whole point. Things CAN change. Apathy achieves nothing.

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