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Road Maps For Thailand


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Good topic duck. :o

I too would be interested in web-based road maps.

Just recently I was at a party where some of the people were showing what maps they used to get from A to B in Thailand, and it was pretty obvious that mine were out of date, even though they were less than a year old. :D

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I recently purchased for 299baht from the newsagent in a carrefour complex a road map of thailand 2005-2006.

it has a paper map and also a CD map. Bi-lingual. ou can print maps from your computer - it claims it is GPS surveyed , and the co-orinated appear when you use the comp program.

made by thinknet www.thinknet.co.th

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funny, i also tried the internet, no go...

at least not detailed geologic survey type maps with all the rinky dinky muubaans (my friends village doesnt exist on michelin maps in eng/thai)....

have bought an old udon thani geo.survey map (very old) but i know someone once mentioned that there are new geo. survey maps (only thai?) but not downloadable.... have to buy....

didnt know nat'l geog. had decent maps?, thought they were mostly broad lets go thailand type maps?

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There are no good, free on line road maps of Thailand AFAIK. About the only thing close would be those that enlarge enough to show main roads but not down to village or city streets; except for some of Bangkok area.

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no downloads but found this:http://www.dmr.go.th/eng/service.htm

the dept of mineral resources in thailand have an eng. page and they advert.

Map available for purchasing

- geological maps

- digital geological maps

- airborne geophysical maps

- digital airborne geophysical maps

The Department of Mineral Resources The Ministry of Natural Resources and Environment(MNRE)

75/10 Rama6 Rd.,Ratchatewee, Bangkok 10300, Tel.662-202-3612, Fax.662-202-3611

Critical ( :o ) and suggestion are welcome at :[email protected]

check it out, dont know how useful? maybe just rock formations and stuff

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Will add that currently have Bangkok Guide "Thailand Road Atlas" which is priced at 200 baht and for 1:650,000 scale it is a very detailed map so perhaps there cd versions 'at much larger scale' might be worthwhile if you can find them.


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Will add that currently have Bangkok Guide "Thailand Road Atlas" which is priced at 200 baht and for 1:650,000 scale it is a very detailed map so perhaps there cd versions 'at much larger scale' might be worthwhile if you can find them. 


Khorb Khun Krub. Still need to google search the sites. If there is one good site, I will let you guys know. Thanks for the info. :o

Sa Wa Dee Krub. :D

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I recently purchased for 299baht from the newsagent in a carrefour complex a road map of thailand 2005-2006.

it has a paper map and also a CD map. Bi-lingual. ou can print maps from your computer - it claims it is GPS surveyed , and the co-orinated appear when you use the comp program.

made by thinknet  www.thinknet.co.th

This is a program called Mapmagic and yes it is very good though the version I have does not show GPS co-ordinates and it does go down to 1/250,000 scale which is very good. The drawback that I found is that while you can look for places in English they are

not so good with their spelling so you may find that a Thai person could find what you are looking for in Thai, you then mark it and change the language back and it works. I have printed a lot of maps out and I would recommend it to anyone with a PC and printer.


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It's difficult to find road maps which display individual moobaans in English. There are some which at least display the main roads in Thai/English but the smaller streets are only in Thai. These can be purchased at any bookstore. You can choose which section of town you want and by the appropriate map.

At one of the B2S bookstores, I bought the "Thailand Atlas" (Volume 2) for 700 baht. The cover price is 950 baht. This is one of those atlases which displays the logos of some of the major sponsors (Caltex and DTAC are examples). It also has some pages advertising certain products. However, the scale is 1:350,000 and there are pretty detailed city maps for BKK, Chiang Mai, Phuket, Samui/Phangan, Pattaya and the major regional centers. It does not narrow down to individual moobaans or small streets as the aforementioned maps do but this one will get you just about anywhere. Without putting together tons of maps from the Thai government (which will most likely be all in Thai) I don't think you'll find a single map or atlas with every little soi on it. This is especially true for BKK, as you would only know many of these streets by living near them. Many of the sois in BKK have no signs on them.

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I recently purchased for 299baht from the newsagent in a carrefour complex a road map of thailand 2005-2006.

it has a paper map and also a CD map. Bi-lingual. ou can print maps from your computer - it claims it is GPS surveyed , and the co-orinated appear when you use the comp program.

made by thinknet  www.thinknet.co.th

I have the ThinkNet one for BKK. It is excellent as you can zoom in or out for any scale that you need. It comes with a paper version and a CD one in the same packet. For 199 baht.

It got a good write up in the Database section of The Bangkok Post a few months ago.

Something very new is the GARMIN GPS for Thailand...it is for resting on your dashboard and it will talk you from here to there...along with showing your route on the onboard display....it also tells you your distance, time, expected arrival time, etc . The dealer gave me a demo last week. It is pricey: 42,000 baht.

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